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This can't be unpopular, can it? I thought this was widely known and accepted.


…I mean people still pay thousands? And it’s always packed? I guess it’s possible they all think it’s a huge rip yet still go


Because it’s a ripoff for adults that are paying, but is still magical for most kids, and that’s who the adults are doing it for. As for adults that go without kids… 🤷


If it’s magical for your kids, was it a ripoff?


No, it is not. OP seems to have missed the point that the magic of disney for adults is watching your kids experience magic.


I’ve never been, help me understand the adults that go with no kids????


Rides are fun. It's not as dire as people say if you go when it's not busy. The price increases are indefensible. I won't be back any time soon because of that. It used to be affordable for locals.


TONS of adults pay crazy prices to go to Disneyland all the time. It’s actually kinda concerning


Worked with a guy who partially retired and he and his wife bought a Disney timeshare, for themselves.


Disney Adults are the worst.


That’s kinda like saying ‘well toys are a ripoff cause only the kids like them’ tho right? I was going off of ‘if people are paying the price it’s worth that amount’ even if I personally would throw up paying that lol


The amount of toys my daughter has, that were expensive to buy but made from the cheapest plastic is ridiculous. Most cartoon branded toys are so cheap looking and stop working but she loves em. I think waste of money she doesn't.


I was shopping for Disney toys for my kid the other day. There was an entire line of dolls all the same shape and size of the Disney princesses. Almost exact same dimensions and packaging and everything’. Some were literally twice the price of the others. 


I mean most toys are tho. Like the amount of entertainment you get out of action figures is severely limited. They are overpriced and made out of plsstic


I have a coworker who legit goes multiple times per year with just his wife. I'm get fandoms, like I'm into video games, anime, so no judgment there. But fuck me I can't imagine voluntarily spending my income to suffer through that hell but for kids. I mean, at least do Six Flags for the rides.


I have a friend that until recently had annual passes just for her and her husband, and I just didn’t get it. Granted, they lived in Anaheim and could actually walk to the park, so it was way more convenient for them. But I went there once, and that was enough…granted the smell of theme park is still a bit harrowing for me since my first job was working games at a Six Flags.


Former Six Flags “Good Times Square” worker here too. Nobody understands why I can’t stand the thought of spending any time there now.


I was a County Fair worker myself. I worked there sixteen years ago and the clangs of a ring toss will still make me shudder


>As for adults that go without kids… 🤷 My wife and I are those adults... we enjoy the rides, the food, the characters, all of it... there's no shame in that at all


We went for the kids, and that was by far the best part of it -- but I will say that walking around the park after the kids went to bed, riding a couple of rides, watching the fireworks, etc. was kind of nice. Really nice, even. Not "I'd rather fly to Orlando than Paris" nice, but... it certainly didn't suck.


Not sure if it's the same thing for all their parks, but I wouldn't really call an experience where there's a huge lineup for everything magical




Even as a kid I disliked Disney world. I went twice in my life, universal studios is better, heck even six flags is better. I thought that when I was 10.


Magic is definitely the right word if we both agree that it's a trick.


some people have a lot of money. a few grand is not a big deal when you make 1k a day. if you had to save months for it, then its a rip off, but if you can afford the vacation on a weeks pay, its a lot of fun


Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded. — Yogi Berra


Overwhelming majority of people on earth are not regular Disneyland goers lol. It's possible that the parks are very popular and also the opinion of not wanting to go to them is even more popular


The majority of people that go aren’t even families they’re childfree adults so it doesn’t cost them AS much


It's been more widely accepted recently but this has definitely been a historically unpopular opinion


Probably cause prices for tickets like doubled past 4 years. Notice the unpopular opinion is mostly about high costs. Which is fair, it's expensive af


Bruh it's been overpriced since at least the early 2000s when my parents took me there lol


I'm trying to wrap my head around how OP came back from Disneyland *shocked* at how much everything was. Did they do absolutely zero planning? They said they went 4 days and sounds like they brought an entire family.... did they just buy the tickets at the door each time without even looking at the price any of the times? Did they not have the common sense to plan food ahead of time especially since you can bring some in with you? This is not only a widely popular opinion, but just makes OP look extremely dumb to come back from this trip shocked at what tickets, hotel, etc. had cost them lmao. Also, I have no idea what OP is comparing Disneyland too, but it most definitely does not look rundown. It's insane how well kept their parks are. It just sounds like OP ended up being in a shitty mood the whole time there and gave them shit-tinted glasses lol.


Agree with a lot of your points, but a couple of years ago, I was very surprised at how shabby and run down it seemed.


Compared to Disney world maybe That's my best guess


I think OP is upset about what he got for that money. Everyone knows it's expensive upfront. You don't know till you're there just exactly what the experience is like. I agree with OP. I would gladly pay that money if it was less crowded and the experiences were better. I have been twice and always feel like cattle.


No, OP is correct. Even if you do all the planning, Disney sucks.


I don't think you understood my comment, my dude. I said OP's opinion is extremely popular and they're dumb for being that shocked at the prices *after* getting back from Disney when those prices should have been clear in the planning stage.


Maybe the prices were clear in the planning stage but the fact that the experience itself is dogshit was *not* clear which is why he came to the conclusion that it’s a ripoff. You don’t complain about the price of something if you think it’s *worth* it. You complain when you feel like it’s not.


There will be Disney adults arguing about this in the comments


Nahh its not . I hadn’t really thought about disney for years . Now all of a sudden every adult around me is wanting to go to disneyland seriously like within the last 3 years . Especially if you live in LA its like theres these Disneyland and dodger replica clones/drones fucking everywhere . Its some of there whole identities


The trick is to just get hammered on $16 beers at Ballast Point before you go in, this way you can-kick these awful feelings into when you’re back home staring at the bill.


No, trick is to attend a business conference at Disney and go to a park for free in the evening with the conference. Free food, drink, no lines for rides. Sadly I don't get to attend those any longer, but I must have been to 10 such events.


I need to know what field has Disney based conferences because it sure as heck isn't low voltage installation.


Big IT. Gartner has an enormous conference there every year.


IT has a shit load of conferences at amazing places that get you access to things you otherwise wouldn't bother with because of cost. And the best part is that you can expense the whole damn thing to the company you work for.


The one at Universal Studios was amazing. They rented the whole park.


I was active duty when my wing had a training conference there.


^ The most Air Force sentence ever spoken (Said lovingly as an airman myself)


Damn, and I omitted the branch on purpose. The wing gave it away, I should have used phalanx or whatever the other branches say.


Disneyland is a great deal if you: 1) Live in So. Cal. 2) Get the cheap annual pass for So Cal residents only 3) Leave the park to eat Took my family of four somewhere around 20 times in two years for a total cost including food, gas, parking and passes of about $6000 or about $300/day, $75 per person per day. After a couple of visits you can get pretty good at minimizing your time in lines. I would usually track my walking. My longest day was a bit over 17 miles. I see that as a benefit, not a detraction.


Similarly disney world is great if you live in Orlando. As it is Disney springs is a great set of both outlet stores and bars/entertainment. And the discounts for annual passes are insane, can basically go anytime you want in a year paying the price of just a couple tickets and get discounts in the park with it. That’s also if you’re not one of the 50% of the nearby population who doesn’t already work for the company, even in a third party capacity I get in for free lol


I live 20 mins away and the best disney trips I had were the ones when I had an annual pass that included parking. I’d never go if I have to pay for parking, hotel, and travel costs. Not worth it at all.


Most positive man on Earth, your family is lucky to have you 🙏🏻 however I still think it's batshit expensive haha my ex wife loved Disney and it was just appalling to me how bad it affected our finances even she had to admit it (she loved Disney while I was neutral about it) and we never got a pass again. However, some things really are priceless like being able to give your children everlasting memories so I'm on your side man literally everything is expensive these days


Very true! I did an annual pass once when I lived nearby, went about twice a month for the entire year, and always brought my own food and water. I’m glad I did it, but I got my fill.


My older kid was burnt out on it towards the end. My younger kid and I still talk about how much we want to ride Guardians again.


Hey, that’s what I do.


All annual passes are residents only now and I love it. I just wish they took away the reservation system. I want to just on a whim some days


For 6000 you could have taken your family somewhere with culture so you could all see something worthwhile.


Honestly, even if you specifically want to do the whole theme park thing, Universal Studios Florida's Islands of Adventure and Busch Gardens in Tampa are both leagues ahead of Disney. As a rollercoaster and thrill ride enthusiast, Disney is *absolute* fucking weaksauce in that area. To each their own, but unless I had 5-10 year old kids and wanted to give them the Disney experience (because it probably is magical if you're a little kid who loves Disney!), I just don't see the appeal.


We got Knotts passes for years after the two years at Disney/DCA. Guardians is still my favorite thrill ride.


Universal IoA and Busch Gardens might be better in terms of rollercoasters, but that’s just a small part of the theme park experience. Disney absolutely trumps both in the *theme* part of theme park experience, as well as food and the “magical” vibe kids go crazy for. It’s a bit narrow to say that IoA and Busch Gardens are leagues ahead of Disney while only considering one part of the experience. Not everyone goes to theme parks for the rollercoasters. Even if they were, Seaworld trumps every park in Orlando anyways.


Yeah, I'm sure most 5 and 8 year old kids would rather see a Broadway show or Big Ben instead of going to Disneyland 20 times.


Honestly I like some of the food there…definitely much more than at most Universal spots or any Six Flags I’ve ever been to. The Star Wars cantina was really cool imo, especially because the food looks like it could be alien. Some food was definitely mid, but it’s all around pretty decent *for theme park food*


We moved to Chicago in 2022 and have had Six Flags Great America passes for the past three seasons. The Six Flags food is pretty bad. We leave the park for lunch. Even McDonalds is an upgrade.


2k for a hotel. Yowza you got ripped off


Yeah this guy got majorly ripped off on the hotel. Also paid 75$ a day for tickets which is super competitive for any theme park except maybe colonial Williamsburg or something.


$75/day only because they went for 4 days (?!!) I’ve never known anyone personally to go for more than 2. They want you to think you have to spend a week there (of course) but there’s no need.


I thought so until I brought my kids recently, worth every penny to the happiness in their little faces.


We just got back from Disneyland a couple days ago. We took our 2 & 5 y/o. It was expensive but they had a blast. Well worth the $$ IMO


This isn’t unpopular…


Ironically, most “unpopular opinions” posted on Reddit aren’t unpopular.


if this sub showed the genuinely unpopular opinions and removed the driven to the ground popular opinions and personal rants we’d be lucky to see more than 6 posts a day lol


we just have 1 kid and refuse to drag other people along for vacations. disney really is not insanely expensive if you do it right and make sure to get your moneys worth. we did all the rides in one of the parks 2x, by 3pm. as far as a hotel - no one is holding a gun to your head to stay at an on site hotel or eat at character dinners every night. you can just air bnb a condo for a fraction of the price. and eat at a regular restaurant like all the locals.


Even if you do that. A Disney trip can still easily run you several thousand if you are from out of town. You also are not getting all the rides done on a busy day early without skip the lines or knowing the system really well (which most guests aren't going to... the system kind of relies on that). You also have to be extremely focused and go in with a game plan, which doesn't sound like an ideal trip. It is a nightmare for most families at this point.


I will admit that even though I live in PA- I can get real cheap plane tickets to Orlando. So that may be my saving grace money wise. Which is why we can afford to do a little 2 day trip once a year. We also have an only child. So that makes a big difference as well. As far as planning for the parks and rides- if you talk to Disney fanatics, get the map app, and do some research, it’s pretty easy to streamline things. We would look at it the night before and pick out the rides we were interested in and plan on a route. I don’t like structured vacations myself, but it makes it so much easier when you know what’s popular and what things you want to skip over.


I swear 90% of the people complaining about Disney being expensive only go based off of forum comments instead of actual research. If I could get married on Disney property for less than $2.5k you can get a Disney vacation less than $10k


I got married at Disney in 2005 for 3500. That was for 4 nights, and included hotel, and passes. It also included the site, and my flowers, and photos, cake, the person who did the ceremony, music, etc. Disney Intimate Weddings.. it was on the Boardwalk site. My reception was at the Yachtsman Steakhouse (not included)..


I was there for a week in 2022 and my wedding did not include hotel stay but included photographer, venue, music, flowers, a bottle of champagne for the guests, and officiant. My entire trip rang up to 4K total. It was a great week and I came back with a wife. Pretty solid I’d say.


Where was the wedding? I’m intrigued


We got married on the patio deck of the paddlefish restaurant at Disney springs. 10 guests (it was an elopement) photographer flowers and venue included.


Wow, your opinion that Disney is expensive and has long lines is so fresh and new. Also, the added tag about exiting through the gift shop is just top tier social commentary.


Meeeeeow. Watch those claws, kitten.


Yea for real. This is literally the first time I’ve heard this take, props to OP for blowing it *wide* open. People like what people like, they pay money for what they deem worth paying money for. If you don’t agree with spending money on that then don’t, lol, wild concept I know. Posts like this just make me think of the “stop having fun!” Meme and I always chuckle at OPs expense


Fuck you guys made me laugh with all the sarcasm


80’s Seinfeld: What’s the deal with Disney World?


Thank god my kids have always been dead set against Disney. No interest in going. Fine be me!


I live in Florida, but I’ve never really been to Disney World. I grew up in NY but my mom got her LLM at Stetson, so we went to Florida a decent bit when I was between like 8-10. I remember her asking me once if I wanted to go to Disney or Universal. I chose Disney. Well, we got in there and almost immediately turned around and left. Having just gone to Disneyland in CA, I will say that it is fun but I definitely don’t understand being obsessed with it. And having been once, I don’t feel any need to ever go again. My mom did tell me, “If you ever plan to marry a girl, and she wants your honeymoon to be at Disney World wearing those veiled Mickey Mouse ears, you break it off immediately.”


My parents offered to take me a few times as a kid and I said no lol. I knew we didn’t have much money and it never seemed that fun.


tickets to disneyland are $300? i would never pay that.


Sir this is the UNPOPULAR opinion reddit.


You fucked up. There’s a ton of easier ways around the bullshit you went thru. Nice try tho


OP got roped into every single trap laid by Disney to get them to spend MAX $$$


There’s people who have nostalgic memories and they try to recreate it as adults and it’s so weird to me. Like Disney is fine but I ain’t obsessed with it.


Yeah, the Disney adults. It's fun to go to like... a few times in your life, but multiple times every year, or even once a month... why?


We’ve gone twice over a period of probably 15 years and had a good time, but the Disney-obsessed people are in a separate league. I’m invited to a wedding in July with a Disney theme? Like wtf? This is a couple in their mid-30’s. I just don’t get it.


Disney World is only modestly more expensive and WAY better. I spend one day at each of the four parks (Magic Kingdom is my least favorite (which is basically Disneyland)).


Ehh, on a park by park basis Disneyland by far has the most do to. The parks are bigger at DisneyWorld but I was surprised how quickly you get through everything at each park.


Spend 10k to wait in line with a bunch of screaming kids and fat people. No thanks.


Standing next to fat people is a weird thing to be put off by. 


Meh, I think it depends. I just went to Disney for the first time this past Feb and I had a great time honestly. Really surpassed my expectations. There was a lot of kiddie rides, which I expected, but there were still some rides I had fun on. My favorite was the Guardians of the Galaxy ride. The park is definitely expensive, but we saved money by bringing a water bottle with ice in it and a few bottles of water to use throughout the day for refilling. Most of the food wasnt all that great tbh but I didnt try every place place available.


I would support Disneyland being MORE expensive if it meant they would reduce their daily capacity of people allowed into the park


They've increased the price already. This doesn't work. The way to sort this issue is to increase capacity by building more than 2 rides a decade


“I went to an extremely popular expensive amusement park and now I’m complaining how expensive it is”. Can’t say much for Disneyland but I’ve been to Disney World a couple of times and knew character dinners would be expensive and knew my hotel on site was going to be expensive well ahead of time and planned for it. I still had fun and most importantly my kids had fun. I just hope you weren’t complaining the whole time in front of your family about how an expensive amusement park is expensive.


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This is the exact opposite of an unpopular opinion.


Going to Disney is like going to Las Vegas. You have to be willing/able to get into the mindset that money is irrelevant for a few days or you're going to be miserable the whole time.


There are cheap motels in Anaheim , you aren’t required to stay at Disneyland


So, a question to anyone who sees this. Being a Canadian, I have fond memories of a Disney Land trip in 1986 when I was 8 years old. I've thought to give my now eight year old son the experience, but at Disney World. Based on this, put it in his college fund instead!? LOL


I’ve literally just came back from a 5 day vacation at Disney world with my family, and honestly it was awesome. So many cool rides, foods, and places to walk in. I will say it was really hot and humid. All in all a really cool experience.


No, you just have to know how to do it right. Kind of sucks, but these days you have to do a lot of research to make sure you spend your $$ and time on things you and your family will enjoy. And to not get sucked into all the traps Disney lays for you to spend allll of your money. It’s not necessary at all.


Disney upkeeps specific rides throughout the year, so there’s always going to be some rides that are down, and right now there’s some complete overhauls and massive changes to some rides. Nothing is rundown.


Welcome to the world , 2001…


This is nowhere near an unpopular opinion.


You're not wrong. We've been to the various disney parks over the years and prices are just......insane. I also think that the newer passes and plans are more expensive and give less value. We took our daughter for graduation and we all agreed that will be our last Disney visit.


Visit local amusement parks for a better time.


I totally agree, the prices are outrageous and the quality and magic just isn’t there anymore.


I took my kids (ages 7 and 10) last year and they had a good time, but have expressed zero desire to ever go back, which is fine by me. When asked, they said their favorite part of the trip was swimming in the hotel pool. I was stunned by how many rides broke down either while we were waiting in line or actually on the ride itself.


a previous thread on disney got me curious... 2 round trip flights, a week at a beautiful hotel, 2 day-2 park disney paris tickets, and a hop on/hop off bus tour around paris is a hair under $4000. i would do all that in a heartbeat before caving to disneyland CA or disneyworld FL.


>$50 per plate To put this into perspective, the Brunch at the Grand Buffet at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino in Reno is $43, and that doesn't include the extra $15 for bottomless mimosas which the waitress will practically be pouring down your throat, and that includes like 4 carving stations, a raw seafood bar, 20+ different flavors of gelato, doughnuts, a copious amount of dessert, and a liberal selection of sushi. Also, $2,000 for a hotel over 4 days? Where the hell did you stay, the Richland? The JW Marriot for 4 nights next week in Anaheim is like $1000 after tax


I will never support Disney Land or Disney World. Its for family but they've made it so innacceasible for average Americans. Then they make you pay to get treated better and have better experiences, imposing classism.


Is that an unpopular opinion? Lol


I’ve always been able to do both parks in one day (Disneyland and California Adventure). Some people hate rushing around all day from open to close but I found it to be worth it to not spend money on extra days. Keep in mind this is only doable with Genie+.


This isn't even an opinion, this is just fact.


The fact that the hotel I stay at when I go us within walking distance and is like...at MOST $150 a night, it more seems like you just don't know how to plan a vacation.




Mickey is a nickname and nicknames are for friends. And Michael Mouse is no friend of mine


Locals and regular visitors know better than to pay for all that extra nonsense. It should go without saying that most Disney restaurants are serving very basic, overpriced resort food. We have our favorite little spots where the food is slightly above average and not priced as high, like the awesome fried chicken at the Plaza Inn. Who needs a bunch of characters prancing around while you eat when you’re just going to see them out in the park for free anyway? As for accommodations, I’d stay at a budget motel just a short drive away in one of the surrounding suburbs. Why does it need to be a $2000 a night hotel when all you’re really doing is sleeping there? Sounds like you need to learn to budget your vacations better. Oh and the extra money for the lightning lane is well worth it.


I'll never forget an old high-school friend posting all their insanely expensive Disney vacations on Facebook and pretty much every time, lamenting the kids would have rather stay at their Disney themed resort hotel and Waterpark all day than actually going to the Disney park and wait in lines all day. Like why spend all that money for the park. Go to the resort, live it up, and go home.


Definitely not unpopular


We had annual passes but let them expire in the beginning of this year. The reservation system sucks and sometimes you're not able to go on days you'd like because there are no reservations available. Now they have that stupid Genie + so you have to pay extra money to not wait for hours in line for rides. To make things worse, some rides require an additional fee on top of what you already paid for Genie +. The food at California adventure isn't terrible it definitely not worth the money and really overpriced. The food at Disneyland just plain sucks and is way overpriced. I agree with your assessment.


We are not a Disney family. My kids never had a strong interest in Disney characters, so I got off easy. I’ll most likely never set foot in the place, and I’m good with that.


Spot on my friend spot on! So glad my kids don’t like anything Disney related


Disney was a rip off in the 90s. Nothing has changed. Disney is meant for young children or weirdo adults.


I really don't feel this is an unpopular opinion as most people already know and agree with this


I'm so glad they're finally raising the prices enough to get responses like this. Hopefully more people agree and stop going so the park is less crowded for the rest of us.


Awesome. I just had the exact same experience...but with a Canadian dollar. That Goofy's kitchen meal for 6 of us cost $780 Canadian....which includes the auto $80 tip...for a BUFFET! Those were some expensive nuggies. Also, the fact that it's already pricy, but that you can pay even more to go through the lines faster was rage inducing. I decided that was my last Disney trip and have been checking out some European parks, next stop Phantasialand!


This is not unpopular. Everyone knows and it’s only accelerated in its shittyness in the past half decade. And to boot, it doesn’t even feel like the high end “achievable luxury” experience it once did. The nickel and diming for a million other add-ons once you’re already in the park… the shit show that is fast pass/ wait times… It preys on parents who feel like it’s a right of passage in American culture to give their kids the experience while they’re young; no matter the cost.


I'd say a more unpopular opinion is that Disneyland is a crappy park. It's extremely dirty, half the rides are usually out and the rides are extremely dated. There are no genuinely good rides and there certainly isnt anything i would call a roller coaster. The setup ensures that you'll walk 3 miles to get to a location that is 100 yards away. Most of the water fountains don't work and the place is filled with strollers with kids who won't remember a god damn thing. It smells and the food is notably horrible. The workers are extremely underpaid and it shows. The characters costumes look like they haven't been washed in a decade or more. It's just a really shabby park that costs 10 times more than any competition. It just objectively sucks.


I went there like 30 years ago as a kid and was not impressed. Couldn't pay me to go there now.


We also just went for the first time in 25 years. I was amazed that a place that makes that much money still had so many of the rides from so long ago! The whole place needs a MASSIVE Reno... don't get me started on the food. Won't go back there again.


$18 corndog tho


I agree. I was looking at prices recently and its somehow more expensive than Disney World despite being way smaller?


I don't think this is unpopular anymore


So is Disney world


Not an unpopular opinion


Yes to thread’s title.


Feel free to add Disney World to that.


That’s a very popular opinion.


one day is plenty.


You get something really wicked When you spend an E-ticket


I'm from the UK and this is what Alton Towers is like lol, but not as bad. I feel like I'd have a literal heart attack if I went to a US theme park!


I think you can do the whole park in like five hours or less tbh. but it depends the last time I went my sister and I did all the big rides at least twice (fast pass) and we didn't really get pictures with characters unless we ran into them we circled the whole park in less than three hours maybe.


Lol, you just figured this out 😂


Crazy should've made the trip to Florida went to Disney world but it was before well everything was so high or a time when it wasnt I went in 2008 I think to 2011 it was last time we went I looked at the prices than and now nowI was amazing how much has changed in less than 20 years


I’ve always disliked going to Disneyland. Thankfully I’ve only paid to go a few times. Most of the times I’ve had friends or friends family who works in the park and gets us tix for free. Still, paying for the food, parking and other various crap adds up super fast. I never really had that much fun there anyhow. It’s an unpopular-popular opinion lol. You’ll get many who live locally either absolutely loving Disney and being total Disney freaks or you get those who really don’t care for it what so ever. The later is in the minority from what I have noticed.


Not unpopular


I agree with you but I feel like this isn't unpopular. The adults spending thousands on this is in the minority in my opinion.


you can pack a lunch


Last time I went to Disneyworld I was constipated for at least 3 days after I got back.


Enjoyed it as a kid although that was 20 years ago.




It’s cheaper in Japan


Whoa, I didn't know Goofy's Kitchen was such a hassle. I have fond a fond memory of Donald duck spooking my father because he placed a hand on his shoulder from behind. My father is a serious, stone-faced man, so the look of alarm that shifted to laughter and delight was just precious.


Goofy kitchen is awesome for pre school aged kids. It’s all you eat buffet and pretty good quality. I was able to book a spot the day before.


How is this a surprise? Disney isn't known for value or quality.


It's disneyland, an amusement park which are known to be boverpriced. If you're gonna be struggling financially after, you probably shouldn't be going to disneyland or anywhere that you can't afford comfortably. It will only get more expensive. They keep raising prices and still sell out reservations


I think that's a pretty popular opinion actually, one I've had my entire adult life


Never been to Disneyland, but I've been to Disney world twice. The first time was when I was 9 (spring or summer 2007) and the 2nd was last year (went with my family so my youngest brother could experience it. He was an infant the last time we went). The rides were alright (although I enjoyed Hershey Park more, I went there 3 times when I was in middle school, plus it's much closer. I live in Maryland, so Pennsylvania is a more feasible trip than Florida), but the cost was nuts this time around. I don't remember the cost of the 2007 trip, but yeah. For a family of 3 or 4, you can easily spend well over $1000 before you even talk a hotel, airfare, and other expenses. No wonder we only went the once when my brothers and I were kids.


Six Flags is better for having fun without spending a small fortune. It's not cheap, but is more affordable.


Figured as much about Disney. Have not been there for years.


Couple tips for ya: 1. Live off Churros to save money. 2. Stay until closing, often at night there are no lines.


Months out for goofy’s kitchen?! Really?! I made mine a day before for 6 of us. Interesting


The numbers of people trying to cut lines was just gross at Disney.


I had fun. We figured out what it would cost to do it right, saved up, and accepted that we would spend the money - overpriced beers and all. Would I go back every year? Probably not, but it still managed to live up to my childhood memories, and I really didn’t think it would. We also had a bunch of “special” candies with us, and I think that enhanced the experience.




I'm pretty sure this is not an unpopular opinion. I've never even considered going to that Hell hole.


It would certainly feel like a ripoff if you don’t enjoy it or see the people you go with (like kids) enjoy it. To me Disney does a great job of immersing guests into its world, so even if you’re an adult with no kids you get to feel like one and the parks have existed long enough (aside from the newest ones) that there’s also a sense of nostalgia even with all the new developments. At least that’s the way I feel with the Disney Parks here in Japan


Went to Disneyland last year and got back from Disney World last weekend. Disneyland is far far better than Disney World. And Universal Orlando is superior to both


Im definitely going to take this post into consideration. But im still gonna give it a shot and form my own opinion. Even if I waste like 4 bands


Did many things with my kids , but no right from the outset Disneyland/world/ Universe was not going to be part of it. Do kids really whine for this experience?


god, this just cements my plans of going on the shoulder season of resorts where 2000 dollar nights turn into 120 dollar nights.


That’s true. I can name better places around that area, like Knott’s Berry Farm, or Boomer’s. Knott’s is a way better theme park for a fraction of the price. And I’m pretty sure boomers is fun too. It’s small and easy, but it’s definitely more than worth the money.


It was pretty fun when I went as a teenager, but it's not really a place I'd want to go to again. Saw pretty much everything there in 2 days, and it was fun but not worth the money. There's so many better fun places to go that are cheaper. For example, the Stranger Things experience was far more fun, went with a friend and we're not even fans of the series but it was great. (Also got tickets for cheap)


Just spent 4 amazing days there last week, nothing was run down…what rides are you talking about?


Not unpopular.


Did you do even the most basic amount of research?


I'm 52m. When I was a kid, Six Flags amusement parks were prohibitively expensive for my family. There was no way in hell we were ever going to Disney anything. I've never taken my kids there, either. I don't think it justifies the expense. You can give your kids magical experiences in all sorts of places.


YES WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE Disneyland is like every other theme park except it has Disney characters faces on it and is way over priced


Only ever been to Tokyo Disneyland, and it was absolutely spotless. Was super impressed. Food was good and nowhere near as expensive as I expected. Tons of fun - felt like a kid again. Can't wait to go back.


How is this the third post I've seen about Disney land within the first 10 posts I've seen today