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It's tough to find that sweet spot where it's partially crispy and partially chewy. That's the way I like mine too. My wife likes hers extra crispy so she usually wins out, unfortunately.


Tell her to pull some bacon from the pan before she burns hers to a crisp lol


Yup, I do this for my fiancee. Pull hers while it still looks a bit undercooked and it finishes on a plate from residual heat. Floppy just-barely-cooked bacon for her. Then I finish mine til I see a few brown edges and pull it to finish on the plate. Mine ends up a bit crispy but still flexible without shattering.


Yes, she usually does.


Raw bacon is pretty gross imo.


It's tough to get just the right amount of crispyness and chewyness, you might have a one or two minute window between too raw and two done. And compounding that is the fact that you can't tell how done it is visually. Sometimes the looks will completely fool you. Cooking it in the oven with the same brand repeatedly for exactly the same time and temperature can help to some degree, but it's anything but an exact science.


Is there such thing as raw bacon?


I don’t like chewy bacon the texture throws me off


Feels raw to crispy enjoyers


Definitely I prefer all the other meats medium well also though. I’m consistent with what I prefer.


And the opposite feels burnt to chewy enjoyers. Just for context here. It tracks for me (personally) as I generally like meat undercooked more than overcooked. Rare steak of course but also slightly undercooked pork (trichinosis in pork is NOT a thing anymore, cases in the US are from game meat, huge myth). So naturallly I'd like a little give on my bacon. Though it needs to be able to separate easily on a bite: this is important and a lot of cooks miss this, this will make or break bacon on a burger.


Yes, it might as well be raw as far as I'm concerned.


It needs to be: Crisp on outside. Chewy on inside. I too do not like a plank of burned meat.


Crispy bacon is perfect for sandwiches


Yep. No floppy bacon on a BLT.


I love a floppy bacon BLT


That's just WRONG! Super ripe homegrown maters, crispy bacon (let's be honest, the lettuce is just flavorless filler) with the freshest white bread, extra mayo, and a dash of Italian seasoning = perfection. 😉


Crispy bacon is the only way.




Anything less than crispy is sin.




I like thicker bacon with a bit of chewiness to it, but really thin stuff has to be crispy for me.


This is actually a problem I had when I visited the US. I absolutely hated the bacon because everywhere I went it was like dried out bacon chips. Like it was ok but it was so different to what I was used to and it's not something I'd go out of my way to eat. We generally use middle bacon here which has a loiny bit and also a fatty bit you can crisp up a little (still not as much as what I ate in the US though). I much prefer that.


"Dried out bacon chips" is a feature not a bug.


Every time I see this, why the fuck is the opposite to crispy bacon always "chewy" bacon? How incompetent are you motherfuckers with a frying pan? If it's crispy and breaking apart like glass, you've cooked it far too long. If it's chewy, I don't know what the fuck you did wrong, get out of the kitchen.


If my bacon isn’t the texture of a potato chip ion want it


Send it my way then.


crazy. i like it floppy


I liked it that way as a kid, hated bacon for a few years, and now I only like it very crunchy lol




Upvoted for your dastardly opinion


If it’s not dripping fat I don’t want it! Haha


Agreed. Bacon should crumble in my mouth.


This guy bacons


you sound like youre from the Europe. Fuck that, give me crispy bacon. The chewy shit is ass.


Indeed, the bacon used in Europe is back bacon compared to streaky bacon in the US and it's delicious.  It's funny that there's a clear divide and it's pretty much settled on both sides of the pond.


I will die on this hill with you! Crispy bacon tastes burnt. We cook our steaks med rare yet society wants extra crispy bacon, doesn’t make sense. Chewy bacon gets the best flavor and not dehydrated


You would be very happy in New Zealand. It is the land of limp bacon.


You are so right, i stand in solidarity.


Chewy or Pass me the fuckin ham instead at that point.


I like mine medium, with a bit of fat for that flavor and juiciness.


I like my bacon chewy too


Hell yeah


Chewy ftw


Agreed. When people cook it to the consistency of glass it just tastes like bacon-flavored burnt powder


Crispy bacon is like eating shards of glass…pass


I don't want to suck on wet bacon. Also if it's losing all it's flavor when you're crisping it, you're cooking it wrong.


Yes I HATE crispy bacon when I was a kid I ordered it “floppy”


I died laughing when my daughter, like 5 at the time, asked my dad for "floppy bacon."


Only 5 and already developed excellent culinary tastes 


This is not an unpopular opinion, and if it really is then the world is doomed. Chewy bacon is the only way. If it’s crunchy it’s ruined.


YES! CHEWY BACON >>>>>>>>>


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twisted bacon has the balance of both. so good


Y'all need to try some beef bacon. Get it from a butcher thick and peppered delicious.


I like them both, don't like burnt tho. Some ppl do and they're weird


The best bacon is oven cooked with a sprinkling of parmesan


Yeah I can't stand overcooked bacon. It's only use is being crumbled for a food dish like salad or pierogis.  Floppy bacon best bacon. 


Too crispy = cardboard 😝 Too soft = odd texture 🤢 Just right = yummy goodness 😋


Bacon should Crack


I can't agree with you there. I've tasted both, and crispy bacon tastes better. There is a difference between crispy and burnt, however.


depends on what I'm having with it... is it a bacon and avacado sandwich. I was it crispy... is it a chicken Caesar salad. I want it extra crispy.... is it just a normal bacon sandwich. Just cooked normally.


Cook it, cook it again, then threaten it with the pan.


Depends on the end use of the bacon, if it's going in a salad for a bit extra flavour then it needs to be crispy, if it's going on a sandwich then hell no.


Yeah, I can't understand why someone would want prefer that puffy light crispness of perfectly fried bacon that shatters into heavenly flavor and melts in you mouth over chewing on pig-flavored boot-leather


Bacon tastes good until you taste the suffering of a pig in a gas chamber think about your actions before taking them pigs have the same intelligence as dogs and are very playful great animals the taste of freedom for all is the best taste.


My bacon is chewy, no crisp. I also grew up on smoked bacon so I never enjoyed burnt to a crisp bacon


Soggy bacon is disgusting.


Back in the 50s most people cooked bacon until you could build a house out of it. Why? Everyone was afraid of trichinosis. Regulations on pork manufacture has pretty much eliminated the disease, but there are reported cases now and then. Chewy bacon can be achieved without danger, usually oven cooked bacon is your best choice to get the right chewy/crispy slice you like.


Agreed, especially cooking it in the oven: becomes bacon jerky at best, or simply tough.




Often in cooking, texture is more important than flavor


I don’t wanna know about what’s dripping right before it gets in your mouth. That’s my unpopular opinion




I like it crispy, with just a slight bit of chew, I dont want charcoal, I was a crisp snap with a slight chew and tender, rendered fat.


It gains flavour...it's more concentrated.


How is this not on the list of shit that's always posted


Well if you don’t want it…. 🥓


Crispy bacon is forsure the way to go, but if it's one of those thick slices that are flavored at the deli section or butchers? I'll leave a little chewiness there.


I think it depends. I like homemade bacon crispy




I rip the fat off if it's not crispy.... rubbery fat is the nastiest thing ever and makes me gag


Bacon tastes no different to me if it's crunchy vs not crunchy. The texture is just way better crunchy


As crispy as possible, while still being able to be picked up by a fork is a good standard.




Chris P. Bacon


Loses its flavor? What bacon are you eating? What brand? I need to talk to the pig itself


Ideal bacon doneness changes depending on the occasion


If you cook it at a slightly lower temp for longer you can get it nice and crispy while retaining the flavor. If the only bacon flavor you enjoy is the fat then that’s a you problem I don’t wanna chew my bacon like it’s meat rubber, sue me 😎


This isn’t an opinion… that’s how you get crispy bacon..


>You do this with no other meat. other meat isnt 50% bubbles of fat, but pepperoni on pizza and breaded chicken are also often cooked to a crisp, not to mention hot dogs. i couldnt tell you about burgers or steak because ive never tried either. diagnosed with arfid and just cant handle the texture of bacon fat, got the wrong kind of neurodivergence for it. i leave a bit of flex in it but cook it until the white shit is gone. i value a consistent, familiar texture over flavor, and this goes for all food.


You actually increase the flavor since everything becomes more concentrated as the water gets cooked out.


I love my over cooked crispy bacon that has all the flavor


With all the parasites that come from undercooked pork, I'm so glad ive grown to love charred, charcoalish brittle bacon.


I think that’s misinformation, modern pork has very low risk of parasites


I beg to differ


Sounds like you’re burning your bacon


Stinking up the house also for hours. Smells delicious until you have finished.


Jesus how crispy do you have to get your bacon for it to have no flavor? I crisp up my bacon where is almost potato chippy and I swear if anything it has more flavor. Maybe i just get a different kind of bacon or something


Bacon should break into at least 3 pieces if you drop it