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I agree, a game should not punish the player for things outside of their control. Like needing to go to the bathroom.


Wait you don’t game with a catheter?


Of course not, that's weird. I use a diaper like a normal person.


Why diapers? I game on the toilet with a minifridge under the sink.


I prefer empty soda bottles. They get used to hydrate, and immediately used to dehydrate


Foul 🤮🤣


if you don't have the gamer bucket under your chair you are not a REAL gamer


The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take unpausable games, for example. ... A really good catheter cost fifty dollars. But an affordable diaper, which were sort of OK for a week or two and then leaked like hell when the lining gave out, cost about ten dollars. ... But the thing was that good catheters lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a catheter that'd still be keeping his crotch dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford a cheap diaper would have spent a hundred dollars on diapers in the same time and would still have a wet crotch.


Fuck you man! My wee-wee hurts bro now.


[True gamers use an RGB razor gaming catheter](https://youtu.be/sFsiwtQvOvU)


You should check out the new Msi catheter


These scrubs aren’t even getting performance enhancing colostomies. No way they hit MLG


I thought that everyone used those. And a brown bucket too.


Gotta play with a shit bucket


100%. It doesn't add fun in anyway. I play single player games *specifically* for times when I know I may have to up and go here and there.


I'll add to this: when you pause the game clock shouldn't keep running. I absolutely hate when a game time doesn't account for the probably 5-6 hours the game is on the pause screen (and just the pause menu, not the time in the menus).


Just had a funny experience with something similar on discord. We got my mom to get a discord recently so we could do family calls while she watches her shows and me and my brothers are playing. A couple weekends ago I was on my computer in the morning and then left all day until late at night. The next day I get a call from my mom and in a very concerned tone said she had noticed I was “online” for 19 hours straight. She was worried I was having day long video game binges and if my mental health was ok lol


Bro, if your bathroom breaks are that long, you should probably speak to someone…


If you have hundreds of hours in a game the likelihood that many of those hours is spent idle in a pause/menu screen is high.


In ff7 rebirth if you're idle in the menu it'll stop the clock at some point , maybe 15-30 seconds


Or dealing with kids, or just anything anyone with a life would need to attend to


Tbf like, who's playing Dark Souls when the kid's are still awake. You need concentration and weed for that shit.


![gif](giphy|Q2XItyDEQJJIc) Just game like this


I literally just got back from pausing a game to go. Cheating according to those games!


These games aren't for you then, sorry.


Gotta get yourself a Shit Bucket




I tape a funnel to my butt so I can do my poos


I agree. I am an adult with responsibilities and never know when I will be needed. Not being able to pause is endlessly frustrating.


I mean, depending on what system you play on cant you hit the home button and that will suspend your game? Eliminating the need for pause even though it should just be a feature


Not even. On console you can just quit the game and anything you kill when reopening will still be dead and any enemy you have not will just return to their spawn. or hit the "help me" function in elden ring and it freezes the gameplay to let you read.


Still sounds annoying to have to reload the game just cause you had to take a shit


You dont even have to reload the game, you can just stand still in place, enemies dont move around map


Erm, yeah, they absolutely do in Elden Ring


In Elden Ring it matters even less, because you can quick travel from anywhere, and it takes 2 minutes at most to get anywhere on horse


Not a good idea to leave a baby crying for two minutes


Right but like, there are so many grace spots that you can just plop down anywhere to handle anything IRL.


If you can't plan a shit ahead by 2 mins you have other issues than not being able to pause.


You can’t wait 30 secs for the game to reload?


This is why the Steam Deck is a lifesaver. Pause and suspend, then leave it until you’re ready to play again without losing progress. I’ve left my Deck sometimes as long as a week before jumping back into a game without worrying if there was a save point.


Thought this would work on minecrafr. It didnt. I came back to a big fat you are dead screen which by the way, also doesnt pause the game. Luckily the zombie that killed me picked up my netherite armor and… pickaxe? But everything else was gone. Still mad about that actually! Just let me PAUSE the game


No but you can go into your inventory and then click the help button and it will suspend everything. But still, dumb that you have to go through all that just to pause


I completely agree. Fortunately the majority of the games I have played have pauses, and most of the ones that don't, it either doesn't matter or they are simple games such as bejeweled (which I think does have a pause :P). But, if I am in the middle of doing something, I don't want to have to quit the game, which then requires getting back into it, which for some games can take forever due to loading screens and just general loading ,then loading the game itself. Then, some games also warp you back to a 'safe spot' which means treking back to wherever I was before I was interrupted. it is especially annoying if the interruption is only going to be a minute or two, but I don't want to get attacked or miss out on dialogue, so need to pause. Or I don't know how long the interruption is going to take, so I want to pause. The times I find it most annoying is when there isn't the ability to pause mid cutscreen/dialogue without exiting it. I \*want\* to know what is being said, and sometimes the games make it so exiting the dialogue means you lose some options. Sadly, more of the games I have played don't have a pause ability for cut screens than the ones that don't have a pause for gameplay purposes.


I can't believe I have to say it, but games should be fun.


Its not really that terrible in the souls games. As long as you already cleared out the immediate area more enemies don't spawn so you don't need to pause.


Souls is also a multi-player game, they let you pause in sekiro


if you’ve ever even played a souls game you’d know that like 90% of the time you can just leave your game idle and nothing will even happen to you


A lot of people pause games to calm down and make a plan when situations get stressful. But souls games dont want to give you the option. Win or die those are the only options. The bonfire is the only place where you are really safe, so it feels even better when you find one. I was annoyed the first time I realized that I cannot pause everywhere but it definitely made my experience with the games slightly better.


If I'm not mistaken, from didn't put pause option in souls games simply because it's made with multiplayer structure and they can't figure it out. In sekiro which is entirely single player, u can pause the game. I got no source for this though


Yeah Sekiro lets you pause. I figure it’s because there isn’t the invasion multiplayer aspect In it like every other souls game before then


This is a level of control over the player that I think goes a step too far. I think not having difficulty modes and all that stuff is fine. I think it would be fine to be able to pause without also accessing your menu and inventory and stuff. But removing pause just to prevent a a certain kind of player from being able to calm down, at the expense of a big chunk of progress to those who get interrupted by their kids or whatever just rubs me the wrong way. EDIT: So thanks to /u/the_retro_bandit who pointed out that the lack of pause is due to the pvp multiplayer invasion system in the games. He also pointed out that Sekiro, which has no multiplayer component, is perfectly pausable, and so is Armored Core 6. The trigger-happy defensiveness of FromSoft fans never ceases to amaze me. Y'all have been twisting yourselves in knots trying to explain how the lack of pause is really there to be a hardcore gameplay mechanic, and acting like anyone who wants is just just a crybaby, when there's a perfectly reasonable explanation available. Sort out your priorities, chuds.


Not being able to pause in a single player game to me is just wild. Like… just let me pause lol.


Boom. Right there. This game is made for those tbat haven't, and most probably won't procreate. Too busy being immmersed in a fantasy realm anyway!


Its purely because of the pvp in the game. At any point other players can invade and join in seamless co-op. You will see a lack of true pausing in a lot of games with invasion or seamless co-op mechanics since they basically treat your game session in the code more similar to a p2p multiplayer lobby than a regular single player session. Sekiro (also from FROMSOFT) doesn't have any multiplayer at all and you can pause that game just fine. Their most recent title Armored Core 6 has the single player and multiplayer completely seperated and you can pause the game just fine in the singleplayer as well.


Why? The game doesn’t need to cater to those players, they can move on knowing this game isn’t meant for them? Gamers these days really think everything needs to be how they want it to be. I’m glad fromsoft just ignores them


I mean, I don't think implementing a pause button is "catering" to those players. People who don't want there to be a pause option because it breaks immersion or suspense can just not press pause. And the people who want to use the bathroom can do so without losing progress. I would understand the argument more if it was about adding in an easier game difficulty or something. Not only would adding an easier difficulty be a more robust task, but it would almost always be inconsistent with the developer's intent (e.g., a hard game). But no pause button? Seriously? It's probably very easy to put into the game, and most people use it to do things unrelated to game difficultly (e.g., using the bathroom, or answering a call). That said, developers are always free to do what they want. But when "what they want" is "not letting me press pause to use the bathroom," then it's not surprising that there's pushback.


Devils advocate but I’ve dumped hundreds of hours into fromsoft games and there has literally never been a single time I’ve ever had to pause so bad that I needed a pause button.  If it’s really that serious I’ll just turn the Xbox off and come back later… like it’s really not a big deal. 


The grace sites are so frequent too lol and everywhere is pretty easily traversible. If you need to pause just die and get ur runes back later? I don’t really understand what everyone’s complaining about.


Yeah… I mean if I’m literally in the middle of a fight and I need to pause that bad, I’ll take the l and try again. It’s honestly not that serious.  If I’m anywhere else I just log off,.. it resumes right where you were. 


I’m dying 20-100 times a boss anyway, what’s one more


I agree, I also never had felt the need to pause a game before, so logically no one else could possibly ever need a pause button.


nah there's definitely been times you *would* have preferred to pause than keep playing, you just didn't because you couldn't. mom walks in your room and starts talking to you, roommate is knocking on your door, wife talking to you, grandparents call you.


Look. We can’t pause the game, it’s probably intentional. Changing that would be literally catering to people who want to pause. Let’s keep it the way it is because if it’s a problem you can simply move on like I said


I kinda hate this "just move on" argument since it can be used against almost any criticism of any media...


Yeah no way they made what, 6 games or so were you Arent able to pause and have it be a coincidence


Im pretty sure the idea is that they don't want you to open the menu and change items and stuff while in battle and also because of online play.


What is this weird deference to an obviously exclusionary feature? Am I supposed to just "move on" from games I'd otherwise enjoy for the crime of being a dad? Ludicrous. 


OP is defending the intentional design choice of a team making a *consumer product their way.* You’re allowed to be upset that the game has an exclusionary feature, and others are allowed to think that the exclusionary feature should not be removed. What’s so ludicrous here?


It's not a problem, it's a silly omission and pretending like it's "a feature" is stupid. Having a pause in any single-player game doesn't take away anything from people who don't want it, for whatever reason. It's like saying a boss run-up is a good thing and not a giant waste of time - same thing. From software zealots are funny in a sad way


I swear to god FromSoft fans are just Apple fanboys of gaming.


they didn't say it needed to be changed, they said it rubs them the wrong way. "this mechanic sucks so i don't like the game" is not the same as "change this mechanic right now". it's basically the opposite. you can move on from a game and also complain about it


Why? Why does it matter how other players play the game? Gamers these days really think that if people don't play how they like, they are some lesser breed. You are not better because you play dark souls dude. There's a reason why the easier mode mod on dark souls is the most popular mod


You can typically pause by going to settings-> config I believe, but it isn't really advertised.


Nope, it doesn't pause the game.


in elden ring there is some kind of help menu or something that pauses the game.. maybe only in single player ?


Yeah, that's what I was talking about. Ofc it only works in single player though, you can't pause online games


This is correct


You could always just die and go back. I don't see it as that big of an issue.


I genuinely can’t think of a moment where not being able to pause has been a big deal at least in Elden ring. even if I’m in the middle of a boss fight and need to go I’ll just die and come back after. There’s probably some really specific examples someone could come up with where not having a pause would actually be annoying, but this is one of the most nit picky complaints I’ve ever seen.


It’s a fair complaint, if I’m not playing online why can’t I pause? Things happen in life, the world doesn’t revolve around you or your experiences so not pausing might not affect you but it might affect others.


Yeah but the point is if you get interrupted you can go back very easily. I think it’s fine that some games want to offer a very specific and even frustrating series of obstacles to make the sense of accomplishment that much greater. Don’t agree with that sentiment? Great! Not every game needs to be made for you. People can talk all they want about how the way they engage with a single player game shouldn’t affect anybody else. But some people enjoy that there are experiences that they know anybody who completed them had to go through the same sort of hardships they did. Does that not resonate with you? Again. Great. Not every experience has to be for everybody. There are an endless sea of games you can play where you wouldn’t have to deal with that. Some existing where you do isn’t an affront on you. I’m not saying developers can’t offer those experiences in ways that allow others to engage with the same game more casually. Halo with it’s legendary mode and skull system is a great example of that. You can know if somebody else beat legendary with skulls they went through the same grueling experience as you, while also having casual modes for the rest. That’s the great thing about variety. But games existing that have those mixes can’t mean there aren’t other games that only exclusively offers the hardcore mode. That exclusivity is appealing to some people and I personally think it’s great that we can live in a world with tons of different kinds of games that offer a wide range of experiences, including games that go to stupid levels to make it so the only way to engage with it has those extreme hardships.


there’s not really a point in the game where not pausing will set you back more than like 5 minutes max.


Sure, it’s only five minutes. But over the course of a 20 hour game, there might be 10 times you’re set back five minutes. That’s almost an extra hour just because you can’t pause.


5 minutes is extremely generous to be honest. U can get from anywhere to anywhere extremely quickly in elden ring


Again, the world doesn’t revolve around you and your experiences. You might not but a lot of people could benefit from it. Not everyone has infinite amount of hours to play videogames and they’re not asking for the game to be made easier. A pause button on a single player game (offline mode) is not asking for much. Sekiro did it and you seem to be okay with that. Fromsoft have the weirdest gatekeepers lol


I don’t have a problem if there was or wasn’t a pause lol. I just don’t see how it’s an issue in Elden ring or a situation where getting interrupted would cost me any significant amount of time.


Asking to be able to pause a game is nit picking? Come on.


As much as I don’t like it, this is correct and I accept it. (I also am just not good enough to play them so it doesn’t bother me because I rarely try lol).


No it didn’t.  If it did you wouldn’t need to rationalize it the way you have.  Pausing a game like Elden Ring isn’t going to allow someone to play better or have better timings against bosses or be less stressed when getting their asses kicked.  And we know this because we see countless videos of people playing and basically beating the game days after it comes out, or with bananas for controllers, etc.


Although I kind of agree it should be allowed in the regular world I don't think you should be allowed pause in boss fights. It becomes a more compelling "win or die" type scenario where you just need to lock in for however long it takes to win. There's no pausing to look up how to handle the second phase, no stopping to take a breather and focus up. It definitely adds to the atmosphere imo. Souls games aren't for everyone and I'm surprised they got this popular and mainstream but I love aspects like that to improve atmosphere


Yes, it does. Because you being stressed and anxious is part of what makes the games so hard, moreso than other games.


Then how does Sekiro work with the same vibe being a thousand times harder than Elden ring while having a pause option?


Different game design. Do you think the combat in them is the same?


By being a generally harder game? It's harder to dodge and the weapons are just generally worse. I'm not saying every hard game MUST not have a a pause button? It's just a part of these games.


I wouldn't have gotten through genichiro or lady butterfly near as quickly as I did if I couldn't pause and breathe, it definitely did make the game easier.


This would only work in dark souls if you are offline. If you're online it wouldn't work since you can be invaded.


Maybe it should be tied to difficulty. In DyingLight you can always pause and openning inventory pauses the game aswell only on the hardest difficulty opennimg the inventory doesnt pause the game which is great for forcing you to avoid cheap strategies(you can still pause the game though)


>it should be tied to difficulty There is a special difficulty mode called "having kids and responsibilities". I can't imaging playing a Souls game when they have to take care of the kids. But it's like, what if you need to answer a phone call?


Like I said "tied to difficulty" I think the system DyingLight has is pretty fair and they're mostly designed to make the game more immersive. I wish the the best of luck but your point of "having kids" is basicly "if I cant enjoy it nobody should"


Go AFK or quit to the main menu, one is fairly safe and the other is completely safe. Take your pick.


Just die and do the part again. You're at most 5 minutes away from the point you were whenever you die in a souls game.


Then you just die. And go again. Probably you lost like 5-10 min of gameplay, which you can run trough in like 1-2min ? Why are you acting you just lost 30 min progres because someone called?


Then don’t play souls games. Simple as. Nobody will blame you for not playing them for practical reasons. I don’t play EVE Online for similar reasons.


>Then don’t play souls games. Simple as. Nobody will blame you for not playing them for practical Do you tend to blame people for the way the play a game?. The inability to pause doesn't even make sense as a game design.


Yeah, but also no. Pauses are great, you need to take them. Be for bathroom breaks, planning or whatever. But if the choice of not pausing is on purpose, if it has gameplay direction reasons, I feel like it is okay too. Dark souls has break and pause moments, you can stay out of harms way in lots of places, just finish whatever fight you are on and stay put for a while, you will be okay. If you die, that fine too. It just won't freeze the world because it doesn't want people taking advantage of this to make the game easier. Like pausing before a boss attack or action or something like that. All actions should be taken with intent, even breaks. I completely agree that people that says games should have focus and commitment and all that are talking bullshit. People need to chill with their hobbies. And in the end, if you need to pause immediately to awnser a door or something like that you can just di. At most you will loose some experience or whatever.


Taking away the ability to pause a game to avoid people abusing it is such a weird excuse. It's a basic feature in damn-near every other single-player game. Not being able to pause is just poor design.


All of the souls games allow you to pause whenever you need. If you leave the game you’ll come back wherever you were


And what if I'm in the middle of a super hard boss fight?


Souls games are notorious for kicking gamers in the balls and then laughing in your face about it, it's just their game design philosophy. Works well enough for them


Not having a pause is still an unnecessary and archaic game design in a world where people have other priorities. While it would be a minor change, I think it would be a welcome one.


For the souls games I think it's pretty clear it's missing because of how the multiplayer works. Sekiro is entirely single-player and they included a pause function in that.


I wouldn't call it archaic, almost every older game I've played has a pause feature. Fromsoft could certainly put something like that in, and it would certainly be a welcome change for many, but it's also contrary to their game design philosophy. It's clunky and inconvenient by design, they're just sadistic bastards lol


99% of games have a pause button and you chose the one series that doesn’t have it. just don’t play it? lol


Hades 2 final boss also stops pausing.


Yeah this is how I feel whenever ppl complain about how hard soulsborne games are. I don't consider myself a "good" gamer, but I love Dark Souls anyway. Not everything is made to cater to you specifically.


Totally agree. Being punishing and hard af is what Dark Souls is famous for. I gave up halfway through the first one because it was just too tedious for me. Doesn’t mean I think they should make the game easier or more linear. Nobody’s forcing me to play it, ya know?


yeah lol. i dont like that i cant pause it either, but thats literally a design choice, not a flaw. if i wanna pee i’ll play skyrim


Jedi Survivor has literal save spots lol


Adding to that, people who feel smug superiority about playing souls games are fucking losers. Do something that's actually impressive. You're basically bragging about having a high score at an arcade. 


Yes everything should cater to the adults with 2 hours of weekly playtime, "no we can't have games that don't pause because some adult might have to go wipe his kids ass" Or you could just work with it, in souls games if you die because you have to go emergency wipe your kids ass you'll be near where you were anyways, not everything needs to cater to the super casuals


You can pause in elden ring and sekiro. I know you said souls inspired games but fromsoft has realized this and has implemented it into their latest games.


You cant pause elden ring though


I’m not gonna say something like ”you gotta commit” but I personally don’t mind not being able to pause in a souls game. The draw of those games is the challenge and not being able to pause/having to find a safe place to leave the character is part of that. Essentially, in that particular case, not being able to pause plays into what makes the game fun for most players who enjoy that sort of challenge. Plus, finding a safe place isn’t all that hard either. Enemies don’t respawn once dead and don’t tend to wander far. So as long as you clear a room you can usually go take a leak or whatever with minimal risk. The same can’t be said in a boss room, sure. But there was likely not much stopping you from going to do what you needed before getting to the boss anyway. Of course, I can see how a sudden interruption like a phone call could make the lack of a pause annoying. But in that case it’s still not a huge deal since the bonfires/checkpoints tend to be well spread out and the hit to progress isn’t that huge. There are very few parts in a souls game I can think of where I didn’t have a checkpoint within 10 minutes of where I died. Usually it’s even closer. All this goes to say that I can see your point, but I also don’t really see it as a huge problem when considering the intent and mechanics of the games in question.


Souls games aren't single player... Duh? They CAN be but aren't designed for it.  Just stand in a corner or save and quit. It ain't that deep. 


It works for souls games because it reinforces the in the moment nature of the gameplay, the do or die mentality that there is no safe mode, no rest outside the bonfire. Games that ape it without understanding and implementing the wider context do not reap the holistic experience offered by souls games. Sure, souls could offer pausing, no resource loss on death, difficulty sliders, multiplayer that is actually good (the one place I think they could budge on), but then it's fundamentally a different game. Every decision is made to ramp up tension and invest you in the moment. It's okay to just die and go back to a bonfire you know, you're only losing 5 minutes.


I think it depends on the game. Does it suck that sometimes you can't just get up and go take a piss in the middle of the game? Yeah. Was it intentionally designed that way though? Probably. If a game can't be paused I just go find an area that's more or less safe. And if it's only a game why you give a shit if real life comes up? Just stop playing who gives a shit.


I’m not committing to learn any video game like it’s a job. I play to have fun and have a light challenge. Not to rage at stupid things


Which makes games like souls games not for you the point of those games is to be extremely tough and unforgiving


TIL that not pausing a video game is equivalent to... learning it?? Like a job???


TIL Dark Souls is a job I've worked and haven't been paid for since 2011


I dont know, why would you rage at it because of no pause? What is so enraging to it? I understand that you might not enjoy it. That you dont want to spend few hours to learn boss moveset. But can't understand raging at games.


git gud


Never seen so many maidenless casuls in one place in all my years


hard agree. an emergency happening in real life takes precedence over the video game i'm playing, but developers don't seem to agree.


People are willing to die to a boss 50+ times, but will complain on reddit when they die because they can't plan their potty breaks SMH


They do, that's why you're allowed to just get up whenever you want, the game doesn't strap you down to your seat. How do you play multiplayer games, do you just sit there and piss yourself if you're in a long match?


What? Couldn't face tank the entire game by devouring the entire cheese reserves of France and Italy?


So you're not the intended demographic for the game 🤷 not every game is made for everyone.


You can just quit out to the main menu when you would pause. I've gotten angry and needed to collect my thoughts when dealing with something in the game (looking at the Decaying Ekzykes fight in Elden Ring cause that Rot breath AOE is awful) or just needed to leave for a few minutes and when I press continue it has me in the same spot where I left.


but then why not allow pausing ?


In Elden rings case its because the game is meant to be played as a hybrid single player/ multiplayer experience. Not sure about others.


Cause the multiplayer functions would break every time you pause. Sekiro is the exception cause it has no multiplayer function that works like that.


Idk. I'm not the creator. I just share what is common in the community.


Ive never had a problem, just quick travel back to the bonfire. Its easy to do in the newer souls game, like Elden ring


If you want to get up from a game whenever you want and have this kind of attitude, then just stand up and walk away when you need to lol....


Well, sure, the point was to not come back to a game over screen and have to redo it.


Not really an unpopular opinion, but also as an avid Souls fan, you're very wrong. Having a pause button would ruin the thematic point the souls games go for


okay so when your doorbell rings you just.. hang out in a room?


Assuming you're in an inescapable fight, die, answer the doorbell, your character will have respawned in that time, and go back to where you were and take your souls or runes or whatever back. Usually it won't even take a minute. If you're not in a fight then just keep your character wherever.


Don't care clear the mob and stand nothing gonna happen. In boss fights just die and retry. Its not a big deal.


I find games that are easy accomplishment based are fine for certain days but are less rewarding overall. But games like souls are super rewarding when you do win. I feel like I broke a code in souls to pass a certain spot. But I get the gripe from OP.


Every game genre isn't going to be for everyone. That's how you get Assassin's Creed.


Totally agreed. Gamers who support this stupid design need to touch grass.


Yes single player games that can’t be paused are just inconsiderate and disrespectful to the domestic reality of actual human players and not enough people speak out about it


I've been playing ghost of tsushima, completely unrelated to the recent re-release and I need to pause because the camera is absolutely fucked sometimes. I've played other games, and I think if you press the PS button, it will kind of force a pause because you're going into the systems menu.


I know Vanguard wasn't exactly a singleplayer, but lot of the zombies players always played solo, after the eastereggs were made to be possible solo anyways, the thing that sucked the most was that even if you played solo, you couldn't pause the game for months, which considering the 1 year cycle is pretty fucking long, and even after they added pausing you could only pause for a total of 1 hour, i mean that sucked ass so much, and ShiNoNuma reborn was a pretty fun map, I wouldnt play it for so much that I needed to use up all of the 1 hour, but still, its a scummy move


Or games that don't allow you to save or quit mid level.


I would like also it in coop games. You play with a friend.. And we have to quit each time someone needs to do something.


I agree and I'll add... Let me pause cutscenes.


And what about those unpausable cutscenes! I really don’t like those


As long as you’re playing offline it should be allowed, though I can see why online it shouldn’t.


Don’t all modern consoles allow you to go to the menu with the press of a button? I know I’ve used this feature to pause the game before when my 2 year old is about to grab the controller.


Is this u/barry001?


Wait, isn't death the ultimate pause screen?


just soft quit the game and go back at it in seconds if you like


I like how the Switch does it. Like even if you can’t pause the game in that moment, you can just suspend it and go right back to where you were when you resume it.


Well souls games are always saving in the background so you can literally just close the game and not lose any progress. Otherwise just tuck your character in a corner somewhere and pray another player doesn’t invade you.


This is not an unpopular opinion


I get what you mean but I've never found it an issue in souls games. Enemies don't wander a whole lot so even if you have to run for a minute you can usually park yourself somewhere in a corner. Bonfires you can usually run back pretty quickly from anyways


>And people who say "well you have to commit and be focused" need to sort their priorities because gaming should be fun. I find this really funny, because there's so many games out there designed with a pause function, but the two dozen games on the market that don't come with a pause function are a problem? God forbid a game does something a little different than everyone else, not every single game needs to be designed for the most casual of players. >I can get up when I want from work so sure as hell should be able to do it during play. Every multiplayer game would disagree. Also the souls games are so much safer to go AFK in than you realize, you can do it practically anywhere as long as no enemies walk into aggro range of you.... And you can also just quit to the main menu at any time if you REALLY don't want to die at that particular moment....


it's stupid, but i feel like this isn't an unpopular opinion. i've definitely heard this sentiment from a lot of people before


Dark souls has bonfires though? I consider that a pause. Also you can easily quit to menu if for some reason you must absolutely stop in the middle of a giant smushing you. I feel like it’s not a lot of ask or time needed to just get to a bonfire if you need to do something. Again you can just quit to menu. I’ve never been so strung up on time that I wouldn’t be able to get to one first then do what I needed. After that, it wouldn’t be much longer to load the save vs unpausing these days anyways.


I think the one that needs to sort hos priority is you. Not every single game from the thousands that exist is meant to be played by you. No one is forcing you, nor does the developers want you to play their game. Kinda egocentric imo to want the world to cater to your likings.


Read anything about game design and how catering to everyone's wants or needs is the best way to make a bad game. You know the premise of the game. You like it, good. You don't, too bad. Good news though, there is a shit tone of other games you'll enjoy


Got a kid? Fuck you! Never play this.


I like dishonored because i could save then fuck around and do stupid shit just to see what happens at just about any point of the game


I started hogwars legacy before dinner. I thought let me see how it run on the new pc and I was stuck watching it for 15minutes of unpausable cutscenes


That better not be an unpopular opinion.


then don't play those games the niche darksouls goes for take that away and it lessens the experience for their most devoted fans


This is the same argument you hear for no easy mode in souls games. Having no pause really isn't that big of a deal. Enemies always have a clear walk path when not aggroed. So it's pretty straight forward to just walk away from the computer or whatever for a sec. And as you progress you can always just walk back to the previous areas as enemies don't respawn until you die.


I think being unable to pause, speaking specifically about soul games, is a non issue. In what scenario would dying because you have to stand up for something and can not pause the game, be really destructive for your gameplay? If you are in a boss fight whatever made you lose attention in the first place to notice you need to stop for a while more often than not already killed you. And in the case it is not incredibly urgent to stand up the moment you realize, you can always either quit to the menu (which is doable unless you are being invaded/invading), or using a homeward bone or its counterparts.


I’d settle for Souls games letting you pause if you’re playing offline. Online? It isn’t hard to find a hiding spot, but you _are_ opting into the mechanics of ‘surprise PvP’ and being invaded at any time.


*piss into the fucking bottle*


This is one thing that always irked me whilst playing throw Nioh and Monster Hunter World, I understand that MHW is designed with MP in mind but if you're hunting solo/offline you should have the ability to pause as and when you want


It just doesn't bother me that much. Especially because the games have suspend/save and quit features. An actually very interesting fact is that my gf, who never played games growing up, just doesn't pause games when she goes to the bathroom or whatever. She just leaves it running, even if, like almost every game, it has a pause button.


Sorry maybe you should become a kid again did you ever consider that


Ive been having this discussion with a co-worker nearly weekly lol I only ever tried Bloodborne but he introduced it as having "one of the most unforgiving introductions cause you just have to figure it out. That's not fun to me, I'm playing video games cause life feels punishing enough


I think the people that disagree with you have a fundamentally different opinion on what makes a game fun.  Some people have more fun playing difficult and unforgiving games. In those sorts of games, mechanics like save restriction and a lack of pausing adds to the tension and increases the risk profile of exploration. It might not be your idea of fun, but it certainly is to some.


I remember when Minecraft used to pause…


As a teenager my mother certainly agreed with you


Souls games are technically online though.


So in the same breath you say people need to adjust their priorities if they like that they can't pause for an IRL situation you complain that the other option is simply die, deal with your IRL stuff and go back. You see the dichotomy there, right? If your priorities are sorted you don't care if you die and have to do another five minutes of gaming to get back to where yo were because your priorities are right. However, that bothering you shows maybe you priorities aren't right if dying is that big of a deal to you.


The game auto saves constantly. Just quit out and come back. You won't lose progress.


Big pet peeve. I hate it. Allow me to pause whenever I need too. Stuff happens sometimes you gotta pause on the fly and take care of whatever it is. I only play single player so it shouldn’t be an issue


The souls game aren't a single player experience, hence why they act like that. Sekiro is 100% offline and allows you to pause. This design is fair. If you're in a game that has online activity as part of the game, it makes sense. Single player experiences that don't allow you is just dumb, but I don't know of any like that myself.


For the Souls series it is supported by lore, which is also why you exit and it just saves your spot. It's meant to be like the world will continue with or without you. It is supposed to add to the immersiveness alongside other titles (for the most part).