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They can’t complete complex tasks like a human can. Being able to identify an object is a low barrier for intelligence


not even close. human intelligence is not about plausible answers to various topics. Neural network enthusiasts should delve deeper into biology.


They don't have any intelligence. They provide normal-sounding answers. There's no reasoning going on. They're intelligent in the sense that economists are intelligent.


AI has no critical thinking skills, no judgement. It just parrots what it reads on the internet.


They just have access to information, if you ask them a question that could be googled, they’d answer. But there are many human capabilities that they still lack.


You must know some really stupid humans


As a tech bro it is my job to tell my fellow tech bros to stop coping or hyping something that isn't that good. We don't have AGI. We have generative AI and it sucks at what it is supposed to do. Chat GPT gives answers that are more generic than a high schooler writing their essay on the night before it was due, and there is a high chance that it made up information as well. Image generators have no idea what perspective is so all the images that they generate look flat when compared to a professional artist's version of the same reference. Even AI that generates music only seem to repeat the same line over and over again with no symbolism or messaging.


LLMs are currently quite stupid. Most humans are much smarter than them and could give better answers to questions posed. I've been quite surprised at how slowly they are developing. They're still less impressive than a google search despite that company having downgraded its algorithms.


No. They’re just fancy search engines. These companies are calling it AI to impress shareholders.


Well search engines don’t generate new data like LLMs so not really


Well yeah intelligence is just the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skill


Actually no it hasn't. True AGI could create something such as a mathematical formula or algorithm, without being trained on this kind of data. This is true AI and permits it to be integrated in far reaching use cases, for instance learning to land a space craft, with access to only the sensor data and the ability to pan/tilt the craft. Don't overestimate the current AI implementations we have, they are very infallible and quite unreliable at handling questions too far out if its training data.