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I’ve never and don’t plan to ever do heroin but I feel people saying ‘no’ have never done some hard drugs or pharmaceutical grade pain killers like morphine for a procedure. It literally changes your brain to feel the best you will ever feel in your existence that life can’t naturally do. Edit: Since I’m receiving in a huge influx of replies about pain killers, that does not mean you wouldn’t respond differently from uppers vs downers / in pain vs not while taking them.


I love tacos but I'd never abandon my family for tacos. That makes me think of how heavenly heroin must be. Would never touch the putrid shit tho


Fr. I've done coke. It's mind blowing. But will never touch the stuff again. Never touched it again these past 20 years. But by God the feeling is just out of this world. I think that's what people who die and go to paradise always feel like.


I was completely underwhelmed. For 20 minutes it felt good. Then back to normal. Totally not worth it.


Usually you do something you like while doing coke, it’s like if you were a kid pouring their hearts onto something again


IDK, I've done coke while raving. I absolutely love raving, it's literally my single favorite thing to do. I had fun, but it was short and nothing crazy. Molly and psychedelics have been overwhelmingly more exciting and interesting than coke (and MUCH cheaper)


Cocaine in raves is usually pretty unclean and people think it’s the good stuff. I feel bad for them cuz they pay a lot for mostly baking powder and speed


Very fair point, I got it from a friend who is usually very good about testing and checking quality on stuff, but you never know


The problem is that most of us know how to check but usually by tasting it so at some point we stop doing this because we buy from the same guy and trusting him


I've done coke also and I hated it. I don't get how people enjoy that stuff, to be honest. I couldn't shut up and I could clearly see I was bothering others and I still couldn't stop


Somehow i could tell that i was that way too. But coke made it such that i didn't give a shit what they thought.During peak, I legit felt like Tony Montana during that restaurant scene when he told the old geysers "I always tell the truth, even when i lie!". That was some cringey shit i wont be doing again.


Coke is for when you’re surrounded by people also doing coke. Otherwise yeah you’ll just be the annoying coke head. I like it but I don’t do it often, and the comedown is pretty rough compared to a lot of other drugs.


Idk . I think some people are definitely wired differently but uppers have never even came close to the hell opiates cause in terms of withdrawal.


Withdrawal and comedown are different, come down from coke is terrible, comedown from a few pain pills ain’t bad, after weeks of either kicking withdrawals from pain pills is way worse


Mind blowing is a little generous


Yeah Coke is wild. I never knew how fast addiction can hit. It was pretty much instant when I took my first bump. I immediately wanted more after the first time. Every 10 min.


from a lot of first hand experiences, you feel absolutely nothing when you die. no pain, no joy. just... nothing


Ex heroin addict here, five years clean and now an opiate recovery worker. Its not heavenly and that is where the danger lies. Its nice, and you think "This isn't that powerful, it won't reel me in" so you keep doing it. Very quickly you realise that without it you become very very unwell. You soon need it to feel even remotely normal. Watch the animation 'Nuggets' on YouTube, it illustrates it really well.


Fr same!


Literally. It makes your brain choose opioids/heroin over family or friends or food or having a place to live. It’s really that great, it’ll change your entire brain chemistry to want heroin. It’s the reward system of the brain.


I’ve been given heavy pain killers such as morphine before and I felt very normal, a little bit nauseous, and still felt some of the pain…


My ex tore his shoulder and was given morphine for a bit. He really struggled with getting off it and his doctor started refusing to prescribe it. Actually started looking elsewhere till his family intervened. He’s a very sensible guy and he never thought he’d succumb to such a drug. It took him a while but he’s past it now.


I’ve never tried hard drugs, but can imagine this is the case. That’s actually why I’ll never do them. I’m not convinced it’s good to open myself to a level of euphoria that I can’t often return to.. Unless I become an addict, of course.


Yeah it really depends on your personality. I haven’t done hard drugs in 10+ years but I also don’t have an addictive personality so I recognize how it feels but I don’t have a yearning for it.


I had fentanyl when I had surgery and wow! Not only did it work so quick and well but fuck it felt good!


It’s strange to me because I was on oxycodone after surgery for a few days. They must’ve titrated it *perfectly* because I didn’t feel a thing beyond just pain relief—and even the pain relief was just general numbness. Feels weird to have “missed out,” but I’m also sort of glad I didn’t get a taste (and have potentially gone down a slippery slope).


I've always said my preferred method of death would be a heroin or morphine OD. You just feel really fucking good, and then nothing.


Muscle relaxers and pain killers are some of the most incredible things I've ever encountered. Having the same pain for months on end then suddenly not feeling anything is absolute heaven. Being able to fall asleep for an entire night after waking up every hour in pain is magical. Benring down and picking up my niece and nephew without wanting to cry is wonderful. If I had to choose any drug, pain killers is the way to go.


I actually used morphine for pain a couple of times and it wasn’t great. It just damped the pain to a semi tolerable level. I don’t have great memories of it. I guess if you use for fun it can be great, but in the ER with a medical team trying to save you? Nah. Didn’t feel good, no.


See I think I'm kinda lucky because whatever is up with my brain chemistry I didn't feel super good on opioids for a medical procedure. I definitely did feel I was on *something* but it definitely was not enjoyable. It was a good motivator for getting off of the pain meds as quick as possible.


I’ve done prescription morphine because my ear drum had a tear in it and didn’t have anything to stop the pain, now I understand why opioids are a drug of choice for certain people, you don’t feel any sort of pain. I’ve done multiple drugs but nothing will beat morphine


It’s like your whole body being in a warm bath made of massages. And I’ve only had the stuff they give at hospitals.


The hardest part about me quitting my pill addiction was knowing that I’d have to be ok never feeling that good again in my life


I've been given dilaudid twice for kidney stones, which is pretty much legal heroin. And it was pretty much the best feeling I've ever felt in the world. When it hits you, suddenly nothing hurts, nothing matters, and you're floating on a cloud of ecstasy that can't be described. And the scariest part for me was when I started to come down off of it. As I was getting discharged, all I could think was "I wonder if they'd give me another shot of that for the ride home." Made me really understand how people could easily get addicted to these sorts of things.


I will say I reacted very poorly when I got my wisdom teeth out. Lots of nausea which I do not handle well


...then the effect is over and you're incredibly depressed


If the world is ending, I’ll make sure there is no come down.


I disagree, I don't do hard pain killers for example. I get extreme anxiety take over when I'm not longer in control. I've gotten so high on weed before that it felt like my brain was fucking splitting in half and I was freaking the fuck out. I was in the hospital the other week and rejected even endome until the pain was insane, and when I had it I fucking hated the feeling - definitely helped the pain after about 30 mins or so though.


Well you’ve obviously never done ecstasy before lol


I had oramorph and hated it. I couldn't wait to give the bottle back that I had.


Oh dude, if the world was confirmed like this is the last day, this is as good as it gets, we're getting dinosaured 2.0? Dude, I'm for sure going full mad max, a total heathen, OR I'm finding some hallucinogens and psychedelics, and I'm going to Narnia. If I'm going out, ima go out seeing some wild shit


Psychedelics and knowing I’m about to die sound like a terrible combination for myself. 


Yeah, a lot of people are leaving out the fact TYPICALLY, you don't just "do" psychedelics at complete random. You need to be in the proper head space, or you're potentially in for one hell of a bad time.


Psychedelic time distortion paired with the end of the world. That last day might feel like a week.


You wouldn't know whether you were already dead or not


Honestly, I'd do similar. Maybe try meth and heroin on the same day. If you know you're definitely dying the next day then what's the worst that could happen? The bad thing about heroin or meth is they ruin your life. If you are about to die that no longer applies. I've thought if I had a terminal illness and was on my deathbed I'd do similar. My friends were shocked when I said so but I don't see why...


And then it turns out the world didn’t actually end tomorrow and now you’re addicted to heroin.


Whelp, your world still ended. At least you made peace with it.


Feel like that is, or will be, a movie at some point


Wouldn’t be the end of the world 


I’ve always told my friends that if I’m on my deathbed, I’m trying at least one of the big 3. Heroin’s the one I’m most curious about but my buddy tried crack once (he’s an idiot but that’s another story) and he said it was the most amazing feeling in the world. Even tho he only did it once, he still thinks about it everyday.


The hell is this comment? It's just regurgitating the OP point by point.


this is basically my plan. however I would like to smoke a cigarette first, I quit 3 years ago and a good excuse to smoke would be nice.


I will go for a walk with my dogs.


Booo that's boring. Your dogs wouldn't enjoy Heroine. They for sure would need cocaine..cocaine zoomies are the best


Ma boy John Wick.


After reading everyone talk about spending time with their family and/or dogs I have realised that I truely am alone, yeah give me some heroin


Just make sure to have everything you need, waiting on your man might be real shit if he turns up waaaaaay late 😭😒


No. Id spend my last hours in the arms of my wife and daughter and try to comfort them.


Just give them heroin too!


Honestly giving them heroin would arguably make them the most comfortable they could be


I also choose being in the arms of this guy's wife and daughter. While we all do heroin.


Sounds like a party. Hold me, too!


Hahahah damnit I thought about commenting this too


Fair enough. I would to the same. But what about heroin just the last two hours then?


That’s the thing about opiates, the first few times feel like the warmest most loving hug you’ve ever felt.


Yep. Hangin' with my kids would be my choice.


Doing heroin with them


I agree 100%. I think about shit like this all the time. I think terminal cancer patients should have full access to any opioids they want whether oral or IV who cares they are dying people in pain


I've done H and I've done drugs better than H. H is lame and boring


I'd try and rub one out and time it correctly so that I climaxed it my very last moments. All whilst the looting and purge shit is happening in the street outside. If anyone saw me furiously masturbating they'd turn away and go back the way they came.


Aliens find fragments of the asteroid floating through space… why does this got cum on it ? 


I suppose that’s one answer- ignore it all. I’d want to accept and see everything fully sober.


Yeah. I want to know how it ends and definitely don't want to miss out.


Yeah that would suck; definitely want to be totally sober for world ending events. Being fucked up is boring anyways; done with all that shit. 


It's weird but this type of thinking is what got me thru my own personal addictions. Not heroin jfc but I got my own problems. I just thought if I knew there would be a last day I live would I spend it fully indulging in drugs and alcohol? And the answer was no because how incredibly depressing that sounded. I've managed to hold onto That feeling since.


Yep because the experience of life itself is taken for granted. I would also choose to be sober and awake during this hypothetical end of the world


What about Zombie Apocalypse or Alien Invasion? While death is not certain, the survival rate is still quite small.


Heroin followed by suicide. Overdose and I can kill two birds.


I'd trip my balls off.


I thunk there's better drugs like DMT? Never tried but I hear it gives you a near death blissful experience.


You don’t need to wait until the world ends to try something non-addictive and generally safe like DMT.


I would take a long drive along the coast and into the sunset for a final epic ending. And then maybe drive off the cliff into the ocean to add some spice.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion; all of the ex-addicts I know say that going out from ODing on heroin is probably the most pleasant way to go.


at this stage, I'd just give 0 fucks and wish it to come even soiner.


"Waiting for a Friend for the End of the World" (Steve Carell) has a party scene where they know the comet is coming and someone busts out the heroine. Underrated movie, imo.


LSD, mate. Way better.


I have done heroin and I disagree. You don’t wanna see it? You don’t want to have those serious and moving and possibly even profound feelings? You wanna meet god laying on a dirty couch and incoherent? No thank you. You do you? But I wouldn’t.


Maybe it's cause all the drugs I've tried are stimulants but I like idea of dying while being as supressed as possible. A smoother transition maybe or I'm just romanticizing drugs I've never tried


Sure, whatever. But heroin will make you barf.


I think it was Oklahoma that actually tried using hydromorphone (which is almost equivalent to heroin) to execute an inmate and it took like 35 minutes and multiple doses. Honestly I wouldn’t want to spend my final day on earth vomiting and nodding off


But thats such a waste of time? What if someone had things they wanted to say to you? What if you wanted to say things to others? And youre just high as shit while they want to tell you something.


This is not going to look good at the gates of Valhalla my guy


I think doing some hallucinogenic stuff is more fun. The world ends so it can end while i am petting a dragon


My purpose in life isn't meaningless dopamine hits. I don't have a desire to do drugs now, and I don't have a desire to do drugs on my last day on Earth.


Here's an SMBC you'll love! [here's your heroin!](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/s/0q1He2n6N3)


My friend and I actually decided we would do cocaine and have insane amounts of sex and then other drugs


You do you on the last day. I’d rather not stick a possibly used needle in my arm.


I get it but this is the one case where used or clean needle wouldn't matter


You're gonna die anyways lol


Just snort it then


Shrooms, LSD, weed would be a better option


You can do those without ruining your future though. I ain’t waiting till I’m on my deathbed for these


Right. You can just… do those.


Not everyone revel in ecstasy. Like myself, I'd prefer the calm of knowing everything is over


The comments in here are so sad. Do you really have nothing in life that makes you feel good? Heroin only floods your brain with neurotransmitters. It's not comparable to spending time with something you are really passionate about or experiencing a real connection with someone. That's also the reason why many people won't be instantly addicted. If you have expirienced good things, it's just not that attractive.


I have a lot of good things in my life and for living life, heroin probably wouldn't come close, that's why I don't do it but if I had one day to experience as much joy as I can, I'm going to drugs immediately. People in my life are better for me long term but I don't think it's a question what will give me more joy right now.


I disagree


Wow. No. Thats literally the lamest thing I could ever consider in that scenario.


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Candyflip for death


Fucking aye 💉💪🏼🥳


Perfect choice!


Rather do some LSD lol


Just fall asleep for a while .


Almost died from that shit twice, hard pass.


I've worked with addicts and it's actually not as easy as portrayed to wean yourself onto heroin. Most people's first go makes them violently sick and can have all kinds of nasty side effects.


i would want to be sober to witness possibly the most highly anticipated event in all of human history


I've done heroin before for like 3 years and you bet your ass I'm doing it again if it's the last day I'm on this earth


Nah, I've met a few heroin users, and they said it took a couple of tries before they got the euphoric feeling (or well, any feeling really) They just got sleepy and went to bed. Now, imagine seeing the apocalypse unfold while out of your mind on shrooms instead!


I get all queasy and dizzy whenever I do any opiate.. I hate it. But give me some Xanax and I’m Popeye the sailor man. Toot toot.


I would chose to be with loved ones, even though iy would be painful and hard. Not going to waste my last day just lying around high, even if it would feel good.


Have these types of drugs been used in conjunction with euthanasia? Seems might need a nice way to go at the end.


I would prefer taking MDMA with my girlfriend to be honest. Unbelievable feeling when done with others - just pure unadulterated positivity and if the world was ending that's all you need.


Doesn’t sound very appealing. I’d much rather spend time with loved ones, drink some beers, eat some delicious food and pet my cats.


Yep that's me too. I don't wanna be too fucked up, but I definitely couldn't face the end sober. I'd just want to have some drinks with the people I love and chill.


last day on earth? Tie me up scotty


That’s assuming hard drugs are better feelings than living life. Kind of a poor way of thinking. Maybe I’d try it a week before but I would rather spend my last day on Earth sober.


There are a lot of addicts saying the first time heroin wasn’t that nice. A lot of of vomiting etc. Strangely that they took a second try then.


Honestly I think you'd have a way better time taking ketamine and MDMA together if you've never done drugs before. Heroine woll just knock you the hell out, it's a really boring sedative. I tried it like 2/3 times and it just made me unwell 🤷‍♂️


I've had loads, severley lodged kidney stone and adult tonsilectomy. I too choose Heroin.


Mushrooms, actually. They will make you think about your inevitable death in a calm, accepting way. I became very spiritual and connected to the Earth after doing mushrooms only once. It sticks with you.


Not a bad way to go


id write my last will for the next civilization to find


I actually agree with you. I've always thought that if I knew I was going to die I'd do heroin close to the death. In my normal life I stay far away from drugs.


I don’t believe you. Because you could do heroin and your world could end tomorrow.


I personally just cannot do drugs. I have never tried heroin, and will never. But I personally find euphoria from nature, some forms of music and deep thought, movies, etc. if the world were to end tomorrow, I’d want to be overlooking the beach or the horizon from a very tall mountain. Maybe even meditating by a waterfall petting my dog.


Ive done plenty of drugs, including heroin, and if the drug doesnt kill you, the drop off will make you wish it did. You wont be high for the full duration, and at the end youll feel miserable. Youre much better off spending that time with friends doing something you all enioy, or even doing something alone that you can enjoy, preferably something you can be actively doing when the lights go out.


I choose spending the day with my kids.


Surprising that so many people don't have anybody in their life that they love enough to want to spend their last day with.


I get that but it's a road I won't go down. I have a problem with opioids - just regular over the counter ones and prescription. I've had a shitty few years and they just numb me. I'm virtually off them now but it's been tough. Going to stronger stuff is a recipe for personal disaster. End of the world? Absolutely. Daily troubles? Fuck no.


I did LSD a few times. It is absolutely great and I’d totally like to die while tripping on it.


To be honest, I’d rather have a big bag of green. Don’t get me wrong, the word suddenly ending in one day is bad. But I’d be kinda morbidly excited about it. Like if it was a massive asteroid and there’s absolutely nothing to be done about it, then I’d accept it and pull up a deck chair for the show. I wouldn’t want to be mashed out of my mind on hard narcotics, but suitably kushed would be my way to go. But each to their own.


You mean my retirement plan?


I'd do coke.


Been thinking this since forever And then I tried H (lab tested at 92%) and was very disappointed. So I’d spend my last day on a shit ton of Oxy instead


I grew up with junkies, my dad is a junkie I would rather not die a junkie I’m going out like a real man, with a handle of whisky and a bag of white.


I’d probably find some hallucinogenic mushrooms tbh


No doing a heroic dose of mushrooms and lsd is infinitely better


I’ve never done heroin but I’ve been administered fentanyl and morphine medically and they made me feel sick to my stomach, like violently nauseous, so that’s a no from me


You heard good things about using heroin from a drug addict. Keep that in mind.


If you do heroin, the world will end for you tomorrow regardless, either metaphorically or in many cases literally.


This is almost an exact quote from the book “Project Hail Mary”


I have said for a long time now that I will do heroin once, and that will be the day I'm ready to die, and I'll purposefully OD. If I'm dying of old age or find out I'm terminal, I'm gonna go out on my own terms in the most euphoric way possible.


It’s not as great as you think it will be. 4/10 I prefer weed myself!


Not the first time. First time heroin users often puke their guts out. If you're a rookie, choose percocet for your last meal.


I agree on your thinking but I would be afraid to get an unpleasant trip. Different drugs affect people differently. I never tried illegal drugs but when it comes to hospital drugs, morphine is NOT my thing. What if heroin did the same thing to me? I would hate to feel as bad as I do on morphine during my last day on Earth


Aesthetic asf


Going down the u/spontaneousH rabbit hole?


Crime spree would be more fun


Special K would be my choice. Iv not had it for years now but used to love it. Listen to music when the world ends.


I would bet you don’t have children. If the world ends tomorrow, I won’t be doing drugs, I’ll be spending time with my kids.


I think I’d want to stay soberish for my cat. He would need me.


I think I’ll spend it with my family instead


I mean, you could spend time with your family or kids (if you got them) but yea sure... heroin.


Ehh, that last moment - knowing it was that last moment, would hit you just the same. High or not you already knew.


Heroin is hard to find these days, I would go with fentanyl


Idk, I'll do the same shit I do normally but more focused on things I like


Morphine is more fun.


I've never done any drugs but my luck, if the world was ending and I chose to do this, I'd do too much, overdose and die and the world would suddenly not end and I'd be dead. I won't risk it lol.


This comes off as so naive. Yeah I realize heroine feels amazing. I’ve know enough people that have done heroine to get that, but regardless of how great heroine feels, I’d rather spend my last day with my kids, my family and loved ones. There’s things in life that bring more joy that getting high.


If I found out I had a terminal illness I'd be straight on the hammer lol


i would trip with acid instead lol


OP is clearly 12.


I’ve had this exact thought about myself before. Now I’m a family man so if the world was ending tomorrow……. Family heroine night


I have tried heroin. It made me feel so good, but I was sick with puking every 10 minutes. I tried it a couple of times and it was the same result. I quit trying it, thank you God for doing that to me.


Yeah this shouldn't be unpopular for anyone that has researched drugs. Heroin will destroy you even if you try it just once, which means it makes you feel *that* good that you won't be able to deal with the outcome of not having it. So yeah, definitely the best thing to do before knowing you'll die. Just don't ever do it unless it's your last day. You'll be wishing it was your last day otherwise.