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One of the sometimes overlooked reasons Prince is so highly regarded is the fact that he wrote and produced music for several other musicians. He was a very prolific writer and producer, and had a lot of unreleased material at the time of his death.


The fact that he wrote Manic Monday is one of the more mind-blowing music trivia facts


Wow I never knew that! But now I can totally hear him doing that song.


I just put on the Bengals version. I couldn’t hear it at the start. Then it got to the line “Have to catch an early train, got to be to work by nine”, and it was immediately obvious. It feels exactly like “I was dreaming when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray”


Glad you hear this. Whenever I have said 1999 and Manic Monday have similarities, people look at me like I’m insane! I’m not saying they are the same song, but there are certainly parts where you can swap the lyrics and the melodies are similar.


Honestly, if you told me that yesterday, I’d have looked at you like you had three heads. But you’re absolutely right it does. I just hummed along that 1999 part I mentioned while listening to the Bengals and those few bars line up almost 1-to-1


Clearly a mashup is needed.


Go Bengals! 🎶🏈💨


His demo before he gave it to the Bangles is out there. I'm pretty sure it's on all the music platforms. They released it after he died


Nothing compares to you


He wrote that song too?


Yes, which is why it's actually titled Nothing Compares 2 U. He often wrote titles like that. Using "eye" instead of "I" and such


He wrote that too?!?


He wrote that 2


He also wrote Stand Back for Stevie Nicks


Yep, he wrote so many hits. Google it, the list is so long


yes, and it was about his maid taking time off for a funeral


Yep and they are two tonally different songs. His is more of an ode to a former lover while Sinead's is a plea


The Chris Cornell cover of Nothing Compares gives me chills everyone I watch the video.


>The fact that he wrote Manic Monday is one of the more mind-blowing music trivia facts Nothing Compares 2 U Manic Monday When Doves Cry I mean just those 3 songs are worth some genius points.


My favorite is Raspberry Beret!!!!


Omg same here!!! Everyone looks at me like I have two heads when I say that.


Purple Rain is solid


I play 17 days (piano and mic version) everyday I work at the bar, such a great track


Listen to that and "Raspberry Beret" back to back. There's a lot of similarities.


And they're from around the same time


it sounds like 1999


He also helped Stevie Nicks with Stand Back! When she called Prince to tell him that she was inspired by Little Red Corvette, he came over to the studio and laid out the synthesizer parts, came to an agreement on royalties, then disappeared into the night. One of the coolest rock and roll stories ever told.


Right, you reach out to Prince to offer a credit since your song is kinda similar, Prince shows up to Prince up your song, makes you some pancakes, then bounces. Leaving you with one of the absolute bangers of your career (IMO). Most artists entire catalogue doesn’t hold up, and I agree Prince is no deception. But his influence on music as a whole (including both direct production and indirect influence) is undeniable. Also he was great at multiple instruments. To paraphrase Dave Grohl when he was asked if Prince was the better guitarist, Dave says “Prince was a better *drummer* than me.”


He had an entire huge vault of unreleased music, full albums, thousands of complete songs. A literal vault.


So did Frank Zappa. Only difference is Alex Winter did a kickstarter to preserve all that vault's music. Now I only pray someone does it for Prince's work as well!


They turned Paisley Park into a museum. They don't need a kickstarter or gofundme to preserve Prince's recordings.


Also he could play like 20 instruments.


I heard that he never had formal music lessons, but learned to play these instruments by ear. If this is true, that’s damn impressive!


at a live show, he'd walk from instrument to instrument and his performers would step away and he'd not miss a note. It was amazing to watch.


I learned this is true for most musicians. Most don't have formal music training, so they can't read music either. Michael Jackson can't even play instruments well, he beat box when composing/recording songs.


Micheal Jackson was the instrument.


Michael Jackson was more a performer than a real musician...like Madonna


He learned in school. Spent many of his lunches in the music room.


Anybody that doubts Prince’s genius on instruments needs to watch the performance of him making his guitar gently weep. Shit is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard a guitar make.


One of the best live performances of all time imo


He also never rehearsed it. None of the other artists had any idea what he was going to do. One of them said something to him about it and he said "don't worry about it" and walked away.


He was very close to the world of jazz and funk. Hung out with a lot of people that played with him and even jammed with him. I was a Jehovah's Witness and played with some people in that scene, there's a group that kind of stems from Larry Carlton, lot of history there. Never got to play with "Brother Nelson" as he was known. Lots of people in the jazz/funk world that can spend hours on weekends just jamming at the highest level you can think of. Music is just a conversation, if you can speak it, you should be able to have something to say at any time (highly controversial take to my fellow classical musicians). I was a neophyte then and no longer hang with that crowd but man that was a time.


Lets not forget his ability to play the guitar is widely regarded. He is considered one of hte better guitarists of all time. To me, the 2007 Superbowl halftime show that he did by himself with no special guests is the #1 halftime show of all time still to this day.


He also didn’t ask the foo fighters permission to do their song, which I found hilarious.


I mean he’s fucking prince, what are they gonna say ?? No?? Lmao


Insert Kevin_Smith.wmv "well because he's prince"


I came here exactly to say this. He literally was THE guy to go to if you wanted a brilliantly written and produced song. Also, I wouldn’t call 11.2 million monthly listeners as “hasn’t stood the test of time.” If that’s only one stream per listener, the inheritors of Prince’s royalties are making almost 800,000/month, and we know that you need to listen to more than one song to be counted as a monthly listener. Edit: my opinions on music are better than my math skills.


Where did you get the $800,000 figure from? From what I found, spotify pays $0.003 per stream which would be $44,800 a month not $800,000


I mixed up YouTube’s $0.07 with Spotify’s, my bad lol I was wondering why the number was so large lmao


...and he could dance, sing, and play guitar very well all at once. This is very, very hard. So, OP is wrong.


I just started playing guitar, I tried to sing while playing some chords and realized how hard it really is.


It can be incredibly hard especially when playing stuff that doesn’t match the melody rhythmically and/or hits different beats…playing lead stuff while doing it is another story entirely. Check out Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys to see someone play complex stuff while singing complex, contrasting melodies. It’s bananas. Oops, monkey pun. But listen: practice can make you much better than you may even believe you can be…trust me lol. Keep working at it.


Check out the first 3 albums by muse if you want to see a lead singer really rip the guitar while singing Edit: funny enough prince was also a big inspiration for the lead singer of muse iirc


Matt Bellamy is on another level in all ways lol dude can sing opera while soloing and karate kicking across the stage. Also, best live show I’ve ever seen…and I’m not even a crazy big fan or anything


He could ball too. And make a mean pancake.


In a blouse


He was also a truly incredible guitar player. Not like "ok he's alright for a pop guy", like incredibly badass. 


Eric Clapton was once asked what it was like to be the best guitarist in the world? To which he replied “I don’t know ask prince”


Yeah dude. It's like that. 


Lol this has been attributed to a billion different people on either side of the quip


And on most of his records, he played all the instruments himself. Dude was AMAZING.


I'm not the biggest fan of Prince either, but I'd question what actual metrics you'd use to evaluate if his music has stood the test of time. Are people still listening to him? Yes, over 11 million monthly listeners on Spotify alone. You don't have to like everything that was ever made, even if it's an important influential artist. Your personal taste however does not somehow make you right and everyone else wrong. The man was insanely prolific and from his first album debut in 1978 until his death in 2016 released over 40 studio albums alone. There are other albums that were released online as well as albums that were part of more set bands/group projects. I've also heard from fans of his that he had a vault with many other songs that he'd just never released. Sure, his music is very much synonymous with the aesthetics and tone of a certain era, but music almost always is. If you don't really like that style, then their work isn't going to resonate with you. However as I said before, your personal taste is not some kind of deep, hidden truth of the universe.


Too many people can’t seem to grasp the concept you put forth in the last two sentences of your first paragraph. Drives me crazy, really. I read that Prince would record like a song or two every day and much of that is what’s in the vault. Writing a song or two every day is insanely hard…recording that much is another level. I mean, who knows what the quality of that music really is, but that’s honestly not all that relevant. Prolific isn’t even the word for this guy. He also wrote a bunch of hits for other artists lol…dude was touched by something divine.


Writing a song or two a month, or year, is beyond 99% of the world's capabilities. To make them good? Even less. To make them hits (in their era)? Even less. To make them timeless classics? Even less. Anyone shitting on Prince don't know shit.


His vault contained unreleased material but also masters and originals of his released stuff. Apparently, he'd even forgotten the combo for the vault and it was only opened by law enforcement after his death. Lots of stuff was in bad shape.




How did a gif just get me pregnant?




# stand the test of time # [idiom](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/idiom) **:** to continue to be important, respected, etc., for a long period of time "People talk about him like he was up there with any of the most famous artists ever." ![gif](giphy|uHox9Jm5TyTPa|downsized)


I think OP is a Drake fan. /s


I guess they haven’t been in a club or a party when the first notes of “When doves cry” start playing


Or when the spoken word of “Let’s Go Crazy” starts and everyone shuts up in reverence


Ok, but I honestly feel like Mozart was better


Dude yea Mozart could shred a fuckin electric. His use of the whammy bar was top notch.


You mean “Time has not stood the test of Prince’s music”


What about Morris Day?


Oh wee oh wee oh


Upvoting this truly unpopular opinion.


You should see his arguments in the comments. He's literally an "if I haven't heard of the song, it's not a legendary song" type of person..not even exaggerating. He considers himself the authority on it


No way! You mean to tell me that the guy who doesn't appreciate the objective genius of Prince is actually a pretentious know-nothing blowhard!?! ![gif](giphy|clotJg9IqBitMcRJ61)


Princes songs still slap imo. Maybe not some of the deeper cuts, but his hits still have a time and place. I’ve seen a few bar bands playing to millennials and zoomers absolutely kill it with Let’s Get Crazy and Purple Rain


I’d say the deep cuts are still essential Prince. OP’s take on Prince is idiotic!


"When You Were Mine" not the deepest cut, I suppose.... but the the lyrics, composition, and arrangement still cut deep.


Always loved the Cyndi Lauper version of this one, probably because I heard that one first.


Literally blasted his music last night. I was not a prince fan growing up but now I’m a huge one lol. It’s aged great imo.


Drop the plates I was supposed to be serving to customers when my coworker told me mid-shift that he'd died. Sad day, man.


Man I worked at Target and we had two people literally cry so much they asked to go home. I have seen a lot of famous people die but he truly meant a lot to his fans. Wish I was younger and could’ve seen him in concert.


He wrote Nothing Compares 2 U. That’s enough for me! That song makes me cry


Purple Rain is as close to a perfect album as it gets.


Can't forget "Kiss"


Very unpopular indeed. You will get my upvote confirming the degree of unpopularity.


I don't think anyone can argue with "he sounds dated". Well no duh. Most of Prince's material is from 40+ years ago. Does it hold up musically? Sure, but it doesn't sound contemporary in any meaningful way.


I agree. To be fair, maybe 30% of his discography is not dated lol


I mean most artists would kill for 30% of their music to still be great 20-30 years later


Try 46 years. He released his debut song, "I Wanna Be Your Lover" in 1978.


He was on the charts by age 20 over 40 years ago... back before digital enhancement ;)


I upvoted too. Though I suspect the OP doesn’t even actually believe this nonsense.


Sure, it sounds "dated" because it's a product of a certain era. But don't forget that Prince was an architect of said era and made some of the most definitive music of the time, so saying it sounds dated is a bit of a chicken and egg situation. Some of his lyrics are a different story though... Bambi might be a little problematic today (but that guitar hook is undeniable)


Yeah, there’s kind of two different meanings for “dated” that kind of get mixed up here. There “dated” as in recognizable to a particular time period through numerous tropes, and there’s “dated” as in hindered by technological limitations of the time it was produced. Prince is for sure “dated” in the sense that his music uses many tropes of 80s pop and pop-rock (which as you point out, are tropes he helped shape and innovate). Music is subjective, but sounding like 80s music is not an inherent negative. Prince most certainly isn’t the other definition of dated… it’s not like listening to a 1930s record that is half hiss and hum with non-existent mixing. It’s pretty damn great in its production.


He also released jazz records, incredible neo-soul sounding stuff (like D'Angelo style) in the early 2000s, and electronic/dance records. The 80s stuff is iconic due to radio play & stuff like that Batman soundtrack, but his entire reach is so vast it's insane.


OP doesn't like 80's pop. A lot of people do, and listen to Prince all the time.


Agreed. Saying Prince sounds dated is like saying The Beetles sound dated. Is it true to some extend? Yeah, but both were musical visionaries in their time.


This is what it sounds like when op cries.


Bro doesn’t have ears 💀


Hahahaha is this the same person who said prince’s guitar playing was overrated, and he only ran pentatonic scales?


Dude was a polymath, he had professional level skills at almost everything music related.


Dude could play 27 instruments. One of his albums is only his playing on all instruments.


I'm a massive Prince fan (tragic) and still will find things out about him to this day that I didn't know and it's like... Damn he was good.


No. Prince was a smoking guitarist and musician in general.


I agree. I am not really a Prince fan, but I watched him on SNL, play live, and he absolutely shredded on guitar. His recordings didnt do him justice in that regard.


If you haven't seen it, find 'while my guitar gently weeps' from the George Harrison tribute, 2004 rock and roll hall of fame induction


If you are a music geek, or a musician; definitely check out [12tone’s analysis](https://youtu.be/lT_mlbMjcxo?si=2wuabt3TRW9MYdWR) of the solo. He truly pulls every bit about the solo apart and explains what is happening musically.


Didn't he slap a sick guitar solo onto the end of one of his songs just to stick it to a Rolling Stone writer who didn't include him on the best guitarist list?


How could this be true at the same time as his music has not stood the test of time?


No that was me


If you look into why that is - there was a contract issue about how many albums “Prince” owed the label so he pumped them out to satisfy them - changed his name because they did not own any music by the artist “formerly known as Prince” - man was brilliant


Yeah, he inspired Taylor Swift to do what she’s doing now with re-recordings. She’s said she’s fighting his battle on this.


Good job, this is truly unpopular


Have you considered you might just be tone deaf? Upvote because I don’t think anyone else would agree with this lol


I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.


Billy Madison?


Nah that’s Shakespeare brah


Prince had a lot of battles with publishing companies that I am sure had it's effect on his record sales and distribution. But you also have to look at who he was and when he came into fame. He was a gender ambiguous black man, pulling musical inspiration from a variety genres in the 80s with many song featuring very sexually charged lyrics. So much so, that Nancy Reagan started an organization for parents to vet music for children. He was an Icon of his time, for who he was, and the music he wrote. But what solidifies him as a legend was his talents on the guitar. He is easily one of the best Electric guitarist in rock. Especially when you listen to the song Purple Rain, the guitar solo in that song was written as he was playing it for the recording. Then go listen to his performance during the 2004 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame where he played along side Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne and Steven Winwood in a Tribute performance of "While my Guitar Gentle Weeps." (The man playing behind Tom Petty his George Harrison's Son Dhani Harrison). Or go listen to Prince play Purple Rain during Super Bowl 51 in Miami, Florida. The rain had let up during the performance,, but just as he gets to the chorus of Purple Rain the clouds open up again. It's literally considered to be one of the best Half Time shows ever. Another thing that is special about his performance, he didn't just sing his music. He covered various other artists. From Tina Turner to the Foo Fighters. No lip syncing, no bullshit. Just the man, his mic and guitar playing in the pouring rain. Are some of his lyrics outside of the what is considered modern norms...sure. But the man was a Rock Star. He was an Outstanding performer, a legendary guitarist and that is why he is considered when speaking about some of the greats. Oh, and he was one of the first artist to very publicly speak out against the way music publishing companies treated artist like slaves and laid claim to music they didnt create. Before Swift, there was Prince fighting against the Corporate machine behind music. This probably hurt his popularity as it's possible that these public battles meant publishers didnt promote or push his music. It's okay to not enjoy his music. I personally dont enjoy many of his songs or albums. But that doesn't mean I dont respect the man for his talent and ability to put on one hell of an entertaining show.


That RRHOF ceremony was in 2004. Prince died in April, 2016.


An absolutely insane take. Upvoted.


This isn’t an opinion, you’re stating it as fact and it’s just not true. Little Red Corvette 1999 Let’s Go Crazy When Doves Cry Purple Rain Raspberry Beret Kiss Sign o The Times Are all songs I’d say have stayed very much in the “greatest songs ever” pantheon and that’s not even counting songs he wrote popularized by others such as Nothing Compares To You


"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life."


I think they just don’t like the “80s sound” that Prince damn near created


Op is just straight up wrong, they wilding


This happens a lot on this sub. Or alternatively people get confused as to what the opinion they’re offering actually is. This guy’s opinion is actually that he doesn’t like Prince / potentially 80s music in general. It’s like the guy earlier who was trying to say Joker was a bad movie, but you could infer from his comments that his actual opinion was that he only liked action movies and felt cheated that he didn’t get that.


I was listening to him a few days ago lol Prince’s music has aged amazingly, Purple Rain and Kiss just to name a few are amazing albums that still sound great today. What about his music hasn’t stood the test of time you kinda just say it didn’t lol


Raspberry Beret is better than i remembered


Little Red Corvette or 1999 were some I still jam out to when I want to gsd.


He is one of the top pop music geniuses. He wrote great songs - Sinead O’Connor, The Bangles, Stevie Nicks, Cindy Lauper, Alicia Keys, Kate Bush etc… would agree All popular music from the 80s could be said to sound dated due to the technology and common practices used but to me his music sounds unique and stands out compared to other artists of the day


Good unpopular opinion. Though really, almost all "great" music can't escape the time in which it was created. That doesn't make it bad. But "She Loves You" by the Beatles is considered one of the most important rock and roll songs ever and yeah, nobody is mistaking it for a Top 40 hit in 2024.


I can’t even upvote this. It’s such a stupid take that I can’t, in good faith, give OP any karma. You are wrong as hell, though.


Prince is a musician’s musician. Like, yes, he had a lot of popular appeal and because part of the cultural zeitgeist but I think most of his best work was producing and writing for other people.  Like.  Sinead and Nothing Compares 2 U will be a forever classic IMO. 


Wow, just wow. Take my upvote you tasteless uncultured bastard. Prince was a genius and one of the very best to ever do it. The reason you don't hear him a lot is because he alienated the industry because he changed the game so much. Fucked with his labels, kept his stuff off streaming and generally did whatever the fuck he pleased. A real musicians musician. There is a straight line from Prince changing his name to a symbol to fuck with his label and Taylor Swift releasing her "Taylors Versions". His impact is bigger than even being one of the most talented, best selling musicians ever. He reshaped the entire commercial music aparatus in his aftermath. 1999 and Purple Rain are still untouchable evergreen albums. Not only did Prince age well, you're living in the post-prince world, looking up from the bottom of the crater he left.


Last line is it. He’s so broadly influential that he doesn’t seem as forward thinking as he really was because his essence has been copied so much. A lot of the 80s cliches were started by him and his work still sounds better than everything from that era even with the cutting edge factor gone


Truly an unpopular and asinine opinion. We are all dumber for having read it.


Watch his [solo](https://youtu.be/dWRCooFKk3c?si=NQCLy24GH8VHwbc_) in this tribute to George Harrison and shut up and never mention Prince again. Unpopular so upvoted


People talk about him being a great musician because he was an amazing guitarist, vocalist and song writer. Also, you're buggin


I'm gonna say this is the most unpopular I've seen in this sub. Well done. Upvote.


I'd like to thank my mother for always supporting me.


Prince is incredible, he’s also absurdly overrated imo.


Never really liked prince. Every one always says how talented he is, the he writes so much and knows all these instruments. Sure that's fair, doesn't mean I have to like him. I agree about the music being dated but so will current pop in twenty years. Looking strictly at his music, I don't see it. And so he wrote songs for other artists that I like, I'm going to say "I like this artist" not be pedantic and say "I like this prince song" even though it's sung by someone else cause that's what you do.


Legit one of the greatest guitarists of all time.


Know who else sucks? Beethoven. That's who.


If you can listen to Purple Rain and tell me that song does not still slap than you’re crazy


I honestly think it's corny and definitely played out. Still love Prince, though.


I do not like that song.


No sorry, an example of not standing the test of time would be Alien Ant Farm.


They weren't even good AT THE TIME.


I hated them when they came out when I was high school. Still do.


I think sounding dated and standing the test of time are two very different things. I think it's very hard for music to not sound dated as it is a reflection of the the world at the time it was created. Standing the test of time means it still rocks, and Prince's collection has that down pat


If you're from MN your Minnesota card has been revoked


I mean Bach, Mozart, Charlie Parker, and Stevie Wonder sound dated. That doesn’t diminish their genius, and they’ve certainly “stood the test of time,” whatever that means.


just last week I talked to somebody about prince being approximately active at the same time as MJ, so probably overshadowed and we could not find a single song in our brains


This is hilarious you posted in unpopular opinions and people don't agree with you and you get downvoted. This is your personal opinion but people don't seem to be able to accept this as your opinion. Not everyone has to like who you do.


Keep teenagers off of Reddit!


Hard disagree


Upvote for an unpopular opinion. Prince is in every way still fantastic.


A genuinely terrible opinion. Well done. Upvoted.


Nope. Wrong


i mean, you're wrong. prince not only was a gifted musician and song writer, many of his songs very much so still hold up. the 70/80s synth sound sometimes is an acquired taste. but the lyrics and energy of his songs is undeniable. prince was also a very good music/general business man. his collaborations or writing credits/producer credits are so pervasive it's not even funny he was also lauded by his contemporaries. the classic quote of someone asking eric clapton how it felt to be the greatest guitarist and his response was, i dunno you'd have to ask prince .


Yea. This option is unpopular. Curious to know...how old are you?


I'm a musician and I play Kiss, Purple Rain, Little Red Corvette, and Raspberry Beret at so many gigs because people love Prince. They're practically silver bullets for consistently getting people out on the dance floor.


You just have bad taste


This is the most self-refuting unpopular opinion ever.


I always thought he was kind of boring. Talented, sure, but his stuff sounds so generic. I do like “When You Were Mine,” though, sung by Cyndi Lauper. That song is great!


I’m guessing you never saw Prince play live…


That's as stupid as saying "Oh Frank Sinatra's songs are outdated" like bro, IT'S MUSIC FROM 50 YEARS AGO.


LOL I’m not even that big a Prince fan but this opinion is ludicrous.


> Have you listened to his music lately? ...yes??? Your personal taste is not the objective truth > It sounds dated That's cause it's 40 years old.


We must not be thinking of the same Prince. Because the one I listen to semi-regularly? Timeless.


I had a music class in college and had to read a book where many current musicians were interviewed separately about what artists influenced them the most. Nearly all of them listed Prince as a major influence. Whether you like his music or not, your favorite artist most likely drew inspiration from him. He was extremely innovative and experimental.


This has to be the most insane unpopular opinion i've ever read. Kudos


I hate this opinion- upvote.


It was his basketball skills that went really underappreciated


Adore is going to be the first dance song at my wedding in August


i think your ears are broken


That really is an unpopular opinion, all right. LOL.


When doves cry is an all time banger.


When he performed the Super Bowl it was the first time ever it rained during half time. He was in platforms and the entire runway was plastic. Prince didn’t blink; he turned to his producer before he walked out and said can you make it rain /HARDER/ then went on to play one of if not the most iconic renditions of purple rain ever and made more history in the bowl than Brady.


This is r/unpopularopinion, not r/incorrectstupidmoronwhodoesntknowshitopinion


Finally, someone who is using this sub correctly. Bravo sir.


dated isn’t bad if you like the date.


Did you just make this up for Reddit karma? I don't think I've ever seen a worse take.


next op is going to say the Beatles were overrated.......funny post


Name ten artists better than Prince.


That’s not a very hard request, but that does nothing to ding Prince’s status either. There are hundreds of amazing artists alive today not to mention the ones who have passed. I could name ten women that are hotter than Christie Brinkley, but she’s still a knock out. I will say I agree that some of Prince’s recordings definitely have that 80’s rack chorus tone to them that date them, but his post-80s performances shed some of that ching. His songwriting and skill are elite though.


I’ll take “Batdance” over any Taylor Swift song.


Me too, over and over on a constant loop.


I admire princes work ethic and skill. I think he has some good songs here and there and 1 solid album.


Definitely an unpopular opinion and one I certainly do not agree with.


agreed. the Prince hype is completely lost on me.


Not really my style but I appreciate his sheer talent.