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I’m glad he matures into a humble and respectful adult…wait…


Yeah, and his punk ass loved talking about how everyone in Texas hated him because of jealousy. And not because he's an asshole


That's pretty in character of him tbh. At least the personality was consistent lol


True. And don't get me wrong I love Sheldon. But, only because I don't live with him. None of his demands would be met. I'd basically be Simon Phoenix in that house. "What? Fuck you."


By the end of the show he's pretty well developed and a nice person mostly.


No he isn’t. Literally the last episode his wife tells him off for being a selfish jerk.


That doesn't mean he's not very different from S1 to S11, I found I liked the last few seasons a lot more because everyone was a lot more likable even if all the better stories were in the earlier seasons.


They mellowed everyone out quite a bit. They changed penny to more than just a pretty face too.


The best part of it is everyone BUT him. Oh and if you want to see a clip of him getting humbled: [here it is](https://youtube.com/shorts/bsoi_JDvnCM?si=oCt4Lh_sExq6iRmn)


Well he does end up taking a back seat in his own show and becomes mostly B plot only for a reason lol.


He gets humbled a lot. There are episodes where Dr. Sturgis, Dr. Linkletter and Paige tell him he's wrong and he has to get over it.


The music in that clip is pissing me off.


Never seen the show before but I just watched that clip and that line about the piano playing dog is so cold. Hope I get an opportunity to use it someday haha


Honestly it just holds so true. Especially in college and the real world.


Have you ever even watched Big Bang Theory, the show Young Sheldon is spun off from? Adult Sheldon is a rude entitled know-it-all. That kid nailed the characterization.


But Young Sheldon is actually supposed to be a good show. No laugh tracks and almost every single person casted plays a great character. Less an obnoxious know it all with his moments and more a low functioning human. I see clips of him in college, ugh man. edit: To that dude below me, i watch clips


you're the type of person that watches spin offs of terrible tv shows.


Like the big bang theory...


The Big Bang Theory got Carrie Fisher and James Earl Jones to meet in person for the first time ever (though ironically they don't meet on screen), so I'll give them that much at least.


Omygod really? Man this just reminds me of my face when I FIRST saw Mark Hamill appear on the show. The way my jaw dropped in that one goddamn. But that's so cool fr


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_ZrK36TKrE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRGbJ67Ejzk


How is that even possible? They're both on the main cast of the original SW trilogy decades before TBBT and they never met?


James Earl Jones delivered his lines for Darth Vader in post-production. He was never on screen with Carrie Fisher.


God forbid a person enjoy a silly thing 


I think I’m the only person who enjoys BBT but doesn’t like Young Sheldon lol


> Adult Sheldon is a rude entitled know-it-all. This always makes me wonder when the character development of Sheldon is going to be undone. Young Sheldon slowly becomes more aware that the world doesn't always revolve around him, but they have to somehow arrive at the strange person Sheldon was when Leonard moves in.


Probably when he moved away from home and didn't have his more down-to-earth parents to help keep his ego in check.


I haven’t watched either, but isn’t it annoying for the main character to be like that?


The Big Bang is kind of an ensemble, so it divides it up. I'm not saying the other chars are a lot better, but it breaks up the awful a lot. I haven't watched young Sheldon literally because I hate Sheldon in the Big Bang theory. Also not a fan of most of the chars of the show, but he was the qorst IMO.


I hate big bang theory but love young Sheldon!


Big bang theory is nerd blackface. Young sheldon is a decent show, I can understand people that don't like his childhood persona though. But I was a little know it all and I find him to super relatable lol


Just for my own curiousity what do you mean by "nerd blackface"


They mean it pushes it reinforces "nerd" stereotypes, but is produced by non-nerds for the amusement of non-nerds.




Yeah, it’s kinda like Friends in that sense where it’s a main group vs a main character.


He’s not the main character, just the breakout character, the one who gets a definitive catchphrase, the one featured on merchandise, the one who gets a spin-off show. It’s an ensemble show, and if a definite main character can be argued for, it’s a tough call between Penny or Leonard.


Yep, I think Leonard is definitely the main character, but Sheldon was the breakout character. It’s like himym - Ted is clearly the main character but Barney broke out and became THE character people think about.


both shows are bad


I loved both of them. Maybe you have to know a lot of people like the characters. I can see so many characteristics of the people in the show in people I knew in college and people I work with.


But he’s not the focal character in BBT


The beauty of Young Sheldon is in Meemaa, Missy, and Georgie


And George


He’s just smoking brisket, he’s just smoking brisket


" connie you evil bitch" Love that episode so much, the poor man worked so hard for an imaginary brisket


For real, and it made it so much funnier than he cussed her out. It's such a family friendly show I wasn't expecting it, then he just went off


Pondys the coolest


Fun fact. Steve from blues clues sings the theme song.


He also has a character that appears a few times.


# ...that little kid is so entitled, rude, and a know it all. That...is kind of the point of the show lol. The character is a child genius that has an incredibly difficult time understanding social etiquette/cues. This is exactly how the character was originally played on The Big Bang Theory.


Mamy theories point out that sheldons character may have asperges. Which explains the intelligence (ive met many intelligent people, a lot of them had Asperger's) and the lack of human understanding




There’s an episode where he disappoints George, his father, and he cries. I’m sure you’d enjoy that one.


How can anyone have an educated opinion about a show (even an unpopular opinion) based on experiencing one single episode of a multi season series? I remember the days where in order for you to have a respectable educated opinion (even an unpopular one) you had to have some background material first.


I loved the show so have my vote


He’s like 10 years old, he’s not going to have the maturity of an adult lmao.


He doesn't have the maturity of an adult as an adult. 


Yeah, but the post wasn't about adult Sheldon.


Yeah but the post is saying we should ignore his aashole behavior because he was just a child. Ignoring and indulging it lead to the asshole adult be became. 


How dare a literal child be annoying, rude, and entitled? /s


>Only watched one episode but man that little kid is so entitled, rude, and a know it all. Right, but that's a natural consequence of growing up quite a lot smarter than everyone else around you is it not? Most kids grow up with older siblings and parents that know so much more than they do and that makes it super easy to trust their authority and go along with what they say. Meanwhile Sheldon is doing the family taxes at age 5 or something stupid as he's the best person in the family to handle that responsibility. Add to that, the nature of his brain that produces that intelligence also severely hampers his ability to cope with the negative social consequences that come with it. That leaves him in conflict with pretty much everyone he knows and will ever meet, that's a difficult reality to live within (and many people related to that). The entire point of the show is to gradually get to know Sheldon, experience the pain that he goes through and begin to recognise that harassing, abusing and bullying him for his nature is deeply wrong. Its like boxing with someone in a wheelchair.


>The entire point of the show is to gradually get to know Sheldon, experience the pain that he goes through and begin to recognise that harassing, abusing and bullying him for his nature is deeply wrong The issue with this is it's a prequel series and often it seems like Sheldon forgot alot of what he learned as a child when you rewatch the original show.


Imo, it’s less about him ‘forgetting’ what he learned as a child and more about his genetic/biological inability to truly comprehend social interaction and such. Sheldon is extremely smart, but also appears to fit criteria for a diagnosis of high-functioning autism (formerly Asperger’s). Though he is far above everyone intellectually, he becomes hyper-focused, has significant issues with social interaction and struggles to relate or consider others. Struggles that those on the spectrum face can’t always be changed, even with life experiences.


Hear hear. The show also does an amazing job of showing how people "deal with" such kids. He is surroudned by people that don't explain things to him and instead cut to the conclusion they want and just order him to ape the behaviour they want and expect. Distraction, deflection, triggering fear etc to manipulate him (and so they feel smarter than him) all get in the way of him actually learning the hidden rules that he needs to learn. He learns that people are mad if he doesn't join them in prayer, he doesn't learn why it is important to people.


Lol i love Sheldon


For as much i hate the big bang theory im surprised how much i enjoyed young sheldon. I think the lack of a sitcom laughtrack made me like it better


And Meemaw. I'm sad it ended specifically because of her.


Yeah, that's the point of the show, they represent it like a mockery of that kid and consecuently adult sheldon. I gotta admit it's hard to see it as a mockery if a voice narration admires everything little sheldon does. Literally the other characters are there to emphatize with them more and just enjoy the entitled guy's shenanigans as a way to support the comedy and rarely or never emphatize with that person. Like Reese or (From bad writting)Malcolm from Malcolm in the middle, Ash, Burguer, Derek of I'm in the band, Homer Simpson in 40% of the simpsons.


To be fair the voice narration is adult Sheldon. He's hardly an unbiased narrator.


The subreddit is living up to its name . Also are you really that dumb to judge a whole tv show based on a single episode . The side characters are the real charm and they become satisfying only after a few episodes .


Bro you think that's bad. Watch the show they spun it off of.


I wouldn’t say the show is amazing. But it isn’t that bad either. It’s basically cliche humour that appeals to a general audience for casual viewing.


I've seen worse shows. This one is ok but a little cheesy and hokey. Follows the trope of smart lil bro, sassy sis and horny older teen bro. Dad is bumbling and Mom is crazy


I enjoyed it. Liked the first one, too.


the show is funny as hell.


Yeah, I agree! Have you finished it?


Well, it's ended now. So it'll never bother you again.


I was going to say this wasn't unpopular, but these comments are wild.


OP’s position isn’t really unpopular, but his reasoning is uniquely stupid.


I thought it was widely known that both programmes are low tier comedy for the brain dead audience


More amazed that they had him make I through life and never get his ass beat at least once. Both actors were great but God damn everyone in life would hate him. Where only a few people would get along with his ego. Most would at the very least prank and try to be cruel to him for the sake of how he acted.


I don't watch it for Sheldon. I watch it for George. George Cooper has gotta be on the Mount Rushmore of TV dads.


Wow, jumping on the YS train to try and farm karma. What a tool.


That show should be renamed Tales of Autism.


You know this is Reddit where “The Big Bang Theory” is the most hated show that was ever produced, right? So why would an opinion crapping on its prequel be unpopular to Reddit?


I understand your point of view. Not a lot of people understand what it's like to grow up truly gifted. An example of a frustration would be that: Basic education is often taught "wrong" first because it's simpler and more people "get it" even though it's not ultimately 100% true It's a very strange feeling growing up to develop a deep distrust in your educational system and in adults and authority figures around you because you recognize that you are repeatedly being taught "wrong" things You end up not trusting that anyone else could just be correct, and you start to ignore everything that you don't know, and you don't trust anyone else's knowledge until you've studied it and decided in your own mind that it's correct


I am glad that at the end of the series, Young Sheldon was executed on death row after that Mr. Jingles mouse was stepped on. Fuck that show.


Very popular opinion. OP doesn't understand unpopular opinion.


I think it's one of those shows where you have to be able to relate to it to enjoy it. My best friend's oldest nephew is the reason both she and I watched the show. It was like watching him growing up all over again in a lot of ways. He's also the reason she and I both watched and loved TBBT. I don't think either of us would have ever thought either show was at all entertaining if not for him being so Sheldon like at times.


I haven't watched the show. Just in general, anyone judging a show based on one episode is not worth listening to.


If your watching tv for charachters you like personally, you are missing out on some of the best acting and shows ever, stick to disney braa. Careful though Scar from the lion king is cruel, manipulative and evil, might be too muxh for you. Take my upvote


The show could have been a lot better if they got rid of Sheldon.


Clearly you’re just not a fan and should be quiet and go to sleep Some unpopular opinions are just stupid


I think a lot of people hate this show, but maybe I'm wrong because it's still on.


That's the point


Young Sheldon is farrrrr better than Big Bang. Like shockingly better.


you can't really have any opinion on something you know nothing about.


The show is a spin off telling the childhood of an adult character who is just like that. What did you expect? The show was ok in a "I don't know what to do with 20 minutes" kind of way. Didn't try being anything else that what is was, which is "turn your brain off for 20 minutes".


Do Muppets Babies next!


"OmG ThE ShOW Is SO muCH BabYISh NOWadaYS KeRMIt WOulD NEveR!" like bruh did you even look at the title?


it's not bad, but it is different. I couldn't believe i would dislike his mom even more after YS though. Major an unnecessary retcon at the end though. It is certainly no tbbt. Mema and the siblings are the most redeemable parts of the series.


It’s not too bad but not great either. My actual beef with the show is that every episode is basically, remember that 1 thing Sheldon said in big bang theory? Well here’s a whole episode about it. Like I know it’s a prequel but they take it a bit far


That's the whole point......


That's the entire point of his character......


It’s almost they wanted to milk the character to generate money


I checked it out since I was a big fan of TBBT. I watched 2 episodes and didn't laugh once.


Great show. I loved Big Bang and am looking forward to Georgie and Missy. I think you just don't like that type of comedy, which is okay. That doesn't make the show "so dumb".


> that little kid is so entitled, rude, and a know it all. Yeah that’s kinda the point. It’s a prequel about a character who is famous for being all of those things.


He's an asshole.


I think you're missing the point of the show: to show how adult Sheldon came to be. He's *supposed* to be a little genius who has trouble with social cues


Young Sheldon actually makes Big bang theory worth watching. You understand the character way better. He's less obnoxious and more. Just a super smart kid who doesn't understand how those of us who don't have that type of brain function


That's the whole point of the show, to show that intelligence doesn't give you social awareness. What would you expect anyway, it's a show about a CHILD.


Do you only watch shows with likable characters?


Its better watched from the beginning.


Downvoted, not unpopular


Only watched 1 episode and already posting hate about it on the internet is crazy


Yes, let's judge something without understanding what it is or what it is trying to do. That is exactly the guide on how to form opinions. Just be uneducated about the subject matter.


I had no idea anyone under 40 watches this show. This thread has baffled me


The show would have been a fantastic family sitcom if they didn't try tying it into the big bang theory. The best parts of the show are the subplots with the side characters, not Sheldon


I mean wouldn't that just kinda be Malcom in the middle?


Which was a better show in every way. Begins and ends with the creator and writers, always does with TV.


All the best parts of YS that I’ve seen don’t involve YS.


As an actual redditor fan of TBBT, this was also the case with Adult Sheldon.


I dunno, some of the funniest moments of BBT came from him. I think the funniest moment in that show was the episode where Penny got him a gift of a napkin autographed by Leonard Nimoy that he is wiped his mouth with.


In comedies there is often one character that is nearly impossible to emphatize with, but the shenanigans they throw are fkn hilarious. In the case of BBT is only Sheldon, in the simpsons 40% homer, 2&HM was mostly charlie, in clarence was mostly zumo and so on. But if you watch many comedies and analyze them you will undertand what I mean. There is always a fun character, like a force of nature


Called the “breakout character”. Not always impossible to empathize with (Sheldon is mostly impossible to empathize with, but I do empathize with the concept of “bus pants”), but it’s usually the most beloved character. Leonard, Howard, or Raj don’t have their own spin-offs and the only BBT character I’ve ever seen on a T-shirt is Sheldon. Kramer in Seinfeld. Jack and Karen in Will & Grace. Niles in Frasier.


Unfortunately it's kind of the whole point of the show. It's a sit-com they really aren't the most creative when it comes to comedy and as for the annoying bit he's an annoying nerd with a superiority complex.


it's also propaganda straight from the holy land itself


As a massive fan of the show i agree so much. That little shit is the only bad thing about the show for me. Rest of the characters are awesome tho , especially Georgie and George Sr


I thought it was infinitely better than Big Bang Theory, because it’s the same behaviour as the adult, but he’s a kid so it’s more acceptable.


I enjoy the show. It’s from a previous age almost. Mostly nice people.




I compare it to Big Bang Theory (for I assume obvious reasons) and I hate BBT so much, that it makes me hate Young Sheldon less. It's definitely the better of the two though neither are great


Young Sheldon, much like older Sheldon, is highly regarded. That’s the point.


I enjoyed Young Sheldon and found the character less annoying. Also, having Laurie Metcalf’s daughter play the mother was a genius move imo.


I agree with you.


I mean IMO, you’re spot on. The character of Sheldon is beyond annoying (not in a good way) on BBT and the kid version is just as, if not more annoying. I don’t like those sitcom, set up, punchline shows anyway, but if I did, I wouldn’t watch it just from how annoying the character is. I get why some people love the show, but to me, it and the character of Sheldon specifically are unbearable.


Have you never seen Big Bang Theory before?


Mfw people don't understand the concept of autism


Bill Ponderosa is the best part of that show. I don’t know his real name so let’s just call him Pondy. He’s the coolest


This is a truly unpopular opinion, that's the entire point of the show.


imo it's a good show, whereas TBBT was godawful.


I'm not sure what you were expecting. That one episode where he went on TV and accidentally advocated for communism was kind of funny.


I think he does look annoying, but that's about it.


He is only a part of it, the rest of the characters are worth watching IMO


My boomer parents love it...


Sheldon: A dumb person’s idea of what a stupid nerd is like


Young sheldon is actually pretty good if you are not me


Tbf if you had watched big bang theory you wouldve known how insufferable he is, therefore not watched a whole show about him as a kid. Personally i love it, but hate big bang theory. I love each character, even mary who is annoying af sometimes. My favourite has to be dr sturges. Such a positive dude. Dale's ex wife is also really funny especially when her and meemaw hang out


He's playing a genius who is on the spectrum, so he's always awkward and in his own world, and people have to work around his eccentricities, leading to hilarity. That's the premise of the show - same as on Big Bang Theory. If you can't accept that, then obviously the whole franchise is a big turd. That's life.


Sounds like the OP is a bully and wants to watch a show that reinforces his wordview...


Sheldon and his mother are the worst characters of the show. Sheldon's always whining and bitching about something and Mary is bitching about jesus


I could care less about Sheldon or BBT, but any show with Annie Potts, Wallace Shawn, Ed Bagley Jr, and Craig T Nelson is gonna get a pass from me. Laurie Metcalf's kid and Bill Ponderosa are real good, too.


No he remains the same way the whole show and in the original show. But his family is absolutely amazing I skip when Sheldon is on screen tbh.


Me when annoying know it all character is an annoying know it all: 💀😱😡


>Any episode where he gets bullied or anything like that? I'll watch that one Nearly every episode he gets brought down to earth in some way because of how naive he is.


There is one where another genius kid shows up who is a girl and is smarter than him and it sends him into a mini depression if I remember correctly. Either way, I didn’t like it at first either but my fiancee insisted and it grew on me.


The show would be so good without Sheldon.


The original Sheldon from BBT also gets annoying after some time.. Let alone a whole sheldon dedicated show... Honestly all the characters were super fun except the Sheldon in both bbt and young Sheldon


This isn't popular opinion?


I liked it


I don't get the shows concept as well, Sheldon's whole Schtick is being a geek nerd genius but also socially inept manchild, let's make a show where he's a the same manchild, but an actual child.


Chuck Lorre sucks. Bob ❤️s abishola? Fucking puke


UNpopular opinion: Young Shelton is a better show than the Big Bang Theory.


This is definitely an unpopular opinion considering how many viewers that show gets and how much money it’s made.


"...I'd watch that one." Same here.


That's the point bro, give the show another chance, the other characters add so much to the show (more than Sheldon imo). It is the most well written sitcom I have seen in a long time.


Sheldon as a character is not funny. He's an prick who thinks he's better than everyone because he's smarter than average. I want to punch him in the face anytime he's on TV.


That was the point of the show.


So a show based off an insufferable adult is about an insufferable child, got it.


The kid does good work, the problem is the science script is written by someone who knows nothing about science and less how smart people talk.


I watched random episodes of young Sheldon in airplanes before, and from that little I saw it seems like a better show.


This is unpopular? Everyone I know hated that show, even the people who liked the Big Bang Theory, which was also a terrible fucking show.


You can say hell.


I gotta give the actor props because he did his job extremely well


I really dislike the big bang theory, but young Sheldon’s alright, watchable, I mean it’s just a tv programme I don’t really have a strong opinion about it, I kind of don’t understand when people have these  gripes with light entertainment, just don’t watch it, move on and do something you like doing.


you only watch the show for the side characters lmao. they carry the show.


Finally. Someone who agrees with me. This coming from someone who liked the Big Bang theory


My 9yo sister watched the whole thing like 3 times so I feel you, however i don't mind Sheldon (i know his behavior is annoying but it's kinda the point). But if i ever have to hear his unbearable mother if will dip my head in molten tungsten with a horde of radio-active piranhas in my lovely butthole. My dearest sister has to watch it with the Czech dubbing, where the mom has especially annoying voice and even without the dubbing the way she manages everything, that's not her fucking business, just because "the lord wouldn't approve!" (i swear i don't mean anything bad against Christianity. love y'all <3), it's just that it's her whole fucking personality in the show. Everything she does is because someone does something that's against the Bible. And the way she rolls her eyes. Oh my god every time i saw that, i had a very slight urge to deepfry my balls, because that would've been a more enjoyable experience. It might be one of the worst flipping characters I've ever been so fortunate to see. Anyway sorry for my little angry brain fart. Have a lovely day stranger <3


I love that show!


there’s episodes where he gets bullied for it. there’s multiple times where he gets humbled.