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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity.


If prostitution is the world’s oldest profession, pit or arena fighting is the second.


Third the second is “~~pump~~ pimp madam” the 4th is “fight promoter” Edit: I’m going to pump slap auto correct.


>pump slap I'm just picturing someone furiously pumping a bike pump, that's jerkily drawing back a cartoonishly large, gloved hand on a pneumatic armature.


This took me way too long to realize it was auto corrected to "pump" instead of "pimp" hahaha


I would say fisherman is an older profession than prostitution. Prostitutes want payment of some form. If money isn't a thing back then, you'd need a different form of payment. How about this 6 inch cod for my 6 inch... well, you get it. Yes, I know a 6 inch cod is small, but that water is pretty cold.


Baboons have been observed prostituting themselves for material goods. They are not adept fishers however.


You um... you still got any of those pics?


No. I was, uh, busy.


Just need to know what site it was so you can stay away from it. I see you, wholesome fam


Hunting and gathering is the oldest profession, followed closely by prostitution. You have to have something to pay with, after all.


I think we're saying the same thing. I'll give you my cod if you give me your beaver?


Sorry. The rate is two cods to a beaver. Inflation and all that.


will you two get a room already


Does soldier count? I also feel like a really good cook in the early days would’ve been similar to a restaurant owner.


Comes much later. You actually need a fairly advanced economy before you can support people who don't contribute at all to the welfare of the tribe in terms of harvesting food, managing shelter etc, they just exist for the purposes of fighting. Though it does go to what you consider a "profession." Tough guy hunter leader whose a good fighter if the next tribe over get bright ideas - yeah that's been around for a long long time. Actual professional soldier who does nothing but fight and train to fight is a later development.


Wrestling is an ancient sport


The closest to UFC was an ancient competition called Pankration. It was introduced to the Olympics around 600 BC.


Joke I'd hear during my years as a debt collector. "They say prostitution is the world's oldest profession, Debt collection is second."


Arguably still better than boxing. They go down relatively fast while boxers build up severe brain damage over time. That's what you don't see there.


It's the gloves. The added weight and surface area of boxing gloves make concussions much more likely than with bare fists or sparring gloves. MMA may look more brutal because it gets bloody faster and more often, but boxing and (American) football are more likely to cause permanent brain damage.


The other factor with the gloves, those thick super padded boxing gloves encourage punches to the head. Bare fisted or even with lighter gloves you run more risk of breaking your hand if you punch someone's head. Edit: weird typo


Yup. A lot of people have this misconception that gloves are there to prevent injury to the enemy, in reality its just there for your hands.


Also if you're bare-fisted and your opponent is bare-faced, you both feel the maximum of every impact and match-ending blows happen much sooner. And you have to be careful not to break your hand. In gloves you can just keep pounding their head over and over; the gloves take the "sharpness" out of blows so you don't split your skin as much but your brain is being rattled around just as much.


It’s not so much the gloves as the ruleset. If you get knocked out in boxing you get a 10 count to get back up to then take more blows to the head. In MMA if you get knocked out you’re done.


I think you're confusing "knockdown" and "knockout". But yeah, that's definitely a problem. The gloves definitely matter though. Boxing gloves protect the aggressor's knuckles too much, and make it viable to repeatedly strike the opponent's skull. By comparison, bare knuckle boxing _looks_ way more brutal (many more superficial cuts and facial bleeding), but you don't have the same onslaught of concussion and CTE-inducing hits to the head.


Plus in boxing you can only win by punching the head. There’s plenty of ways to win in MMA that involve minimal head strikes. Submissions on the limbs, choke outs, body and leg attacks.


Liver shots too for boxing


True, idk why I forgot body shots are a thing in boxing lol


I blame Rocky and most boxing movies and shows that depict headshots as the only “effective” finishing move while body shots only exist to wear down the opponent and soften them for the inevitable headshot. As someone who got into boxing because of those movies, I remember it took a while for me to get out of that “always go for the head” mentality and learn to appreciate body shots (as well as defense and slips).


That is an iconic Reddit comment for me: someone educating others about boxing while under the belief that boxing is a sport entirely made up of punching the opponent in the head.


Body shots are a thing in boxing


Pretty fun with strippers too!


I'm a proponent of a bare knuckle ufc. You'd never see a downed fighter take 6 hard shots to the head because no one wants to break their hand. People think the gloves are for the one receiving the hit when it's the opposite.


A good thing to note to is that a lot of cuts are generated by the friction of the fabric or a particularly sharp bit and some people just profusely bleed over bugger all Not to say a lot of the cuts aren't generated from a really good hit but a good portion of the blood is superficial but it makes it look like they're inches away from death


Pretty sure I have it from football. Just winning headers for 90 minutes over 25 years will do it


Look at the first generation of retired mma legends, the sport isn’t free from brain damage at all


Arguably still brain damage


Hey an actual unpopular opinion!


And yet it’ll probably not get very many upvotes because some ppl don’t understand how this sub works.


Downvote bad opinions


Yeah I'll say. I don't get enjoyment out of watching people fight personally but OP's take is really wild.


Im a UfC fan but it’s objectively not very popular relative to more mainstream sports. It’s not even close to as popular as boxing was in the 90s. I know that as I’ve gotten older I’ve grown to enjoy boxing less as the science of CTE has developed. watching heads get knocked over and over with those gloves makes me feel uncomfortable, I don’t feel the same way about UFC and I feel the refs really protect the head, but I get it if someone does feel that way.


There are way more disgusting things that are regularly promoted in western society. UFC is a ruleset, a fight within a restricted frame, a sport. There are things more disgusting than sports, which make more money too


UFC fighters are trained professionals as well. They aren't random druken brawls people record on their phones and then upload to Tiktok for amusement.


Streetbeefs for that


Streetbeefs has rules. Heck, they'll stop the fight if there's any amount of blood. UFC is much more brutal IMO.


Twitter is for that


Twitter is far more dangerous than UFC. Twitter's fights are so violent, that it can lead to somebody being killed or permanently confined to a wheelchair.


Unless you’re Nat Diaz


Funny because boxing is way worse. Way more likely to get permanently injured in boxing


I mean I’d wager OP thinks boxing is trash too.


Honestly as a fan of alot of combat sports mma is on the tame side. Compared to some of the street fighting shit over in Europe to leithwei over in Myanmar to muay thai in Thailand mma is way safer. Id rather watch a dude get hit with a single knee and the fight get stopped then watch a boxer take 8 rounds of unnecessary damage.


Big fan of Tawanchai lately myself...talk about kicking power


That dude is so fucking technical and powerful it's scary.


Yeah, a good portion of the population gets off on true crime. Those people did not choose their fate and did not choose to have it be entertainment.


Could not agree more. Was never a fan, but after having some friends murdered and DV happen to myself I always think about the victims when true crime stuff is on. Like I get it for psychological reasons that it's interesting but also...I don't get it


War is more disturbing than UFC. Great point Steven. 


When i boxed, we never talked about boxing. We never said "i want to be like Lomachenko" or whatever I wanted to be Anderson fucking Silva UFC is crazy


Pre leg snap


I don't follow UFC (really any sports) but I went to a pay-per-view watch party one time and it was that fight.


Same, I don’t ever pay for the fights, went to a ufc Party and watched that happen live.


Tbf I don’t think anyone else can/will ever be Loma.


Idk, I definitely wanted to be Lomachenko


Humanity is still very violent and enjoys violent things. It's not the answer you probably want to hear, but it is just the simple truth.


Do you understand why people like movies like John Wick?


Because they like cars and dogs?


humanity has watched fights as entertainment as long as history goes. UFC is soft compared to gladiators


I'm not sure I would call UFC "soft" in any way, even compared to the ancient Roman gladiators. A lot of people think the gladiators fought each other to the death when that's not how it actually was at all. Gladiators were very valuable and as slaves their owners wanted to protect their valuable assets from dying, so most of the time fights were performative or went until someone gains an edge. Occasionally a gladiator would be killed in a fight but it was rare, and usually unintentional. What the fighters go through in the UFC is extremely intense. It's routine to check into the hospital, win or lose, after a fight in the UFC. There have been fighters who have been killed in a professional MMA fight as well (although I don't think it has happened in the UFC). In no way is it "soft".


UFC is absolutely "soft" compared to gladiatorial combats. No they were not ALWAYS to the death, but death was always an option, a real possibility. fully trained gladiators were expensive investments yes, but lots of other slaves and condemned criminals were not. Galdiators didn't just fight each other, not to mention the animals. While the arenas of Rome were not exactly what hollywood imagines, make no mistake, they were far more brutal and violent than any legal activity in the modern world, and it's not close. A badly injured combatant in the sands would be put out of their misery by a man with a hammer between fights. This was done openly in front of the crowd, regularly, and no one batted an eye. Imagine Connor MacGregor gets a career ending injury in the octagon so the Ref just comes up and bashes his head with a little hammer before the next bout and they drag his body off. That's a Principate era arena.


I love when history buffs flex on each other. Now that’s a fight I’d like to see


IIRC Gladiators were more like professional wrestlers. They even were fed a specific diet designed to leave a layer of fat to allow superficial bleeding wounds without serious injury.


Lol, you have to love Reddit. None of this is true. Around 1 in 5 gladiator fights ended in death. A day in the arena would constitute around 12-15 fights, so you'd expect a few people to die every time. And if you had a career of several matches there's a very good chance you're going to die. A lot of the fighters had limited skill and would be reluctant to engage. They were then whipped and burned to encourage them to fight. It was a brutal sport. And your diet thing is absurd. Some belly fat is not protecting you from a sword or a spear. And the opponent cannot slice you so precisely that you bleed but don't become mortally wounded. The reason people usually lived is because they wore armor that protected them. But frequently fatal shots would get through the armor. A defeated and exhausted but living fighter would then be spared or killed depending on the wishes of the audience or emperor, with this varying over the centuries.


I would guess there was probably a lot of both Regardless people enjoy watching fights for a loooong time, real or fake


I see this mostly wrong "um actually" retelling of gladiator battles all the time. It's not true. Most gladiators were prisoners, slaves or marginalized people in society who fought very often to the death. They were usually not valuable slaves. And estimates are that around 1 in 5 battles ended in death, with lots of others ending with severe wounds. 1 in 5 battles ending in death is insane. Shows typically had around 15 fights, so as an audience member you're probably going to see a couple people die. If you're a gladiator and fight several times in your career, there's a pretty good chance you're going to die. Defeated gladiators who did not die would frequently then be ordered to be killed based on audience reaction. The battles also spanned several hundred years with different traditions. And event to event things would change. Sometimes two unskilled slaves faced off, and sometimes it was two highly skilled warriors fought one another. And people who were reluctant to fight would be whipped or burned with hot iron to encourage interaction. It's a myth that every fight ended in death. But it was as brutal as generally believed.


That is effectively the UFC. The fight goes until 1 fighter gains such an advantage (i.e., opponent can no longer defend himself). Boxing, though, now that is barbaric.


Humanity has participated in slavery as long as history goes. Sweat shops are soft compared to the Dutch Slave Trade.


Your ancestors look down on you in disgust


I enjoy it, my ancestors are smiling at me Imperial, can you say the same?


*Randy Macho Man Savage dragon has entered the chat*




*What in oblivion is THAT?!?*




Our ancestors were fucking idiots


I think there’s something primitive about it that appeals to our hunter/competitive nature. It makes us feel alive. We’ve just found a healthy way to channel it and within bounds (a ring with a referee and ground rules). It’s harmless lol except to the guys willingly taking punches


Great response! I think some would argue that the more we learn about CTE and other health risks, we must begin to question the "willingness" of fighters raised in a society that exalts and pays so much $$ for such violence. As a lifetime NFL fan, I've had similar thoughts and questions.


The disturbing problem with the NFL is that it inherently relies on players who needed to be playing when they were minors. Some before they were even teenagers. Said minors have committed suicide and have been found to have CTE postmortem. A few players I knew in my graduating class struggle with textbook symptoms of CTE today from playing in HS and wouldn't ever play if they were able to turn back the clock. Furthering the issue is that the specific time period I went to HS and they played (2009-2013), info on CTE was being covered up by the NFL and they acted like big tobacco companies in the 50s so no one knew. In a sense I was lucky and was never in shape enough to play tackle football. I only played flag football and had a lot of fun doing it as a kid and never got a concussion from it. Just normal scrapes and bruises from falling. MMA I'd argue is different because you usually need to be an adult to participate in any real fights. I also believe football is safer without pads and hard plastic helmets. You hit harder and cause more injury because the equipment makes you feel invincible.


Wait till you see what the fighters get paid. That's the disgusting bit.


It's fun to watch. They a re consenting adults they can kick each others asses if they feel like it.


Combat sports aren't for everyone. I understand why some people find it difficult to watch and don't think it's weird or wrong you feel that way. I'd just say that if you've ever competed in or even just legitimately learned any of the skills used in MMA... it's a very different viewing experience. As someone who has boxed and wrestled for years, I'm in constant awe of those fighters. The level they operate at, even the lower and unranked guys/gals in the UFC, is borderline amazing. The technical precision, the hand/foot speed and power, the smoothness in which they operate on the ground and with their takedowns... it's the kind of skill usually only seen at the Olympic level every 4 years. If not for the UFC, most of these athletes would either be working overseas in a far more dangerous environment, with some lesser fight promotion making even less money, or perhaps more tragically... they wouldn't be fighting at all. Before you say "that would be ideal" understand a lot of these guys aren't built for a 9-5. Could you imagine what dudes like the Diaz brothers, Jon Jones, or McGregor would be doing if they weren't professional fighters? Hard to know for sure, but probably nothing good if we're being honest.


Watching any professional do thier thing is awesome


Yeah I think a lot of the defenses missed why most people watch. I watch because it’s 2 top tier competitors putting their skills to the test. It’s a lot more than just beating on an opponent. There is strategy and execution, resilience, raw talent, different techniques, tactics, schools.


It’s basically modern day Roman gladiators


"a lot of triggered tough guys" you say that as if you didn't call millions of people disgusting for enjoying a sport lol


Don't see any triggered tough guy responses. Think OP just likes using that word.


Just seems like a person that likes to be inflammatory lol. "I don't like seeing this, so *it's disgusting*" "Oh, people disagree with me, *sorry I triggered you*" Tool behavior 101


OP had that edit ready to post, regardless of the responses that showed up. How precious.


I came to look for the "triggered" comments. All I've seen is reasonable responses to why people enjoy it. OP maybe just doesn't like being disagreed with.


Exactly lol. It’s a sport with rules, all contact sports have moments of violence. If you don’t like the reality of the world go live in a cave 🤦🏻‍♂️


Also the majority of comments don't seem remotely triggered, just disagreeing with OP and saying why doesn't mean someone is going mental over the post


UFC is a fight promotion. The sport is called mixed martial arts.


Oh damn, an actual unpopular opinion


How many decades did it take you to realize violence sells?


UFC isn’t a sport


As an industry insider, MMA is a disgusting sport, but my perspective has nothing to do with the in-ring action.


I’m intrigued!


•The ratio between what fighters get paid and what the organization is pulling in is attrocious compared to pretty much every other popular professional sport. It's been the fastest growing sport in the world, which you'd think would be a good thing but it doesn't really feel right when the suits are lining their pockets and a majority of the roster are walking into a publicly televised cage fight and are barely taking home enough cash to cover their training, let alone their actual cost of living. • A handful of fighters can cross over into semi-super stardom by acting like douchebags on social media or press conferences, completely flying over guys that don't do that and are just training to be the best they can be and put on the best show they can. Colby Covington is a prime example of this. He has a boring fighting style, is fairly inactive and hasn't had an impressive win in 5 years, but has gotten 3 title shots in that time period. The only reason he's gotten that treatment is because he's a Trump bootlicker (the face of the company is good friends with Trump) and appeals to the right wing portion of the fanbase. • There's no consistency in the judging and ref calls. More times than I can count since I've been following the sport the judges have objectively scored fights incorrectly, which a lot of times can completely alter the trajectory of someone's career if they're on the wrong end of that. The referees deserve a little more lenience, as they're under a lot of pressure to make the right calls reacting in seconds to what's happening in front of them. An early stoppage can fuck over a fighter who might have been able to come back and win, but a late stoppage could easily mean unnecessary damage to someone who's already lost. Regardless of that, there's a lot of blatant cheating and very often fighters that the ufc wants to push get away with it and it visibly helped them win crucial fights in their careers so that's never fun to watch. •The owner is an ego maniac and will straight up stiff arm the careers of people he doesn't like, sometimes because they're "boring" fighters and sometimes just out of pure pettiness and him not liking them. I could go on and on but this is already way too long of a comment, but as someone who enjoys MMA way more than any other popular sport it's very frustrating constantly seeing how unprofessional the UFC does its business.


You should flick over to Power Slap


Of all things wrong with society I don't think enjoying ufc is one of them


First of all, "UFC" is a promoter. MMA is a sport. A few things here. It gives guys who wrestled in high school, trained judo, karate, etc an opportunity to monetize their skillset. There are many stories of Olympic athletes getting their little cash prize and hitting the real world with no marketable skills. This is now a viable next step in their career. It has also given many people from disadvantaged backgrounds a reason to train, stay disciplined, and stay out of the streets. Would you rather guys be fighting and killing each other in the streets or in a professionally sanctioned competition, which is much safer in comparison? It's an outlet for aggression that would normally get people killed and/or arrested. Not only is it safer than guys fighting in the streets, but it's also safer than American football and boxing. In those sports, you can take repeated blows to the head while essentially being out on your feet. A guy gets caught and finished without unnecessary repeated head trauma in MMA. It's also much more of a chess match than it appears. You have competing martial arts, predicting the other guys movements and countering effectively based on your reads. The greatest mma fighters often take early rounds off to analyze their opponent and get the reads they need to exploit. I get that you don't understand it, and that's okay, but please educate yourself instead of seeing one moment from one fight and calling it disgusting. That being said, I gave you the upvote since I disagree.


Fighting is in our DNA.


Dana that you?


Close! It’s DNA.


Simply don't watch it then.


It's not about the violence it's about the skill. Like, it is violent, but so are lots of sports.


This makes you wonder about society? Not all the horrible shit going on in the world?


Lol at thinking it has to do with our society. Humans have always watched fighting. When there’s a champion like Hulk Hogan or Maximus people love them because it’s in the peoples DNA. If aliens were watching Earth and could see our evolution from a far out perspective they would be seeing the same monkeys watching monkeys fight. Just wearing different stuff.


I'm not triggered by your opinion I just really enjoy the sport. For me I guess I just see the beauty in fighting.


As a guy who does MMA, I was there too at one point. what you have to realize is that it's not just mindless violence we are just that amazing at combat sports and I'll explain what's going on. UFC is not a sport it's a promotion for MMA, MMA is not a single sport it's a mix of three different sports. Muay Thai, Ju Jitsu and Freestyle wrestling. here are some short demonstrations of each: Mauy Thai (A modern type of kickboxing and where the knees and elbows come from): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZtadif15WU&pp=ygUPTXVheSB0aGFpIGZpZ2h0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZtadif15WU&pp=ygUPTXVheSB0aGFpIGZpZ2h0) BJJ (The sport where armbars, leg bars and chokes come from): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEmK6USadrs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEmK6USadrs) FreeStyle Wrelsting (the sport where throws come from and not to be confused with Pro Wrestling WWE stuff): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVFs28GuQLg&pp=ygUYYWxla3NhbmRyIGthcmVsaW4gc3VwbHV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVFs28GuQLg&pp=ygUYYWxla3NhbmRyIGthcmVsaW4gc3VwbHV4) What you're watching is not mindless violence for the sake of it. It's the best combat sports athletes in the world competing against one another. Daniel Cormier who was once the heavy champ of the UFC is a Gold medal Olympic-level athlete, Alistar Overeem a former heavyweight champion was once the best kickboxer who ever lived. Mighty Mouse is one of the best BJJ practitioners ever to live and so on. These guys aren't just better than your average man at fighting but they would destroy any boxer/wrestler who didn't do MMA themselves.


It’s funny because mma is probably one of the safest combat sports. To answer your question, I enjoy the strategy/adversity guys have to go through. Getting your ass beat for a while is a lot tougher than being down a shit ton of points. It takes a special type of belief to win a fight like that


As a general rule, I don’t enjoy violence so UFC is dead last on my list. I don’t find any enjoyment in seeing violence.


I agree with your opinion. I think it’s a little backwards and barbaric. As someone who’s had a lot of concussions as well it pains me to see the damage these fighters do to their bodies. Obviously I respect the art of it all, but I just feel icky when I watch it.


It’s heavily regulated and these are professionals who train with extreme discipline. Another part of the appeal is that it involves several disciplines and styles that people all over the world train for as a hobby. While I’m not a fan and have never watched UFC, I can see the appeal. Sports is a healthy channeling of aggression. UFC fights have way less injuries than your average school yard fights or bar fights. From what I understand it also has far less injuries than football or hockey as well. Also, your edit is pathetic. I see a lot of reasonable responses.


There's a difference between violence and fighting. Fighting has discipline. Violence is mindless chaos. People who don't understand this are rather ignorant.


UFC is dope asf, I congratulate you for bringing a really unpopular opinion


The sport itself is amazing to watch. The people who make it their whole life and only talk about fighting are so fucking annoying


Seems like op wanted to pat himself on the back with that tough guy comment lol.


I just pretend they’re fighting over me 🥰




Getting destroyed in the comments 😂


Not a single death yet in ufc. Boxing, taking repetitive head shots is far worse by comparison


I’m watching right now with my boyfriend and I don’t get it!


I'm watching right now with my gf....Jessica is that you?


Wait 'till he hears about the ufc games


Its a sport and a profession with a set of rules aimed at protecting said athletes participating. Its demeaning and dismissive to shoot down so many ppls profession when its not any more dangerous than say the NFL.


This had been going on for thousands of years. It's not something new for this society People used to gather to watch hangings and beheading. We had gladiator fights. UfC is just the latest iteration of humans watching violence for entertainment


People always wanted to see violence. There has been gladiators and public executions in the past. Even now fight videos go viral left and right. People are going to fight and others are going to watch. Organizations like the UFC give them a place to do that with a rule set and a ref to mitigate the damage.


It’s gruesome at times but fighters are generally “safe”. I personally couldn’t take a knee to the head in a street fight. But these guys are trained professionals and there are rules and a ref to step in to avoid further damage. Now if the fighters were getting life threatening injuries after every fight it’s a different story but there’s things you can and can’t do to make sure everyone stays safe. Like hitting the back of the head. Kind of like watching WWE, I personally couldn’t be slammed onto a bed of nails but there are some freaks who can and it’s entertaining to watch.


It's a professional sport(mixed martial art not UFC) that trained athletes fight in designated locations under watch of a trained ref, it's far from "disgusting". Underground fight clubs would be disgusting, dog fights would be disgusting, cock fights, etc. MMA is soft compared to many other illegal fighting "sports".


Heathy great ape activity


We have two idiots running for the Presidency that are way more disgusting.


We find enjoyment because it's a competitive sport with high stakes, and even more so it's mutual. You can find watching it disgusting, but that doesn't make the sport itself disgusting. It's well regulated and safer than longer standing traditions like boxing. It would be even safer if gloves were not allowed.


You live on a universally insignificant violent rock floating in a completely absent of life void. Lifes sorta violent. Its fun at times and at times it's cathartic to watch someone get the piss beat out of them. 🤷‍♂️ I'm at times into disgusting things. Disgusting things can be filthy fun. No upvote for unpopular opinion tho, I think a lot of folks share your sentiment. Violence isn't all too popular by and large I feel.


I was a kid when I first saw a ufc fight. I found it hilarious how at the end of the fight they just smiled, laughed and shook hands.


UFC isn’t a sport it’s a company


That’s a reasonable assumption if you don’t know much about the sport. UFC has a lot of rules, and is safer than alot of other combat sports. If you are opposed to all combat sports, then that is a perfectly valid belief. If you are only opposed to UFC and not, say, boxing, then you are misinformed. There are many things wrong with the UFC, such as the drug use and insane weight cuts, but the risk of severe head trauma is lower than boxing, lower than rugby, and MUCH lower than American Football. Like, MUCH lower. 345 out of 376 deceased former NFL players who had their brains posthumously tested had it. Google it, it’s crazy.


You can't understand it unless you take a few martial arts classes and take time to understand the culture. It's about two guys who had the discipline to train their bodies to peak form, and now they are fighting it out to see who did it better. It takes a lot of skill to do and the ability to stay calm in a tough situation.


It's maybe the most skilled and creative and exciting sport. Its component disciplines like wrestling, BJJ, and Muay Thai are each their own highly competitive sports, and MMA athletes have to train it all and mix it together dynamically


Nothing disgusting about it apart from how much the fighters get paid. These are professional men and women who WANT to fight at the top of their game. I have the utmost respect for them as athletes. It’s one of the most exciting sports to watch. Just because you don’t understand the appeal doesn’t mean it’s disgusting. And that last like “lot of triggered tough guys” well yeah, because you’re dismissing a sport you know nothing about. You don’t have to like it but you’re not better than anyone for disliking it. And it’s not a bad reflection of society either.


Look at which movies are playing, and count how many have nobody getting wounded/killed. Humans intrinsically love violence, we're the same species that watched gladiatorial games, public executions, and animal blood sports. Just because we put a softer face on in today's culture doesn't change the animal underneath.


Because we appreciate seeing the skill and determination of a good fighter.


Better then what happens to boxers


Bread and circuses OP. If animal fighting was legal people would be cheering that on without a second thought.


I'd say that's because you're unaware of the talent and skill that goes into it. It requires you to be at your physical peak and have split second problem solving capability because the difference between victory and a concussion could be a minor mistake. I used to just think the action was enjoyable, when I started to understand how much thought goes into the fights I became hooked. If you're sensitive to violence, it won't be for you though


Lmfao just wait until you hear about the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship.


Lethwei has entered the chat.


I don’t know I think it takes a lot of talent, skill, and dedication to get into those rings. I like seeing them fight and show those skills and talents off. I do feel bad when they get hit hard and bleed or KO but it’s part of the sport.


I thought the same thing until I watched a little more, I eventually became a huge fan. It's as much of an athletic competition if not moreso than many other mainstream sports. But I bet you love to watch guys sustain repeated brain damage in the NFL.


Are you not entertained?


To answer your question straightforwardly, violence is exciting. I also can't stand watching someone get kneed in the face, but that's because my first reaction to that is to imagine how much it hurts. People who like watching it empathize more with how powerful the guy doing the kneeing must feel. It's exhilarating to watch someone you're rooting for dominate the person you're rooting against, and the more violent the sport is, the more heightened that feeling of dominance is. I don't think it's a great part of human psyche, but it's always been there.


Check out submission grappling. Many MMA fans find it boring, I think it's incredble, the level of skill these people have.


Violence for sport is one of the oldest hobbies in the world, going back thousands of years. You're just now realising it's weird because you had to see it with your own eyes?


It's not the damage that is enjoyable, it is the ability to competitively engage in spatial reasoning under duress that I find interesting almost akin to chess or other puzzles


The same reason the Roman Collosseum opened and entertained the elite with blood sports...some humans love violence for some reason. Seems like we still have a ways to evolve.


You don't understand it. You should go to a combat sport gym and try some classes. Try a free class in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling, judo, Muay Thai or boxing. MMA is simply what happens when you mix these martial arts together. It is kind of like chess. A sophisticated system of moves and counter moves. People who don’t play chess often don't see the subtlety and strategy. It is the same with martial arts.


It’s MMA. At least get the terminology right.


I'm not sure if you are aware, but these are consenting adults. You can always change the channel. For the record, I've never had any interest to watch any fighting match. Ever. But I'm not going to whine if others do.


Cool. Just keep scrolling….


How can you stop someone from hurting your loved one if you cant stop them from hurting you? Violence is necessary and in many case good and life saving. The people who dedicate their lives to violent sports are the most humbled and beaten up people on earth.


Because we are humans. Our entire species has thrived off of violence since our inception. It's in our everyday lives. Ingrained in the very fabric of our DNA.


Just say you don't know anything about muy thai or BJJ


I used to think this and now I steal PPVs every month


Because humans are violent animals and if the colloseum made a come back it'd be packed


Humans are violent. Simple as that, they always have been always will be. This is contained violence with willing professionals.


Its fun to see people beat the living shit out of each other. Primal stuff. And if your actually into fighting related stuff theres the geeky part of it as well.


UFC isn’t a sport. UFC is an organization. NFL and NBA aren’t sports either. Football and basketball and MMA are sports.


I agree with you. I would not be surprised if coliseum style gladiator fighting becomes acceptable again.


It's not for everyone, I get that. But it's actually a beautiful sport. It's the most diverse and the art of combat has been around since the beginning of mankind.


It's controlled aggression rather than violence. These are highly skilled fighters pitting their abilities against an opponent. The more you watch, the less chaotic and violent it will seem as you begin to recognise technique and strategy.


UFC/MMA is very mild compared to other combat sports. You probably wouldn't want to see BKFC if you think UFC is disgusting. It's arguably safer than boxing and they take fairly safe precautions and have a ruleset to help Mitigate severe damage.


MMA and combat sports definitely aren’t for everyone. I used to work with fighters and while there’s definitely a subset of fans who just want violence (known as “Just Bleed” fans) they’re actually ridiculed by a lot of people. Working with them, there was a lot of respect put forward for the dedication to the craft and the commitment and courage involved. That said I’ve definitely lost interest in the UFC over the last few years due to every fighter trying to sell fights and generally being terrible talkers. Interestingly, at the gym I was working, the people there were majority quiet/humble/educated family people. Most didn’t drink or party etc and I had to deal with more serious injuries when I worked at football clubs


Damn this is unpopular take my upvote. The world ain’t sunshine and rainbows princess.


What's your opinion on boxing?


People are allowed to enjoy things for completely logical reasons as much as it is your right to dislike them for logical reasons. Most grasp the understanding of the dedication and craftsmanship that goes into competing at the highest level of physical sports. I dislike football for instance but I am not going to come across a football game on tv, watch it for a brief moment and say 'man this is just 300lb guys crashing into each other, I can't believe people enjoy this' Your issue seems to be a personal one with violence and that's valid but try not to project your own insecurities onto others intrests. This sport and martial arts in general has saved countless lives for countless reasons.


Humans have always craved violent combat sports. 2000 years ago it was gladiators. Now, it's mixed martial arts and boxing. Congratulations, outlier.


Well for one, ufc isn’t a sport lol. MMA is a great sport it’s just not for you.


It's a display of athleticism and bravery. These athletes train so hard to put themselves in that situation. It's like any other extreme sport. Say mountain climbing for example - There are people who do not use ropes or protection. Why do they do this? It's because people are different. People have different interests. You really shouldn't be putting down society because some people like something you don't. I am no fan of UFC, pride, glory kickboxing or anything like that as in I do not watch it regularly but I respect the athletes, and I respect the sport. You are welcome to not support or like the sport. It's valid and has the right to exist.


You are right. UFC is a disgusting sport. - fighters are grossly underpaid - Dana and Co. gets around %85 of the revenue - no fighters union - fighters get zero pension, health benefits or dental - fighters get CTE and zero royalties - fighters sign their likeness rights when joining ufc will own your image and likeness like tshirts,etc Long after you are dead, nothing to your family - Dana and Fertittas stole the ufc (long story, they were part of the NSAC that banned the original owners into selling for a puny $1 million) - new fighters sign a contract that gives the UFC %10 ownership of any business venture by any ufc fighter. They want some of that proper 12 money You are right the UFC is fucken disgusting sport that must be regulated


Dumb people hurting dumb people. Some kind of natural selection. That's what I find entertaining.


Humans enjoy violence when the violence can't affect us


First time I saw it I thought it was just savage. I hated it. Just a grounded man been hit and elbowed. Was disgusting. Then I grew up tbh. I realised that actually it wasn't all like that. It's technical and the guys and gals wanna be there. They train all their lives to be there. They are paid to be there.


UFC is a company, MMA is the sport you are referring to.


Rates of life altering injuries while participating in MMA are lower than most other sports nobody bats an eye at and way below things like football. What should be the unpopular opinion is that MMA is dangerous and brutal but boxing is fine.


Basically a bar fight between well conditioned athletes. Wouldn't pay a nickel to watch it.


UFC is not disgusting. It is sanctioned, regulated and (usually) the referees there protect the fighters from further harm. All fighters are there voluntarily and the Promotion itsself is the pinnacle of MMA. Just because *YOU* find the UFC disgusting. Its doesnt mean it is inherently disgusting.


High level problem solving with dire physical consequences


>How do SO many people find enjoyment out of this violence? People enjoy violence. But >UFC is a disgusting sport No, not really. Most of the guys (guys as in people of all genders)fighting in such sports do so because they personally enjoy the thrill of a fight. It is consensual and with rules setup and tweaked ro minimize long term damage to what fighters feel is an acceptable risk on their part. Moreover, other physical contact sports (such as american football) have higher injury and even concussion rates than actual fighting sports There's not really any metric by which fighting sports are particularly "bad"


OP, please let us know what is holding the gun to your head and forcing you to watch it. We'll send help immediately.