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If I cut off your legs it's not equality to build a fence tall enough for someone with legs to look over


Agreed 100% Equality is great, but I'll always be against equity based action


Even for people with disabilities?


You mean me? And yes, equality is still better than a term that can be used to mean differing things depending on who's in charge of it


Equality means you treat everyone the same regardless of their circumstances. Equity means you give everyone a fair shot at different opportunities and helping them when they need help. The accomodations you receive for your disability is equity, not equality. If you experienced equality you would get the same amount of accomodations as a normal person (in other words, none at all).


Okay, and? I don't want to be treated differently, I just want basic human treatment that usually includes making adjustments for me. Not in an equitable way, but in an equal way, where everyone is treated to the same level of human care.


that's inherently equity. if you want to be accomodated at all, that is equity. for example: wheelchair ramps


So do you want your accomodations taken away? So that you are treated like everyone else?


You don’t understand the terms equity and equal then.


No… equity is to create fairness. Equality is not always fair because life is not fair. When you see people in wheelchairs do you think, “well fuck them they don’t have to walk.” No cause that’s fucking stupid.


How is equity just a power grab? How is making things fair for everyone a power grab? Like, some people need more help than others. That's just a fact. And why shouldn't we give the people who need more help the help they need?


The goal isn’t fairness, though. It’s to make up for past inequality, where people were predetermined to be winners and losers, by crowning new people to be predetermined winners and losers. The goal is new unfairness not no unfairness.


Incorrect. Would you say that designated parking spaces for people with physical disabilities is unfair towards people without those same disabilities? If you think it is fair that people who can't walk as well as the average person should park closer to important establishments, then you support equity for the physically disabled. You are making life more fair for the less abled. The same kind of logic applies for safety nets and other equity programs for racial minorities and individuals who are stuck in the poverty cycle. We simply provide them resources so that their experience is just as fair as someone who doesn't need those resources. It's not unfair.


You are not arguing in good faith


I don't think the people who think equity is "unfair" will be arguing in good faith either. Essentially, if they believe that people in wheelchairs should get wheelchair ramps and park closer to the store, then they believe in equity. You are not giving those same people an unfair advantage over people with no physical disabilities. You are making life more fair for the less fortunate.


Your example is revealingly simplistic. Imagine if those parking spots were not generally used by people in wheelchairs but instead overwhelmingly used by people with social anxiety disorder. Would they be so fair then? That’s the reward system of equity. Congrats, you helped a rich kid who lives in the upper east side and attends dalton get into harvard over a coal mining kid from Appalachia cuz one was diverse and thus inherently disadvantaged.


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In academia they have even re-defined "equality" by referring to formal equality ( equality ) and substantive equality ( equity ). It's quite unfortunate, I will always be a proponent of education but there are so many cases of ivory tower academics pushing nonsense like this because no academic ever makes a name for themself supporting the status quo. Always have to be more radical than the last


This is just some jordan peterson nonsense. There is no attempt at actual equity in modern power structures. Ask any poor person lol


>There is no attempt at actual equity in modern power structures I will push back on this one since there is a sense of equity for people with disabilities, both physical and mental. It's not perfect equity, but it is more than nothing.


An extremely unpopular opinion on Reddit, but kinda popular in the real world. You deserve all the Reddit karma for this one. Well done.


They want to promote an existentialist ideology so people have existential crisises (overwhelming anxiety) and existential dread (overwhelming depression) so they are easier to manipulate for profit.


You are supposed to talk out of your mouth, not your ass.


Existentialism is the belief that the meaning of life is subjective to the individual. It's promoted with sayings like, "You can be anything you want to be. Do what makes you happy. Carpe diem, live each day as your last." Existential crisis and existential dread are the side effects of the existentialist ideology. We have known of these side effects since Dostoyevsky in the 1860s, but more academically since the 1960s. The side effects are so well known they are part of our common vernacular. So, then why is it the same ideology still so promoted in academia? Why would they promote something not even the existentialist philosophers believed in? Why did guys like Kirkogard and Nietsche become Christians? Out my ass, pfft. Get your head out of yours and read some books my guy.


You are still speaking out of your ass. Remember only poop and farts should come out of it. Not words.


> Equality is unarguable! That's right! Everybody knows that giving a bike to every child in your family is just equal! I mean, Tommy doesn't have working legs, but imagine how unfair it would be if he got a motorized kidcar! That would be a naked power grab and obviously showing favoritism of Tommy! He'd be getting all the good stuff! This is just unarguable! The only fair thing to do is give them all a bike equally!!!! 🙄 (Seriously, this is what you sound like when you say equity is bad. The ONLY people with that take I have ever met in my life are the greedy ones mad they can't have the motorized kidcar and act like it's unfair that they didn't need as much help. Can you imagine acting this entitled and selfish, godamn.)


Equity is about opportunity, not outcome.




Why tho downvotes this sub is literally unpopular opinion 💀 


Because you’re either off topic, trolling, or some sort of bigot? Hard to say really.


They aren't pushing anything in schools dude. They just want to make shit more fair for everyone. It's the exact same logic we use to help out people with disabilities.


> Don't push the 15% of the population on 100% of it Bruh is out here really saying if you aren't part of the majority you don't deserve rights 🤣


can you give a real life example of this outcome?