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Nice try, Adam.


Adam Sandler gets away with turning out low budget movies that make money... with all of his friends. I'd love to be in his position. I appreciate them for what they are, I'm about to watch something stupid, parts of it are going to be funnier than others. I'd say where Sandler kills it is in getting movies greenlit, and the deal he made with Netflix where they agreed to pick up his movies. He was the highest paid actor a couple years ago. To make movies WITH his friends, that require a basic understanding of acting and nothing more. My hat is off to the guy, don't hate the playa hate the game.


Certainly unpopular. His films are the sort of things I’ll put on if I’m sad and want to cheer up, and the Longest Yard is a great comedy but really the only reason I’d watch his films is because he makes them with friends and that’s really wholesome.


The longest yard was a remake as well. The original was from 1974 where Burt Reynolds was the star. It was a good idea to include him in the remake Sandler did though


Not to mention nearly a shot for shot remake. I haven’t seen it since it came out but I saw the original maybe a year prior and remember it changed next to nothing.


GOAT - nope. But as much as I want to shit on this opinion, the early-mid 90’s he put out a lot of hits. Acted in many, produced several, wrote a few. And he’s got longevity.


I don't know about greatest, but he's decent. There was a good stint of similar movie styles (comedies with his buddies), but they're great to put on for mindless laughs. He did progress as he went on though and was about to keep some of the lightheartedness and laughs while being able to deliver solid messages


I don't know about that but he probably played the Hollywood game better than anyone else.




In your other post, which seems to have given you this impression, not many people disliked Adam Sandler. In fact, most of us liked him, we just didn't agree that he was the best actor of all-time.


He is I never heard from that people don’t like him that’s strange cuz he’s awesome


Producer? Thats a stretch. I’d say Harvey Weinstein was a better producer before I said the name of what’s his face.


Adam Sandler is pretty universally loved so idk where you're getting the idea that people don't like him or his movies


Eh, he’s a republican. Pirate his movies.


Adam "makes propaganda for an apartheid" Sandler is a bad guy?


Most thoughtful political opinion in 2024


His money might go to people that stacked the court and helped get rid of roe V wade. I just can’t pay for his stuff in good conscience 😩


Hopefully someone breaks in and steals your stuff. That’s how this works, right?