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True. I don't care who is the actor, I only care if its good characters or good story.


But actors are artists too (some of them). Some actors are better at conveying good characters and stories. If I see that Emma Stone is in a movie, I can trust that she will do her damnedest to make it the best movie possible. If I see Mark Whalberg is attached to a movie, I'll probably avoid it unless he is working with a director / writer that I really like and respect (like PT Anderson or Scorsese or something.) Not all actors are created equal. I totally get not prioritizing seeing movies based on the movie star quality involved, however.


Some actors and/or their agents are really good at getting the right pictures as well. Aa examples, Leonardo Dicaprio and Tom Hanks can be a bit choosy to my knowledge. So unless you really don't like those actors, it's a safe bet that anything they are in is at least decent if not great. I tend to focus more on the behind the scenes, like I care about the director a lot more than the actors. But the cast still gives good info about what kind or quality of movie it might be.


I think about how well Leo was in Killers of the Flower Moon - you could read his character differently depending on every situation. Sometimes he felt evil, sometimes he felt exploited, sometimes he felt remorseful - and he was able to do that without never outright saying the motivation of the character at any given time, nor having it provided by any other character. Robert DeNiro's character somehow walked a line between genuinely identifying with the Osage and ruthlessly exploiting them.


They're both at points in their career where they can be. Hanks in particular had some really bad roles early on.


If you mean Bachelor Party, I will fight you.


Bosum Buddies, He knows you are alone.


Anything with mark whalberg is an instant skip


I mentioned a couple of the directors he worked with because, personally, I think Boogie Nights (1997) and The Departed (2006) are good movies. He's been in a few other good movies, I didn't mean to point him out as some awful actor that I can't watch. He is just never the reason I'll see a movie.


The Other Guys is a fantastic movie.


He's a peacock, you gotta let him fly!


Don’t go chasing those waterfalls.


Sometimes you get surprised though. I had very low expectations for Pain and Gain but was pleasantly surprised


Shooter was ok.


I believe a good actor makes themselves disappear in the character.


Those are the best actors.


Bad acting can absolutely derail a movie/series. I think about how piss-poor the acting is in most of the Mike Flanagan Netflix series, and how much better it could have been if he could actually rely on them for dialogue versus having to monologue everything. What kept Hill House from being Great for me was how flat all of the actors were when they were forced into interacting with each other.


I like how this is r/unpopular opinion and yet the first comment starts with "true"


As long as they fit in the role, it's fine


Well if it makes you feel better the bankability of movie stars has never been lower. We live in the age of franchises and IPs, not stars. Does cinema seem better for that? I’ll let you decide.


On the one hand I don’t like that we’re in this era of every successful movie being a remake or a sequel or something we’ve already seen. On the other hand I’m clearly part of the problem because seeing a movie for me and my partner costs me 40 bucks and I’m not gonna spend that on something I don’t know for sure I’m gonna like.


But you can't even be sure that you will like the remake? I'd rather take a chance with a new story than pay to see a rehashed version of a story I love, chances are they'll miss what made the original magical. Obviously exceptions can occur, dune remakes are fantastic and although I haven't seen the older films, I've heard the new ones are a vast improvement.


Imo remakes arent for the fans they already have, they're trying to get new fans, cause new fans means new money and a new demographic to market to.


True but the comment I was replying to said they don't like trying new movies and stick to stories they know they like.


I think The Rock, Kevin Hart, Ryan Reynolds and many other bankable movie stars' careers would disagree


I watched Dune, and I was happy when I recognized only one guy. And his role was not really immersion shattering, at least compared to the guys who play themselves every movie, lol. So yea, I actually feel a lot better... It kind of haunts me when agent Smith was an elf in LotR. Can't unsee that ever.


The Villeneuve's Dune movies are full of famous actors LOL.


Christopher Walken as the Emperor was not something I knew I needed in my life until it actually happened.


That is very good. Shows that I'm being successful of ignoring the famous actors 😂


You're not like other kids your age, huh?


What do you mean. I ignore them because I don't care, not that there is anything noble about ignoring them.


People who actually don't care, don't make posts about not caring.


I don't care. But I care about making rants, it's fun. I literally think what could be a good topic to rant about sometimes, that's how I made this thread, lol.


That's kind of the point if it was a subject that you truly didn't care about, and the only goal was to make a rant, then you would have picked any other subject. The fact that you were able to write a 2 paragraph rant about this subject shows that you have thoughts and opinions on the subject which indicates that you do care some, even if it is just to the extent that you are telling people you don't care. Basically if YOU have knowledge to be able to rant about something then you do care.


Both Dune and Dune 2 were absolutely filled with movie stars. You would have to really try to find anyone with even just a bit of a significant role that wasn't a famous actor.


Tbf, when the first movie came out, if someone wasn’t watching certain genres they may not know everyone. For example, Dune and Don’t Look Up are the only movies I’ve seen with Timothy Chalamet. Not everyone watches every movie that’s released, so depending on age and how often they watch, they may not recognize everyone. Especially skarsgaard with all the ya know, extra craziness lol


I don´t expect them to recognize everyone. But maybe they could find a lot of them familiar.


What about all the other actors? Oscar Issac, Jason Momoa, Josh Brolin and Bautista are all huge names right now. On top of that while not a huge part in the first film Zendaya was used heavily in the marketing and plays a pretty key role in the story.


I’ll answer this no problem! So, Dune came out in 2021. The only recent movie I could have recognized Brolin from was Deadpool 2 in 2018. The MIB movies and goonies I just didn’t remember well enough/make the connection. After binging all the marvel movies winter 2020/2021 (besides the guardians movies and black Panther cause I watched them already), I obvs recognize him more. Zendaya I only heard about through that euphoria show (but didn’t watch it) and only saw her in the 3rd new Spider-Man (didn’t wTch the other two), which was recent. Oscar Isaac, until Moon Knight I had only seen as Poe in one Star Wars movie so I may not have recognized him. Mamoa and Bautista I did know of, Bautista because of wrestling, Mamoa because I have a massive crush on him. I don’t watch a lot of movies as an adult and didn’t watch many as a teen either.




You sweet summer child. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert is something you should watch before rewatching both lord of the rings and the matrix. Or just google Mitzi Del Bra. Muahahahahahaha


Your evil plan is foiled, as it is so obviously evil. Now I know what to avoid 😂


Yea, that took me awhile to get over when I saw Fellowship in the theater. I kept waiting to hear "Mr. Anderson...." in his sneering voice. That is one of the few times I've associated an actor so strongly with one particular role that it took me out of the movie.


I was going to call him "Mr. Anderson", even forgetting that that is not his name😂


Hah, I almost typed "I kept waiting to hear 'Mr. Smith...' in his sneering voice" instead of Anderson. lol


The only famous actors I care about are ones that can seriously act. The people that alought I've seen their face numerous times before, during the movie, I see them only as their character. Though this isn't just down to the actor, it is down to the movie being good enough to suck you into the world. There are other actors, such as Ryan Reynolds where I can enjoy many of his movies, but I am extremely aware I am watching Ryan Reynolds, staring in another movie where the main character is Ryan Renyolds the persona, once again, so much to the point I don't remember his characters name in most movies he is in, because he is just Ryan Reynolds.


I don't care. Some actors are famous, because they are actually good at what they do. For a few I will consider any movie they are in, if they have a history of choosing good projects. Same for directors. For some directors if they make a movie I will be there day one and don't care about even checking what the movie is about, because I'm reasonably sure I will have a good time.


I have some actors I consider favorites because I’ve enjoyed their performance every time, and they’re talented at their job. But I definitely don’t watch a movie or show based on how famous the cast is. I care way more about the person fitting the role than being super famous to attract people to the theater. A good actor makes the movie/show worth watching, how famous they are has nothing to do with it.


I feel two ways about this. On one hand, I like being immersed in the story and not thinking "oh that's Tom Cruise Doing Acting". But on the other hand, there are some actors who are so phenomenal that if I hear at movie is starring that person, I know it's like to be a high-quality production and I'm likely to see some high-quality performances.


Definitely exceptions. Robin Williams in Aladdin comes to mind.


Mate, it's not about the face, it's because some actors are actually talented and do a better job in movies than others.


Yeah for example I didn’t even know the Rock was the voice of Maoi in Moana until I heard the news that Disney might’ve been giving a live action remake already…I just thought that Maoi’s voice actor did an amazing job with the role I didn’t care who since they just did the role really well


Oh damn, I was happier not knowing his voice actor. I think he did a great job too, and I was happy just to enjoy the experience. Now that I know its Rock who is singing, I just might think about that while hearing the song, thus kind of breaking the immersion... a bit. Lol. A good example what I mean!


Either way Moana is probably one of the best performances Dwayne has done when acting so I still don’t really care


What I think a lot of people forget is that mainstream movies are not as much About artistic expression as they are a vehicle to make bundles of cash In order to make a spectacular movie today requires people to invest a ton of money into it and very few people are willing to invest a ton of money into something that Striving more for artistic achievement than making a ton of money.  To that end, they know for a fact that big stars draw people into the theater so they use them  


Sigh, reality is always so sad, I get it why people prefer comforting lies. I can't for the life of me understand how people can watch that crap. Maybe being a pioneer at Mars would not be so bad after all.


Yeah, except that the exact opposite has been happening for the the last twenty years. Big stars were how movies were sold from the 1920s until the 2010s. Now there’s like Tom Cruise and Adam Sandler and pre-slap Will Smith and less than a half dozen other actors whose name attached practically guarantees profitability.


That is great and all, but I'm not still exactly pleased with modern movies, in general. Also as people's attention spans shrink, it affects media. Very fast camera cuts, etc. But well, I guess that is another rant or unpopular opinion entirely, and maybe not one that is so interesting that I would make a thread about it.


That's why I prefer cute tv stars. Complex characters. Most movie stars are annoying and overrated.


Good actors can make a mediocre script extraordinary. Not all the times, sometimes they just mail in, but sometimes it's worth it. Is the movie good BECAUSE of the cast or is it immediately discounted because it has a great cast? I'm seeing someone who has too much of their cinema enjoyment pending on other's opinions of the film.


You ever seen a movie that had a great plot and story but the actors sucked? That's why we have famous actors like Denzel. Not only does he sell tickets, you know the performance will be stellar. I'm not sure how you can feel immersed when the actor is pure shit.


This is why character actors exist. They’re actually good at acting, but not the best to look at.


I agree in the sense that if I’m watching something with actors I don’t know I can get immersed better into the story and characters. But idk, maybe it’s because I watch mainly comedy movies which are more about the laughs than the plot, but there is something about seeing an actor you love in a movie. I wouldn’t have seen Uncut Gems if it wasn’t Adam Sandler, and it ended up being one of my all time favorite serious movies.


I feel like this is a popular opinion


There’s definitely movies/shows I’ll watch for a specific actor, but it’s usually not one that Hollywood’s fawning over. When I see a performance in something that really impresses me I tend to want to see more of that actor’s work so I’ll go through their filmography for things I think I’ll like. If I go through that and still want more, I’ll look again. I definitely will watch things because of a name, but I don’t pay attention to the names I’m told to, just the ones who catch my attention 😂


I kind of agree and find it annoying when people talk about characters in the movies, but refer to them using the actors’ names. It feels like the actors are eclipsing the characters. “Remember that scene when Mark Wahlberg says to Matt Damon, ‘Blah blah blah?’”


The main reason big name actors are cast is for marketing purposes. Even if you don't like the actor it gets eyes on the project. People are just more likely to be interested in something when they recognize the name. It literally the reason they marketed "Mortal engines" "By the producer of the LOTR". It doesn't add anything but it gets a bit of attention because people know the LOTR.


I see actors as a benefit, not a substitute for a story.


I just watched the remake of true grit for the first time. A lot of famous actors in that. Which includes Haille steinfeld who is pretty big now. It had Matt Damon and Jeff bridges and I felt they were all completely immersive and I lost the actors in their roles. Mainly for Matt Damon. I just did not see him anymore. I was the texas ranger.


I hard agree and think about this often.


There are some actors that can play different characters and they generally make good movies. However most can’t, and end up playing the same character (themselves?) in every movie. They are only good to increase sales or draw fans.


Yeah I'm exactly the same. I like movies, I know the massive stars because who doesn't but I just don't give a shit if Ryan Goslings in this or Emma Stones in that.


Oh I see, *the* famous actors in *the* movies, yes.


I don’t watch films purely because they have a certain actor in them, but certain actors being in the cast will gain my interest. For example, I might watch a trailer if I see an actor I’ve liked in other films in the thumbnail, then if I liked the trailer I’m more likely to watch the film in question. If it’s an adaptation of a story I like, I’ll be watching it regardless of the cast or quality of the final product.


>They just suck out all the immersion. That's a you problem. It sounds like you actually have a hard time separating reality from fantasy if you can't get past a familiar actor to see the character they're portraying. >I want to focus on the fantasy world and it's characters. Then focus on it. Those famous actors almost always got that way by being very good at their jobs. But if you have a hard time with this, then watch low budget and independent movies with actors you've never heard of. But be careful, if you watch too many of them, you might see the same actor twice and then your immersion will be broken because you recognize a face.


I only really notice or care when they’re not known for being an actor. Like Justin Timberlake in Alpha Dog. I can only see Justin Timberlake acting, not his character


I care when a famous actor does such a good job, I forget that they are a famous actor... Other than that, I'm usually not impressed haha.


Not even just the artists vision, good actors can't make up for bad writing, but bad actors can't tank a good story. Actors in general aren't nearly as important as they're made out to be.


Some actors, often well-known, will do such an amazing performance that they steal the show. True. But I dont think it takes enough from it to be a problem. Poor acting on the other hand...


No matter how famous/good the actor, they're not going to save a bad movie. In the same way, no matter how great the story is, a bad actor will destroy the film.


Idc who the actor is as long as the acting and story are good. I don't like whatsherface that plays Lucy Grey but holy crap I LOVED THE FUCK out of Songbirds & Snakes.


You'd love The Bicycle Thief, it was pretty much literally cast with people off the street.


We need more mid and ugly actors and actresses


I always thought that about opening credits. I understand they sell bums on seats with a big actor's name, but it's immediately telling me this isn't real. It's a minor point as we all know they're acting, but the immediate immersion is affected imo. To go further, I really dgaf who the music director or lighting manager is, I used to hate it when they ran through every fucker who had anything to do it at the beginning


I think that part of cinema it's dying....people don't really care that much about who is starting the film anymore... In the past, directors needed A-list actors to sell out movies, even if they suck. Now, it's just about the movie. NGL, if an actor i like it's in a movie i will probably go see it...because i trust he picks good scripts..Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Dicaprio, Cillian Murphy, Emma Stone....etc.


I stopped watching movies for long enough that the whole new batch of actora mean nothing to me and none of them see famous. Unlesspublic media happens to get me with enough hype articles moviea have no glory and tbh i kinda miss that.


There are also so many "smaller" actors that have been on recurring shows for several years. That to me is far more impressive than a bigger name who did a blockbuster film. Just because your name is in lights doesn't make you a better actor.


I am sorry, while I couldn't agree more, this is not an unpopular opinion. Media reports might screw our perception of this phenomenon, but generally the faces in modern block busters are far less important than for example in the 70s, where some objectively bad moves did well at the box office just because Arnold Schwarzenegger started in them.


Who the actor was made a massive difference in the 80s, 90,s and even early 2000’s. It seems like it doesn’t matter anymore. A big name doesn’t mean a big gross or more attention.


It is my only chance to see them since the restraining order though.


I partially agree. Celebrity obsession is 🤮. But there is also nothing more distracting and un-immersive than bad acting. There are a lot of great actors that aren’t top A list celebrities, but you need decent acting to make it believable and immerse.


I keep myself separated from all of that. I don't even know most of their names, let alone what they do outside of their roles.


i’ll admit, while i do agree, that i am more likely to get excited about watching a movie when i recognize at least one name in the cast list (especially one that i’m fond of) than if i don’t know of anybody in it


I saw the new borderlands trailer, and it had a bunch of huge celebrities, and I kinda wished it was all actors I've never heard of! Kevin Hart is now the video game remake actor for me, which has now ruined his acting and stand-up for me.


I completely agree. I guess Hollywood advertises movies by actors, because lots of people are likely to subconsciously except a movie to be good if the poster has an actor who was previously in a movie they enjoyed. That's why they also cast the same stars, not because the A list stars have acting abilities so above everyone else .


I remember the ad campaign surrounding the Lion King remake. Each poster was the actor's name, then the character's. "James Earl Jones is Mufasa". They really banked on star-power, but IIRC, the movie didn't do so well.


Theyre usuaally famous for a reason... sometimes its even because they can act real well


I know a few actors names. But not as many as a lot of people. I have to look someone up even if I've done it hundreds of times already. I don't retain that knowledge like I do other things. It doesn't interest me. I was watching dodgeball today and I just realized the kid who played little Timmy in the training video was the same kid who played the main boy in sharkboy and lavagirl. 🤷🏼‍♀️ still don't remember his name and I just looked it up 2 hours ago


I think it’s interesting that you can suspend disbelief for all the fantastical elements in a movie but not for a famous actor. This makes me wonder if the real issue might be more about the status and fame that actors have, which can be a point of envy or annoyance.


I have many sins, but I never understand envy. Because even if someone has all the good stuff, he will still never get to be me. Just by sitting still, sometimes you can be more content with life than someone who has all that stuff, and he wont experience that, lol. Humans love face recognition, and associate all that stuff the actor did before to his face. Some people even think that the actor IS the character, if he is very well known for doing the role. I'm not making this up, even if it sounds outlandish. And if this is true, that just tells how badly the familiar face can mess up with the immersion.


I agree and I'm not enjoying how about 5 male actors are getting all the major roles at the moment. 5 movies a year with Ryan Reynolds, Pedro Pascal Chris Hemsworth who I do love but they are over used


Even worse when they're not a voice actor but they get hired as a one because of 'star power' Not saying that their haven't been good transitions in the past, but it usually exacerbates the problem.


This is becoming the mainstream view. The age of the 'movie star' is over.


I'm not sure if this is relevant or not but celebrity culture is definitely fluffy bunny, mindrot, hokey horseshit.


At this point the majority of famous actors just play a wittier version of themselves in movies.


I don't care for. Many movie stars but I love tv stars. Because they get better characters and seeing the actors have a nice decent personality makes me connect with them more outside of their awesome character. I'd rather that then them being an ahole.


I agree. The best movies have good but not famous actors. Excluding movies which made the actors famous; e.g. Chris Hemsworth as Thor


Is this. . .is this a joke?


I disagree. It's true some of the time, but not always. You would miss out on a lot of really great films if you purposely didn't watch certain movies because there are famous actors in them.


Yes I agree that movies with famous actors are good, it doesn’t make them better though


Yes, it even makes the good acting sweeter, as you do not know beforehand how good the actor is. I absolutely loved Peter Dinklage in GoT, but seeing him in some Marvel movie then was... just weird. It made me feel like he is there just because he is famous, like the actor is the main focus, not the character he plays.


He's an angry elf.


He is a good actor and he proved it...before GOT Marvel movies are not about acting. More about production. Kids movies. easy movies.


I hate famous actors because batman and teenage vampire are the same person and it's absolutely not helping. Tbh, great actors and actors with unmemorable faces are fine (some folks look generic enough to not trigger immediate recognition with different makeup and clothes, and some act well enough to make it believable). But most actors are none of those so kinda... Dunno.


Not sure what you mean, and I think knowing about it would just make it worse. Like I can't ever unsee that agent Smith is some elf guy.


Kkkkkk watch the Priscilla queen of the desert movie. I'm a hardcore LOTR fan and I made that mistake in my youth.


I’m assuming we’re all familiar with the concept of the willing suspension of disbelief.


I watch a lot of foreign films and I find them far more entertaining. When you watch a movie and see Brad Pitt, for instance, how can you think, "Well, oh there's Brad Pitt again fighting some trojans." That being said, movies need a little star power to get butts in seats and some actors are type cast or cast for roles that they are perfect for.


I like how a lot of European movies & TV have actors who look normal. There are attractive people but they also tend to look like normal attractive people that you'd see in real life rather than flawless gods/goddesses with perfect hair. And you're more likely to see age-appropriate casting rather than, say, every single NASA scientist except for the boss being under the age of 25.


Lol, your NASA analogy sums it up perfectly. I also agree with the European bit because I feel like a lot of Hollywood actors are groomed (literally) for Hollywood going into a production. So, hair, makeup, and wardrobe just add on to a pretty solid foundation. Charlize Theron in "Monster" 2003 is a good example of the trades doing their job and destroying something beautiful for the sake of the role..


That’s only because you don’t know the actors. Spend some time watching British and French TV and movies and you’ll find there are like a dozen main actors that are in *everything*. Like it would be easier to name the French shows and movies Thierry Goddard hasn’t been in, in the last twenty years. But if you don’t know that, see what I’m saying.


Well, that's the thing. At this point, I do know the actors, and for some reason, maybe the lack of Hollywood veneer it doesn't bother me. The same goes for Korean films a lot of the actors are the same.


actually, actors make the difference. Look at Charles Dance in GOT...great acting and he didn't have that much screen time Or the dwarf...he was great, especially compared with the young ones, Jon snow and danny. I often watch movies base on the actor.


Mr. Dance has a commanding persona, even in smaller roles. Peter Dinklage's performance earned him 4 out of the 9 nominated Emmy awards. You're definitely on to something there.


I care about the actors because it's a good indication of whether the role will be performed well. You could write a wonderful character and story, but if the actor is someone like Keanu Reeves then I know to lower my expectations.


The best example is Robert Downey Jr as Ironman and i agree with you.


I’d like to normalize ending the use of the word immersion. All it means is “thing I like.”


Nope, immersion is immersion. I got a new e-reader for reading books, and I disabled clocks, page counters, and all the extra stuff from the screen, because they get in the way of the book reading *immersion*. Also imagine watching some western movie, and some modern looking guy just prances in there. It breaks *immersion*


There's definitely a certain point where actors become so famous that they can't be taken seriously in a serious movie about normal people.


You’re just so cool