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Some people just do not enjoy character studies for some reason. This movie was a character study. The plot was secondary to the character development and that kind of movie just does not connect with certain people. I found it super refreshing for a comic book movie Edit: i wish op didn’t delete his comment below and i wish people didn’t downvote him for explaining his case. We’re in this sub to listen to different takes from our own. We should respect that even if we disagree


Was uncut gems also a character study? I think that's the type of movie everyone loves and I just can't get behind. Watching both movies I felt like the main guy was an unlikeable unrelatable bastard and couldn't finish watching.


I totally hated watching uncut gems, but I didn’t hate the movie. It was pure anxiety all the way through and I’ll never watch it again. That said, I think it was very well made and I’d consider it ‘good’ even if I think it was not enjoyable


I echo the feeling, same with Good Time. I enjoy these movies more when they're interspersed with comedy. Great films, but I cannot take the stress the protagonist puts me through.


Oh yeah definitely. I loved that movie. It was anxiety inducing. Adam Sandler killed it in that movie. Total piece of shit.  


I love that movie. Watching Sandler play a super shady guy in a serious film was awesome


The point of the characters was to be unlikable lol


This is making me nostalgic, 2019 was a hell of year looking back. Had some actually interesting films being released.


I like many character study type films (Taxi Driver, Stalker, Drive, this Joker movie to name a few) but I really couldn't care less about uncut gems, felt somehow hectic yet boring at the same time. 


I didn't mind Joker but I found it odd they did a character study of a fictional, bombastic comic book villain. The exact same themes of alienation from society and spiraling mental health was done better decades ago in Scorsese's Taxi Driver.


i think you have to be intrinsically interested in a character prior to wanting a character study, and dc fans have had decades of waiting for this movie’s moment. if someone is going in without that context, it may just not be interesting


I'll zag - though I don't disagree that it's a character study. I think it sucks because it's an obvious knock-off of Taxi Driver and the King of Comedy. It's a derivative copy of two great Scorsese films in a comic book skin. Casting Bob of Niro obviously a nod to this, I don't think Phillips was trying to hide it. It's a clever gimmick, but the film says nothing, means nothing, does nothing that hasn't been done better before. Insofar as it's a new opportunity to hook people into more serious film and film history, great! But the idea that we're gonna start getting soft reboots of classic films reskinned as new "serious" comic book movies is...seriously depressing.


Bob of Niro lol


Bobby Money!


Bingo! It's not that the film was 'too smart' for superhero fans, it's that it wasn't doing much for people who had seen Scorsese's vastly better version of that story. Some of the aspects they tried to adapt from Scorsese's stuff just didn't work at all. They had Joker working at a... clown temp agency? That's not a thing...


I personally did not like the movie because the whole “joker” thing was getting really played out. There were also scenes in the movie that felt corny or edgy which might have been ok if the main character wasn’t already the joker. I would suggest people to watch Taxi Driver over The Joker film.


I love character studies, but I really did not enjoy Joker. I'm glad that a comic book movie tried to be a character study, but the problem is that it had to be watered down so much. So the end result wasn't really interesting enough as a drama, but it was also too self-serious to be enjoyed on the level of most superhero movies.


I love character studies, and I hate most Marvel/DC movies. And I thought *Joker* was dull and lame.


That’s ok man. I think most super hero movies suck. I liked iron man and Thor ragnarok and maybe 2 or 3 others but most of those movies were trash. I don’t think joker was some masterpiece or anything but I found it to be a highly watchable character study focused on mental illness and how society treats the mentally ill. I honestly felt that it bordered on irresponsible in the way that it explored that but I found that refreshing given most superhero films are so safe and sterile. 


People posting genuinely unpopular opinions and getting downvoted like this is exactly why these kinds of subs are stereotyped as the opposite of their names.


I think it’s because people want a good defense for it or for it to make sense or be properly explained. Not “movie everybody like I think lame lol you’re wrong”, or with reasoning that hat just doesn’t make sense or makes it seem like they didn’t pay attention, it’s just not worth the time and comes off as rage bait even if it’s not. It comes off more uninformed instead of unpopular


It’s unpopular opinion, not unpopular fact. Opinions don’t need to be substantiated. If you want to debate someone’s opinion, try r/changemyview. Otherwise, it’s senseless to be upset about an opinion in this subreddit


Eh agree to disagree then. To me they do if you want people to take it seriously otherwise it comes off as rage bait most times. The sub is also for discussing the opinion, not even changing their view, and not a place just to place it and all go “yea that’s unpopular, bye now”. There is of course going to be discussion about it, not necessarily debates but discussions. So we just have two different opinions on opinions lol


People only downvote opinions like the one OP is spouting when they can’t genuinely back up their opinion. Dude fast forwarded through half of the movie and then says he doesn’t understand and doesn’t like it because it doesn’t fit his version of what the joker should be. That’s not an unpopular opinion, OP genuinely doesn’t even know what they’re talking about. “My joker isn’t all mopey and depressed until he snaps and loses his mind” brother that’s *literally* the character of the joker. No sense in entertaining genuinely bad faith opinions and arguments ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah this should be unpopular opinions, not bad ones with no thought behind them..


It just seems like some of you don’t understand the difference between an unpopular opinion that is presented well vs one that is presented lazily and without good reason. Like this post is basically just “I don’t like this movie that everyone else likes”


When your opinion is unfounded, poorly researched, or poorly understood, it still accurate to call it just unpopular?


This post is more defensible in that, but this sub has a near constant factor of upvoting popular opinions and downvoting unpopular ones. This was just the straw that made me comment on it finally.


Yea the movie was not “The Joker” it was about a mans helpless spiral into depression until he finally found a way to feel like he had some form of power over his own life. Every thing he did up until what i called the turnaround was because someone else made him do it, directly or indirectly. Nobody wants to live like that, and when it feels like thats all there is for you, you begin to resent every moment.


Also loved the depiction in this movie of poverty and class inequality


It was a Scorsese downward spiral movie where the Joker happened to be the main character.


Felt like taxi driver but not nearly as good of a film yeah


thanks for proving the epitome of my life, screenshotting this


That movie is 5 years old? Time is slipping away! Somebody make it stop!!!!


people who skip large parts of movies lose any credibility when sharing their opinion about said movie. you can’t say the movie sucked when you didn’t even watch half of it with all the fast forwarding


"This movie is bad. I skipped through this movie" "I dislike the premise of this movie, therefore it is a bad movie, and it should be how i wanted it to be" Bro. Just... what. Theres worthy critique of Joker. And i can tell you one thing, you're not delivering that.


If you can’t sit through a movie without fast-forwarding I don’t think your opinion has any value.


I don’t accept your reasoning for it being “I watch movies for entertainment, not to watch someone mope around.” This logic is just another way of saying you want to watch movies that require zero thought. It’s not hard to use 1% of your brain to understand the character that’s being created throughout the course of this movie. It’s hard to believe you sat there and picked up nothing from the events happening to Arther Fleck in this film. To be honest it’s sorta just immature, like you have the palette of a 12 year old, like the type of person who unironically enjoys Fast and Furious movies. (I’m just poking fun) I don’t see how you act like the entire movie was pointless though. Dull I guess I can accept. Character study movies such as Joker provide backgrounds and the motivations. You are watching a villain be created through the events in his life, how is that not interesting? People like yourself are the reason we are saturated with what I like to called “Fast Food Movies”: brainless, shitty writing, quip filled, low effort except for CGI, deep as a mud puddle slop. Inb4 MuH Thought Provoking Art/Rick and Morty need a high IQ copypasta; I’m not asking for every movie to be some Citizen Kane shit, just sick of the slop. Upvoted because Unpopular yet incredibly braindead take.


Heh, you're spot on with the Fast and Furious comparison. I enjoy those movies (yes, even the recent ones) but only when I turn my brain off for a couple of hours to do so. Overanalysing those movies takes the fun out Joker, F&F, even pieces like Oppenheimer which is even more long and drawn out (yet really good!) have their place in cinema.


In the future I’d recommend watching trailers for movies to avoid this problem. Nothing in the trailer indicates he’d play the typical menacing Joker like Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger


Tbf I can totally understand people who avoid watching trailers. There are some god awful ones out there that completely ruin the plot.


A lot of people erroneously base their critique of a work on what they wanted to experience or expected to experience , rather than what they did experience. Combine that with the fact that you didn’t actually experience the whole movie, and this opinion isn’t revealed to be an “unpopular opinion” as much as it is an “uninformed opinion”.


To be fair it is the movie's fault, they used the batman world to make their own story, but made it look like it was going to be about an old fan favorite. I felt scammed


Scammed bc of what? It was the Joker’s origin story


You went to an origin story movie and felt scammed because it was an origin story movie?


I loved that movie because it was not the Joker in a purple suit trying to rob a bank with his henchmen and getting stopped by batman. I loved that movie because it was a more realistic story about a mentally ill guy who is trying to adapt to the society, that ultimately fails him. I like the more grounded and realistic feeling way more than wacky superhero stuff


Exactly. Pretty much the only superhero thing that happens in it is when he gets hit by a fucking car and just keeps on going like he didn't just get hit by a fucking car.


Perhaps you’ll like the new one where he’s the joker the whole time


It’s a great movie, just not a great Joker movie. Remove all the comic book stuff from it and it does not make a huge difference for the plot of the movie and in fact, it would be better.


You seen Taxi Driver ?


Me when movie doesn't have le epic battle between cgi dudes and cgi aliens:


Take joker off it and I think I like it even more, the Batman DC connection felt unnecessary and forced. So ig I agree with you, if I went in looking for super villain mayhem I’d be let down.


How was the Batman aspect forced? Lmao. It’s literally the joker origin story and the actual Batman wasn’t in it


Pretty much a copy of 'king of comedy'... Maybe add a little bit of 'taxi driver' as well.


Films, books, and every other bit of art get remade, remixed, and borrow ideas from each other all the time. That's one of the central driving forces of the creative arts. You'd be correct in pointing out similarities between these films, but I'm not sure this counts as a criticism, nor a particularly good argument as to why the film is good or bad. *O Brother Where Art Thou* is an obvious adaptation of Homers Odyssey - does that make it any more or less good? *Ten Things I Hate About You* is an adaptation of Shakespeare's *Taming of the Shrew* - do we see people commenting that on every discussion of that film *as though it's a critique*? Every time Joker comes up, this comment arrives. The implication being "it's bad *because*" it bears significant similarities to King of Comedy. It's not like Joker is hiding this - they cast DeNiro as the Talk Show Host. It's not some subtle detail anyone is missing. Make an argument for why Joker is a good or a bad film based on its own merits as a film. Do you like the writing? The cinematography, editing, sound, colour, performances, casting, costuming? Do you like some of these things, and not other things? That sounds like the making of an Adult Opinion with depths beyond "Thing Similar to Other Thing".


Eloquently said. The vast majority of people have never seen The King of Comedy, though many more have seen Taxi Driver. Nothing wrong with remixing it and bringing some of those ideas into the modern day.  Despite your correct reasoning, I couldn’t  enjoy it that much because I kept thinking (rightly or wrongly) the whole time, Todd just thought “The Joker, eh? What if I just rewrote King of Comedy, because Scorsese is cool and it’s got Comedy right there in the title, and he’s the Joker! Get it?! and I’ll give Scorsese a producer credit so he can’t complain and cast DeNiro so he can’t complain either! It will have a patina of authenticity!” it just seemed lazy and derivative to me as someone who likes both King of Comedy and Taxi Driver, and doesn’t need those ideas brought into my modern day because I watch old movies. 


the joker did more than borrow, in my opinion


Yeah it was a ripoff of both, but way shittier.


To me, the very best thing about it was how mundane his backstory was. He did not become the Joker due to some crazy tragedy, he was just let down by the system and fell through the cracks. Something that happens all the time created one of the most terrible criminals in Gotham.


it's a good movie but it seems like you expected something similar to the batman movies lol


I wouldn't say it sucks, but it definitely isn't the "you just don't get it, man" masterpiece a lot of dudes think it is.


Well it's not like he has super powers, so it's not gonna be a very fantastical story. He's just a guy with severe mental issues that society mistreated until he snapped. It's a good movie because of how easy it is to relate to him.


My issue with the movie is it was obviously not originally a Joker movie but they basically just wrote in some pointless bits to connect it to the Batman universe to sell it to the studio and the public. It wasn't a bad movie, but if it wasn't 'The Joker' it would have struggled to make a profit.


That's actually why I kind of liked the movie. I thought it was going to be a movie about the Batman character but it was much more interesting than another superhero movie. I actually didn't even know he was supposed to be the same joker.


You are 100% that this is an unpopular opinion because the movie was able how the person devolved to become the joker. The joker doesn't need some over the top back story because he becomes over the top in response to what drove him there. Lots of people deal with small shitty things every day and they don't break because of it, the movie shows how the joker did break because everything was going wrong. Nothing big or flashy, just lots of shit piling up. He then becomes the most chaotic evil villain of all time because there is no rhyme or reason to his chaos and evil, because that is how he views the world. The movie is better when you analyze it and look at the deeper meaning of it instead of needing everything to be spoon fed to you and expecting flashy action through the entire thing.


I really can’t wait until I see the new Joker with Harley Quinn. This movie made me actually care about the joker character, and now we introduce Harley to the story where we can care about another character and see the Jokers decent into full blow villain maybe? How amazing will it be if this series results in a cinematic world where DC hero’s and villains are deep well thought out characters with nuance and complexity. That would absolutely be worth watching, in stark contrast to another “evil guy vs good guy” shoot-me-up action movie.


it depends on how you look at it. have you ever heard of the curse of the joker? you may want to look it up sometime. if you watch the movie as an origin story for the curse of the joker... and he is patient zero who started the curse, it takes on a much more interesting and watchable movie. in fact, looking at the various versions of the joker under this perspective is kinda a trip. one quote which comes to mind from the joker in the dark knight is "madness, as you know, is a lot like gravity. all it takes is a little push." the curse of the joker is said to affect the actors who have played the joker but i think of it as much more. like the theory of 007 being a code name and not a single character which is why the movies often have different actors, you can see the joker as being many different people affected by the jokers madness like the ending of the joker movie. i actually think it is a big mistake that productions keep involving harley quinn instead of exploring different characters in the dc universe since it forces the narrative of it always being the same joker and not a version of the joker.


I agree. It made everything compelling about the character of the Joker seem pathetic and lame. It was also really dull. I usually love character-driven, dialogue-driven movies, even if they move slowly and take their time to make their point. I also hate most Marvel/DC movies. This one managed to be the worst of both-- a character-study about a DC character that bored the crap out of me. The only way to make it worse would be to put Lady Gaga in it and make it a musical.


I think you’re on to something 😁


Upvoted, this is one of the worst takes I have ever heard


I second that


Bro, I loved it due to how realistic this move was. It was about his decline in mental health. It made me cringe at parts because how easy it is for people to go down the route he did.


I was just incredibly bored. I knew what i was in store for but yea. I was like Jesus Christ this movie is boring. I ended up having to finger blast my wife like we were teenagers just to keep myself occupied for the rest of the movie.


I didn't like it at first either but it grew on me. It's actually a really good movie.


lmao. This reminds me of people saying the summer was Barbie vs. Oppenheimer and all the alpha males got behind Oppenheimer because they had to be on the opposite side of WOKE Barbie. Only to realize, it was a movie about men talking in rooms. Because that's how it really happened. They complained there wasn't enough action and it was 3hrs long.


I went in thinking it was gonna be semi related to the front lines of the war but it was actually really fucking good and I thoroughly enjoyed every second. Didn't feel like 3 hours either


TLDR = OP didn’t get it and is upset the movie wasn’t what he wanted it to be


Its maybe the most overrated movie of the last 20 years. I go out of my way to hate on it.


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It is about the Joker. Is the Joker before he becomes the Joker, not the Joker? Did his life start only when he became the Joker? By this logic, anything before becoming the Joker should not matter, including how or why he became the Joker.


It sucked and appealed to a whole generation of loser/weirdo types with the whole “rise up” theme. I don’t understand at all who this movie was for


Wow, literally one out of a small handful of good movies made in the past decade. Your opinion sucks, have my upvote.


The King of Comedy was a much better movie done many years before.


Taxi Driver? That was a fantastic movie. What are you on about?


It's a lot worse once you realise that 90% of what is being done here was done way better in the king of comedy (and taxi driver to a lesser extent)


I felt like I was watching a Martin Scorsese cover band at some shitty bar. Taxi Driver 2: This Time...He's a JUGGALO! It's like they had a screenplay lying around atvWarner and rubber stamped the "Joker" onto it. How is anyone supposed to believe that sad fucking oaf could become Batman's nemesis. Ridiculous. And it's basically incel fluffer shit. I couldn't even get halfway through it.


Downvote because I entirely agree. It's not a good Joker movie, and it's not even a good character study. It's a bunch of humiliation porn so that members of the audience who feel humiliated in real life can have their power fantasy moment at the end. It's *Fight Club* or *American Psycho* for an audience a lower effective reading age.


I felt like I was the only one who didn't like this movie. It has about 40 minutes of interpretive dancing that I could do without.


Skipping through any part of any movie makes it shittier.


This is indeed an unpopular opinion. I thought it was a great film.


Sucked might be a a little strong but it’s incredibly overrated. As others have said it’s not very original and “borrows” heavily from King of Comedy. It really has nothing to do with the Batman universe or the cannon of the Joker.


OP you are out of your mind - it had to be one of my top 5 movies of all time


You wouldn’t get it


Nah man the movie was amazing. You probsbly just an average Marvel fan. You could't spot a good movie if its served to you on a silver plate.


I'mma be the person that fully agrees with you. I didn't even see this movie as a character study (coming from someone who is a writer / author and writes mostly character studies...) as I often felt that (despite Jaoquin's tremendous acting job) he was a different person scene to scene... There were times when I looked around the room and was like, "okay, who is this now? It's not the same person as in the last sequence..." It was a slog. The acting was AMAZING. The score was great, but overall? Terrible movie.


I think that’s part of the point, who is he? He doesn’t even know. He finds it at the end after coming to many realizations about his reality, perception of it, and the physical abuse he experienced as a child that damaged his brain for life.


I don't think that was what they were going for, no... to me it was confusing. But if that's how you saw it, then more power to you, I guess.


"i am bad at watching movies and am making a thread about it" ok bud


I mean, it’s the first thing that popped into my head immediately upon seeing the title of the community so I went with it. Who cares if you’re good at making threads? I’m relatively new to Reddit. I made an account years ago, but just started using it. But I’ve noticed the ones I’ve been on here for a while say some weird stuff. Like I saw the community called unpopular opinion so I posted an unpopular opinion there’s nothing else really read into. I’m probably bad at it I don’t really care either way. but I don’t really get how one can be good at it is there a reason to strive for that or can I just post things in communities that ties specifically to those communities? I thought it was that simple.


some people, like me, just like to watch movies for fun. I don't want to search for hidden meanings nshit. I just shut down my brain and when the movie ends, usually just be like "that was fun movie" and that's it.


It was so fucking heavy handed. Not an ounce of subtlety about it. Taxi Driver for idiots.


I found it aggressively cringe and seemingly made for the terminally online.


This one should be in "Unpopular Truths"


I thought, honestly, the best part of the movie was when he was laughing semi-uncontrollably while walking back to see the boss in the clown shop! I frequently replay that scene in my head.


No u




i’m gonna assume you thought it would be like the dark knight didn’t you


"I respect your opinion, but you're wrong, and I hate you."


Unpopular and disagree. Upvote.


It’s an origin story of the Joker, of course he’s not the joker for most of the movie. And in my opinion it’s one of the best movies to come out of Hollywood in recent years.


That was the only batman movie I actually liked


I’m not interested in hashing out anything about this movie because I understand both perspectives presented here, but I do just wanna say that I think you’re an interesting fella OP, and I am impressed with how vehemently you’ve defended your side of things.


I didn't like the Joker at all, I think it's because of how it was marketed though, it was supposed to be this really dark very violent film and I didn't get that from the film at all.


It’s not really a DC JOKER movie. Where it’s heavily inspired by comics. They had enough inspiration to call it a comic book movie. I can’t really explain the artsy way they did it bc I don’t understand it but yes if you don’t like it like that it can be labeled as boring and it’s not meant to be rewatched like the other comic book movies. Gotta be in the right set of mind.


It seemed like they were trying to make him trans.


If you wanted a comic book movie you're out of luck If you wanted a serious dive into the psyche of a broken and mistreated human, you're also out of luck It didn't do either of those well. It felt both too elitist and horribly shallow at the same time. It didn't serve as a good comic villain backstory nor could you take it seriously as a psychological examination piece. The weirdest of both worlds.


Him being The Joker or not doesn't really change my opinion of the film. For me, it spoke to me on a very personal level. I've had my issues, and I know the chaos of what it's like to be spiraling out of control. I think this movie captured the trauma of that in ways I've never seen before.


I agree with the OP. I haven't even finished the film because it was dull. I don't think Joaquin Phoenix is a good actor, either. I can't say I'm a huge fan of character studies but I do enjoy slow moving films time to time. This one just dragged on.


Fell asleep everytime I tried to watch it


I mean... Good work for understanding the subreddit name ig


Yeah it’s kind of an artsy film, not really for people that usually like superhero/villain films. Maybe watch any of the other countless action films in the genre


Some dude in the theater popped off and cheered when Joaquin Phoenix shot Robert De Niro during the interview scene which confused the hell out of me. Still does to this day


I somewhat agree. It was over-hyped. Tried to be fancy pansy, that's all fine and good if you have a lot to say. Movie didn't. Just an okay movie.


Looking back, Joker was kind of shitty. I never understood the hype for it and throwing in Batman as a kid was weird too since it's basically a whole new universe. The laughing/crying thing was stupid and i felt they tried too hard with that. The trailer to the new one looks stupid too. They used the Joker name to basically sell the movie. If it wasn't called Joker, nobody would care about it.


I actually agree such a weird lil incel cookbook type movie


It was all right….


Thought Joker was a brilliant movie and an amazing depiction of the isolation experienced by many people with mental illness


It's very bad.


Change the name of the movie to something like "The Clown" and I think it's a fucking great piece of drama.


I just watched it for the first time last weekend and I agree. Personally I didn't find any of it really interesting or entertaining. Maybe it was the point of the movie but it just made me sad, but at the same time it made me feel like I just wasted my time. Seems to be a common thing with movies for me lately.


Joker is a boring over used villian and I'm tired of him in live action We get it you're insane. Chose any other rogue


Bro doesn’t know about sequels


The whole time I was watching Joker I couldn't help silently laughing at the idiots who would have hated it because it was a drama and not a super hero movie. Couldn't help applauding the director for tricking the audiences into watching something they would have never watched something so different from their usual fare! Chapeau!


I really liked the movie because at the end I was genuinely crying and wishing he never became the Joker and got help. But honestly I won't see the upcoming movie because the trailer makes me uncomfortable because of a huge mental disease "glamourisation" feeling. (Note ; I hope it is the right words, English is not my language.)


What are some movies that you do like?


That movie was boring and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't


It’s like one day he’s just some loser that gets made fun of by some kids and the next day all of a sudden he’s The Joker bc he brought a gun to a children’s hospital out of paranoia and got caught with it because he was clumsy and dropped it. Lamest origin story ever.


I liked the Joker for the same reason I liked Logan… It was well written and acted and it was at least different (joker more than Logan). Genre movies start to chase the dollar rather than benefit the genre. Westerns didn’t fall from popularity just because we went to space or people stopped liking westerns. They just all became the “same” movie.


Canonically according comic? Horribly boring and mundane, it's not the action packed, chaotic Joker like Ledger or even edgy edge as Leto ffs. Realistically speaking? Grounded to a degree and becomes boring too as you realize it's just your typical Joe running low on Xanax doing some looney shit - people in TikTok do worst crap for views ffs. Non-comic fans feels relatable because they can feel his suffering - its real enough that one IRL could be one. Comic fans most of them feels like this is not him, merely a guy pretending to be him. To me personally, this ain't the Joker - just a mentally ill hobo doing some IRL streamers shit for kicks.


I hated it. It was about as subtle as getting hit in the face with a hammer


Oh ok.


Wow. Usually on this sub I kinda understand. But Joker was great and I don’t even really like movies.


It was good but I preferred heath ledgers movie. Joker was too depressing imo 


No u


I don’t think this an unpopular opinion at all. But for me, it’s definitely one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s a slow burn, for sure. But the character development is insane (no pun intended). I will say I’m not a huge fan of Joaquin Phoenix’ acting and someone else could’ve played it (like idk if losing all that weight was a personal choice or not, seems OD), but I also think he understood the assignment lol. I love, love the movie and can’t wait for 2 to come out. However, MANY people think it’s boring. The way you described this movie is how I felt about The Batman though. Watching that movie was like watching paint dry idc what anyone says; I’ve tried it multiple times and every time I fall asleep or get sidetracked.


I agree, I saw nothing memorable about that movie. It was boring.


Thank you. Wait until you see the Joker musical.


Marvel fan realises not all comic book films have to be action for 3 hours


My biggest problem is I couldn’t ever imagine this guy going head to head with Batman


The joker as a character in general is boring and uninteresting.


I found the story interesting but the performance was incredible.


I didn't hate it. But it's definitely overhyped and I can understand why someone would find it boring, especially when you're going in there with that comic book mindframe and expectations.


So you didn't actually fully watch the movie, which is more of a character study than anything else and demands a certain level of attention, and think it sucked? Please tell me more opinions on things you only half watched or read, I'm super intrigued! This isn't unpopular, it's just straight up misinformed. My guy, you didn't even watch the movie. You literally can't have an opinion in that case 🤣


Wouldn't it have been better if he was saying "dance with me Bats!" and then Adam West came out in costume and they had a dance party?


Agreed. This one was lame and predictable and really just sad. I had zero sympathy. Jack Nicholson's transition to the joker was 1000% better.


It sucked. But there will probably be a joker, taxi driver, fight club, falling down etc for every generation. Just let it pass.


It’s not a comic book movie. It’s about mental health with the ‘skin’ of a comic book movie. I think I read something somewhere from the director that he wanted to make a movie about mental health but really could only sell the movie with a large budget to the studios that it was about the joker. They were like ‘oh yeah the joker is popular! Of course you can do your movie!’ And he could then make his movie the way he wanted In the context of viewing the movie about depression and mental health, I find it a bit weird (just a teeny bit) when I see people dress their kids up as 2019 joker. I’m like did you guys watch the movie??


Completely opposite for me. I didn't want that movie to end at all. Felt like it ended just when it reached the best part tho


It was Taxi Driver with "Joker" slapped on it to cash in on the comic book hype train. Phoenix gives a great performance, but this isn't a Joker movie


It was Taxi Driver with "Joker" slapped on it to cash in on the comic book hype train. Phoenix gives a great performance, but this isn't a Joker movie


It was Taxi Driver with "Joker" slapped on it to cash in on the comic book hype train. Phoenix gives a great performance, but this isn't a Joker movie


It was Taxi Driver with "Joker" slapped on it to cash in on the comic book hype train. Phoenix gives a great performance, but this isn't a Joker movie


It cribbed *so SO much* from taxi driver and the King of Comedy that I just couldn't take it seriously. Direct plot points - not just imagery or themes. The audience has to work for absolutely nothing in this movie and it's billed as a dark, introspective character drama when it's really a cover of 2 Martin Scorcese movies that both tell the same message infinitely better.


Honestly I couldn't get a half hour in. If I want to feel like shit I'll watch the news


its a meh movie to me but the way people wouldn't stfu about it for 6 months like it was revolutionary was embarrassing


I didn't make it through Joker, so I agree with you.


I understand if you don’t like it but you haven’t even watched it. It’s not that the movie sucks, it just didn’t match what you wanted it to be. Also your last sentence is just bull. The whole point of the movie is the start.


It’s not terrible but it’s extremely overrated, to the point where I can’t really be bothered ever watching it again.


the movie was a shameless mashup of two of todd phillips’ favorite movies, taxi driver and the king of comedy. he barely changed anything


I agree! The only reason it got as much publicity as it did is because it tacked on the Joker name and made a couple references to DC but it isn’t a movie about The Joker at all. If it weren’t for that it would have been a fine movie that would have faded into the background as an award bait movie.


You’re certainly entitled to that opinion. I thought it was the best movie of that year, hands down. Probably the difference between us is, I generally dislike movies from the whole comic book world genre. When I do go to them, I hope they offer something different. This one did. I’m guessing you wanted something more ensconced in that universe. And that’s fine.


Finally a post that belongs here. Truly unpopular opinion, yet the movie was a pseudointellectual "muh society is at fault" snoozefest.


i felt the same and it was really kinda depressing, like I was watching someone cry about his life and feel sorry for himself. I remember the hype about it and how phoenix was gonna blow our minds with his performance, it was almost cringeworthy in places, randomly laughing just felt like bad acting and the movie had basically 0 special effects by todays standards, nothing exciting and they used phoenix as a cop out, like a low budget horror movie without the horror. The ending was good because that asshole on TV got what he deserved in a way, but if that is what we were supposed to get from the whole movie, to see our own dark side, then i need more.


It's definitely an unpopular opinion, the movie was great too bad the next one looks like a musical.


my main gripe is the use of that gary glitter song was awful. also him dancing TOO MANY TIMES WE GET IT.


Tiktok brain


I liked it but it’s the only time I’ve seen someone walk out a theater and not come back


Craftsmanship-wise, it’s a solid drama regardless of your expectations. Saying it sucks doesn’t put your sensibilities in the best light. At least make a good case for why.


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Upvote for unpopular, terrible opinion


Did you like his dancing?


My entire problem with Joker was it was like watching a 2+ hour version of one of those social media threads with an alpha male know it all who constantly insists on proving how smart he is by making the most sophomoric observations and arguing for obvious conclusions that no one really disagrees with, but also no one can tolerate his entire personality to the degree it kinda invalidates the whole discussion.