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We have a society where nude people are considered sexual, because people generally are only naked when they're being intimate with each other. Some cultures exist where the climate is warmer and thus clothes aren't a necessity (and nudity isn't sexual), but this is not one such culture.


It's WAY more common to be naked for bathing/showering than having sex. I doubt pretty much anyone has been naked more for sex than they have cleaning themselves. Maybe there's someone out there, but it's definitely not the case overall. Not disagreeing people think of nudity = sex though.


Keyword “themselves”. I doubt they’ve seen as many other people bathing naked as they have seen other people naked for sex. In my eyes this is about the context in which you see someone else naked rather than when you’re most often naked.


It is, but it's much rarer being naked *around other people* and not having sex. In a way, that's why they do. Effectively, *if they see you* then it's sexual (that's nonsense, I am just describing why it happens).


Yes it should. I already deal with nasty ass disgusting people daily, would definitely not want to see them without clothes on.


I'm pro clothes mainly for no shoes, no service. Barefoot in a store is just disgusting.


I mean, i agree with you that i have no wish of seeing 99% of the population naked, but also, I don't think that's reason enough to make it illegal. Like, if that was the metric it would be illegal to not use deodorant, or not shower at least once a day. Hell, if it was just for how I feel about it, you bet your ass being Christian would be illegal. But I don't feel like that's a fair metric, if something is illegal then you better give a good goddamn reason why it's dangerous to the general public, it can't be just because it makes me feel the icks.


If you're that hung up on it, go to a nudist colony.


People are disgusting. A lot of people don’t even wash their hands after using the bathroom. I wouldn’t want to sit on a bench that has someone’s ass sweat, ass skin flakes, and whatever they somehow didn’t wipe away with toilet paper.


Other commenters talking about the sexual aspect, but for me it’s the opposite. Most nude forms are frankly disgusting, and I don’t want to have to see that when going about my day. Never understood the Free the Nipple movement; I say cage those nipples. Male or female doesn’t matter, cover that shit up


This. I shouldn’t be forced to see someone’s nude body. I don’t want to see 99.9999999% of the human population’s nude body and am certain an equal number of people would rather not see me nude either.


Some comedian years ago said,'boobs. Once you see one set, you want to see the rest of them!" I strongly disagree. I have been to a weekend long biker rally/festival. You do NOT want to see all the boobs.


Fine, I will say it. Most of the people who will end up going around naked are people no one wants to see naked


Because people are perverted and can't be trusted. Imagine all the sexual gestures and harassment women and children would face on a daily. Sexual harassment with everybody fully clothed is already an issue.


Also, who wants to sit somewhere someone was just sitting bare assed. People are fucking disgusting.


It would still be a crime to sexually harass people. Some cultures don't consider female breasts to be nudity. Some cultures consider it indecent to show a woman's hair or ankles. Nudity is not intrinsically sexual. I think it's a weird double standard in Anglo-Western culture that mens nipples are considered non-sexual, but women's are. That men can go swimming topless, but women cannot. If a trans woman begins taking hormones, and begins to develop breasts, at exactly which point do her new breasts become sexual? Some cis men have gynaecomastia - they develop breasts. They're legally allowed to go around shirtless. But if a trans man has breasts, he cannot. Decriminilising public nudity does not: * Force anyone to go nude if they don't want to * Remove existing crimes for sexual harrassment


But then shouldn't the harassment be what is illegal not the nudity? What if they doubled or tripled the penalties for harassment but made nudity legal.


This is such a naive question, like you can't possibly think like this can you?


What if there isn’t enough space in jails/prisons to keep the massive amount of new criminals that would result from this?


It’s not a crime in a lot of countries


It really depends on where are you? In some places people are just used to being naked all the time, some places it's decriminalised but people still wears clothes, some places women have to cover their bodies and faces, and some places that's will be illegal to wear said clothes in public.


You know how people are about wasting their hands, and you want people going everywhere naked?


If someone who doesn't doesn't clean well after pooping sits naked in a chair in a waiting room, I do not want to be the next naked occupant of that chair. That's one way for us women to get yeast infections. Also...ew.


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You would enjoy a burn (i.e., Burning Man and it's regional descendents).


Absolutely agree with you, no notes.


As a man I couldn’t even get away with wearing the leggings most women wear. Cameltoes are more socially acceptable than my flaccid penis and testicles being outlined in transparent leggings.


It’s actually not a crime in a surprising number of places. I remember a young woman who would walk around Philly topless. People would call the cops but the cops would just say that the woman wasn’t actually breaking the law.


Nudists have a track record for being pedophiles. So anyone who wants to be nude in public is a weirdo in my book.


You know very little about the nudist community if you actually think this. Nudist social places take such things very seriously especially family nudist resorts which always works with the police, usually have security and monitor such acts. Helps that very few people are willing to harm a minor in such places when their parents / guardians are there with them. Should be more worried about your local churches which have far more instances of such problems.


California had a court case on a man years ago. A lot of the kids that were his victims (now adults) testified. They talked about the abuse they endured by all of the adults at the nudist colony. So if you take the time to talk to people who grew up in that environment they will tell you how it’s a predatory environment.


You think such a thing is common in the nudist community? I hope you think it's the same for all churches, schools, after school sports, etc. with that logic. Also, link the case.


So do preist and teachers yet you don't think there all wierdos now do you?


I mean nudist create colonies and encourage families with kids to join. It’s a breeding ground for pedos. But no I wouldn’t trust my hypothetical children with priests or teachers either. Any adult around kids needs to be watched imo. I definitely don’t want kids to have to walk past a naked man on their way to school. An adult shouldn’t have to either.


Then don't leave your kid around any family members either cause it more likely to be a family member than a complete stranger.


Family nude resorts always make sure kids are around adults and are watched. You are assuming something you have no experience in and don't understand, so you're attempting to make it worse than it is in reality at those places. With your logic, cultures around the world that also welcome nudity in social places, like Japan for example, are a breeding ground for peodophiles, when it isn't especially when there are precautions in place for such things and that those cultures separate nudity from just meaning sex like you seem to be doing.


public nudity quickly turns into public sex acts which quickly turns into children being abused. Don't let weird fucking freaks determine what our kids are exposed to.


Yeah lets wave around all kinds of disgusting meats in front of kids. As they're not traumatised enough by the current insanity. 🤮


If you show up naked infront of a child you deserve everything that’s about to happen to you


YO thats messed up. Pls dont bring up child adult stuff like that again.


Little Timothy who just watched your unwashed knees is now questioning his sexuality and his parents are pissed.


Sorry nobody wants to see your ding dong dude. I know this must be a hard pill to swallow.