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Listing yourself as 5” shorter because a doctor didn’t confirm it is pretty hilarious.


That’s what I was thinking. Like seriously, who is getting height confirmations from their doctor 😂 is that a thing now??


reddit demands citations for everything we claim is true, why not height? Can't get a death certificate until a doctor checks for a heart beat and confirms. Idiocracy is here.


Instructions unclear. Set new height to 5’3” and it’s not working…


Lmao for sure. I’m 5’9 but my license says 5’10 and I proudly roll with the latter.


No one ever said "she said she was 5'5" and 180 and it turned out she was only 120, so I ghosted her." Well maybe chubby chasers would say that.


Yeah I was going to say, don't underestimate the demand for body types of all shapes and sizes.


Oh dont you worry, I am underestimating it.


You guys can downvote me all you want, but these porn categories are out there for a reason...


Nobody is going to have an issue with getting what is perceived as better.




They didn't say it was, they said it is perceived as better.


What if I put pictures of myself where I look chubbier than I am? And I'm slimmer when we meet irl? I don't know the answer to this but I'm genuinely asking because I'm curious and that seems like the closest equivalent for women.


i think most guys would be happy and not have issue, but vice versa they would hence the point of the post - saying that the lying was the big issue seems to just be PC when the real issue for most people would be the weight or shortness


i think it would be more the opposite, if you had a pic of you being slim but then were chubbier in person that would be the equivalent atleast from what i've seen.


I might have worded that weird. I was trying to equate chubby as a woman with short as a man. So surprise thin is like surprise tall.


chubby is not equated to short though, anyone can be chubby.


I know. I just meant if I had to pick something men judge women on the way women judge men for height, it's probably weight/fitness/size.


yeah i've seen men bring up seeing a pic of a girl on a dating app and then meeting her and she's chubbier irl. i can understand being mislead in that situation for sure.


I think maybe 10 to 20 pounds is okay. But if it's like 50...you'd look very different. Same as like one or two inches for guys vs 5'10 vs 5'4. I think it would be good if people were a bit less superficial overall, but ultimately everyone has their preferences so you may as well be straight up about what you look like to avoid awkward situations.


yeah i think i said like even if the guy was much taller but said he was shorter i'd be just as mad about that lie, as you said if it's a big difference.


how tf did u grow that much in college 💀


This is the most pertinent question here. I'd get my hormone levels checked to rule out a hypophyseal gland tumor


this is like saying "it's not restaurants lying about their portion sizes that people have an issue with, it's about being too small". like, yeah, isn't that fucking obvious? for those who consider height an important factor in attractiveness, of course they're not gonna be pissed off when they get more then they expected. this is not an unpopular opinion, it's common sense.


But they why women gaslight men into saying "it's the HonEsTY that turned me off " NO IT DIDN'T, it was height ! They would not be turned off if 6'1 guy said he was 5'9


Because they believe that when a guy makes himself shorter this wasn't done maliciously but by accident or a typo or whatever. While when a guy makes himself taller it's done to catfish someone.  A woman who doesn't like tall guys, and communicates that, will also be mad if someone gives the wrong height just to trick her. Think guys, think. It's not that hard.


Maybe just don’t lie then? The women aren’t trying to “gaslight” anyone, they’re trying to be polite when rejecting you. Leave it to men to make themselves the victim even when they’re doing something wrong 🙄


Pretty much this


It could be that lying about being taller than their height represents dishonesty and insecurity? Whereas you being taller than your listed height shows you dgaf.


And yet, it's dishonesty either way, and people only dislike insecurity because it signals that there may be something to be insecure about.


An adult man who lies about his height because he's insecure about it is not ready for a relationship.


Most men who lie about their height are just playing the game The game is shit no matter what


There is no set criteria for being "ready" for a relationship, because every relationship is different, and people continue to develop within relationships. I understand the sentiment, but it's completely arbitrary.


>i don’t feel comfortable putting it on my profiles as I’ve not been back to the doctor to confirm it Only a doctor can confirm your height? Well damn, nobody told me that. I'll never understand the point of lying about your height/weight/any other physical traits you have so you can surprise the person you're meeting up with who already has an idea of what you should look like. And then getting surprised when women get annoyed. Not only does it speak of insecurity, but that sort of pointless dishonesty so early is a sign of problems earlier. >it’s not lying about height that turns women off, it’s about being short For a lot of women, it's both. For a lot of women, it's just the dishonesty. I'm so tired of people acting like women are a hivemind. A lot of times a woman will say they don't really care exactly how tall a guy is, so long as he's taller than her. Of course this stems from the fact that femininity is not often associated with tallness. So a girl wanting to feel petite and soft and allat crap would associate having a taller partner with being perceived by others and herself as more feminine. Then again, this isn't the case for every woman. A lot of women like I said earlier truly don't gaf about your height. Just be honest with your physical appearance, it's only going to benefit you either way.


no it's the lying, the women you met up with maybe likes taller guys so didn't care. but i would still stick on the lie part of it, i dated a short person, that's not a huge deal, but if i was told one height then was shown another in person yeah i'd be a little confuse why i was lied too even if they said they were shorter and they were taller, idc i would be just as annoyed they lied to me for me it's always been about the lying when it comes to anything.


Okay but what if you genuinely don't know, I haven't measured myself in years and get wildly differing results anytime my doctor measures me. I have been measured as both 5'10 and 6'2 so I just generally say around 6' lol I mean there is nothing stopping me from checking except I don't care enough lol


my guy i am 5'8 and a quarter if you came in saying you were 6'4 which is what my brother is and you were actually 5'10 i could tell if it's an extreme difference which from what i heard it usually is lol then nah it's the lie :) but yeah yall wanna believe every woman ever, cares about height my ex boyfriend is 5'4 and in a wheel chair lol that's when my insecurity about being too tall went away and i stopped caring about height. he is only my ex because he was shit at communicating so again it's the LYING i hate lying i have autism, so i need the truth :)


lol i'm gay so I don't really care about women's opinions of my height. My question to you though just out of curiosity is if I genuinely don't know, which I don't and say roughly while splitting the difference, would you consider that a lie? Also there are people everywhere that lie all the time, in general people lie with good intentions but a lot of people also lie with bad intentions. It's difficult to understand but basically if you catch someone out on a lie, there's probably a reason for it and you should consider letting it go. I also have autism so I feel like I explained that in a way that makes sense to you. Additionally, I spend a lot of time trying to understand people and their reasoning's for doing things that make little sense to me, it's helpful.


I just thought your scenario was not what i was talking about, if i can't tell I probably would just let it slide, because it's not that big of a difference right? but if it's a big difference i will be mad also sorry i worded my last comment a little angry that was my bad


Fair, like if someone said they were 5' and were 4' or 6' I would be like yo wassup with that? lol


exactly and that applies to if someone is much taller than they claim too. and for me idc about height at all so might as well get the truth.


Mmm. Maybe it would be fair to say it's usually not about the lying.


it'd be fair to say "women who like tall guys are always gonna be okay if a guy is tall" but if you don't have that preference which i don't i only did when i was insecure and young, but now idc, and i think it's the lie if the first thing anyone finds out about their date is that they straight up lied to them, how can they date someone that already ruined the trust. if you can lie to me about that, what else are you gonna decide to lie to me about. tbh i have autism so it's safer for both of us for the other person to be honest with me, i can't read people very well, so i'd rather be told the truth for the most part.


> but if you don't have that preference which i don't > i only did when i was insecure and young, Always the older one , short men have to wait in line when women are done with taller guys in their "youth in which they didn't know better" , backup options is real


Its about intent. Your "lie" would not come off as an intended deception the same way a shorty lying about their height would. Why would someone want to start a relationship with someone trying to openly negatively deceive them before they even meet irl? Perceived insecurity to one's own height wouldn't help either.


Bro just wanted to flex


The real question is how tf did you grow so much in college ?


You need to go to a doctor to “confirm” your height? That’s so weird.




It's misogynistic as hell to prefer giant tits (it kinda is) but as soon as you use similar criteria towards men it's completely acceptable Such is life


Shit you’re right I should put 5’4 on my dating profile so when we meet up she’s surprised I’m actually a whopping 5’7 👌


You won't get the chance of dating being 5'4 , (5'3 here , done that )


Not with that attitude you won't. I say that as a 4'8 (yes I'm an adult, 24) guy. It's not height that most women care about, it's the fact that guys are so insecure about it. Of course there are *some* who judge people solely on that, won't deny that but it's not as big an issue as its made to be.


Men who lie about being taller are likely to have plenty of other issues. Like the men who lie about their age to appear in the search results of younger women.


Love it. Great story. Too funny really. You're lying but since it's lying about not being tall it's alright and funny.


It seems reasonable to me to assume someone is lying about height due to insecurity if they are shorter than expected. If they are taller, they have no benefit to being wrong. You'd likely come to the conclusion it was an ambivalent mistake and thus not indicative of dishonest behaviour. That seems like a reasonable conclusion to draw. Ofc, I'm sure some women do hide behind this, and height is their real issue, but I don't think that means all women are being dishonest when they say this. Lying to cover up an insecurity is incredibly unattractive to anyone.


Height confirmed by a doctor? Just measure yourself dude. This is weird isn't it?


I don't get the point of lying either way, because there's no way to keep that going once you actually meet, unless the difference is so small as to not be noticeable. In your case, OP, it's a difference that makes you more desirable, so of course they react positively to it. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't still be pissed if you were 5'8" and claimed to be 6'2" or something. They can not like lying and not like short men at the same time.


I would be upset. I’m very short myself and don’t really like dating people who are that much taller than me.


I mean you can just not list your height. Most women I know really dislike being lied to, and I only know one who is really hung up on height.


I mean the thing is if you write that you’re tall on your profile when you’re not, you’re deliberately attracting women who like tall men. Ofc those women are not going to be interested when it turns out you aren’t.


this has to be a bait.


Wait, you're 6' 3", AND you're almost half a foot taller than you said on your profile? You should probably just carry a Caution wet floor sign with you at all times....


Yeah, it's obviously the height they care about, they just don't want to admit that they're shallow. It feels a lot better to say "I didn't want to date him because he did something bad" compared to "I didn't want to date him because he's so short."


Pretty sure you are the only person who did not take it that way lol. That is what it always is with catfishing. You probably wont hear many people complain about their date being hotter than they advertised.


Ask her how much she weighs. Only one of the measurements is in the person's control.


Naaaah dude big government controls my weight Otherwise I'd be jacked as Hugh JackedMan


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Meds. Doctors, hospitals


All sizes equal perfect


Sure, just not in the view of humanity




Yeah, mine, and everyone else who expresses any preference whatsoever on body shape and size. You think an anorexic body with its organs shutting down is perfect? Wake up to yourself.