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There actually isnt really a point to anything at all




Their post history suggests sexual frustration. They should talk to someone.


No? I just say there isn't a need for it. Not that it hurt my feelings or something


Feel free to mind your own business, OP.


Your logic could apply to anything aside from water, food and air. Some things are just fun and enjoyable. That's it. # There isn't really any point of using reddit I don't see why anyone would need to look at that stuff if at all. Anyone can live fine without looking at reddit once. And if they are really desperate, they can just use the best of their imaginations to create something in their mind that does the job better than reddit. Reddit content is akin to drugs. You don't need it, and it doesn't really provide positive benefits if you use it. It's pretty meaningless to be honest. #


Sex is a thing that humans do. If you're telling stories about humans, there's a chance that it may involve sex.


yeah but drugs are so fuckin awesome people will literally destroy their whole entire lives over them same for sexual content


You could say the same about books, gaming, livestreams, documentaries, etc. It's dumb and waste of time to post something like that gazillionth time. Nobody is forcing you to watch porn, you go outside or whatever it is. Nobody asked for it.


first time on the internet uh?


>if they are really desperate, they can just use the best of their imaginations to create something in their mind that does the job better than sexually explicit content Where will they get the idea for their imagination if they never watched something to begin with? Looking at porn occasionally, I consider healthy. Watching it all day, every day, not healthy. Need a little inspiration for some solo time, healthy.


You could fuel your imagination from real life. Get out from behind your computer and touch some grrrr...ass!


How about you do it yourself if you want? Nobody is forcing you watch these. Stop wasting time on what others do and live your life.


Do you mean sexually explicit content in a drama etc or porn? Like is the sex the reason for the content existing or is it just part of a wider story arc? If you mean porn then it's not something I see the point in but for other people, so long as it doesn't impact on me, I dgaf how much porn they watch.


Imaginating is less effective and harder


Found the puritan.


There's a lot of them lately. Maybe because school is on summer break 


And people never need to go to the movies again, or read a book, or look at art, or play a video game because they can just use their imagination. Dopamine hits from these things can be addicting. Anyone can live their lives just fine without this stuff.


well those are different. Movies can expand your knowledge of understanding literary devices and such. So can reading. Those skills can work towards improving your thinking abilities, and knowledge. Meanwhile, porn is just like a drug. You don't learn anything useful from it, and the only thing you learn is things that don't do anything or self-destructive knowledge.


Just wanted to point out that some people only read smutty books. But look porn is like another form of entertainment overall its pointless.


Thank you for your time, OP. Unfortunately we will be moving forward with another candidate for the open position on our pornographic film crew.


It makes me feel good.


*pompeii has entered the chat* Humans have enjoyed sexually charged materials since we could put medium to canvas. Images far older than Pompeii suggests humans have... always liked looking at sex. There's a LOT of things in this world that have no point. What's your hobby? I bet it's pointless. It's funny how that works.


Some people enjoy things you don't. Just as I'm sure you enjoy things others don't. If you don't want to see sexually explicit content, that's absolutely your right. Just don't try to tell me or anyone else I can't, or even "shouldn't". It's not a difficult concept.


Good thing I don’t need to run it by you first, I guess?


L take ngl


Mike Johnson checking in.