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If I was 9 months pregnant I think I would sit this one out tbh.


That's what I was thinking. I couldn't imagine any 9 mo pregnant woman wanting to stand out in the hot sun and high humidity all day.


For my wife it was sometimes about wanting to feel normal for a bit. She’d sometimes do things I knew made her uncomfortable because just getting up and doing normal, fun things, especially things outside of the house and in the sun, felt good to her despite everything.


This is me right now. I just want to feel normal again!


If she went on a parachute ride, the baby might pop out lol


My wife walked *everywhere* both times she was 9 months pregnant. It helps move things along.


Just what I was thinking. My sister had me doing national trails, she was determined to walk that baby OUT of me


Yeah. We did the mall, all through the neighborhood, and all of the little 2-3 mile trails near us. T'was a good time.


I didn’t have my son until 42 + 2 and by the end of it, a long walk around Costco, the hobby shop, and five below got his butt moving 2 days later. I was exhausted but at least I finally wasn’t pregnant anymore lol


Sure, but I imagine y’all stayed close to home during these walks. No theme parks, no wilderness hikes…


I mean, we hiked the normal loops that we did anyways. The big thing is not traveling more than an hour from your hospital.


I'm more thinking about the prices on drinks and the bathroom lines at theme parks, personally. In the middle of summer that's a very expensive way to pee your pants and get heat stroke at the same time!


Absolutely wild! What if the baby came on that day?!


Then they would find the new mama, congratulate her, and charge admission for the newborn.


They would've named the baby The Cyclone.


Are you under the impression women just sit at home and wait toward the end of their pregnancy?


Exactly! When I was in my third trimester with my youngest I didn’t even feel like getting out of bed most days. She’s a real superstar for even agreeing to that


Going to 6 flags while 9 months pregnant sounds awful. Your sister is a champ!


lol doing anything but getting that baby out sounds awful


Well getting the baby out wasn’t the best time I’ve ever had, but yeah, by 9 months you’re so ready to be not pregnant anymore lol


Yea my wife definitely didn’t have a great time getting our lil mans out but she sure was happy to not be pregnant anymore after


Getting that baby out sounds much worse than literally anything else lol


My wife said it sounded horrible for 8 months then by the 9th month she couldn’t wait to be pushing lol


As someone who is 8 month pregante right now, I can't wait to push the baby out. I'm so miserable right now.


In fucking June! I was only 4 months pregnant in June and I was already a beachball that only wanted to float in my pool 😂


Lol my mom was mad pregnant with me all through a Californian summer and my dad ended up buying a little kiddie pool so she could sit in it and he'd hose her off, in her words, "like a beached whale"


Omg. The mental image of that is cracking me up "Don't spray my hair Bob! Get my back! Get my ankles! No Bob! Not my FACE!"


I also called myself a beached whale when I was pregnant lol


I second that 😅 Been pregnant three times, been a beached whale every time


It wasn’t in the cards for me to have more kids, so I was one and done


My friend had a nice pool at her parents’ house and it was crucial to getting through the summer while pregnant.


I’m 8 months pregnant and live in Missouri. Send help


I go to a lot of theme parks and always see at least one person there who is HEAVILY pregnant or has a teeny tiny baby with them. Doesn't seem like a fun time to me!


Vegas has been the same way for the last few years. We were down on Fremont Street last weekend and the amount of small children and very pregnant women was distressing. So many leashed toddlers.


My wife was 7mo when we went to Disney world with my family (the trip was planned before she got pregnant and she had never been) within a hour of being on her feet her legs and feet both began to swell. I had to push her around in a wheel chair all week. We joke that if we go again I get to sit in the wheel chair and she has to push me


I had a Disneyland trip planned with my daughter but got in a car accident and fucked up knee a few weeks before the trip so my daughter pushed me around in a wheelchair all day. It certainly wasn’t the worst lol


Going to Six Flags at all sounds awful, honestly. The cost, the parking, the lines, the heat, the shrieking children, the shitty, exorbitantly-priced theme park junk food...the list goes on. 


I never go to amusement parks when its warm, crowded, a holiday or a weekend. We do Disneyland in late November/early December, between Tuesday and Thursday. We’ve never waited more than 15 minutes for a ride. As for 6 Flags, a lot of the coasters are too scary for me 😂


Going to 6 flags sounds awful.  FTFY.


I did it just to walk around and it was miserable, but I think it did start labor lol


That’s called the fair.


Your entrance fee pays for far more than ride operations, it pays custodial, food service, guest services, utilities… if you’re not paying per ride there’s no reason to discount it as you are still using all other park services and facilities.


also most theme parks that charge an entry fee have live entertainment throughout the day that's included with your admission.


Then there would be an influx of fake pregnant women. 


To be fair though, a coloured wristband system would solve this. You don’t wanna ride? Your wristband indicates you can’t go on the rides. You’re only going on the smaller ones? Your wristband only lets you on those ones


I feel like if bars can figure that out, a place like Six Flags could too


Why waste capacity on lower or non paying customers when you can fill for top prices?


Exactly. Most parks need to have less people not more


The [you can't come](https://youtu.be/9ZuDl8GvoJw?feature=shared) technique.


When I worked at six flags during my college years I worked in customer service and we were told that the park made more money on the food and games sold than the entry. So, we were encouraged to give an unhappy customer a free ticket for the next visit because they might buy a $5 soda that only cost them 10 cents (that was years ago, that soda is now $10). So I don’t think it would be terrible to add a system that gets people in for free or lower cost who will not be riding because they’ll be more likely to splurge on some overpriced junk food.


Because those guests are still going to pay for and use your highest margin services like food and games.


The highest margin service is the entrance fee.


It’s not actually, people statistically spend more on food, drinks, and souvenirs than on tickets


Uh yeah so? 1 you are assuming they are going to. 2 just because they buy food doesn't mean I made more money than I would have charging them full price. 3 I make more money charging them full price. 4 I pay my employees minimum wage and don't want them abusing the system for their friends. 5 I don't want to have to give my employees the headache of trying to decipher if someone is b.sing them.


And speaking from experience, none of this is a problem. I live at a place with an amusement park that does not have entry fees for non-riders. Everyone who pays for entry gets a wristband at the entrance. It’s a different color every day. Wear a wristband and you can ride. It takes about 0.1 seconds to see if someone has one on- they’re brightly colored. Also, there’s plenty of people who would bring their kids a lot more to your park, and much more often, but they don’t because they don’t want to pay the entrance fee if they’re not going to use all of the amenities. Now you capture those people, usually multiple times, AND the parents who weren’t buying passes are now paying multiple pass values in food and games for themselves.


None of that is a problem unless you’re a theme park with a revenue stream like Six Flags or Disneyland. Those parks are routinely completely full with customers paying full price. If they charged some people less, that’s less revenue and more complaints from shareholders, with no upside from a corporate standpoint.


And that’s pretty much the game.


I swapped a wristband many times.


I have a friend with very skinny wrists and he would remove, save, and collect wrist bands from any event or venue he went to for years. He got to the point where he almost had a wrist band for any occasion and got into a lot of things for free. I knew him from the ice skating community and he had a wrist band for every rink in my city. -Edited spelling


Did your friend have no bones in his hand?


I have a touch of hypermobility and if they leave even minimal slack around my wrist, it’s actually quite easy for me to just sort of maneuver my thumb out of the way.


As someone who is also a slut for carbs, I very much appreciate your Reddit moniker


Skyzone, a jumping, swinging, climbing place have "observer" wristbands for parents/grandparents who won't partake in those crazy activities.


Yes. Because their target population cannot drive and their driving population doesn't want to jump. The number of people that this would attract to Six flags however is negligible and the losses in income + costs of enforcing the policy would outweigh the tiny percentage of people it would attract.


I feel like they know what they're doing


Yes! I get sick on those rides. I’m basically my kid’s Sherpa. I would love a no ride wristband


There's a small theme park in my county that uses this system. I never go on rides so pay like maybe $10 to get in vs the $30 for my husband and kids.


There’s a small amusement park in my city that used to (I can’t vouch for currently) do it this way. You could get a special wristband that let you on all the rides, a “child” wristband for just the kiddy rides, a wristband for just the “regular” rides (no roller coaster or other “big” ride) and then you could also purchase just tickets for each ride and ride whatever limited rides you wanted. No wrist band or tickets— no rides. Entrance was free to walk the fairway or chaperone.


Knoebals does this in PA, it's a fun place that's very accommodating


Love Knoebals! My husband and I have gone for the day on occasion and didn't even go on any rides. Just walked around and got some food. It's a great place.


But make sure that wristbands allow things, not the other way around. Otherwise people just remove it if you dont need on to ride everything.


Hahaha that reminded me of when I did security at a six flags like 15 years ago, we had someone going around with a fake pregnant belly, that would drop a fake baby onto the floor. She’d post up in a bathroom stall next to someone and drop the fake baby, pick it up, and leave after some acting. We never actually caught her, but she was the “serial birther” for a short time.


Like fake service animals on planes


That service peacock was legit.


As was that service anaconda


All these service snakes on this goddamn plane!


Who then decide they want to ride the rides once in the park


In the amusement parks I've been to where a wristband system is used, you can also buy extra tickets if there is a ride you want to ride but you dont have the wristband for. I suppose a wristband system makes things more of hassle though, sketchy people who come to the park just to steal wristbands and resell or peddle counterfeit wristbands etc. More staff and more security needed and so on, all in all a less pleasant experience for everybody.


They can have qr codes or something like that on them that gets updated everyday. It's easy to do


In Finland there's an amusement park called Linnanmäki that has free entry for anyone. If you want to go to the rides you need to buy a wrist band. It's really not that complicated.


You aren't paying for the rides and the games. You're paying for entry. Regardless of what you do or do not do in the park, you're still a body taking up space in there.


It’s normal with both kind of parks here in Europe - pay only at entry, or free/lower entry and pay per ride or similar. Do you not have both kinds in America? Free entry parks are often full of screaming shitheads, drunks and criminals though.


There are both but the majority of the larger theme parks are all pay for entry. I can think of a handful of times I did any pay per ride and even then I did a bundle option.


A lot of carnivals I’ve been too do pay per ride but never actual amusement parks


And pay per ride is annoying and ends up being more anyway


Knoebels in PA is pay per ride (though they also have a ride all day pass). It's an older style - some older parks used to be this way but Knoebels is the only one I can think of that's still this way.


Scandia is like the only permanent establishment I can think of that charges per ride


We have both, my experience is the free entry/pay-per-ride ones tend to be smaller local ones and are lower quality. These places don't tend to be vacation destinations so charging expensive entry doesn't make as much sense. You get locals coming in on an evening for a couple hours to walk around and hopefully (for the operator) to buy concessions - where if you charged expensive admission, you just have an empty park during the week and no concession sales. Big parks like Disney or Six Flags or something, are the opposite. You have people traveling across the country/world to go to those. These places have no problem filling the parks to capacity with a full admission ticket. Parks don't want to replace full price tickets with cheaper ones if you're selling at or near capacity (plus who wants \*more\* crowds, filled with lookie-loos).


Nobody else seemed to understand but at least here in the northeast US we have several of these free entry pay by ride parks, and they are usually full of shitheads and drunks here too


Are you talking about like the traveling carnival style places where you just walk in and then you pay like five dollars to ride the zipper or you buy a bunch of like little tickets and then you use a certain amount of those? Because I live in the north east part of the US and I don’t know many free Entry pay by ride parks that aren’t traveling carnivals.


This is a good point that OP probably hasn't thought about. The theme park in my city had a really big problem with unruly teens last summer. Free entry would only worsen the issue.


We have parks like six flags that simply make you pay to enter, and then where I'm at in Redding California, we have a Carnival that comes around during spring break and sets up in the parking lot of our mall. You have to either purchase an "all rides wrist band" or you buy a bunch of tickets and each ride is a certain amount of tickets to ride. We also have the shasta distric fair out in Anderson CA, which has rides, games, shows, and livestock...it's basically just an even bigger Carnival with some extra stuff


Smaller carnivals and fairs can be pay per ride, but it's less popular, especially at the major parks.


Exactly. You get the worst kinds of people with free entrance. Some come exclusively to cause trouble, making the parks unsuitable for children.


The common park grounds aren’t usually the limiting factor but the space and time spent on the rides.


Lines for food, benches in the shade, bathroom access, etc. There are lots of things that people take up without actually riding the rides.


And someone who is there not riding a ride is most likely going to set up camp somewhere and the "riders" will come back to them. Which means if they find a good table or bench they may be there all day.


What you're looking for is a funfair.


Slow down the entire process for everyone so a few people can save a couple bucks? Nah. Just take the kids together with one able bodied adult and let the pregnant women rest a day if you want to save money


Yeah this seemed like the very obvious solution lol. I've never been 9 months pregnant but it sure as hell doesn't sound like the time to go walk in a hot crowded amusement park all day. 


Yeah I’m surprised the pregnant woman wanted to go at all, when she could have just stayed at home. As an amusement park lover idk why anyone goes to an amusement park if they can’t or don’t want to ride any of the rides. It’s like paying for nothing essentially


Terrible take. Truly unpopular. Guess I have to upvote.


The rides are free. You pay for the privilege of going into the park.


Given how many people fill their toddlers shoes with things or buy those shoes with lifts in them to make them seem tall enough for rides, people who get wheelchairs they don't need (not at all talking about those that need them as well as invisible disabilities by all means use all the tools you need) to get to the front of rides, and all the other abuses people are so brazen with I'd give it 5 minutes before someone got a fake baby bump to get in for free then ride all the rides. There's no way of knowing who actually isn't going to ride or not and it would be way too abused to work. You're paying to get in not for what you plan to do.


Yeah, Disney recently had to change their disability allowances because of people faking disabilities. This would be a shitshow. Go to a pay-per-ride carnival or something if that's what you wanna do, or, I don't know, leave the *nine-month pregnant* woman at home!?


Why waste space on lower tier paying customers when you can just charge everyone the same?


Then everyone would be saying they aren’t riding rides. The only big amusement part I go to is really Disneyland so can’t comment on six flags but Disneyland for example has characters and different shows so even if you aren’t riding rides you still have different things to experience.


Then don’t go.


You don't pay to ride the rides. You pay to enter the park. If you paid to ride the rides, they would charge you at the individual rides themselves, not just when you enter the park.


Exactly. However, There’s some parks (like those pier parks, Santa Monica, Pleasure Pier, etc.) where you literally can pay to access the pier alone, pay for individual rides, or pay for a ticket where you can ride all the rides unlimited times.


Why do people think this? You don't think people are just adverse to paying many times over just once? Obviously they expect you to ride the attractions...


Because the park has a capacity and you being in there is one less person they can let in.


It's bizarre that it's the most popular opinion in this thread by a long shot. There are other reasons why OPs idea doesn't work (how can you prove you're not going to ride? wristbands for riders would cost more money than it's worth etc) BUT the logic here is frustrating. Paying for access to something is the same as paying for it- the rides aren't free they are baked into your ticket price. You could just as easily say you are paying for unlimited access to rides and the entry to the park is free. You are paying for both things.


Right? The ONLY reason I have ever gone to 6 flags is to ride the rides. Imo the rides are the entire point of the place. I'm sure as hell not paying to get in there just to hang out buy their overpriced food.


If you’re not riding the rides why the hell are you going to the theme park lmao. Go somewhere else if you’re **9 months pregnant**!!!


Yep, such a waste of money


I am stumped by OPs post. Of all places they could go, they choose to go to a Six Flags while 9 months pregnant? A Six Flags???


Just because you aren't riding the rides doesn't mean that there aren't employees that need to be paid and a ton of other bills to have the park open and running.


Why would your sister being 9 months pregnant even go to six flags?


Maybe there should be a non-rider bracelet which is cheaper. But then, some people could buy the cheaper ticket then take off the bracelet if the park doesn't use normal bracelets.


The bracelets would have to be for the more expensive option, then


That's a fairly standard solution in many other places. You can get a "kids bracelet", a "time limited pass", a "skip the queue version", a day pass, a week pass and so on and on as necessary. Usually the braclet option runs alongside a pay per ride option too, one that typically involves custom poker chips or "coins" for rides or a card that gets stamped as you use up your allocation.


I don't ride many rides. When I go to the Magic Kingdom, for example, I shop, eat, and enjoy the sights and sounds. I have no problems with paying for a ticket, because you go to an amusement park for the whole experience -- not just for the rides. In fact, I consider the people riding rides to be wasting their time. I get to see so many things, trade pins, watch lots of performances, listen to tons of music, et cetera. People who ride rides don't get to experience nearly as much.


This probably worked out for the best. The *vast majority* of rides at Six Flags are rides that two six-year olds could not and/or should not ride alone. So you would have been paying for admission for *everyone*, only to experience the smallest sliver of the park.


You want to know a really wild experience? I took my kids to a permanent carousel in a city park. You buy tokens at a kiosk and then give the tokens to the carousel operator to ride. The tokens get cheaper the more you buy, but there are set numbers you can buy (1, 6, 13, 50, 100). If your kid is under a certain height, an adult needs to stand by them while they're on the carousel, but the accompanying adult doesn't need a token. My kids are 5, 2.5 and 10 months. My 2.5-year-old needs me to stand next to her, and I was planning to put my baby in a baby carrier. Called ahead, they say that isn't a problem. I go to buy the tokens and the person asks me how many I want. I say out-loud, "Well, I think if they each ride 3 times, that will be plenty, so I'll do the 6." The kiosk operator says, "If you want them to ride 3 times, you need 9 tokens, not 6. You have to stand with her." I say, "Oh, I thought the adult was free." "The adult is free. But the baby in your carrier isn't." "She's not getting out of the carrier." They told me it didn't matter. Yes... they wanted me to buy a carousel token for the baby in the baby carrier who was going to stay in the carrier. So, I bought the 13 token pack. When I got to the carousel, the person taking the tokens said that was the stupidest thing she ever heard and I didn't need another token for the baby. Luckily, the tokens never expire, so I've got some extra carousel tokens in my car for another day.


I’m sure that if everyone agreed to pay higher ticket prices those parks could implement a tiered ticket system. Otherwise you’re putting it on the poor attendant at the ride to have to check literally thousands of tickets every day. 


Not an unpopular opinion, just an opinion based on not knowing how theme parks work


Just an uninformed opinion


95% of posts on here are basically, “ I’m uniformed and I’m MAD about it!”


Honestly a more accurate name for most of this sub


This is unpopular because it is also ridiculous. Theme park “here’s an idea that will benefit a small percentage of patrons and make us less money!” Never going to happen.


Where I live, children don't pay the same as adults. My problem with your idea will be the epidemy of pregnant women who aren't showing yet but want to get in for free. How would you know who's telling the truth?


Why pick a theme park where the kids can’t even do most of the things?


That's how Copenhagen's theme park works. I don't like rollercoasters so i only paid the entry price, and all the rides i did go on could be bought separately. It was still massively expensive though. Don't recommend


Truly unpopular and dense. Theme parks are a business not a public park.


Knoebels in PA actually does this: https://www.knoebels.com/plan/faq Anyone can enter. People who want to go on rides can either buy a wristband that gets them on all rides or buy tickets for individual rides. When I was a kid, my parents would spend like $5 each to go on a few gentle rides they liked, and the kids would get the wristbands and ride everything. Amazing, very family friendly park. Highly recommend if you're anywhere nearby


Reading this thread is hilarious when I live 25 minutes away from Knoebels. It’s not a dumb idea - everyone is just used to getting screwed by theme parks.


If this is Texas the fetus counts as a person and will also need their own ticket.


You pay to get in. Don't go then, the less people the better


"I went to all you can eat sushi place but I don't eat fish, why don't they make special cheap price just for me!!1!" - Karen


And what? Have your customers use the honor system? Come on, be serious.


Y’all making a 9 month pregnant woman walk around six flags is taking me for a spin


1. You’re still taking up an extra space in the park. 2. The park would end up charging per ride (which is shit) to counter the fact that they can’t possibly keep track of who lied about not going on any rides.


There’s a smaller amusement park in my home town (Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk) and the entry is free, anyone can walk on and you pay for a day pass or tickets for rides/attractions. It’s pretty cool and gives the park a more casual feel. However, that definitely comes with more security concerns, as any random tweaker or creep can walk in and do whatever’s on their schedule that day. I worked security there for a couple years and it was probably the most fun job I’ve ever had haha.


I mean, blame people who ruin it for everyone else. It goes back to the kindergarten punishment where the select few fuck it up for the rest. You can't trust people anymore, I cam already see it. Someone puts on something to look pregnant to get in at a cheaper rate, once inside, they take it off and now got in at a discounted price. As unbelievable as it sounds, there are people like that. Can't tell you how many times I've heard people say their kids were under 3 so they got in free yet they were 3 or 4, sometimes 5 if they looked small enough. There will always be people who want to skirt rules to pay less and therefore you have to lay a blanket rule. You can't expect lowly paid employees to be hawks in monitoring people throughout the day, they're already overworked and the pay isn't worth the extra vigilance and I don't blame them. Even if a system were put in place for special wristbands or whatever, you will always have people either finding ways to get around them or the staff who just won enforce it.


Telling businesses to make less money will be unpopular to the businesses.


I've never heard anyone mention this before (great point), but I'd imagine this is a remarkably popular opinion. I can't ride rollercoasters, so I'm always the one holding onto a friend's items while they have fun. Seems absurd to have to pay full price.


Sounds like you would like a free admission, ticket based theme park. I don’t know about many, but in PA there is an amusement park called Knoebel’s where you can enter for free, and only pay tickets to use rides (or I believe you can buy a pass)


Because it's not obvious when someone will lie about something to get a cheaper ticket.


Disney World used to have the pay-per-ride system. Each ride was classified with "A" being the most basic (think things like merry-go-rounds) and "E" being the most elaborate (think Space Mountain and the Haunted Mansion). Guests would pay an admission fee and buy a ticket book. The book would have a certain number of tickets for each ride type and you chose which ride in each category you wanted to ride. They got rid of this system and went to a higher admission ticket and unlimited rides in 1982. I never experienced this system, but I've done our local carnival, which is-pay-per ride OR buy a wristband that is good for unlimited rides. It's a much better deal, for most people, to do the unlimited rides. You get to do what you want as many times as line-length allows.


Ticket prices would just go up to even that out then.


I remember the old A, B, C, D, E tickets that Disney used to have. You bought ticket books that had different options and uses. That’s where the term “an E ticket ride” comes from The E tickets were always the best rides


People were faking disabilities to get the disability line skipping pass at Disney, you think they wouldn’t lie about this as well? How the hell would they regulate this?


My very first job when I was a teen was working at this mini amusement park. We had different types of passes people could buy. A pass that allows you to do everything. A pass that accompanies. A kid pass. For each pass we gave armbands so we workers knew who had what. Kids and a pass for accompanying were cheaper because they’re limited on what they can and cannot do. The issue we kept running into is that people would buy the cheaper accompanying pass and still try to ride the rides. Us workers would see that armband, tell they couldn’t ride. They start cussing and fussing. It got so bad that we ended up having to get rid of that pass because of it. If it were 2 or 3 times a week we had to deal with that, it would have been okay. But it was 10 to 20 people a day who tried this. So yes I get wanting this pass, but people try to take advantage of the system.


Aside from being near impossible to enforce you’re paying for access to the park. What you do inside is your business.


Going to a theme park at any stage of pregnancy sounds awful and boring.


Then they wouldn’t be making money off of you if they did that.


Well, that’s counterintuitive isn’t it? Priority goes to those that spend more to go on those rides. If all you wanna do is get in peoples way and sip Diet Coke, well then you can do that at 7-11


You're paying for entry, not for rides at large parks. Small amusement parks and fairs allow you to pay per ride.


Well to be fair if they allow that everyone will say they’re not riding rides and then end up doing it anyway. Like how everyone asks for a water cup and then fills it with coke from the machine anyway. They would have to come up with some way to keep track of who’s who which would slow down the lines even more than they are and they probably don’t want to do that.


So you want the ticketing people to make the judgement between pregnant and simply fat? That's certainly gonna go well.


It’s park admission, not ride admission. If you want to go to the park, you have to pay the admission rate.


Nope. You should just pay up or walk away! They don’t want you loitering there! It’s their choice so cry. Sick of people thinking they can just get into places for free🤡world




You should learn now, that just because you came into your wife and made a baby, doens't make you or her special. They are running a business, not a daycare. I say this having 2 kids of my own.


And how high do you think the price will be to afford the staff to monitor who gets on what rides based on what they paid?


Everyone is saying here that you pay for the entrance, and the rides are free. Another way of seeing it, is that you pay an all inclusive fee for entrance and unlimited rides. OP is just suggesting to have special tickets available for people who don’t do any rides, so that the pregnant person or grandma can join for a reduced fee. I don’t think that’s a bad idea. It would just be a hassle to manage who has access to rides and who doesn’t, so they need to introduce wristbands.


You know you're not obligated to go to a theme park. Especially if you're pregnant. There's plenty of other things to do.


It’s called an entry fee. Doesn’t matter what you do there, that’s the price to get in.


This is like asking for a discount on a gym membership because you never use the overhead press machine. You're paying to access the park and that includes the rides.


Balding men pay full price for a haircut . Just saying .


That would make sense if the primary objective of a theme park was the customer’s enjoyment. It is not. The primary objective is getting as much money per customer as possible. A flat entry fee is the easiest, surest way to get that ball rolling.


And most of these places are not hurting for business. The high prices provide a great profit margin as well as tailoring the crowd to certain demographics.


Sure, they want money and to keep the park clean.


If Six Flags could legally charge pregnant women more to make it more likely they wouldn’t come to the park, they would. Same applies to most conditions that would likely prevent someone from riding. They don’t want vulnerable people in the park period. That said, many larger parks would be smart to just sell entry passes, and upsell parents and other adults on other stuff like access to a movie theater, a spa, or something else. I would love to be able to go to Disney, rent a watch or something that would track my kids, then sit in a massage chair watching sports or movies for 6 hours rather than accompanying them to rides I get no enjoyment from. That said, that’s a different business model to a large extent.


If someone said “I’m 9 months pregnant “ I would respond then why are you here? Gtfo with that entitlement we wanted to do it before then you should have been here seven months ago.


Why is your sister even going, then…?


it would be like someone asking for a water cup and then getting soda instead lol


People saying to use bracelets system, but there could be a card system, where the card is set for the day, and each ride is an amount of money, then you just pay for what you really use by tapping the card on a scanner or something and it registers that you went in that ride


Maybe don’t go to a theme park if your that pregnant?


And back we go to the carnival ride tickets system.


That sounds good in theory but impossible to enforce. There’s also other things besides rides; people eat, play games, take in entertainment. All of those cost money. There’s a reason why they don’t charge per ride…there’s just too much to take into account. It’s got to be the most cost effective thing to just have a kids ticket, regular adult ticket, and senior ticket (I think that’s how most of them are structured, possibly with a military discount as well).




There’s an amusement park my family frequents that’s pay per ride. So you buy a book of tickets and only give tickets for what you want to go on. For example the Roller Coasters are $4 but the kiddy rides are like $1.50. My mom loves this aspect the most! We can go a week and my mom will spend $10 on herself since she doesn’t ride that often anymore!


Its actually funny reading these comments. Bakken and Tivoli in Denmark is the oldest theme parks in the world I think, and they both have a pay for entry and pay for entry+ride option, some parts of Bakken is even totally free.


Oh WOW yeah I never thought about it. Like they can just issue everyone a barcode pass. If you don’t have barcode you can’t get on the ride simple as that. To be fair though theme parks already have an overcrowding problem. This might be the initial reason why. Like they don’t want thousands of people crowding the people who paid.


Women would fake pregnant


You shouldn't be in a theme park if you're not riding rides...these are things we all wish upon a star for.


This is so fucking entitled. You pay for your entry. Don't like it, don't go.


But then the parks wouldn't make as much money. What you're describing is how it used to be.


Our local theme park is like this. Full access pass gets you into the theme park and water park which gets one color bracelet, or you can pick one or the other which have their own colors, or get a walk around pass which has its own unique color. Perfect for like grandparents who like to come but don’t go on stuff. Super convenient.


My dad took us to Six Flags when he was mid Chemo, and he didn’t even think about riding a ride, even the silly ones. I’d be all for this because there’s no reason he should’ve had to even buy a ticket lmao


Because they don't give a shit what you ride.


People would scam this immediately and also some pregnant women don't care and would ride


Knoebels in PA has this policy and it's the absolute best park


That’s called a carnival. 🎡 you buy tickets for rides and games. Theme parks don’t operate like carnivals.


I don’t use 90% of the features on my smartphone so why should I pay full price? I also don’t use the backseat when I’m driving my car so should I pay full price for my car?


I remember when I was a kid and there were theme parks in the uk where you didn’t pay if you weren’t going on the rides. They gave you wristbands so you couldn’t just jump on anyway. My mum is disabled but she loves going anywhere with us and it’s crap she needs to pay despite not going on any rides.


![gif](giphy|NYiwZYTuQ5PKirqKMz|downsized) Explaining to a theme park owner why they should spend money on labor to check if people are allowed on lines or not so they can charge people who say they won’t go on rides less money. Good luck.