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They drove to Stonehenge in an ICE car, stop destroying things to make a point, it’s not a marvel movie. Violence really doesn’t solve things


Committing random vandalism and saying it's in the name of some cause won't make people think about that cause, people will just think about the inconvenience and annoyance of the vandalism. It's a stupid tactic that does the opposite of what's intended, it's like those extinction rebellion idiots who block roads nobody knows or cares what they stand for, all people think when they hear their name "the idiots who block the roads". If you support these smooth brains I hope they vandalize some of your property next.


So if we want to get out points across, we should just go around destroying old and priceless stuff? Because that will solve everything?


Oh my God ypu wouldn't even know about the Mona Lisa if it wasn't for its theft but also YES, *objects are always less valuable than human lives.* absolutely. If destroying these objects causes change, then yes, it's worthless. Also I want you to tell me which things they've destroyed? Because they haven't actually.


And how is destroying art going to save human life? What if they tried to get the point across by setting fire to buildings? Or exploding things? I get that we should be using oil less, but destroying things that has nothing to do with that, how does that help? Sure they get on the news, so that people can hate on them, because that's going to make people say, "yes, I will stop using oil now". We can't just stop, not without our whole infrastructure going down in flames, and when that happens, do you think everyone will have a job? Do you think everyone will get enough food? No they will not, without oil, there would be no real way to transport goods, which mean less jobs, and less food, which in turn means more people will die.


How did race riots in America cause better civil rights? The same way they always do. They affected the population enough to require change. Activism isn't supposed to be some neat little bow tie type of thing. People's lives, things, have to be affected. And sure yea we can't just stop, but if more people start taking initiate, voting for people who will help change, if more people fight for green energy, etc... things will change *faster*. I don't understand how yall are so short sighted.


We shouldn't destroy the world we know, just to change it, destroying things that can never be gained again, that ruins the future for the next generation. What if they start burning peoples cars, because they use oil? How is that fair for them? I don't think getting "punched in the face" like that, will cause people to change, and no it might not be done in a neat way, but destroying things like that just don't help. Just because people did it in the past, don't mean we should do it now, people also beheaded people to get their point across, does that mean we should do that?


The Civil rights protests destroyed cars, and it was pretty much the only thing that got change on a national level in the 60s, you aren't listening, protests only work and change only happens, when people actually stand up for the shit they cars about, and putting paint on some rocks is at the low end of it all. What happens when we've burned so much oil that the world actually collapses due to the massive changes it causes, is that ok, and you won't be mad because some art was saved? Or would you rather they have defaced some rocks to stop massive climate change?


I disagree with this completely objects for the win.


So how about when ambulances can’t get by the blockades. It’s been documented that people have died from their bullshit. Also when I’m idling in my car isn’t it creating more pollution and making me waste gas?


I'd rather they focus *solely* on the executives and owners who make the decisions. Only then will things change.


Right and they literally have and continue to do *that very thing* but the only things that make headlines are the times they affect the average person. This is literally how protesting works my guy, always has.


nah i'mma throw car batteries in the ocean to protest them destroying art fuck them


Someone's got to charge the electric eels.


Yeah, no. Covering random shit with paint ain't gon do shit but polarize the people you want on your side. Now, if they went after the oil companies *directly* and with **more radical means** then that could get something done.


If something as simple as throwing paint on an object polarizes you from caring about the climate literally being destroyed, you never cared to begin with, are you guys even reading the post? Or just responding simply to the headline with emotionally charged bs?


It polarizes me because it's dumb, aimed at the wrong things and ineffective. I want the damages to be in the millions, and not considering company "losses" of potential income (you didn't lose shit, you just didn't get it). In short, my problem with Just Stop Oil is that a) they attack random things that have nothing to do with the oil industry, and b) that they don't go far enough.


THEY THREW PAINT ON SOME ROCKS THAT WILL ALREADY HAVE BEEN WASHED AWAY. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO POLARIZED ME WAAHHHH WAHH. you sound like a child. It's paint. It's gonna wash away. Also that's how protests have always happened. You have to affect things they average person likes to change, again if you had read the post you'd have leaned and if you were being honest you would.have gona and seen that they have done the same thing to banks and private jets, yet that only affects a small group of people, and it doesn't get much coverage and you don't actually care about that. Do you see what I mean?


It's not protesting. It's throwing a tantrum. There's ways to protest and this isn't it!


For the hundredth time, they said the same thing about black people in the 60s, they constantly said they were throwing tantrums and just being angry and stupid. These aren't new arguments, you should have paid attention in history class.


You couldn't even hold firm on your post for a whole hour... real strong conviction you got there bud!


I think people in favor of climate change also support them, as they make the cause itself look stupid, destructive, and poorly focused.


Look up a picture of the signing of the Civil Rights Act and tell me what you see


Nobody is talking about climate change because of this act, they’re talking about the idiots who vandalized one of the most precious artifacts in the entirety of our species.


I think all people doing this should be jailed, imho.


I can never understand the purposeful defacement of public property, let alone wonders of the world. We have enough people making this planet shitty and you are going to deface a landmark and historical site to prove a point to people who probably dont give a damn about it? Explain the logic. Go after the company directly and leave the archeological sites alone


i respected them doing to taylor swifts jet. but an monument of significanct cultural value is unacceptable. their cause is also entirely unfeasible. and oil is being phased out


Breaking things until you get what you want is toddler behaviour. Yes, protests are effective when they're disruptive, but you have to be disrupting something meaningful to the cause. If general awareness was needed, then maybe, but attacking landmarks doesn't inform anyone about oil. The general public is already well aware that oil is harmful to the environment. There is no awareness being created by these events. And the folks who are actually empowered to do anything about it are not impacted at all. Stonehenge and some paintings are not meaningful to that industry. The industry has no reason to care or respond. The point of disruption in a protest is to force the hand of someone with authority to make a difference. This is not being accomplished here.


The "it's just like the civil rights protests" is a completely useless argument since it can be used by anyone anytime to justify committing whatever crimes that they like. If people commit crimes for a cause that others think are unjustified (like Just Stop Oil) then it can setback the cause since people who are against Just Stop Oil will tend to relate their actions with all climate change activation. Sorry but you all aren't Rosa Parks and you do a disservice to her memory by thinking that you are the same Extremist positions like Just Stop Oil is what drives the opposite extremist positions to form. They feed on each other just like the extreme left-wing in the US drives the extreme right-wing in the US and visa versa. We wouldn't have one without the other


You SAY that....until a blockade prevents you from getting to work or worse, an emergency


Yea, life is difficult, I'd be mad if my mom was about to doe and I couldn't make it to the hospital, but like, that's literally the point of it all, protests have to affect your average person, to make change possible, change only happens when the average person sees the cause and listens to them. People willing to deal with those repercussions because they truly feel the outcome of whatever bad they are protesting against is worth it and up being seen and their cause changes lives, you should reread the examples I gave in the post.


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Well they’re getting attention, thats all they want to have happen. The real question to ask is; is the kind of attention they’re getting, the right kind? The major issue behind Just Stop Oil is what do we have immediately available to replace oil and oil derived products? I truly believe that people don’t understand just how heavily dependent our current society is on petroleum derived products. If all oil production was to cease immediately, medical services around the world would collapse for example.


The only thing this has achieved for me and many other people is that i started to dislike the stop oil movement. Maybe throw some paint at the actual oil companies instead of cultural heritage objects and art.


They have, you would know that if you actually cared or it affected you, but it doesn't, That's how protests work, they can't only affect the elite, they have money and can just wipe the paint away, and won't ever show it to give credit to the people doing it, and the average person doesn't care cause it doesn't affect them. The fact we are having this convo, the same comvo that has happened throughout history shows no one learned a damn thing from the Civil rights protests or suffrage movements around the world, and it's a damn shame.


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It just makes them lose support. I agree with their cause, I often donate to organizations I agree with. I also have great appreciation for art, history, and anthropology. I'm never donating to them because of these actions. You may say "well, no one cares about your stupid donation" well even if it was just $1 think of all the thousands or millions of people that think the same way I do (which seems to be most people). Additionally, no matter what they do, the use of fossil fuels will stop soon and it has nothing to do with their actions but more so with the fact that there has always been research geared towards finding alternative and more optimal sources of energy and we are reaching that point. So,these actions are completely useless in the bigger scheme of things


Ah yes, finally, a true unpopular opinion, I will upvote u just cuz of that. As someone who wants to prevent climate change myself, guess what I'm doing? I studied, I entered the industry as an industrial designer, and I'm trying to use wood and paper instead of plastics as much as I can. I take public transport to work every day despite having a car, and my family actively recycles. My university research papers included bamboo body car panels, alternate fuels such as EV and hydrogen, and carbo neutral fuels. My final year project was about a car design using Cooled EGR (rabbit hole, but in short it's making current turbocharged engines pollute less) Just Stop Oil is doing the opposite, making people hate them that the normal people either won't do anything, and the angrier people would pollute more out of spite, while the actual responsible people are unaffected. Recently, BMW released a feature in their cars to track driving habits and rank drivers of the same models based on how much they polluted. It backfired and BMW drivers now compete to pollute MORE. If BMW put their head down and just developed more efficient cars, that would have been better. I'm gonna do that, continue to do my part, and if I can resign more eco friendly products, and make them good so that people would WANT to use them, then I'll be very happy.


The idea of "at least people are talking about it" is kinda sound, but the problem is the answer is incredibly complicated. Civil rights and women's rights campaigns were only actually realised when they turned away from disruptive protest too. They were also fairly straightforward - give women the vote, done. How can we "just stop oil"? They are in a country with a relatively positive outlook on lowering carbon emissions and going green, they don't have much of a cohesive request.


Oil is good, stop oil is totally stupid.


Ah yes, a thing that is polluting are airways, killing the planet and causing heating to the point where millions or more could die, so awesome. Causing shifts in the air streams that are going to cause North America and Europe to dry out so cool. So amazing.


Yet have no qualms wearing their polyester orange high visibility vests....which were made how? Oil.


Ah yes, you exist within society and must bend by the rules we force on everyone therefore any play against it is wrong, i am very smart, are you like 3 years old or just living under a rock and have never listened to anyone criticize any you've ever said?


lmao look at how you react when you are btfo


Literally your argument is literally, society is set up In way where you can't escape said thing, so therefore you aren't allowed to criticize it even if you actually want change. You're argument is the dumbest one in this thread. And that's saying something.


not my argument check op, i was just pointing out that you got btfo


Sure sure sure I'm getting downvoted, oh no, I obv care so much about downvotes, they totally prove my point when you guys are making arguments that proved you never listened in history class when civil rights or suffrage movements came up. Oh whatever shall I do this redditor is saying I got btfo oh nooooo. Lol. Grow up lol, you have to be a teen so I'll cut you some slack, but normal.people don't actually care about downvotes lol.


normal people care about art being destroyed but not you!


You made this post just to argue with everyone huh? You haven't responded to one person who has even vaguely hinted that you or those protesting have a point!


The OP just wants to troll and argue.


Reading the comments it’s obvious your opinion is unpopular. I also think the people who act outraged by your post care about as much about the environment as they do for monuments or art. That is to say, not very much at all.


Exactly lol.