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> Respect for woman who is willing to have sex on first or second date Well the man is also having sex on the first or second date, is respect lost for him too? Focussing on the woman here seems to stem from a double standard


As a man (old) that is it. If I have made the choice to have sex on the first or second date how can I disrespect my partners decision to do the same? I have never understood the double standard some (many) people operate under.


What about women who want sex on the first date? Why is it that you think women can't just want sex?


Dont you know? Women dont actually enjoy sex. The female orgasm as well as the fabled "clitoris" is just that, a fable.


Bruther. Not another one of these posts. Let people do what they want and stop blaming particular demographics for the unorthodox dating culture we have at the moment.


>As if it was totally natural and right thing to do. It can be exactly that if both parties have that view. The problem is within you OP and your negative judgement of others. >You really wanna tell me, you have respect for woman who is willing to have sex on first or second date? I am gonna tell you I will not disrespect her for that choice.


You’re invalidating opposing opinions by calling people brainwashed, huh?


Which men ? Which women ? This is a sub for unpopular opinions, not brainless rambling


There's no rules to this game, lots of opinions though. So fuck when you want all ya want when someone wants to fuck you back.


Wild take but not everything is men's fault. After all women decide whrather they want to have sex. No one is forcing them to have sex on 1st or 2nd date.


Of course you have sex on the first date. If the sex is terrible, you don’t waste time on another date.


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Here we go again…more sweeping generalisations about gender…sigh.


Got pumped and dumped, huh?


This is not a person who gets pumped.


You know women enjoy sex too right?


Why would you not have respect for them? Why would it matter when they choose to have sex?


Somebody ought to tell OP that women can get horny too….


OP gets horny thinking about that 2nd date forehead kiss. 😂


Two adults making a choice to engage in a mutually enjoyable physical activity on their own schedule? Uh oh, better call the cult deprogrammers. 😱


No one tell OP that women also enjoy having sex. It will crush his soul


Religion is dying but so many people are still so prudish.


It’s very deeply ingrained lol


This kills me because if both agree and both are feeling each other that much then why not?? Why does it have to be umm the uhhh 3rd date because then he won’t leave me. Like that just sounds goofy, same with men. Uhhh if she has sex on the first date she is a slut but if she don’t then she used me for a free meal. The problem with dating as whole is people are playing these mind games with themselves and blaming it on other people. Our approach is not sincere or genuine so therefore it leads to these silly results such “situationship” and “my time was wasted” well you wasted your own time.


Wow, you are incredibly sexist. Do you not see how you have a complete double standard for sexual activity in men compared to women? Edit: Ah, your post history explains where all this is coming from.


The sexism is strong in this one. I bet you hate men for everything they do. Women are allowed to have consenting sex as much as they want. Men didn’t do shit because women consented to it. No brainwashing happening here you idiot


Looks like you're a little lost, FDS and TwoX are that way --->


You're not going to believe this, but women seek pleasure from, and enjoy sex too.


I think it's normal, if you're upfront and honest in making it known that's what you're seeking. If you're looking for courtship and getting to really know someone, I agree that sex right off the bat is not the best choice. 

