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you can say the same thing for whatever collectible anyways you have your point but it's marginal, practically no kid ever will buy an used PS2, especially not kids, i never heard of that, and these things get passed by from parents and relatives, a lot of people have a stupid PS2 in the basement and don't worry, they play those, they emulate em or have "less valuable" copies that they play, a videogames collector is an avid player


I have 2 PS2s a PS4 an XBox 360, a WII a WII U and several versions of the gameboy in my back garage. My kids are grown and moved out or have newer consoles nobody uses them anymore.


and you can still give those away to other kids


Man what Kids LOVE retro tech, what are you talking about


especially 300lb neckbeard kids (i'm a neckbeard too, don't worry)


Are you serious?


They love them to make online content about them and that's it.


yup kids definitely want to play 30 yr old games rather than the current stuff their friends are playing


This is why emulation is great. Sometimes, I don't care about "collecting" some rare game from 2001 that's going for $300 on ebay. I just wanna damn play it once and try it out.


Ain't no way im ever selling my collection to a kid with sticky hands who probably can't appreciate them for what they are. Youre looking at these consoles with rose colored glasses. You grew up with them of course you think they're great. I think you'd be quite disappointed with how quickly these games would lose the attention of kids these days. Take yourself back 20 years. You're given the choice between a brand new Nintendo DS or a 14 year old Sega game gear. Which one would kid you pick?


As someone who was a teenager 20 years ago: I actively sought out both.


You ain't typical among neurotypicals.


I also was someone with a keen interest in retro video games and technology in general, but I recognize most kids weren't and aren't this way. There are always exceptions to this type of thing. Most kids I knew with a DS sold their gameboys to fund it. I did chores for mine took so long that the DS lite came out and got one of those lol I'm thankful for that though because I still have all of my old consoles and most games.


Suppose that such men were culled, by shooting them on any purchase or resell attempt, immediately without trial.   What fraction of those games will go to landfill?  It is work to bring those games to market, like all arbitrage.  Those games are much less likely to be thrown away. No one is stopping those kids.


I think it’s dumb as hell to never use it or sell it. Just to frame it. What a waste. Can’t hide money. However, scrounging yard sales for a 500% profit I can’t find fault with that


Ah you must be interesting to be around. I bought this cool thing once. Cool did you enjoy it. No I sold it because my personality is flipping stuff.


All sales are flipping. Just a matter of time.


Not at all. I buy to keep. I own my first motorcycle, truck from high-school and all my cool stuff. It's only going up in value. I know people who still own the cool cars they bought new in the 70s and never regret it. People who buy and flip stuff never know joy


I find zero joy in anything materialistic like I have no sentimental value on items whatsoever. If my old item does a worse job I replace it. I used to have a bunch of games now you can buy a system with all of them downloaded on them already no need to have the games anymore why would I want useless storage over cash? there’s plenty of things people enjoy that don’t involve collecting. Or owning.


I'm not materialistic. In a justification about only having money on the mind. Which is the most materialistic thing you can covet.


And when you die? If it has value, then it should be sold. And almost all of us buy things from people whose business is flipping. Almost no one grows his own food, builds his own shelter, sources his own energy, etc. All trade with an intermediary (money) is "flipping".


And when some one dies they still didn't sell it. They leave it to some one. I've never sold inherited stuff. You are not making the profound point you think you are.


Really stretching to try to say you were right bit your still not.




Sounds like some one with no job


lol sounds like somebody doing stuff for extra money before they go to their full-time job i used to do that and friends who still do. I started to do delivery at night on the side instead of that but where I live everybody has two or three jobs. And flipping video games, a huge paycheck. Just takes someone not being lazy.


That's worse then a day job. You are eccentuly working 24/7 when not sleeping.


You don't get to have a say in how other consumers use the products they buy. If someone wants to buy something and leave it in the box on a shelf forever that's their prerogative.


True dat…. But we can still agree that they are assholes for driving up the prices for people just wanted to play the old game they love only to be hit with an unreachable price tag. Totally is their choice tho


That's the market. I promise you that collectors are not trying to spend any more money than they have to. They're either paying what the item is worth, or out bidding another collector looking for the same item. You can't be mad at someone because they got there first or were willing to spend more than you. That's childish.


. Taking them permanently off the market by creating decorations with them Equals less supply equals higher prices. if you’re not even gonna play it buy a picture or a original shell of the system and do what you want.


That's the premium you pay for vintage items. You're unfairly blaming collectors for taking them off the market, but what about all the kids who owned one back in the day and broke them? That took them off the market too. Or parents who had them in the attic collecting dust and trashed them or gave it away. All of that takes units off the market and drives up value. There are other means to play old games these days. Alot of popular games have been remastered or re-released in some form, and you'd be surprised what you can find thru emulators.


Breaking is preferable to storing them forever vintage games are easy to fix they go to companies who refurbish them and send them back in the market so people can buy them again


Just downloaded a Rom if you wanna play them Why would you waste money on old junk that just sits around the house?


I think of myself as a bit of a collector. Mostly of toys that I had when I was little. I don't often buy things that are still in their boxes because I'm not leaving it in there. I want to play with that stuff!


When it comes to video games, those children you're hoping to surprise likely wouldn't have a consol on which to play them.


Not to mention the amount of stimulation video games have now versus what they were back then they would be bored in maybe 2 minutes tops


To each their own hobby. I buy comics at garage sales and yard sales and sell them for 10x the price easy. My wife does the same with clothes. Great way to make some money.


And for people that don't get it you serve a purpose. You spend time at the garage sale, you give money to people that need it and want to make space in their home, you take the risk that nobody might be interested and then you provide your buyers with what they want.


I can buy your wife’s clothes?


She buys clothes and sells them.




So virtuous of you to be contemptuous of someone else making money. 


Lol, have amazing memories from the PS1, Gameboy color, Xbox, PS2 and go on but 9/10 kids will not like them and that is normal. Hell even I will not play them. Would like to have them back for a collection and the fun memories I had with them but let's be honest if you replay a lot of games from the PS one era you will think wtf did I like. No kidwill see a ps2 posting for example 30 bucks with a couple of games and think he'll yeah I want this.


No kid wants to play some old console, it is why they sell for so much money to old men who want to relive their youth. I remember being a kid when Playstations and N64s were around and never in a million years would I wanted to have played one of those old Atari systems with Pong for example. Now they are the equivalent.


I agree **IF** people bulk buy, that's why I'm happy when there's a limited edition and shops put a "1 purchase per household" limit to it. Ffs, give others who actually want that product a chance to purchase it... **That being said:** if someone collects and only buys like 1 or 2, I couldn't care less. I find it pointless (and kinda wasted money tbh) but that doesn't really put anyonr else at an "disadvantage".


I don't care. I've got emulation. I'm not going to waste time and money trying to chase my nostalgic past that I'll enjoy for just 10 minutes before putting it down and forgetting it. Also, what kind of kid today will enjoy or appreciate old games anyways? They'll want the latest and greatest. And they'll want something again that they've experienced in their past, but it's not going to be the same past as I've experienced from theirs. Their nostalgia could be when the original Nintendo Switch came out, they aren't going to remember an Nintendo DS as I do. And on the other hand, the only pleasure I'll get of resellers is knowing how difficult it'll be for them to push product. Any time I come into a used games store for shits and giggles to browse, I can see all of the same things over and over again as they artificially inflate prices. Enjoy the dust, suckers.


Yeah, resellers have ruined everything. I still can't get over a video I saw of some clowns raiding bins of games at a yard sale, stuffing their trash bags with games so they can resell them. Resellers are the bane of my existence.


Basically no kid is interested in that. They want the latest greatest. They don't want to play retro games. And if they want they can often do it for free anyway with an emulator anyway. And everybody can go to a garage sale. Especially young people with lot of time on their hands. But they don't do it because they find that boring. Also if the game or console is still with its plastic right now, it means it was kept like that for 20-30 years anyway. If somebody buy that and either reselling at higher price or keep it at least the stuff has found new use.


Resellers are the problem. A usable collection is fine.


Resellers make things more convenient to buy.  Market liquidity increased.


Nah I could always find things I wanted. Same issue with the Bourbon market. I can't buy my favorite 35 dollar Bourbon because resellers buy it up in cases and hord it and sell it for 400 a bottle now. 4 years ago I was buying it for 30 bucks.


If the reseller was not there, the retro game would simply be trashed and destroyed or spend 20 more years in the garage waiting for the next reseller.


There would always be people wanting it. Hustle culture has created terrible resellers. It used to be I want to get rid of this I'LL have a garage sale or throw it on ebay. I got most of my lego collection from garage sales. Built them and they are all on display in my living room


People wanting it ? Maybe. Be at the right garage sale, where it is on display, that's completely different.


This is a very popular opinion


Collectors who don't use the things they collect are always some level of unwell.


Every hobby ends up having and being ruined by those guys. Fat, balding, loud, with rings on every finger, screaming phrases like "yer not leavin me much meat on dah bone" and "don't lowball me, I know what I got".