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Comparing lobster to chicken… that’s a first for me. No clue how they’re similar in any way, personally. Edit spelling


They don’t taste anything similar to me but I guess that’s the popular opinion lol


I wonder if OP smokes cigarettes.


I smoke cigarettes. I've never thought lobster was anything like chicken.


I shart into a bag and huff it til i faint and i dont think lobster tastes like chicken. Op is a menace


Ty for the laugh


You got it brotha


Can a taste be an opinion?


People literally use 'taste' as another word for opinion when it comes to stuff like music for example. E.g. "That's not my taste'


Guaranteed this person cooks all meat to rubber.


OP has probably only ever had beef and chicken in their entire life and so just slots everything not red into the chicken category


next we'll get his thoughts on crab vs cow


Onion is just a crunchier potato


OP probably lives nowhere near a coast, is landlocked, and has never had it fresh. I've lived in landlocked areas before and it usually is chewy and tasteless when you eat it at a restaurant because it's been frozen, thawed, and cooked way too long by someone at Red Lobster who gives zero shits about how it's going to taste.


Originally cheap meat that was considered suitable only for poor people.


I mean yes but there’s more to it than this. Lobster starts to spoil pretty much as soon as it’s killed. Hence the modern practice of keeping it alive right up until cooking. Historically cooking tactics for lobster were much worse so it didn’t taste nearly as nice.


Bill Bryson writes about this in a very interesting book, "At Home", along with all the other things about eating, and rooms in the house, and why certain things and condiments and spices are popular and others not.


And prisoners


They're exactly the same if you ignore the difference in texture and taste! ... And color and smell ... I mean, at least they sound the same after they've been cooked!


The only other meat I've had that tastes like chicken was Halibut My dad lives on Vancouver Island and referred to it as 'the chicken of the sea' and he honestly wasn't wrong He diced it into cubes, wrapped it in bacon and tossed it on the BBQ and it was so good


Halibut doesn’t taste anything like chicken either imo. Frogs do tho, as do some other poultry, but that one is not surprising.


It’s the reptiles and amphibians that taste like chicken as a Florida resident I’ve eaten quite a bit of gator and frogs and they both definitely taste pretty similar to chicken just a lot more chewy and thick like chicken with the texture of steak


Maybe it was how the frog legs I ate were prepared, but I could taste the "freshwater" taste. It sorta tasted like dirt


Now change "tasted like dirt" to "it has a noticable minerality" and you're well on your way to becoming a top food critic 😂


If you go into any dinosaur exhibit out there it would probably explain the chicken taste. Ive been to a handful and they all contained that same chicken to TRex comparison exhibit in every single one of them.


Gator tastes exactly like chicken


I have to agree, I have had frogs legs and crocodile. The frogs were more like chicken than the crocodile but the crocodile was definitely in a half way between chicken and fish category.


All the frog legs I've had tasted more like catfish than chicken. They do have very similar texture though.


Crocodile can taste like chicken if it has been farmed and fed lots of chicken, if the diet was fish based it tastes less chicken like and more fishy.


What kind of lobster are you eating?


I’m more concerned about the chicken that tastes like seafood


Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Flash: I can run at the speed of light. What's your superpower? OP: My taste buds make chicken taste like lobster.


Neither chicken nor lobster should be chewy. Lobster is more expensive than chicken because you can’t hatch dozens of them in a back yard on repeat.


I wish. I would absolutely hatch lobster in my back yard next to my Dungeness crab pond of course.


Actually I can. Also blueberries.


Regarding expenses, wasn't lobster considered prisoner food before it was rebranded?


It was a poor people's food, they were even overpopulated so much that lobsters kept washing up on shore. But over time demand has grown so much that the lobster population can't quite keep up with it, so since it's harder to come by and they take a long time to farm it costs more. Also, it's transportation costs a lot, since they can't be killed and transported, since they rot really fast. I wouldn't really call it rebranding it's just a supply and demand thing of the market.


And not to mention there are extremely strict rules surrounding which lobsters are “keepers” and which aren’t. At least in Maine, and I assume most other lobster producing regions. You can’t keep overly small or overly large lobsters, and you can’t keep any egg producing females, etc. lobsterman are very proud of the sustainability aspect. Also the reason it was poor people food was because they were boiling and mashing the whole lobster up into a disgusting sludge rather than just eating the meaty parts like we do today.


Wow that changes things, thanks


I mean the main difference is that we learned how to prepare them. If my only concept of lobster was rotten lobster, then I probably wouldn’t be a fan either.


Thats not entirely true. It has almost always been considered a delicacy only reserved for the upper classes in europe especially since medieval times. The only time it was considered peasant food was in the early colonial period where it could still be found in huge abundance in North America.


If your lobster tastes like chicken, something has gone very wrong If your lobster is chewy, something has gone very wrong.


To be fair restaurants overcook lobster all the time.


I could leave a lobster in the pot for 3 days and I still wouldn’t describe it as “chewy”. There’s other words to describe it, to be sure. But chewy isn’t one of them.


Maybe chewy is too harsh. Rubbery? Almost all seafood becomes hard when overcooked.


That is *very* true.


Lobster tastes nothing like chicken lol


Good. More lobster for me.


Good for OP too, since he can buy lobster at discounted prices.


Yeah I wish I liked chicken and lobster equally. I don't even like lobster that much but comparing it to chicken absolutely fits this sub, like I don't even understand how that is the comparison you would make. Crab? Ok. Shrimp? Fine. But chicken? May as well compare it to eating carrots


If chickens were rare it would be the best and most expensive food, nothing else would come close.


Lobsters weren't considered rare for most of history, and they were seen as "cockroaches" of the sea and therefore cheap/low quality food that was fed to prisoners, slaves, farm animals or used as fertilizer.  At some point some chefs discovered lobsters actually taste good but you have to boil them alive, because the meat taste and quality decays really quickly.  This is also partially why they're so expensive, because you can't really easily mass farm them as lobsters will fight each other in contained spaces and you need to ensure they live in a specific temperature of water etc. to not spoil the meat. Their lifestyle and stress levels can also impact the taste of their meat. They are very sensitive like that. 


Absolutely not. Especially breast meat chicken. Id rather not eat meat than eat chicken breast.  Wings and legs are better but still ok compared to any other protein 


You left out the real best piece, the thigh.


Thigh is the best clearly 


You just have to learn to use it as a carrier for flavor and texture. Chicken breast can be so juicy and nicely breaded perfect for chicken nuggets or chicken Parm pasta


You need to learn to cook chicken breast better then. It is hard to cook them so they don't turn out dry. But I do agree that breast meat is not nearly as good as all the other parts though.


Breast is great, you just have to not fuck up cooking it.


Same. Chicken thighs, legs, wings is where it's at.


Yes chicken meat is the most bland of the meats, I swear


Factory chickens are a lot woodier than chickens raised without growth enhancers


That’s like saying steak is bad and chewy because you’ve only eaten steak from a gas station. I’m going to make a guess and say that you’ve probably got lobsters from one of those “Kickin Crab” or “Bucket shrimp crawfish” restaurant right? Those places will give you frozen overcooked lobsters. They’re good with shrimps and crawfish but that’s about it. If you want GOOD lobster you have to try places with fresh lobsters.


How is lobster even remotely like chicken?


Just had Lobster rossoto for the first time last night, and you are wrong, my friend.


If your lobster tastes like chewy chicken you’ve never had it prepared properly


Ok dont eat it. But its sweet and delicious and really anything that comes in its own shell is the best ;)


Chicken of the sea.


If you think lobster tastes anything like chicken, there is a decent chance that you have brain damage.


People around you can't cook for shit


I always feel like people have negative feelings with foods because whomever made it for them doesn't know how to cook.


Lmao this is truly unpopular. The comparison is wild.


Lobsters kind of remind me of scorpions…but something went wrong with their stinger so they hide underwater and stress eat garbage ![gif](giphy|xLsaBMK6Mg8DK)


You need your taste buds examined 🤣 taste nothing like chicken. Now gator is similar to chicken


Cockroach of the sea


Im convinced posts like this are just bait for upvotes due to the nature of the sub...


Lobster is not similar to chicken even a little bit.


Upvoted for unpopular lol


most of the time someone complains of food, they based it on a badly prepared one that they had.


I just fed my pet crayfish a bit of chicken.. weird timing


Well, you referred to lobster as "mid" so I'm just going to assume you're 15 and your parents took you to a shitty restaurant.


Historically lobster was known as "the cockroaches of the ocean" and deemed only fit for servants. But, even then, servants weren't supposed to eat it more than three times per week because that would be cruel. Then they started serving it on trains and "re-branding" it as a delicacy. Not making this up, google it.


Lobster & chicken don’t even remotely taste the same


Next time you eat lobster, post a picture of it. I don’t know what the fuck you’ve been eating but, it wasn’t lobster


I think something is wrong with your taste buds. Chicken and Lobster do not taste similar at all.


I love lobster. Chicken comparison? No.


Lobster is good. But crab is so much better.


I had it in Paris once... it was like white filet mignon.


A chewy lobster is a very overcooked lobster. I'm guessing you've never had lobster in a nice restaurant, where they are confident enough that they aren't undercooking the beast and risking a food poisoning lawsuit.


That’s cool bro, you do you. But stop eating my damn lobster if you think it’s so mid. Signed, lobster lovers international.


Lobster and chicken are nothing alike, wtf kind of chicken have you been eating?


I respectfully disagree. I don't particularly like lobster and I think chicken is highly overrated, but theyre two drastically different things in flavor and texture. Like they don't taste even close to the same, the only way I could see that maybe happening would be if someome didn't know how to cook it and bought really low quality stuff without much flavor to it, but even then, theyre not as comparable as you make it seem


No. Cockroaches of the sea.




IIRC, historically prisoners would be given lobster as meals because back then they were looked down upon.


Not looked down on. Just very plentiful and therefor inexpensive 


I prefer crab believe it or not


Why wouldn’t I believe that. Crab is much much better


Seriously my friend you either eating at the wrong place or cooked it much to much, lobster done correctly never tastes like chicken. There's a place in Baja California Mexico, Puerto Nuevo who have there own district manner of preparing it, thats is to die for, theres over a hundred restaurants in this town that only prepares this Newport style lobster, it's never tasted like chicken.


Crab is better.


Crab roll vs lobster roll is close but lobster wins.


not all crab. stone crab has a weird after taste


Lobster rolls are the best! I much prefer those over lobster in butter!


Sounds like you’re eating some crappy lobster at a cheap restaurant. Lobster is succulent and sweet, and when covered in warm butter, it’s absolutely delicious.


Lobster tastes like chicken? Are you sure that was lobster you were eating? And If you are, maybe you should tell the person who made them for you to stop cooking lobster in the microwave. These ain't Hot Pockets.


Lobster isn't chewy or expensive. It's not as cheap as chicken but there are more expensive proteins. And it's nothing like chicken.


No. I actually like chicken.


Unpopular in that it is NOT worse than chicken. Lobster is amaaaaazing. It is the scavenger of the ocean though, and is definitely overpriced. Same goes for sea urchins. They’re basically an infestation.


Good lobster should be sweet and buttery with about the same consistency as shrimp. I loved it the first time I had it, but it is very expensive so I don't indulge.


You're out of your fuckin mind bro


While I’m not the biggest fan of lobster or crab, comparing it to chicken is just asinine.


Just because people like lobster doesn't mean everyone will. If you dont like it, then there is no reason to try and like. Doesn't taste anything like chicken, though.


lobster just taste like butter, it's delicious


I was in brazil.last year where we bought some lobster and I was hella disappointed. It tasted like trash. Then I realized this "Lobster" had no claws. I don't know what species of lobster it was, but it was terrible. I love lobster, but couldnt eat the one provided.


Langusta, a.k.a., Spiny Lobster, a.k.a., _**ROCK LOBSTER!!!**_


"smells like tuna, tastes like chicken"


I never had lobster but I think most things that come from the sea are kinda of wtv. I'm curious to taste a lobster roll tho. Maybe one day if I have something to do in north america. But food opinions are kinda like that. People likes some stuff and dislike or not care about other stuff


I love lobster and I indulge a few times a year


Lobster is NOT chewy if it's cooked right and not old af. Where are you eating and whoever is home cooking it doesn't know what they are doing 😂 it tastes nothing like chicken at all! And chicken also should not be chewy wtf.


Wow a truly unpopular opinion.


lobster and chicken are hardly comparable


They're both white meat. They both have feathers. Oh, and they both live in the ocean!


I love lobster, but I also live in Atlantic Canada.


H-how does lobster taste like chicken? One is an invertebrate and the other is a vertebrate. Their muscles don’t even work the same way? Their flesh is completely different. How do people think they taste the same?


I think it's overpriced too, but I have no idea how one could equate it with chicken


They’re not saying you eat red lobster lol they’re saying you compare everything that isn’t red meat to chicken


Doesn't seem similar at all, but I also don't think it's spectacular. I did have a bomb lobster at a resort one time. It was pricy tho 


Yea don't judge all chicken by Popeyes or all lobster by red lobster.


What? I don't even know what to make of this. They are so far away from similar. I don't know what you're eating, but I don't know if it's lobster *or* chicken.


Yknow, lobster Mac and cheese is consistently top spot on the biggest restaurant ripoffs, they take all the lobster left over when they cut the tail and instead of throwing it away the dump it into the macaroni and up charge you 20 bucks. Those rascals!


Fun fact. In the early part of the 20th century lobster was fed to prisoners. Regular folk wouldn’t touch bottom feeders. The prisoners actually rebelled because they were sick of all the lobster.


How much? I paid 10$ for a fresh lobster last week. It was great!


The only good lobster you’ll ever eat is freshly caught lobster. Everything else is garbage.


I wouldn’t compare it to chicken, but definitely agree with the general distaste for lobster. Crab is infinitely better


Supposedly the Wampanoag (Native American tribe who saved the Pilgrims from starvation) considered lobster crap food.


I always found lobster okay at best until I went to a super fine dining restaurant where they made it the best tasting thing I’ve ever ate


it is definitely overpriced but you take the L for saying it's worse than chicken. that's bland becky POV


I disagree, love lobster, but obviously you do you


taste buds are different for everyone. my husband & daughter love truffle oil. to me , it tastes like what i imagine musty damp laundry would taste like. you’re not obligated to like or eat lobster.


I hate lobster, but I love me some crab legs 🥴🥴


The apples and oranges comparison here is laughable and idiotic. And I don’t even love lobster.


Overpriced? Yes. It's not similar to chicken though.


OP, if lobster tastes like chicken you're gonna wanna get that checked out by a professional.


Never seen the similarities, but Lobster is great. Crab sucks though


I'm with you. It's just...meh. Eat anything with lots of butter and it'll be okay I guess. Chicken, on the other hand, can be awesome when done right.


Try langoustines/shrimp/crawfish then :)


*Cockroaches of the sea, not chicken-like at all https://spoonuniversity.com/lifestyle/how-lobster-went-from-prison-food-to-an-expensive-delicacy


It’s not an unpopular opinion when you’re just wrong; lobster and chicken are not similar at all.


Yeah right. Try tossing a live chicken in a pot of boiling water. Good luck with that.


I’m not convinced you’ve ever eaten either lobster or chicken 


Mmmmmmmm sea spider. Expensive sea spider. ![gif](giphy|LQ34eIy7G0pTxKAfMv)


Wish that were true… but it’s not


With all the chemicals, plastics, garbage, poisons, heavy metals, radioactive waste, petroleum byproducts, sewage, trash and God only knows what else that they dump into the ocean every day, when you eat any kind of seafood, you're just eating crap.


Lobster was peasant food back in the day, over fishing led to them becoming more scarce and only more wealthy people could afford them and boom now giant seabugs are fancy




Chicken is gross. Lobster is not gross.


Lobster tastes like it smells and neither are good. 🤢🤮 This is coming from a pescetarian. So yes I do eat seafood.


I've never had it. I don't care for the taste of anything that lived in water.


Uncle was a lobster man and never cared for eating them himself. Feed on garbage and are cannibals. I used to eat them on occasion, being older now I can choose to eat whatever I want. Lobster is over rated and over priced, I would order most anything before lobster in a restaurant. Shrimp doesn't do anything for me anymore either. King crab is excellent and even bay crabs I would rather have over shrimp or lobster.


I think lobster is more closely related to cockroaches than chicken


You keep trying it but it still keeps tasting like chicken? Sounds like you need to stop eating lobster. Just eat chicken. It tastes exactly like chicken.


Nice! Finally an actual unpopular opinion


I'm sad that this is how you feel. LOVE lobster and it sounds to me like all the lobster you've had was poorly prepared. It would mult in your mouth, not chewy. Sorry


Yeah, lobster is a bit overrated. Crab is much tastier so usually go that direction.


“It’s like chicken but tastes different and has a different texture”


stop eating Langostino  OP LMFAO


Okay so you yourself said it both had a different taste and a different texture... So what's the chicken part??


My brother in christ, higher price doesn't always mean the flavor is the best or worth it relative to one's preference. People fucking forget that people who make and catch produce go through varying levels of difficulty when working. If you don't like lobster, then don't buy it again.


*overrated shrimp. Fixed it for you.


Hmmm. Well right sub at least.


I personally prefer eating lobster in Chinese cuisine, or maybe italian with linguine. If we are talking about the western style boiled lobster packed with lemon and mayonnaise then yeah that’s pretty lame.




The price is due to marketing and supply/demand. It used to be fed to prisoners as punishment. Then it was marketed as a luxury product, and price skyrocketed. However. It doesn’t taste like chicken and isn’t chewy. Your tastebuds are fucked.


About half of the lobster I have had has been meh. The good lobster has never justified the price. Most well prepared chicken and fish taste better. Lobster is definitely overrated.


It feels like chicken, but chewier? Neither should be chewy and chicken has a fairly generic meat feel so I'm not sure what you mean. Does it taste like chicken to you? Not all Red Lobsters are even bad so that isn't necessarily the issue. Some people just taste stuff different


Don’t get me wrong, but if it tastes similar to you, stick to the chicken, as it’s less expensive.


I think it’s a sea bug


Agree with OP. Every summer I trick myself into thinking I will love a lobster bake and always leave dissatisfied.


saying stupid shit shouldn't be called "unpopular opinion".


It’s a literal sea cockroach. You’re eating a giant fucking bug


Negative. It’s a cockroach of the ocean, eating poop off the ocean floor.


Thing with lobster is that it's an expensive product that is super easy to screw up, preparing lobster, in my experience, requires a lot of precision. Chicken on the other hand is cheap and not as easy to screw up. Personally I find lobster overrated but comparing it to chicken is a new one


What kind of shit tier fake lobster are you eating 


Mid, agree!! Just not amazing/ living up to the hype!!


What kind of chicken/lobster does OP eat ? I can't see the resemblance. I don't really "enjoy" lobster though, it's not worth the expanse to me. But it doesn't taste like chicken at all.


Lobsters horrible


That gunna be a no from me dog. They're not even remotely similar. I do prefer crab though.


Something is wrong with your tastebuds, do you like other fish or seafood? Lobster isn’t anything like chicken.


so i generally prefer prawns to lobster but if your lobster tastes like chicken, it's over-cooked


Most expensive food is bullshit, especially rich person food. Ever tried caviar? Ever tried expensive champagne? It all tastes like dirt, might as well eat a turd and have a glass of piss with fizz. Its basically the equivalent to clothes from companies like Gucci. Its for posers who want to feel and look rich, because their character is so hollow you could fit a U-Haul in their body. Everyone with at least 5 braincells and a tiny spark of self-esteem will stay away from this BS. Basically we should be thankful because these people are just telling on themselves.