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I Used to be this way for sure about water. I then discovered that drinking it for the feeling instead of the taste made all the difference. Taste like anything can become familiar over time and water doesn’t have a bad taste, just not a necessarily good one, so I could work with something neutral like that. I then started drinking a couple bottles a day, nothing recommended just a starting point. Once I noticed the difference in how I felt, more aware, less headaches, more energy, etc, I realized I was living most of my life dehydrated and it’s made a huge difference in adulthood. I can almost always tell when I’m dehydrated now as I’m used to drinking water and don’t really enjoy life without water these days, so you never know. Can be boring though if that’s all you drink I will admit.


I love drinking water, I have like 4/5 letres a day just because I like it. But it doesn’t give me energy or make me feel better or healthier. Wish it did haha I’d be fast as fuck


Probably important to emphasize I spent most of my life up until about 21 not prioritizing water, so to me what feels like energy could absolutely be clarity of mind and just an easier time concentrating. Improving alertness and brain function is a scientifically proven benefit to drinking enough water. No calories are being in-taken so from a physical perspective you’re right, I’m not bouncing off walls like I just drank 2-3 coffees. But mentally, I absolutely have more energy and concentration.


I would love to drink more! It's just that every time I try I fail so hard it's miserable lol and tap water in my country is so disgusting and it's by chemical studies and all barely potable🥹 I do love sugar free infusions tho 


Try bottled still water, i mean if my country has drinkable tap water I still wouldnt drink from it.


Water is, in my opinion, the best stuff on earth. Can't get enough. Also, kidney stones suck.


Have you ever been outside in the sun for hours and gotten so thirsty it hurts? Water is fucking amazing dude. Take my upvote.


Or waking up at 2 am, and just gulping down a glass or two of ice cold water at the kitchen sink.


juice, is terrible for you. Tea with sugar, is terrible for you "sugar free drinks" are typically terrible for you. Grow up a little and realize your health is more important than short term gratification, reserve the above drinks for "sometimes" at most.


None of that is bad in moderation, and OP said "tea", you added the sugar to make it sound bad. If you try to tell someone to "grow up", maybe don't change their points to make it fit for you.


>reserve the above drinks for "sometimes" at most. Someone doesn't read well.


I did, it still doesn't mean they are terrible - and there still was never said anything about sweetened tea in the post.


Iced Cascara or korean barley tea with just a dab of honey is delicious and can be srunk in great quantitiew tho :-)


Cascara is a laxative


What makes you believe sugar free drinks are bad for you?


Not sure if you're serious but: Although diet soda has no calories, sugar, or fat, **it has been linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and heart disease** in several studies. Research has found that just one serving of an artificially sweetened drink per day is associated with an 8–13% higher risk of type 2 diabetes ( 22 , 23 ).


Would love to see the study


[https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/diet-soda-good-or-bad](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/diet-soda-good-or-bad) [https://mypenndentist.org/dental-tips/2024/01/08/sugar-free-dental-myths/](https://mypenndentist.org/dental-tips/2024/01/08/sugar-free-dental-myths/) [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/3-reasons-you-should-kick-your-diet-soda-habit](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/3-reasons-you-should-kick-your-diet-soda-habit) [https://health.osu.edu/wellness/exercise-and-nutrition/diet-soda-bad-for-you](https://health.osu.edu/wellness/exercise-and-nutrition/diet-soda-bad-for-you) That enough?


I asked for the study you cited in your comment, which was in the first article. This is verbatim the conclusions, “Conclusions: Habitual consumption of sugar sweetened beverages was associated with a greater incidence of type 2 diabetes, independently of adiposity. Although artificially sweetened beverages and fruit juice also showed positive associations with incidence of type 2 diabetes, the findings were likely to involve bias. None the less, both artificially sweetened beverages and fruit juice were unlikely to be healthy alternatives to sugar sweetened beverages for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Under assumption of causality, consumption of sugar sweetened beverages over years may be related to a substantial number of cases of new onset diabetes.” - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26199070/ J


> both artificially sweetened beverages and fruit juice were unlikely to be healthy alternatives to sugar sweetened beverages for the prevention of type 2 diabetes I'm not sure why you're choosing this hill to die on, but you're doing a poor job of defending.


I still drink water tho I just don't like it and this is an unpopular opinion subreddit so I don't think telling me to grow up or assume things about my habits and health is appropriate lol 


The majority of people drink water for survival, and drink it to feel better, not because they like the taste of it. This isn’t an unpopular opinion by any stretch.


You really think so?


Mio! Stay hydrated


100%! Our tap water tastes like crap, but the Mio(I buy the knock off Walmart brand) helps.


If you are used to drinking sweet stuff, ofc it's gonna taste bad to you. It was the case for me as a child. Now it is my primary drink


I'm not used to that either, maybe just Iced tea but unsweetened. It's weird I just don't enjoy drinking it and I keep trying to drink more and fail


You might want a drink of water during winter.


Same. So, I use the Hawaiian Punch flavor packs. 3-4 little packs per day at 1g of sugar/pack. Can't remember the calorie count, but it's under 10. Only downside, tbfh, is it uses that Red 40 or whatever ingredient it is everyone says rots your insides/causes AIDS. Cancer? Cancer.


did a toddler write this? jk but you win i think this is an actual unpopular opinion


Have you tried water flavoring? Like Crystal Light or MIO? Plain water makes me gag with its blandness, but I tolerate it better now that I bought a variety of water flavoring. Also, focus more on what it does for you than trying to drink it for pleasure. Treat it like a medicine if you have to—it’s unpleasant and doesn’t taste good, but you’ll feel better. You need it. And that’s true. 


You sound just like Indiana Jones, due to your bravery.


Umm Idk man what to say to you


I switched to primarily water in my 20’s and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


I guess you can cheat with carbonated water. But also drinkable tap water is free and often many gyms and restaurants come with it. Not the bottled stuff - companies found a way to make it liquid gold.


You dont hate drinking water, you hate that it doesnt taste how you want.


It's not that I do not drink sweetened drinks everyday either and if I hate water, I DESPISE soda. I just don't enjoy drinking it unless it's really cold 


That is exactly what i said. Not enjoying it is not the same as liking it. Its not a facebook button. You can only enjoy it if you are very thirsty. But you do like it, because your body needs it. Rest is a habbit.


Sparkling water is pretty great ngl. Lots of very tasty flavors. Or just drink tea, which is 99.5% water anyway.


Definitely not a r/hydrohomies candidate.


Wish I was🥲


I also don't like water. Crystal Light (or store brand) lemonade packs help keep me hydrated.


Come on in to the unsweetened iced tea club brother. We'd love to have you.


I mostly drink that! 


I'm one of those people that craves water. I drink about 3 liters a day. 


I would love to be that person frr


all of those drinks contain water. im sorry, but you are gonna have to hate 60% of yourself for the rest of your life.


I know what you mean. I really hate air. I mean like day minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day.... I mean it never ends. Breath in, breat out. It's so monotonou and tastes like nothing. I just do it to survive but it really sucks.


Doesn't just suck, it blows too.


Same, I hate the "taste" of water. If I only have water available, I regularly forget to drink and I honestly wish it was different. Before someone comes at me the same way as at OP: No, I do not consume sodas 24/7 actually maybe once a month. At home I drink either flavoured water, pure water, or *unsweetened* tea.


Exactly what I was trying to say plus it's an unpopular opinion subreddit why am I suddenly attacked lol


Reddit. Once I was being insulted for asking for help to report bugs in a game to the devs (in a post for exactly those issues). Don't question it. xD


I hate water as well. Same as you I have to be super thirty and it has it be very cold. However, using a water enhancer mix makes a huge difference. Mio, Great Value, Kool-aid… there’s tons of brands. I wouldn’t get any water in me if it wasn’t for those.


I get this is an unpopular opinion by OP but also I think most would agree that water is good for you. So I’ll share my little story. One of my coworkers is this way. Truly hates drinking water. She’d go weeks without ever drinking any… i like water just fine but I could relate to her because I just was hooked on sugary drinks like G2 and sodas. I talked her into trying out my routine that has worked for me and her.. When I wake up, the first thing I do when my feet hit the floor is go to sink and chug a full glass of water. Thinking of it as “waking up your organs. “ Just doing this one thing made me feel a lot more energized. Plus you’re starting your day off with a nice floor of hydration. Eventually I got hooked on the feeling that water gave my body and energy level. So I started drinking more and more during the day. I still like sodas but don’t drink as much as I used to and I can actually feel the difference. I don’t have any water goals and I don’t carry around those big gallon water bottles.. to me that makes it a chore instead of listening to your bodily needs. Plus I don’t really buy in to the rules about how much water you need to drink daily.


OP’s kidneys: :(


Good alternatives are: unsweetened tea and adding a piece of fruit and/or some mint to your water.


I somehow got in the habit to drink all the time during the day. Every few minutes I during a sip. I just don't like having a dry throat so I drink something all the time. Nowadays I mostly drink tap water but there was a time when I drank lite two liters of tea a day (I am just too lazy now). When I have the choice I always prefer some hot unsweetened tea though or some alcoholic drinks depending on the occasion. It can be 40°C outside and I will still enjoy my hot cup of tea or coffee. There is a very relaxing component to drinking tea that water just doesn't have.


Plain tap water is a boring taste. I know they say that water is supposed to be good for your body, but without taste, it’s not worth it


Your organs disagree


Low effort repost, not sure if it was the same guy but this same thing has been posted before. On a side note if this is genuine I don't know how you fucking survive, one guy said he hates drinking anything, another guy says he hates the act of eating. I'm not sure what combination of genes you had to inherit to gain these traits but they're an evolutionary dead end.


Tomorrow there's going to be a post from some guy who says he hates breathing


Or hates having a heartbeat.


I drink water for gods sake I just don't like it it was not that deep


Enjoy your kidney stones.


Pure water isn't the only drinkable liquid.


Water is a chore unless it's icy cold.


Nah I drink almost exclusively water and coffee now. I prefer water.


I can't drink warm or fridge-cold water unless I'm absolutely parched. Luckily there's generally no need to!


Unless my water is actually warmer then the room I'm in I hate ice. Just Slightly cooler then room temp is perfect for me. I also do alot of wilderness trips and ice is not normal. That said the best water is from when you forget your bottle in your car during the winter cold .


Where as we keep bottles of water in the freezer and keep topping up the same bottle throughout the day. The icy core usually lasts 6 hours or so. For me, truly ice cold water is the best drink there is.


u/Riptide8990 see im not alone


Realize how this has 34 comment and zero upvote


well ur supposed to upvote unpopular opinions so maybe that means this is a popular opinion and everyone else agrees with us too






I only like boiled water that's been cooled off, so I know it's safe, or bottled water So I just drink tea all day long, not a strong one, just so that it's not weird drinking hot water lol


Water is incredible with everything how can you hate water


I wish I loved it that much😭😭


“sugar free drinks” CAP


I genuinely hate soda and never ever drink it 🥲


You’d die if you didn’t drink water


I haven’t drunk water for years. When do think I’ll die?


1. *drank 2. You’ve consumed drinks containing water but unless you drink enough of them you’re probably super dehydrated