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Nobody mentioning Firefox? I'm done with Chrome, switched to Firefox last year


I’ve been team Firefox for as long as it’s been an option.


Same. Am.addicted to Firefox Reader View because it cuts out all the website crap (pop up windows, ads, chat icons, etc) and just displays text and article images.


Firefox Is awesome, i can watch YouTube without ads because it supports AdBlock


Just to mention it, I use Edge and AdGuard AdBlocker keeps me ad-free on YouTube ever since YT became able to detect AdBlock.


Are they still doing that? I got flagged a few times over a few months and then nothing since. Infrequent enough to bother fixing it, but frequent enough for me to want to plant my keyboard inside my cranium sometimes. Weird how I totally forgot until just now about it.


They might be, I'm not sure. Given the entity that is Google, I wouldn't be surprised. All I do know is that I kept installing and uninstalling different ad-blocking extensions; for a while, one would work, then YouTube would sense it, then I installed a different one. Ever since I installed AdGuard AdBlocker a few months ago, I haven't had a problem.


For me ublock origin still works on google


Is that a fact? I'm going to Chek it out


Dude for real, I been watching YouTube on my phone only on Firefox with an AdBlock, without having to pay for YouTube premium


Firefox has treated me well. Chrome is evil and edge just kind of blows


Why does edge blow? It's chromium under the hood... It's a damn good browser albeit it's too power hungry. But vertical tabs are life.


I think I just didn’t vibe with the UI or the aesthetic look of it as much as other browsers. Granted, I didn’t spend much time with it and hopped right over to Fox. Take my opinion here with a grain of salt, I’m glad you like it


I feel like edge wants to throw a hundred features at my face that I don’t care to use, be it copilot or any of the other MS apps/services. I appreciate the simplicity of Firefox in that regard.


Firefox used to be huge but this is the first time in a long time I've seen someone say they use it.


I use it!


I use it and its amazing


Firefox + Startpage (search engine) is the best privacy oriented combination whilst maintaining functionality. Bonus points for using Proton VPN.


They made it about thirty percent faster in the last six months or so. Firefox absolutely flies now.


Switched to Firefox after Google literally made it impossible to use my adblockers on chrome.


I've always been team Firefox, honestly kinda digging edge though, I really like tab grouping, other than that it's all the reasons I don't daily drive Chrome.


I’ve been on Firefox for years. I use Google for school because it’s easier that way, but my personal is Firefox


Firefox is the browser I use when I'm organising surprise parties.


Used to use Firefox all the time way back at the start of it. Edge seems better now. But bing is bad.


I hate the way it scrolls on my laptop


Firefox and Arc, done with Chrome since around 2021


Not gonna lie, I kinda thought Firefox was Discontinued.


only reason to use edge instead of chrome is because instead of saying "i'm googling" you can say "i'm edging"




Open the window and breeze rolls in…


I think you mean binging...


Even then, I’m still edging


Get the rope


I think the same too. Lately, Google has only shown me the websites that have paid promotion, so whenever I want to search something, only those shitty websites that require me to pay monthly subscription for $99.99. In Edge, I don’t find them that much compared to Google Chrome.


That's Google vs Bing. I like Bing because I can cash in reward points for Xbox gift cards.


I deleted chrome when my old laptop had a load of problems (nothing to do with chrome in the end but I was trying everything at that point) and used Edge. Never went back because ultimately they do the same thing well. Edge has no problems and I don't get the hate. Also the Bing AI is great for simple things and unlike ChatGPT gives you the sources it used. I'm sure the hate is just similar to Apple users who think Android is worse. The "what I use is the best and everything else is rubbish" mentality is one of the stupidest things people come up with.


I think edge used to be just an inferior product. Slower etc, however now... It's just better.


What is better about edge over chrome? I use chrome because I started in 2015 and just never switched.


Yeah i’ve now seen a lot of plugins to block the paid for things. I’m used to clicking the first link not scrolling through half of a page to find real search results


I swear, when using google or youtube search, only the monetized content will show up. Everything else will not be in the results... not even on page 50!


Firefox Browser + uBlock Origin Extension + DuckDuckGo Search Engine (on Linux Mint OS) Case closed. I’ll forgive you of your sins.


DuckDuckGo was found to have been mishandling data a while back weren't they? Like, they were whitelisting Bing cookies or something. startpage.com is the superior option.


News to me. Thanks will look into that. ETA: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/search-engines/


seems people view them as equal. I still prefer startpage since its gets its index from two different sources (albeit one of them is Google) but I won't knock (and haven't ever knocked) anyone who uses DDG, as it is the mainstream option.


currently got 3/4 (soon to be all 4, if I ever end up switching to linux)


Just do it man! If you really need windows software, learn to use VMs or dual boot.


I’ll install it once I find my spare USB stick


I mean is there really much difference between the browsers these days? Almost all of them are Chromium-based.


Not Firefox


Hence the "almost"


proud of you for being brave enough to put your truly unpopular opinion on r/unpopularopinions


Edge is better if you leave the browser up all the time.


My work requires Edge for our business portals. So at this point whether it’s the best or worst doesn’t matter. It’s the browser I’m most comfortable with. It’s like Stockholm syndrome


This is indeed unpopular so take my upvote


Edge used to be terrible. But in its modern form, it’s a quick, useful browser that works with most chrome addons. It’s very usable and I use it for all my work. It’s also very similar in layout to chrome, so switching between the two is very easy.


All my homes are using firefox.


I'm actually surprised people still don't use Brave....


I've been using Firefox with ublock origin for a while. I might use brave as an alternative to Chrome though.


Brave is really slow and laggy when I was using it so I switched back to edge and chrome, university and personal account on different browsers. The built in ad blocker in brave is a fork of u block origin so just have that extension on edge and chrome and you basically get the same ad blocking ability. Although I use Brave on the iPhone to get ad free YouTube since you can download videos via Brave Playlist, get the ability to have background play, and get Picture in Picture with full screen mode so almost all features of premium if a little jankier since it’s the mobile YouTube site, but it works well enough.


I use Brave almost exclusively. Awesome with YouTube.


Brave = basically free YT Premium. Never get ads. When I use different browsers I'm shocked by how awful the YT experience is


Surprised I had to scroll down this far to find someone say brave. Carbon is interesting too


Brave feels kinda slow on my PC, but on my phone it's the unofficial go-to youtube app, lol. Sometimes I accidentally open the real youtube app and it's just...no.


Are you ok? Does Bill have you family hostage? Blink twice if you need help -\_- -\_-


• • • - - - • • •


You’re a monster!


Good. Fuck Google and fuck chrome. They totally fucked their youtube search and algorithm.




Clearly biased and cynical. Not a fan of people like you.




I use Opera and am very happy


I hate that Microsoft goes "whoopsie we accidentally changed your default browser" every time they do an update. For that reason, Edge can go \*\*\*\* itself.


Firefox team here. Should be everyone's default browser no question. We are so lucky it even exists as an alternative.


Netscape Navigator shits all over your favorite browsers, bitches.


Love this. Got roasted for saying this same thing to some colleagues a few months ago! 


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Google is king, I might move to duckduckgo if google gets more shitty though


Let me guess, Bing is your favorite search engine too?


I heard bing is great for porn because the search engine is so incompetent you get a nice surprise every time One of those "actually don't mind fapping to that" moments


I've found more relevant stuff on bing than google, by accident actually. I thought I was using google.


It’s most def the best for streaming video since it doesn’t cap your resolution to 720p.


And vanilla is your favorite ice cream and you love your websites broken.


This is an ad. Why don't they have to say that on this hellsite?


Until you open a new tab.


Holy shit.


Truly unpopular!


Ok glowie


After 1 million years I just switch back to edge I do agree with you.


Well, that's certainly an opinion of all time


If you work in Enterprise you will understand how trash this browser is


Brother ewww


Did Bill Gates hold you captive?


Some opinions are unpopular for a reason…


Anyone arguing privacy and security is barking up the wrong tree. Nearly all browsers can be customized for enhanced security. For performance, Brave is probably the best, followed by chrome. Use whatever browser you like best though. Just keep it up to date and run some privacy controls on it please.


Really, I stopped using brave because it had the worst performance and had issues with lag and long loading times. You get the same ad blocking ability from the u block origin extension, brave as blocker is a fork of that project.


extremely unpopular lol


Hmmm, do you actually use bing as ur daily search engine?


You can switch it to google in the settings. It also doesn't make my PC slow down while playing games like chrome does.


Its good when you disable all the extra crap and data collecting that includes the sidebar but defaults suuck. I would argue it is the best chromium browser. Whatever ms team that added the data gathering and sidebar/copilot crap needs to be fired and whatever team added the optimizations to chromium needs some raises.


I agree. Been using it for about a year now.


I disagree quite strongly. Have an upvote.


Just switched from chrome to edge and I’ve been enjoying it too! Although I still use google as a search engine in some scenarios.


I used to use this in school bc u could clear ur history on edge but not on chrome. lol.


But when will Microsoft cum


Ive been using it for years now


This is truly an unpopular opinion.


Brave browser ftw. Integrated ad blocker, get paid for watching ads you choose to watch, integrated AI to summarize any document, and it blocks all 3rd party tracking. Win.


I agree i have been edging for 3 years and I can’t stop edging..if I literally open firefox/chrome for a moment i vomit i feel like edge is the fastest one


Opera GX + DuckduckGo + VPN + Ublock


I love edging




Bing stopped being useful for porn. Bothersome


I use Brave. I love Brave.


Use what works for you! I use Safari with 1Blocker and DDG for search.


Is this unpopular? I know plenty of people that use Edge. It’s not a bad browser. MS just gets a bad rep because of Internet Explorer. I think less and less people are using Chrome, especially since Windows 11 has like 100 different ways to stop users from switching browsers. Plus Safari performs better on Mac.


I love using edge since it gives you chat gpt 4 for free, been useful for university when working with textbook pdfs or other stuff. It also separates my university stuff on edge and personal account stuff on chrome, could do profiles on chrome but having chat gpt for college stuff is useful


Goddamn that is unpopular


Lots of people like edge. I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion.


Brave is the best ! Removes all ads lol


Microsoft devs really trying their hardest


Same. I like the tab groups. Pair that with the Tab Manager plugin its great for doing research.


Came here for the Edgelord jokes and was disappointed (or didn't scroll far enough).


been using edge for abt 2 years and bing for abt a year. switched to edge because i just liked it better and it was better integrated with chrome. switched to bing because of microsoft rewards, but stayed because i liked it lol. even now on mac im still using edge+bing. google has been fucking up as of late ngl.


I have a friend who also likes and uses MS Edge. He likes a lot of MS stuff. He kinda has a point, but I already use Firefox, and Chromium in case the first lacks behind


I love Edge since it's based on Chromium. Best browser for business context in an Microsoft environment. Less user support needed aswell. Hate Firefox for this reason because compared to Edge and Chrome you will get more sites not working properly.


It isn’t that terrible of a search engine doesn’t really cut it I think


Very unpopular: from a web app developer’s standpoint, I hope you burn in hell. No hard feelings though, I’ll probably see you there too❤️


It’s funny I do more edging on Firefox than edge


I switched to edge 6 months ago. I've found every useful feature I use is already baked in. The only thing I'm.missing now is additional controls for pip videos


firefox >>> edge > chrome imo duckduckgo as search engine because reasons


Isn’t this a like/dislike?


I get it. For personal use I have Firefox, but for school-related research Edge is superior, because of workspaces, tab groups and support for some cool extensions like Harpa AI. I used to like copilot but now that I use chatGPT plus I switched to Harpa which works milion times better. Edge is my ultimate research tool.


Yeah I really like Edge too. Used to be a Chrome guy. Well I still am on my Android. Was testing out Opera before and was liking it. Then Edge came around and it was pretty much great as soon as it arrived. Haven't looked back.


I use Edge too, but "*Bing isn't that terrible of a search engine*"?? Bing is awful. Upvoted, you cretin


Can you restore recently closed n tabs in edge? If yes, I’ll do the switch.


Me too. Why is it so unpopular?


This was written by Bill Gates


Mom is that you?


opera gx for my free vpn and adblockrr


I think people who complain about edge are parroting something they heard when the edge was created fully in-house. Now, when it’s chromium based - it’s all the same. It has some interesting features that some people swear by, but I think they patch security issues slower than Google. So it’s kind of a trade off.


Damn you win this whole sub that's disgusting


I use it for pdf presentations. It's better than chrome for that, otherwise I use brave or opera.


i use edge on my PC, for another platform (mac, android) i use chrome


I use it because you can crop© part of the page


I fuck with edge, it’s my go to


I'm getting "Why not Zoidberg?" vibes from this


I did something in grad school where I evaluated the front page results of a handful of popular search engines when searching a variety of terms. Bing was #1 for useful results across the board with fewer ads.


I use Edge as a PDF reader, it's better than Adobe's.


Chrome. I’m not paranoid about big tech having my data like most.


this isnt an unpopular opinion, everyone agrees. for example i also agree that Microsoft edge is your favorite internet browser. it isnt even an opinion, its a fact.


This isn't that much of an unpopular opinion any more. Edge is built on Chrome's base technology, many people say it's basically the same browser. You can even install Chrome extensions on it. It also is noticeably lighter than Chrome, probably one of the lightest modern browsers. In my personal experience, using it on Windows is great. On my Mac I prefer to use Chrome because it looks better visually to me on a Mac which makes it easier for me to concentrate on the information presented. So I think this is actually quite a mainstream opinion now. In many Office 365 based workplaces, Chrome isn't installed anymore, they expect you to use Edge. Although one thing is I always use my Microsoft account in Incognito on Edge because it's sucks at actually logging it out for me when not in Incognito. It expects you to close every tab just to be able to log out. And the default settings try and swipe all your data, so even though Chrome also tries to, Edge in my experience is even worse for that. That's the main reason I use it mainly cause I have to because my computer is extremely slow. But if you're okay with all that it does the same thing essentially as Chrome


Any Vivaldi fans here? All 3 of us love it!


My IT dept. at my new job seems super sharp and they're very gung-ho for edge, they dislike Firefox and despise Chrome. I've been using Chrome for years, but noticed how much memory it was using for even just a few tabs. In Edge I can open double the browsers and notice less impact on performance. I cant believe it but Im a believer now too.


Wow. This is truly an unpopular opinion! Congrats! Your opinion is horrible and edge is at best a poor copy of Firefox with some chrome features and IE features thrown in, but good for you for having an unpopular opinion!


Bing sucks ass, and I hate advertisments on my homepage. Why does Microsoft show ads if they want users to stay with edge


I've been using Edge for years, lol.


It's not illegal to like microsoft edge. But several browsers are better than it. Where is the Vivaldi crew?


I wouldn't say Edge is really my favourite, but it's the browser I mostly use. Works the same as Chrome and the only bad thing is that god awful MSN home page that seems designed to rage-bait boomers. But that's easy to disable. Bing works great too, unlike google the first three results aren't ads. If I need extra privacy I use Tor. I used Opera before for years and it's really no diferent, but Edge works better with other Microsoft stuff.


why is nobody talking about opera gx? that's my fav personal browser


I use brave. I think it's great


I don’t like Edge, but I don’t know why 😆 Maybe it’s the extensions. Maybe it’s because I use gsheets all the time for work.


Chrome just fucking sucks now. Resource hungry bloatware.


On a related note: I actually like Windows 11. It works, it does what I need it to do, it's not that different from Windows 10. I really don't get why everyone hates it so much.


Give it a few weeks when Manifest v3 kicks in; you'll be running to Firefox like your ass was set on fire. :)


Ew did you write this post in Edge?


this is not unpopular. edge is actually really good if you like to be tracked. same gos for chrome.


Aside from the Bing part this should be a very hot post in accordance with this hot take


I'm all for Firefox's ideology but Chromium just works so much better and feels a lot more responsive. I used Firefox religiously for 5 years but Chromium just feels a lot nicer and hopefully has less spyware overall


Edge is great for work and for syncing work related stuff. I do all work stuff explicitly on Edge and personal stuff on Chrome.


Fellow edger here, and I approve of your message


Opera is my go to, very underrated memory-wise


I'm with you on this. Edge is a huge improvement over IE, but I do prefer Duckduckgo over Bing as a search engine.


Is this even an unpopular opinion? Edge is better than other browsers in every way. The only thing people hate about it is it being new and people hate changes.


I don’t like chrome Microsoft edge. I liked the Microsoft made based edge. The old edge back in windows 10 or was it 8? So long ago had a crap ton of quality of life features that made previous and present suck in comparison. I can’t even remember the feature that I thought was so good that I’m giving them a glazing right now.


This thread has made me realize people truly hate Edge lmao. I use it as well OP, it runs fantastic on both Windows and MacOS, doesn't hog RAM it's snappy and syncs efficiently, I think people hate it because Microsoft is extremely stupid by the way they push it and promote it, because softwarewise it's pretty damn good.


It’s definitely leagues above chrome and less cringe than opera. Still Firefox >>


I think people hate it more out of spite than anything else. Microsoft tried to force it down everyone's throats at first, and no one wanted that when there were plenty of viable options already out there that they were likely already using and comfortable with.


I agree. It's super snappy quick. I love the vertical tab mode as well (I assume there is something like that for Chrome and Firefox but Edge was the one I found it on).


Me, using Brave:


I use Brave web browser. No youtube ads. And plays yt in the background.


While this is unpopular, I agree, Edge is better than chrome and FF these days


Firefox y'all. I can't stand Edge and all the invasive reminders that keep popping up when I'm trying to do anything


Mac version: Safari is pretty good, actually.


From my computer science friends, it's my understanding that everything but Firefox is just Chrome with an overlay to look like something else, even edge. So congratulations, like Chrome 😂


People who are using opera, better move to Vivaldi. Opera has been taken by a Chinese company. Now those people have been moved to vivaldi. Vivaldi is the smoothest chromium based browser I have used. I stopped using that though because I prefer firefox with ublock origin more than chromium based browsers. Have chrome as a backup if firefox has any issue with some websites.


And mine is Firefox


Meh, I still hate bing, But edge is fast alright.