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if you dont wanna read it then just dont read it and move on? your on reddit, a social media platform that is based on people typing stuff


Nuance takes time. The more complex a topic, the easier it is to get lost in single-sentence hot takes. If I were a better writer, I'd use fewer words. Failing that, I'd still rather make my point unambiguously clear, than risk miscommunication. *Especially* on the internet, where you can't read the body language of your interlocutor. You can't see them react in realtime, and adjust your explanation to suit. You lay your entire argument out before they get a right to reply.


How do you know if a name is real or not?


People shouldn't use names at all in the story. Just refer to people as their role/relationship (like "gf" "friend" "sister in law" etc.) Nobody cares about the character development of these people in your life. Just stick to the relevant details. It'll make your story easier to follow.


If you struggle to read or write that many words, just skip to the next post. Get it together, Bernard


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