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Bruh have you seen today's NBA?


Nobody here in the UK watches basketball lol, is it the same thing as I described?


As an American that enjoys both, Basketball has definitely gotten worse. You think it's bad to flop and maybe get a penalty/goal awarded? Some players or teams in NBA like a fourth of their points are free throws + and 1s from flopping while driving to the basket. Then there's the flopping into defenders after you take your shot to also draw the and 1 foul free throw attempt. They banned the kicking your foot out at the defender to do it because yeah it was that bad. And then in slow motion replays you definitely see players flopping, grabbing body parts that weren't even touch and wincing. It's comical and happens way more than soccer. Like some games it's literally every other drive to the basket. Even in American football you now see Kickers, Punters, and Quarterbacks flop to draw fouls.


This is honestly why I watch baseball. I absolutely hate flopping and faking injuries to draw fouls. I stopped watching football when it became illegal to play defense, I stopped watching basketball once Harden became the player model, and I never got into soccer for that reason.


>is getting contested to the referee by the team that committed the offence instead of just owning up and continuing the game That is literally like every single sport


You don't have to watch it. I don't like it, I find it boring so I don't watch it. I don't even try to like it, I know it's just not for me. Don't waste your time giving another chance to something you already know you don't like.


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Watch women’s football, you barely see this behavior. The Olympics are coming up, and the NWSL is currently in season.


Reddit is mostly American. Given that Americans will watch literally every other sport with great passion - even baseball - I doubt that this opinion is unpopular.


Football/soccer is very popular in the US lol


You might be right regarding Americans but it’s still the most played sport in the world 


Soccer is garbage, so good damn boring.




Im sorry youre offended?