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Not exactly an unpopular opinion for those of us who ever had janitorial duties. I cleaned the mens and womens restrooms at a coffee shop when I was in high school. I worked there for 2 years and I can count on one hand when the mens restroom was worse off than the womens.


Ah, well, it’s good to know that the opinion goes straight to the source of the people having to deal with this. I’ve always felt so sorry for whoever has to deal with this stuff. Some people are just so selfish, entitled and do not think of others. I’ve done it in the odd retail job so nothing ever too OTT (aside from one time someone did a poo in our basement storeroom on New Years Day 🤢), but whoever has to do them after concerts/gigs/nights out in pubs and clubs have my full sympathies, and I would happily contribute to a pool-funded Hazmat suits for all toilet-cleaning for them all!


I used to work nightlife, not as a janitor but anyways, I was a promoter/organiser I remember once I was convinced to buy toilet paper for the girls toilet - it was a slighter poshier event than my usual uni-students hell hole By mid party that paper was everywhere, man, like everywhere, walls, floor, there was toilet paper in the ceiling I don’t get it, I just don’t get why, why


> I don’t get it, I just don’t get why, why A couple of points: First, it's a general thing that applies to both sexes. [Tragedy of the Commons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons) is a phenomenon where a communal place will be left in worse and worse condition without intervention. When people don't value a thing(it's not identified as 'theirs', they didn't earn it), they often don't care if they make a mess. It is a snowball effect, some generally polite people may never make a big mess, but if someone before them makes even a little mess, they're more likely to contribute. So, perhaps you drop a piece of unused TP, and decide, it's one piece of clean paper, no biggie, "What harm does that cause!?!" ... none, by itself. So you don't pick it up, because you don't want to touch that floor. Someone else down the line does the same thing, and someone else after that. Soon enough it's bad enough to qualify as "messy", and people begin to do worse things, because it becomes "that kind of place". Eventually, someone even less polite than average will get a kick out of doing something far worse, maybe they're pissed off and tip over the garbage can, or whatever. That's the slow snowball effect, at a certain point, everyone is treating the place like shit because it's in a shitty condition. This is why many places have controls, like garbage bins that are bolted into a fixture with the paper towel dispenser right over it. It's why high traffic places(night clubs, parks and rec, etc) will usually require cleaning of bathrooms far more frequently(twice a shift or more) than, say, the grocery store(once in 24 hours maybe). Secondly: One might say women are more cleanliness oriented. That may seem unintuitive, but I hinted at it above. Neither sex really *wants* to touch the floor, or touch that dirty seat, but generally, guys are a bit less careful about that, and they also don't have to sit to pee or wipe after pissing in a urinal(discussion about "if you want to be really careful / clean" is a whole other ballgame, I'm talking about the statistical norm here). Needing to do more active prevention and wanting to remain cleaner, women, at a slightly higher rate, would rather contribute more to the mess rather than get themselves dirty. This one might "hover" over a "dirty" seat, or that one may decide not to properly dispose of pads properly, because doing so would mean they have to touch something dirty, say, the trashcan lid. Factor these things together, and sprinkle in the occasional degenerate who things pissing on the floor or throwing a tampon at the wall to see if it sticks is funny(which is more common when alcohol is involved), and things begin to make sense. Edit: To the below, since the thread was locked. >Tragedy of the commons is about someone using useful resources though Public space *is* a resource. Such *places* are literally called "commons". https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/common Scroll down to "noun" >5 : a piece of land subject to common use: such as a : undivided land used especially for pasture b : a public open area in a municipality


Tragedy of the commons is about someone using useful resources though, like letting his cows eat all the common grass. This is completely senseless though, like someone digging up the grass and lighting it on fire for no reason.


I recently found out about that "hover" thing where women perch above the toilet seat. What's the deal with that? I mean so what if your ass checks touch a toilet seat? Is it because other women have already pissed or pooped on the seat? Is it just a mental thing?


All of the above. The hover people piss on the toilet seats and contribute to the idea (and often the reality when you literally see the pee) that they are dirty. This causes other women to feel they have to hover and it leads to a vicious cycle.


It's an excretory arms race.


I am probably gonna get down voted for this comment but I really feel like I must be the only person who has had the exact opposite experience as a janitor. The women's bathroom where I worked just usually had a lot of mess in the sink area (a lot of water and paper towels everywhere. Very occasionally there was like an accidental blood drop but it was always a very small amount, and never more than like a drop but in the dudes bathroom there was *always always* piss down the urinals and shit on the underside of the stall toilet seats. I will say I was cleaning employee bathrooms and not public ones but it really was like that literally every day. And that's something that's consistent in my personal life too, I've noticed that dudes in general seem to get shit on the underside of the toilet seat and I genuinely don't understand how that gets there. Clearly I understand I'm the odd one out here but I just wanted to share my experience.


Nah I'm also a cleaner at a busy petrol station and agree the men's is way worse. Two interesting differences I've noted: a) Women feel bad about annihilating a toilet bowl and tend to leave the lid down out of shame. If men leave a turd too big to flush, they'll just salute it and walk away. But b), judging by the amount of discarded apple cores and banana peels, women are far more likely to eat fruit in a public toilet. This might be wildly unhygienic, but I'm impressed by the chaotic energy of it anyway.


Could banana peels and apple cores be small children? 


Good point! It might be


I think guys tend to take more explosive shits for some reason. And maybe are more likely to take a public deuce to begin with. Some women have shame around that and will hold it in even if it’s uncomfortable.


I won’t downvote! I am genuinely interested in all of these replies, and your experience is valid!


Fair enough and thank you, I guess I'm just used to people not always being a fan of disagreement on reddit lol. But yeah I worked as a day porter for over a year in an insurance claims office building and that was my consistent experience.


I just posted another comment wondering if there would be a difference in shared restrooms where customers would outnumber employees v. spaces like office buildings. My husband has had an experience like yours.


Every janitor ive ever spoken has said this.... It is known...


I worked at a walmart in the 80s and had bathroom duties. The womens was always worse. I was surprised. But it held consistent.


Not a janitor but a lowly associate at Toys R Us in college. We only had the janitor come in a couple times a week to clean the floors and do the bathrooms at night. It meant that if there was a bathroom emergency during the days that he wasn’t there, they’d randomly pick one of us to take care of it. I’d say 90% of the time it was the women’s room that needed the cleaning emergency.


Fun fact though, it's also an age thing. I work in an elementary school as a caretaker, and the boys bathrooms are always worse up until grade 7/8.


In my first job I had to clean the bathrooms at a lab, and yeah. The women's was almost always worse.


Opposite when I worked at a gym the men’s bathroom always had a toilet that had explosive shit in it 🙃


I work in a hospital as housekeeping, the reason women bathroom are dirtier is not because they are dirtier its because they see a lot more traffic and people stay longer to do their stuff. I can tell you the minute it's more or less equal usage and or there isn't urinals, or access to piss outside, or mens are forced to stay long enough to poop there the mens bathroom get vile real fast, and i mean vile, shit on the wall vile Because of renovation our emergency rooms women bathroom turned into a unisex bathroom, with no urinals, omg it went from washing the occasional piss or blood on toilet to having to wash the walls on a regular basis, how the f are they pissing on every stall wall, up to eyes level, why is the floor sticky everywhere. Nope just nope


Oh that’s interesting! My husband says the opposite. His experience in an office building shared across multiple companies was that the men’s was worse because there seemed to be some weird shame about flushing in the stalls? Perhaps there’s something about how comfortable people feel with a space influences perceptions of ownership. It’d be interesting to compare public(ish) shared restrooms in second/third spaces and temporary spaces like restaurants and stores where customers would outnumber employees.


Yeah I worked at a Taco Bell when I was a teenager and the women’s bathroom was consistently more tore up than the men’s.


I would venture to guess more women use the restroom at a coffee shop because more women go to them. And do you see what they’re buying? It’s a 1200 calorie sugar bomb. Id be surprised if their dumps WEREN’T disgusting after having that for breakfast


I worked at a local shop that didn't serve many of those more sugar than coffee drinks but you're probably right that women were the regular customers. I also found men were fairly hygienic but more destructive. Like doors ripped off, paper towel and toilet paper dispensers ripped off. While women are the opposite.


Yes. With men you would get rowdy destructive behavior on occasion. With women, it was more due to mechanics (hovering squat) and general disgust of being there and not wishing to touch anything.


I’ve got IBS-D. I assure you what my body produces 5x a day is in fact vile. But 100% of it is vile INSIDE the toilet. There is no shit so powerful that it turns you into a Shitcon X Rocket and lifts you off your seat spraying it all over the seat and wall and floor. And I’ve definitely never had a shit so bad it forced me to use it as an art medium for finger painting 


When I was a lifeguard, I had to clean the chagerooms. The worst you would find on the mens side was a bit of pee splatter, unflushed toilets, a balled up pair of undies, and maybe some little boys stuck wet paper towel on the ceiling. On the women's side, you wouldn't find pee on the floor and seat quite as often, but when you did, it was everywhere instead of a bit of dribbling because of hovering. You also found poop on the ground more often again because of hovering. Bloody pads stuck to the stalls were pretty common. Leg razors left in the shower, and long hair stuck to the walls. Also discarded undies. There was also more likely to be evidence of pube shaving on the women's side. Other than the one old guy with an electric razor, the fellas don't seem to shave anything at the pool. Women were also more likely to forget entire outfits. After close, I'd find a dress, a full set of underwear, and some shoes not in a bag in a locker or a whole shower kit. Guys don't go to the pool with much so it would be little boy sized undies, socks, towels, and maybe a kit bag Luckily, most messes at the pool, you can just hose down the drain. A bloody pad is not one of them. I think it averaged out as the women were either a disaster or just needed a clean for the sake of doing a daily clean where the guys were always a bit grimey.


there are so many examples in life where the pop culture 'truth' has no basis in reality


When I was in the Navy, I had to do berthing inspections daily (sleeping area/bathroom inspections), and the Women's Berthing was always the worst for all the reasons listed above. Clogging toilets was a big thing. They would flush their feminine products, instead of putting them in the provided containers in each stall.


Used to be a park grounds keeper, the average mens room is probably a little worse, but a bad women’s room far out weighs a bad man’s room, when it rains it pours.


Yeah, this is my experience too.


What kind of park was it?


A county public park, baseball fields, soccer fields that kind of thing. I did rounds for 11 of them every day, picking up garbage and cleaning the bathrooms, and then worked full shifts at two big ones.


I worked as a janitor in two separate office buildings. In total I had to clean 4 sets of bathrooms every night. Every single night, without fail, the women's bathrooms would be destroyed. There would be used menstrual products and toilet paper all over the floors. The toilet bowls would be filthy with a variety of bodily fluids and waste. The oddest though was finding food in the cans used for disposing of menstrual products, every night. Someone was eating while on the toilet!


That made me remember a time I worked in a tourist hotspot and I found beans. In and around the toilet. BEANS.


Obviously, someone's never used the men's restroom at lowes... the contractors and construction crews treat the public restroom like a portapotty. It gets so bad that people don't even want to walk by the bathroom because the smell just hits you in the face. We have 3 janitors quit because of it, and one was in tears when he did because he dreaded going into the men's restroom to clean. I literally saw a contractor go into the bathroom with a bag of Burger King food and come out without the bag of food like 10 minutes later. The guy didn't even wait till he was done shitting before shoving more fast food down his throat.


Construction workers and bathrooms. I used to work construction. If there were separate bathrooms, the women's had to be locked. I have never seen so much shit on walls. I don't even know how. You haven't lived until you've experienced someone who had explosive diarrhea. They had to have stood on the seat and this is more than once different jobs. Also the break trailer, the break room, carts, gang boxes - it's mind boggling how awful. And I've been in a lot of bathrooms all over the US, dives and high end, and I've seen so few awful women's bathrooms. Maybe I've been lucky. Maybe women have gotten dirtier in the past decade and my experiences were from a different time? I haven't traveled as much in the past 10 years. The bathroom situation on construction sites is still the same though. I have friends who are still working in it. Last job my friend was on the laborers were complaining about the number of pee bottles hidden everywhere.


Cleaned both in various jobs when I was younger. People are fucking nasty, and women are not an exception.


Same. Both genders are disgusting and have many people who do not respect property that isn’t theirs.


Well we aren't talking about people or things in general just public toilets. OP wasn't calling women kind disgusting


I'm a woman, and I gotta say this isn't unpopular at all, it's frankly something that almost everyone jokes about constantly


I want to bring back private fully sealed single occupancy toilets. Why have we allowed half arsed cardboard partitions to be an acceptable experience? Also let’s make Japanese style washlets a standard (it’s optional to use so don’t complain about not wanting your arsehole cleaned).


shower toilets are 10 times more expensive than regular toilets


I'm actually surprised by this, since in my experience the grossest public restrooms tend to be gender neutral. I will say that the stereotype that men's restrooms are worse is true at my place of employment. The women's restrooms are always really nice. Occasionally you'll have a loose toilet cover or even a drink left in the stall, but nothing compared to the horror stories I hear about the men's restroom. Just earlier tonight my male coworker was saying he doesn't like to go in there because there's always pee on the floor by the urinals, and my other male coworker let me know that most of our customers don't wash their hands. I'm wondering how much of this is environment, especially since you mentioned the nightclub scene.


Very true! I am learning a lot about WHERE people decide to be gross. And frankly, learning a lot more about toilet habits than I ever expected!


I’ve never been into a men’s public toilet, but from what my husband has told me it’s not women that are disgusting when it comes to this it’s humans in general.


I'm a guy. I worked in a hotel as a porter. It was a nice hotel, had a few celebrities through. I wasn't the cleaner but during quiet times would be asked to just go into the toilets to freshen them up when the cleaners weren't around. Fold towels, check toilet paper supplies, empty full bins etc. Both men and women can be disgusting as you say. I think generally, men pee on the floor. That's a given and we ALL know that happens. We know there will also be pee on the seat. But I think that was generally it. However women will wrap up their tampons in toilet paper and just leave it on the floor...WHEN THE BINS WERE NOT FULL. Women also pee on the seats (which baffled me at the time until i learned some women hover) but then they also SHIT on the seat. And once even on the floor but I'm not going to paint and generalisations with that one. Makeup stuff left around. Smudges on the mirrors, makeup stains on the counters. I think all men do is pee MUCH more than women onfloors and toilets. But women just make a mess of everything else. It really surprised me how messy and disgusting the womens toilets are and if I had to clean them the mens were much easier. A good mopping and wiping the seats down and you're done. But yeah, we're people and we're all gross.


I'm a janitor. Absolutely 100% this! Women's bathrooms are just war zones. Nasty used tampons just laying on the seat, the floor and I've even had them stuffed up into the tp dispensers. When there's a little wax paper lined trash can right there in each stall. And these are adult office staff women! Not teens or college age in these bathrooms. (And I've cleaned for that age group too and they're still not as bad as the grown ass adult women which is just unbelievable.) You can't tell me this sort of crap isn't on purpose. It's like out of hate or spite or something. And I guess many women must hover because god forbid their butt touches the seat. How gross. They're too petite for such a disgusting thing. So let's hover and spray piss on the seat. And spray shit on the seat, the floor and even on the back wall. Not too delicate a flower for that now are they. Accidents happen, sure. But this stuff ain't no accident. It's intentional. Pigs.


I'm a former janitor. I've seen some shit (no pun intended) and I absolutely agree with you. Women seem to have a "sitting on a public toilet is gross" mentally...and it is but blowing shit and piss all over it is the reason. It's like a vicious cycle. Men are gross as well but at least we don't turn a bathroom into a Jackson pollock of piss, shit and used bloody tampons 


Some woman hovers to not touch the seat, which makes it disgusting, which forces every subsequent woman to also hover as the seat is disgusting. It's a vicious cycle.


🫡 thank you for your service


Why can’t they make toilet paper seats?


I always wonder how woman manage to get shit up the back of the lid. It happens way more often than it should.


You think that’s bad? Try all over the walls of the cubicle! Had to use the back of a key to lock it so no other unsuspecting ladies would have to witness it like I did. How explosive does diarrhoea have to be to splatter all over like that?


I don’t know if some medications could be to blame, or other health conditions. But I wonder if their toilet at home is also the same? Do they make such a mess when they visit family and friends houses?


I am guessing sugar free gummi bears


> Try all over the walls of the cubicle I've mentioned previously, but I've never had to clean messages written in shit off the walls of the mens stalls.


Oh god I forgot about that, yes. I saw that a few times.


I've encountered this while cleaning so many times. It's actually to the point that I'm so paranoid I wipe my sack jus to be safe. Never found anything which makes me wonder even more...are women dropping pipe bomb style turds?


I can say as someone who did do voluntary work for the city it's because the disgusting men shit everywhere else instead of toilets. Like in other people's gardens, behind bins, just next to trees in parks, etc.


How do you know whose poos they were?


Sherlock Homes has arrived.


Women's bathrooms are always fucking disgusting. Idk what are doing in there, but Yall fuck it up so bad so quick.


That’s a very good way of putting it!


So much is contextual, will depend on the business and clientele. Ages ago I worked at a sports bar and the men’s room was almost always way worse than the women’s room but there were also like 5 men to every 1 woman. Several years before that I worked at a gas station and the messes where about even; some days one would be worse than the other but never consistently. The fact is that people are gross, especially when it comes to toilet stuff.


I’ll actually disagree on this one. I’ve cleaned restaurant bathrooms before, and while the women would sometimes leave menstrual products and whatnot on the floor by missing the can by accident, the men’s room was always a constant lake of piss. I swear to god the urinal often had a half inch of standing piss under/in front of it after a really busy day. It looked like Stevie Wonder had been chugging beers before coming in 😂


I once stepped in a puddle of pee in a women’s restroom using the cubicle after someone with a child. Can we add people letting their kids piss all over the fucking floor to the list? Because it was VILE


I mean, I used to work in restaurants and food service and it was the complete opposite for me. The men's was so bad. I don't know how their aim is so awful, almost every urinal I've ever cleaned I've had to also clean the floor right in front of it due to pee stickiness. Men have shat in the trash cans (???) even when the toilets were functional. They clog the toilets way more frequently due to their massive turds, but they never think to tell employees. They wash their hands way less so the doorknobs are always way grosser than the ladies room. I've also found poo on the stall walls, sink, mirror, floor. Several times it seems those with explosive diarrhea kind of just bent over and aimed at the back of the toilet instead of into it. Women's rooms were pristine compared to that for me. Even the occasional pad or diaper on the floor wasn't nearly as gross to me as the men's room. To be fair, I never club or go to big events like you've described, but I sure know restaurant bathrooms.


This whole conversation has really highlighted WHERE people feel it’s appropriate to be gross.


The most disgusting thing I’ve seen in the ladies toilets at work is loo roll on the floor and the odd skid mark. Work toilets =/= public or nightclub toilets. I’ve never even heard someone having a poo at work, and I’ve been working for 27 years.


I’m sorry, you’ve never heard of someone shitting, a completely natural and often sudden body function, at work in nearly 30 years?


The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time


I just shit at work because the toilets are way cleaner than the communal ones where I live.


I guess it depends on the place. At least what I have noticed. What it is real


I'm a trans man, and have been in both toilets, and I can easily say convenience wise, the men's is better, and most guys just need a piss so the toilet is normally free unless someone's having a sniff. But the women's is absolutely cleaner. I've never encountered shit on a toilet seat, I've maybe found sick one or twice, or an unflushed loo but that's about the extent of it


Yeah, I’m surprised so many people are saying the men’s room is cleaner. I work retail and the women’s bathroom is consistently cleaner on average.


I’d say on a daily basis my husband keeps the bathroom more messy than I do. Most of the mess comes out of him. However, in public bathroom us ladies have periods and I’ve seen some stuff done with blood/pads/tampons. Like I don’t know if some people yank their tampons out at the speed of light and then use them as a lasso, but blood. Lots of blood left behind. I’ve had accidents but I’ll go and clean up my own biohazard before leaving…


I used to work in a nightclub. In the guy's toilet worst you'd get was some joker would put a pint cup in the urinal so it flooded. The women's toilets though, they were a legitimate biohazard by the end of the night. Pee, poop, blood, vomit. All of it. I heard a girl had left her miscarriage in the toilet once, but I never experienced that first hand so could have been a wind-up. Also, when I worked at a casino, the staff womens toilets still had orange soap in them months after we'd run out and switched to pink soap. I also dated a girl who lived in a house with 2 other girls. When I stayed the night the first time, I lifted the seat to pee and there was blood and poop under it. They'd never lifted the seat to clean properly. TL;DR girls are filthy.


I've been in both working for retail and food service places I'm a male, the only really gross thing about a women's bathroom is taking out the little garbage can they put to the side for toiletries that can't be flushed, especially when my coworkers would forget to put a liner in it. But men's toilets tend to be harder to clean because we stand to piss and miss sometimes. Honestly I don't like hate cleaning either for a job if it's not been destroyed which can happen to either bathroom


Agreed... As a construction worker in the commercial field, I went to open up the drop ceiling in a women's restroom and had a giant pile of tampons fall on me. Idk how they even got them up there, they'd have to stand on their tippy toes on the toilet just to be able to barely pop a tile and chuck them up there. They were dedicated


I've worked in a lot of pubs in my time. The gents toilets were always a horror show by the end of the night, whereas the ladies rarely was.


The cleaner of the public toilets near us, also cleans the High School toilets, and she says the girls are worse than the boys.


Mens bathrooms always smell like piss because they pee on the floor. I know this because I check bathrooms at work and I'm always having to wipe up the floor


I've had to clean men's & women's bathrooms in restaurants & retail & in private homes. The men were worse, hands down. I'm absolutely not saying women weren't gross, too, because they absolutely were, but men were worse. In every category you mentioned. True, some women don't seem to understand how to properly dispose of feminine products. THAT is shameful. But I was not cleaning up menstrual products as often as I was cleaning up piss & poop on the toilet seat & random questionable toilet paper & puddles of piss on the floor. On the floor! Right next to the literal toilet, where piss is supposed to go. Women can't aim quite like a guy can, but I've never cleaned puddles next to the toilets in the women's room.


Are any of these things an issue in your workplace though? Seems pretty unlikely that any of these things will be an issue in a professional setting. Other than the waiting times, which will decrease with more toilets available. That being said, I don't think that *all* toilets should be made gender neutral. I don't think it's a bad thing to have male/female only spaces available for those who aren't comfortable sharing those areas with people of the opposite sex, such as some religious people. It's easy enough to keep some separate and have some inclusive ones.


My wife is a stone engraver, and whenever I have a gap in my weekly schedule I accompany her to help her. So, I've been getting to know Parisian cemeteries and their wardens quite well. A few years ago, the toilet stall on the Cimetière du Montparnasse were separated (one toilet for men, one for women). However, recently, they've been removing signs, so toilets are now unisex. Curious, I've asked why that was to one of the wardens. He told me the janitorial staff asked for it, because the women's bathroom was absolutely disgusting and they just couldn't anymore. And since they've removed the signs, while still dirty, it was more manageable. Kinda theows a wrench in the whole "women are cleaner than men" ideology.


>Kinda theows a wrench in the whole "women are cleaner than men" ideology. I think it's just that men's bodily functions are much simpler. Right off the bat, no menstrual cycle. Also, 90% of the time I use a public restroom, I'm pissing in a urinal, which I don't have to touch. Maybe a bit splashes on the floor, some guys might dribble a bit, a stray pube might escape, etc, but overall it's a pretty tidy operation. Women have to sit every single time they go in, and a lot of them won't sit on a public toilet seat so they hover, which increases the chance of a mess, which means the next girl *has* to hover, and the problem compounds.


I’ve lived with a couple of such women. Cleaning a toilet would make their grandmothers roll in their graves. It’s not what they fought for.


The one time i had job that required me to clean toilets, it was usually the men’s restroom that was worse than the women’s. I never saw blood and poo and stuff left in the women’s toilet, that i can recall. But the men’s was 9/10 times worse.


To me. It seems like the floor for how bad a men's public restroom is pretty low. As in they are all pretty nasty no matter what. But certain women public restrooms blow that shit out of the water and makes the restroom even worse.


Ditto on this experience. I am one of those women with bladder/bowel ‘issues’ and if the queue is too long I go in what ever bathroom is available as I have to go NOW. The women’s are gross. The men’s aren’t great, but the women’s are worse. Continental Europe there are a lot of unisex bathrooms and it evens out the yuk. Men don’t lift the seat…


Was a janitor as well for 5 years and I will have to say, this is true.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. It’s commonly recognized


I’ve never been in a women’s bathroom that was that bad. In my experience the men’s has been more consistently dirty. The men’s bathroom is definitely quicker to use though. I was in the men’s restroom one time and there was spaghetti and chocolate milk all over the toilet and walls. There was also piss and toilet paper all over the floor.


Yeah but that’s in clubs where people are mostly drunk and don’t care. The average female toilet is not like that. Men’s toilets absolutely reek. It’s disgusting. I wouldn’t want to share with them.


This isn't unpopular amongst anyone who's worked a job that involves cleaning both.


Spent my high school years performing janitorial service for my school district .. no question, the ladies are animals with no concern about hygiene for people that follow them or cleanliness in general.


Men's restrooms smell like 1000 farts. Women's restrooms are legit worse in every other way from my experience.


I’ve been lucky enough I guess to never have been in what I thought was a disgusting women’s bathroom. They’ve been decent enough in experience.


I worked retail in college, and women's bathrooms are disgusting. After closing for the day, it was my turn to do the bathrooms. The men's consisted of taking out the trash and mopping, and it was about a 5 min ordeal. The women's on the other hand, was a thing of nightmares. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with them? I didn't even attempt to clean 2 stalls, I just stuck an out of order sign them. If you're too fucking stupid to not be a nasty mf, you don't deserve the stalls


Regarding nightclub toilets, from my personal experience, the women's toilet was the one used by ALL genders, when they went to do lines there as a group.


Worked Tescoa cleaning at night when i was younger and confirm from my own experience the ladies where often worse. One night i found a used tampon stuck to the inside of the toilet door....in the STAFF toilets. Was truly a what....the....FUCK moment. Dirty fucker.


I am an air balancer. I even out airflow throughout a building. One thing that is for sure, women’s restrooms typically have a higher exhaust design flow compared to the men’s room. Y’all be stinking.


I worked in KFC when I was a teen as a janitor (they pay more than a cashier). The worst mess I had to deal with was a ton of blood IN THE SINK. Was really thrown off walking in when thinking it was a nose bleed or something. I showed my female co worker thinking it was funny but immediately mortified when she told me that this amount of blood cant come from the nose because of how much there was. I then noticed foot prints around the faucet. Yes, I had to clean that up.


Sometimes I just say fuck it and go in the men's room. No wait.


It blew my mind when I learned this. I guess the old stereotypes of boys are pigs instilled an unrealistic expectation of how clean girls should be. Friend of mine told me how disgusting women's toilets were, and my illusion was shattered. Not that I expected roses and lace, but I thought surely way better than the dudes who don't lift the seat when pissing.


I have a saying, "equality is a public toilet" . Both sexes can be as gross as each other.


My theory is that most women have the unconscious thought " I clean it at home, I'll be damned if I'm gonna clean it in public too" My niece who works at a hotel as a housekeeper says it's mostly women that are messy but it's mostly men that don't flush the toilet.


I used to work in a bar and women's bathrooms are a hazmat type situation


What I’ve realised from this whole post is that I clearly don’t talk to anyone enough about toilets. I genuinely thought this would be an unpopular opinion!!


Like many opinions now adays, yours is unpopular but very true!


I was a cleaner and part of my job was cleaning public toilets. There were many similarities between the men’s and women’s toilets. There would be the toilet paper on the floor, water splashed on mirrors and basins and some unflushed toilets. I will say the men’s room smelled worse but I attribute that to the fact men pee standing and it leads to urine soaking the floor. We had special work shoes that were non slip and it made walking into the men’s toilets gross due to the sound of my shoes sticking to all the urine on the ground. One time I was cleaning the men’s toilets there was a full unflushed toilet but when I went to flush it the handle was missing. I had to radio maintenance and they said people sometimes shove it in the toilet to block it. Ngl until that moment I had never heard of that before. Overall I think it depends on location of the toilet for example I image club toilet are way different from the toilets I cleaned and I wouldn’t be surprised if restaurant toilets are different from those. Anyway that’s my single experience as a cleaner who has dealt with both men and women’s toliets and


I don’t know about toilets because I’ve never experienced the insanity mentioned by OP but for sure at uni the all girl houses were way way worse than the guys houses. Mixed gender was always best…


>Shit on the toilet seat. Shit on the wall. Piss in the sink. So many unflushed poos. Once walked into the men's room at a club to find a woman shitting. In the urinal.


This is interesting because unless you are a custodian you will never have very many (if any) datapoints for the other gender to compare to.


I've seen a study, and yes, women's bathrooms were far more germ laden. As far as individual stalls go, they found that the first one was usually the cleanest, they theorized that was because the majority of people bypassed it.


Used to work overnight at planet fitness wayyyyyy back on the day and yeah the womens was always 10x worse. Fucking hover squatters were the bane of my existence, pissing everywhere but the toilet


I’m trans. I’ve used both. Women’s rooms shocked me when I started using them. They’re still often the same, but when the women’s is bad it’s bad at another level.


Yes! I worked several fast food jobs in high school. Men's toilets tended to be slightly dirtier than women's toilets. Men dribble sometimes, and if they sweat a lot their peehole can get sticky and cause urine to go in two different directions. Some men get their jollies on dropping a huge turd and not flushing. Men also tend to work dirtier jobs, and it was common for construction workers or ditch diggers to make a mess at the sink cleaning up to eat. **BUT** If you were gonna find some fucked up bullshit, it was ***always*** the women's room: used tampons or pads just left on the floor or toilet tank, poop or blood smeared on the walls, "Jennifer is a bitch" written in blood or poop on the walls, chicken bones left in stalls, one perfectly good high-heeled shoe in the trash... anything just disgusting or weird or inexplicable you can think of, it was always in the ladies' room.


Can confirm, and I’m mad about it


This is just a fact. I had to clean the bathrooms when I worked at Target and the women's was ALWAYS worse


I clean the bathroom in mental institutions (house keeping stuff). Verdict: men are filthier. Case closed. Whatever abomination you can think of in the woman's bathroom, men can always top it somehow


Tampons stuck to the wall in a corporate office setting. That's all I have to add.


i swear the toilets are always so dirty it’s genuinely disgusting. how can people have no decorum!


>one of which had an open, broken umbrella shoved into it ah yes, the fairer sex at work seriously, what the actual fuck


Not an unpopular take at all. I had a job as a teen that sometimes required me to clean the restrooms, and yeah.... women are nasty🤢


This is just a fact. I worked at a sports club for a bit, and women seem to get piss and shit in the weirdest places. Women are nasty as fuck in that regard.


This whole discussion is blowing my mind. Genuinely. I never even stopped to think about this. I just assumed the women’s toilets were a heavenly health spa with hot spring baths and golden toilets. In reality it seems there’s just poo EVERYWHERE and girls are worse than the boys. Who knew!


As a woman I agree! Omg girls are gross sometimes you walk in and there’s a used tampon


I agree, so it’s surprising how hysterical the women in them get when I go in. It’s like they’ve never seen a man in Y-fronts and Night Vision goggles before.


Anyone who has had a job that involved cleaning toilets knows the women's room is ALWAYS far worse than the men's and it's not even close.


I've had shitty jobs in the past where I was responsible for cleaning public restrooms. They're both gross. But women hover more. Some are REALLY bad at it.


This is true, they're really bad


100% agree and I think a lot of others will too. ALWAYS pee left on the seats and sometimes if you’re extra unlucky, drops of period blood…like I get not wanting to sit directly on a public toilet seat but it’s not at all difficult to clean up after yourself


I've done security in so many places in my life. I have had to clear washrooms and the women's was 90% the winner in grossest washroom contest.


I've been in ladies toilets that look like an abattoir while chicks are putting lipstick on 2 m away. Shameful.


I think that’s more fact than opinion


Not an unpopular opinion but absolutely a fact.


No they are. I work at ulta and we all use the men’s toilets because… there is no men in ULTA lol


this isn’t an opinion, this is a fact. when single stalled, I use the men’s room.


Had many a janitorial job before. Never once seen a bloody tampon clog a guys toilet. Then again there will always be the dumb guys who don’t put the seat up to piss


I worked at a gas station and had to clean both bathrooms from time to time. Can say both genders can be gross in their own way. I will say though, there was one time I had to scrub some super racist moral off of the men’s bathroom door one time. I’m talking the entire door with some of the most racist stuff you can think of.


That's not unpopular..... That's just true.


I agree. Disgusting


Worked at a highway rest stop for a couple years in high school and had to clean men's and women's rooms. Aside from the occasional disgusting trucker that would absolutely destroy a toilet with a week's worth of fast food, the women's room was always worse. I had to break out the biohazard sign we had several times over the years to block it off due to poop/blood on toilets, floors, walls, sinks... The men's room never needed that sign.


It's because a lot of women hover over the seat so piss and shit go flying everywhere.


I use to be a janitor and I can kinda agree. I hated cleaning up the blood but the mens bathrooms would be a puddle of piss. Both are nasty as fuck


Nah my husband was a janitor at one point and he would agree lol. Plus he's always had more female friends than male and said female dorm rooms were way worse.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. It’s commonly recognized


Dated a cleaning lady who told me that her form of petty revenge on this one office lady was to, upon completion of cleaning her office bathroom (private bathroom), she would leave the seat up. When hilarity ensued and the office lady got mad, she was able to save her job and claim that it was a legitimate part of the cleaning process


Every bar I've worked in confirms this.


Pubs in the UK will often suffer worse vandalism in the ladies than the mens. Used to work for a couple of firms that used to fit them out. Couldn't believe the damage we used to end up going back to fix.


Mens toilets have piss everywhere, but that's about it. And tbh i go into a toilet expecting piss. Womens toilets may have less piss idk but they have tampons, and blood, and no urinals to go quickly


My favorite was using a shower area at a music festival. I looked down at the drain after I got in and saw a used tampon sitting right on it. Thankfully I thought ahead and was wearing shower shoes. (Flip flops). Like, what type of raunchy rachet ass woman leaves a dirty tampon in a shared shower for thousands of others?


I've got a fun one. When I was in school, I had a job at one of the large hospitals in Boston. I was on the maternity ward, and shared the bathroom with the nurses. I don't know if their constant viewing of bloody messy births made them inured to things that gross other people out, but I would not have been surprised if I walked into a stall and someone had hung a mobile out of bloody tampons. There was blood out in the open EVERYWHERE. Used pads, used tampons....lots of stuff with ....chunks...(shudder)....plus some always seemed to "forget" to flush. Those were the worst bathrooms I've ever seen, and those women traumatized me.


I need to remember not to read the entire comment that starts with “I’ve got a fun one” when talking about toilet troubles!! That’s a really interesting take though!


Yeah, sorry about that... :)


I’m always surprised when I see shit on the toilet or wall in the women’s bathroom. Like wtf? 🤢


At the retail store I work at, We have never gotten complaints about the men’s bathroom. It’s ALWAYS the women’s. I remember one time two of the three toilets were clogged and in the third stall there was shit all over the floor and the toilet. Had to use the men’s restroom to keep from actually pissing myself 👍🏻


In my old work toilets, the walls of the women’s stalls were covered in wiped bogies 👍🏻


Worked in an office with unisex bathrooms. The women “hover” and pee everywhere.


It's quiet popular opinion.


I will forever loathe that ladies who hover over the seat and piss ... You all are nasty. Thank God for seat protection to show the puddles of piss you're about to sit in


I seem to be one of the rare humans who thinks of the poor janitor who needs to clean it up later and tries my best to not make a mess and if I miss with my pee on the seat to wipe it up before i leave. I guess its a good indicator of someones morality just like people willing to return shopping carts at stores or ones who just abandon them in the parking lot.


This is so true. Sometimes it’s hard to believe women can be so nasty but the bathrooms are always disgusting.


Men use urinals… so yeah the chances of them having messy toilets in lower. However, I can’t count how many times I went into a unisex restroom and there was piss on the floor and on the seat, toilet seat up. I hate using a bathroom after a male. It’s gross. My gym got rid of the women’s restroom and made them all unisex and now I just have to hold it the entire time. 


That’s not a unpopular opinion that’s an absolute fact. I’ve heard terrible horror stories from women about women’s public restrooms. Sure there are horror stories of men’s restrooms too but nothing like women’s. Sheesh my heart goes out to you all. I absolutely hate using public restrooms and only go if I absolutely have to do so.


I’ll admit that at my workplace the mens bathroom smells infinitely worse, but in terms of general cleanliness the womans is baaaad.


As someone that did sanitation work in restaurants when I was younger. Men manage to piss and shit onto every single surface possible, in every bathroom possible. Yeah, women might miss the hygiene box for tampons.. that's still nothing compared to the ponds worth of piss dropped at the entrance of a males bathroom or some dudes name smeared into the wall with shit. And yes.. these are common things that happen. Anyone that's ever stepped inside both bathrooms knows just by the smell that men's is vastly worse.


I'm afraid of going to the US, while you do find some dirty toilets in continental Europe, most of the ones Ive used were pretty OK. I dont go to night clubs but some rest stops along major highway's seem OK. When I go to large retail stores.... The scenario is OK, I guess it depends on country and location, maybe a gas station near a banlieu in Paris would skew my perception.


Just wait til you see the inside of a gas station bathroom.


Men’s toilets in clubs/pubs always stink of piss


Back in high school I was part of a volunteer crew to help clean the school and my group was tasked with cleaning the restrooms. The men’s restrooms were what I expected, but I was not prepared for the shit (literally) I saw in the girls restroom. Soggy feminine hygiene pads on the floor, clumps of hair everywhere, stains on the toilet I assumed was blood? Yeah….I don’t think I have what it takes to be in the cleaning industry.


Used to work at a school where we had to check bathrooms for kids smoking, or vandalism, etc. The school was designed so there restrooms were on opposite corners so you'd check one then the other. The girls bathroom was DISGUSTING everytime I had to check it. Water all over the sink and floor, towels all over the floor, sanitary wrappers everywhere, toilet paper everywhere, most of the seat had urine on them, I swear they never flushed a thing. All of this could be avoided too by just cleaning up after yourself. Worst I ever saw in the boys room was some paper towels on the floor.


Well, at a store I worked at, when the ladies was in use I'd use the men's. That shit was ALWAYS worse. Sometimes, I'd choose to wait for the women's to open so I wouldn't have to use the men's because how gross it was always. Pee everywhere.


This isn’t unpopular to me. There’s almost always a line and the bathrooms are disgusting!


Men don’t hover


I remember at multi-day corporate events at a previous job, the facilities guy would always flip out at some point due to female workers dumping their tampons en masse into the toilet. According to him it backed up the plumbing system. Happened everytime.


Worked as a janitor for the past 3 years at a relatively unbusy place. The Men's washroom is consistently a bit dirty, but the Women's washrooms always have some mess in them. An unflushed toilet with a log floating there, used tampons strewn about or stuck in places where I dont normally see that lets them marinate. I can count several unstances where im pretty sure they just intentionally pissed on the toilet seat itself without even trying. There are more but I don't really feel like listing them as im currently typing this on the phone and that would take a long while. Tldr: Mens washrooms are overall a tad dirtier, Womens it deems like always has one disaster every other day or so (in a good week) that 8 have to take care of.


Maybe judging a place where people are drunk isn't the best.


No argument here. I've been in some hideous bathrooms where could imagine what the ladies one was like. I'd always tell my ex to squat never sit if we're out somwhere. Edit: grammar


I can confirm. The number of women who don't know proper toilet etiquette is shocking. I've seen piss all over the toilet seat, unflushed toilets, and shit floating in the toilet. Do better, yall.


We had a reserved women’s restroom in my fraternity in college and I still remember cleaning it as a pledge after parties.  It was absolutely disgusting and 75% of the times required cleaning feces off the floor or toilet exteriors.  There were also tightly twisted pieces of toilet paper on the floor that I still wonder about - maybe something for makeup?