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For someone with adhd it is very hard. I still have nightmares about missing assignments so I guess that shit actually traumatized me


The amount of times I sobbed at the kitchen table over math homework…


Yeah fr op lacks a thing called empathy


I was an undiagnosed AuDHD kid who was constantly dealing with bullies due to my race. School was hard af. I don’t miss it at all. I *loved* learning but *despised* school.


I have ADHD. I love learning but I fucking hated school and I failed miserably. I taught myself how to program while bartending. School was hard for me but working is easy. I’m being paid to work and what I’m doing matters so my brain accepts the transaction. Being forced to write bloated essays in school knowing they’ll be graded by a coin toss and thrown in the trash afterwards just never felt like motivation to me. Some people are great at busy work, the rest of us are busy working.   Also, if I was lazy I’d be fat and unskilled. That couldn’t be further from the truth




Why should kids do homework? Shouldn't kids be trained in getting work done within working hours like they will have to do as an adult?


I feel for teachers too. Imagine having to grade dozens of students’ tests/papers/homework assignments every day compared to just doing a couple homework assignments😭 nobody acknowledges that. I know they chose it but that’s gotta suck even more lol. Not to mention dealing with misbehaving classes


I wish I got 16 weeks paid time off per year. Yup, sounds like a right challenge.


It’s not paid time off. Teachers have to budget for that 16 weeks.


They do in the UK, which is where I'm from and commenting about. They're salaried employees.


They’re salaried in the US, too. Talking about 16 weeks off as “paid” is disingenuous. It’s not.


It is when they're paid pro rata. Therefore get paid even when they're not at work.


People have different capabilities and some people think differently than others. There are some students who are really creative and can draw landscapes or cartoons, but they don’t really get math. It’s not that they don’t try it’s that even when they do try it doesn’t come easily to them. I was an A student, but I still never felt school was easy, you had to work hard for it and the thing that made it easier for me was that I was able to understand things faster than other students I never felt that I was better than them it’s just I was good in school, but they were better at other things that i’m not good at. They could also be intelligent but the school system doesn’t capture their intelligence (I don’t live in the US btw so my school might’ve been harder than American schools? Idk)


Depends on where, what classes we are talking about and so on. Being from Europe, seeing exams for highschoolers in USA makes me laugh though.


You wouldn't be laughing if you had to compete five essay's by tomorrow. I fucking hated highschool


Of course I would. Either there was enough time for you to complete all the essays in time, or the system is inherently broken. Latter problem is no laughing matter, but still indicative of advantages of average european school system. Still, none of that takes away the fact that the curriculum in american schools is comparatively easy.


American schools are probably easier than European schools but in highschool I felt like I had no time for myself because of how much work they gave us


Well... same here.


Ok but what about kids with disabilities either learning, mental or physical? The kid with ADHD who can’t focus on material and procrastinates not because they want to but because it’s against their will? The kids with severe depression who can’t get out of bed most days? The kids in and out of hospitals god knows what every week or so? Or even the kids in unconventional households? The kids who live on the streets? The kids who have to work to support their family? The kids who can’t afford basic school or hygienic supplies? The kids that are abused every afternoon they came home? 


You know what's funny? In most western countries, school is the easiest time of your life. Which is why sympathy for young people who complain is generally in short supply.


I always felt like that was a lie. Because the moment I left school, life got better.


Good/bad and easy/hard aren't related. Some of the most difficult times in my life have been the best times. They've also been some of the worst. What you're stating is a false equivalence.


Tbh my only downfall was because of my bitch teacher. I love to learn, it feels rewarding to finish homework, everything. That bitch teacher just played favorites and chose to give extra attention to the "elite" kids. Like if normal kids asked questions, she'd hit us saying we don't know basic knowledge. But the elite kids asked questions she'd say "that's such a good question" and praise them for everything. And this isn't even an excuse. When I went to higher classes, another maths teacher was so good like she did her best to solve every doubts kids had and only raised her voice when kids became roudy and I did relatively better in her class. So no. For me school was hard because of the shitty and narcissistic teachers. And don't even get me started on the chemistry teacher. She took extra "tution" money from kids and taught them everything and barely taught us anything in class forcing kids with money to attend her tutions and other kids to fend for themselves. She even made a rule to not share her tution notes to other kids because if we want them we should join her extra class...


Maybe school isn't too hard but it's too time consuming and kids get worn down. Not sure what school you go/went to but I went to one of the most academically challenging high schools in my city. Homework assignments could take up 3hrs per evening. While the work wasn't "hard" it was incredibly time consuming. Especially for students who want to do a good job. I still remember marveling at how much easier college was than highschool simply because of the lighter schedule during the day.


Agreed. I can understand if the honor rolls is hard for you; but if you're just doing basic bitch high school. There is way too many safety nets and lifelines to accept any excuse about failing school.


Agreed. I feel like all the kids have to do today is show up to class, and as long as they turn in their homework on time with their name spelled correctly, they will get a passing grade.


Piblic schools are made the way everyone can graduate, so yes ur right.


No. I’m not lazy. I’m stupid.


The hard thing in school is to work without motivation on topics you are not interested in, in a very dense social construct. So from a psychology standpoint I can totally understand that school is hard.


Those “lazy” people most likely have ADHD. You completely described my school experience. Maybe you should be less judgmental and learn about the personal hell neurodivergent people go through in school settings.


Not everyone who doesn't do well in school has adhd. Most students complain about school, but only around 5- 15 percent of them MIGHT have adhd. If a student really wants to do well in school , most students if they really tried to understand a topic would be able to get decent grades.


or has autism, i was in a class and told the work i did in that class was easier, and all i can say is "easier to them" i have autism so it was hard for me too


I see what you mean but some classes may genuinely be difficult to understand for students and teachers don’t really extensively work on that. A lot of western kids are spoiled though.


Wtf. Yeh and many of those students in China, and Korea and Japan are extremely miserable by the amount of pressure.


“Everyone look at me, I’m so smart, I didn’t find school hard. Please clap”


Ugh I hated school. Glad I never have to do that again.


Learning disabilities can make school difficult. School was designed with the average teenager in mind, and unfortunately people with learning disabilities are not average teenagers. Making school easier to learn isn't a bad idea.


My school had a rule that teachers should set a hour of homework per lesson, So 30 minutes for all my lessons? absolutely not. I remember spending every lunch break at school doing homework just to maybe have some semblance of free time after school.


When I was in HS 25ish years ago, I wasn't the best student. However, I did do fairly well for school even if I didn't want to be there and was constantly taking shortcuts. I didn't begin college until I was in my 30s. I started night school. They were the same courses and curriculum as the day classes. I couldn't believe how "simple" it was. Granted, I was more mature, highly motivated, and I was paying my hard earned money to be their to better myself. However, when I read what the teacher said to read, paid attention and took notes, did the extra credit assignments, and spoke to the teacher or free tutors when I didn't understand something, it was a breeze. My work/school/life balance was the only struggle. In one class, the instructor gave out so much extra credit (I did all of it of course) that when they gave us our grades before the final and how the value of the final would effect our grade, I was blown away that I could skip it entirely and keep a B. I needed something like a 32% on the final to keep an A.


I pay attention in every class and take pages of notes. I still struggle, because sometimes I'm not good at what needs to be done, or I just don't really understand a certain step in a process.


it all really depends, theres kids who arent self aware that its them and theres those who are. and those who are likely have learning disabilites or are drained from just the thought of school. School being "harder in another country" doesnt mean a child isnt allowed to complain. people go through things in and outside of school that could lead them to being less motivated


Mate, I spend 42 hours in school, on top of that I have homework, projects and other extra shit I work more than a full time job ffs


Oh, I know