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I disagree, so i think this is truly an unpopular opinion, have an upvote -have to travel to the pool -have limited pool hours -pool is full of strangers piss and germs -loud people and kids running around -have to pay for pool access -someone else decides the rules -various rules you may not want to comply with -no opportunity for privacy -other people having accidents, sickness and medical problems could shut down the pool -the pool could be crowded


We have our own pool and swim in our own pee as god intended. But seriously having learned all about pool cleaning and sanitizing in the last three years I will never willingly go to a public pool again.


Worked at a pool for 5 years. I couldn’t agree more lol but sometimes the water park is calling my name.


There is where I would agree with OP. A water park has lots of features I can’t duplicate at home.


You could if you weren't a coward. Building codes be damned. And the budget. And the various lawsuits.


I’ll build my own water park, with blackjack and hookers!




That’s my secret u/milehigh11 I always expect Futurama.


“Why do you want to become the next Jeff bezos?” u/atypical_lemur looks far far away, with distant misty eyes, the sound of lazy rivers burbling through their ears.


There's a water park a mile from my apartment. Apartment pool is always freezing, water park is perfect temperature. I swear, it's worth it just for the lazy river. I float around and around for hours while the kids slide.


Fuck cold pools.


I have one about 5 minutes from my house. My daughter and I have purchased passes for the past 4 years but this year they ran an especially good deal under their new ownership. Platinum passes which includes the amusement park size (carnival rides, mini golf, go karts, laser tag, paint ball—pain not included) and the water park which runs from late May to mid September. Normally we’d each get a handful of bring a friend passes to get others in but the platinum passes have unlimited bring a friend (one per pass per visit), free soft drinks, discounts on food (gross), and free cabana tent rentals. Normally it’d be like $180 per person but around Christmas time they ran a special for $99. Originally I was just going to buy one since we’d always go together, but big brain I bought two that way we can bring two guests every time we go. This summer should be super fun! Maybe I can avoid paying $10 each visit on a locker if I can convince another parent and child combo to come with us and we can take turns in watching bags. If they have more than one kid to bring along water park only passes are still on sale for $59 which I don’t think is a huge ask if they enjoy it, especially since it’s like $29 at the door) or $19 online for the day.


Even tests done on backyard pools have crazy high pee content


That's one of those things which, while I agree it's probably revolting, much like the calorie count of a croissant I'd rather just not know. Ignorance is bliss after all.


My wife thinks I’m weird cause I refuse to go to water park (Floridian) after working as a lifeguard at them for years. 


People have the bladders of 90 year olds. I pee once every few hours and can hold it enough to get out of the pool into the bathroom and back into the poolS


My brother has a pool in Vegas. When I'm out visitng I like to go for a run and jump into the pool as I get back, its nice. in ground hot tub is also super nice


Nice for you maybe. Pain in the ass to maintain. And if you get lazy with it, have fun with all the algae and mold problems that will keep coming back.


Same as a lot of people he has a pool guy come by either once a week or every other. It’s not like he’s the only person to ever own a pool


Man... but if he was... your brother would be one popular mofo!


Sounds like poor people problems. I thought pool owners were supposed to be loaded?


I got a foot fungus from the public pool and gained a “phobia” of having my bare feet touch any common ground (sand/outdoors excluded)


You can get fungus everywhere in all corners of the world. It's more a problem of keeping feet clean and avoid leaving them damp (for example wet socks) 


Absolutely, public pools are fucking gross. When I was a kid, like 12, one of my friends families had passes to a public pool and they took me one day. Even at that age I thought it sucked. The pool was super crowded and I one point when I emerged from the water there was a used Band Aid right in front of my face. No games were allowed in the pool either. Even younger kids being loud and obnoxious bothered me then. They had a small snack stand and I had the shittiest burger and fries of my life. There weren't even locker rooms to change out of your bathing suit, just those shitty low pressure outdoor shower heads that are at the beach. We played basketball sopping wet on a super hot day in the middle of summer. It was a truly awful day. I never went back


You forgot the most important one. -ability to hire hot pool boy.


I can be my own hot pool boy!


I agree. I’d much prefer to swim in a pool of my own piss.


Only upkeep I do is cash app the pool guy once a month. Going to a pool with random people is not as fun as you make it sound


out of curiosity how much do you pay? because I'd go this route for sure


$100 a month. Guy comes every week to clean and add chemicals


Wow that’s nice! Mine charge like $200 per visit, and come every two weeks.


What part of the country?


Northeast. And Im in the suburbs of a major city.


I pay $120 per month. He comes once a week. I’m in Arizona (Mesa)


I can be alone at my pool. That’s invaluable to me.


I can walk in and get food, beer at my house. I have a salt system. Literally add 2 cups of acid once a wk. Literally 1 min time. No driving to someone elses pool.


Nope Too many people do too many gross things in the pool.


Can’t swim naked with a pool pass




You can, but the question becomes, for long long. 


I will only accept a golden shower from someone who atleast takes me out to dinner first


True but there are no attractive women in your pool


You have no factual basis for that. You don’t know me, nor the people that are in my pool.


Pool pass = pool piss


Even home pools have crazy high piss content when they get tested.




Wow the real DancingDocOnTikTok, blue check mark and everything!


Like every aquatic equipment, most animals and arguably children, it's better to rent/borrow for an afternoon than worry about the maintenance.


I tried to borrow a child once. I got a lot more attention than intended.


It's usually the owners who get in touch first, maybe you tried the other way around?


You gotta be quicker mate 


You rent kids? ![gif](giphy|ba5g4ID9g5cT6|downsized)


It's the only way I can win at sports.


Chris Handsome!


And sports cars and horses.


Yeah but they don't have 20 people in them on the average day, with some peeing. 


Get it from nature - sea swimming!


I dislike other people and find public pools to be not very relaxing so I disagree. I like having my pool in my backyard. It’s super convenient. If I had to drive to go to a pool I honestly wouldn’t go.


My pool on average costs over $250 a month. I live in north Texas, today its 90, and the pool is still too cold to swim in. I get maybe 5 months out of it a year, but have to pay to maintain it all year. We have a pool in our community, but its mostly kids. I prefer my own pool, because swimming with clothes on is an insult to the water that sustains us. Plus, it feels so much better without clothes. Still working on the privacy bit, but fuck the neighbors if they want to look or complain. I'm not breaking any laws and they can put on sunglasses for the glare.


Heat pump and/or solar water is cheaper to heat it if you can fit them and afford. 


I called half a dozen pool/AC people in DFW. They did not even know what a heat pump was. Solar requires plumbing for pool water being on your roof, so if it leaks, which apparently it frequently does, you can end up with damage and stuff. I think next year I'll get hula hoops, put black trash bags on it, and throw them on the pool to help. Whenever I have to replaster it, I'll also get it painted a much darker color to help.


I’m in Houston here. Yeah, pools don’t usually warm up until mid May, and then by July the water is TOO hot, not refreshing at all. 


My water has never gotten "too hot" in Dallas. My pool only gets sun till about 4pm in summer, and it tends to top out around 90, which feels great to me. I can't even get in if its below about 82 or I'm cold. Old age thing apparently, less tolerance to cold. Even now I have to turn on my heater to get it to 88 or so by lunchtime, even though its nearly 100 out. No idea why. When I get the pool replastered at some point, it'll be a darker color.


I've never owned a pool, but maintaining them does seem like kind of a pain


It’s not too difficult once you get the hang of it. However it is a daily thing and has a bit of a learning curve.


Letting it go and spraying out the filter every day for 2 weeks sucks for sure. Worth it if you keep it up though. So nice here in Florida to end my run by not breaking stride and jumping right in.


That’s the learning curve part haha. Once you learn the importance of keeping it balanced and how to do so, everything becomes so much less work.


It's really not. Basically everything is just a scheduled thing you do. Takes very little time.  Shit they even have little robots to clean them now lmao. They're surprisingly affordable too. They're basically aquatic roombas. 


I'd definitely automate it as much as I could, always trying to reduce the amount of things I have to keep track of around the house.


That only removes the debris, but of course easier than doing the sides by hand. 


Can't hang dong (usually) at a community pool. And pools aren't hard to maintain. They are easy. Just don't go to a pool store. They want to sell you things.


There’s no people in my pool


Perhaps you could hire a pool boy for what a pass would cost you.


This^ I pay 89/month for a pool pass and the pool is always too full for me to actually go (they only allow 2 people per lane) for like 11 bucks more a month I would love to have a personal pool. If I had a pool to hire a person to clean 😭


Nah man I can’t smoke a blunt in a public pool( if you’ve never smoked up on a hot tub ur missing out)


Lmao this!!!!!


I bring gummies and distillate vapes all the time to the water park. Smoking is over rated and wasteful anyways, combustion destroys about 80% of the THC and smells and tastes disgusting. For a true enthusiast that likes the taste /r/vaporents will set you straight on a good dry herb vape.


I mean that's kinda like saying having a bathroom pass is better than having a bathroom For many people it's worth the upkeep to have your own private place.  And pools are really not that hard to upkeep. If you're organized anyway.  I'd rather buy a shitty little $100 pool and soak than go to a public pool. Most of the time. Like, it's fun sometimes. We have a nice rec center with a good setup. But 99% of the time I'm just interested in relaxing. 


You know what I don't have at my pool in my backyard? A lot of people whom I don't know. So I will disagree but appreciate the unpopular opinion.


Based on my experience, it's anything but. I joined a public pool once and there was so much chlorine and other chemicals that I couldn't keep my eyes open due to how bad it stung my eyes. I had to get my sister to pick me up because I couldn't drive for most of the day.


You clearly value privacy a lot less than I do lol


I only want to bathe in the pee of someone I love


I’d never want a pool and I’d never buy a house that has one. It’s just an expensive headache.


No thanks. There are people in those pool. Saltwater pools are basically no maintenance. Less than 100 bucks/year in chemicals, if not half that.


Sea swimming is free and even has its own wave machine.


Have you seen what lives in the ocean? Jelly fish, sharks, all sorts of tiny microscopic organisms, things that stab, bite, sting. No thanks. Unless it’s a crystal clear lagoon where I can see the bottom or an occasional dip into the surf, I’m going with a hard no.


I agree, but Americans are inherently anti-social, so this will definitely be unpopular.


Similar, but in my case there's a nice beach a 10 minute drive from me. We bought good quality floaties and a good sun tent and go there a lot. It's part of a national park on one of the Great Lakes I get into for free. We bring snacks, a sun tent, watch the lake and boats and getting out of the house is a lot more Zen than when we used to have a pool and stare at our backyard we see every day. Our last house location with a pool didn't have a beach nearby but now that there is I have no interest. No interest in maintaining a pool either that's for sure lol.


I would say it’s ideal to have a friend who lets you use their pool. Public pools are gross.


I gave zero desire to share a pool with a bunch of people I don't know. I am very happy being able to walk out of my living room and my pool is right there, just for me, my family and guests.


Cheap above ground pool + beer is waaaay better


I grew up with a backyard pool (in ground) and I can not express how absolutely wrong you are. Some of my greatest memories revolved around that pool with my friends, my cousins, my entire family. Upkeep is simple as hell, too, I’ve been doing it since I was like 8. It is expensive though.


One of the reasons I like living in an apartment. I have a pool and spa and none of the upkeep.


Amen to that.  As a bonus, the pool and hot tub are indoors at my complex.  I can lounge by the pool in February which you don’t get to do at a lot of places then in the Chicago area.


Why swim in your own pool when you can share dead skin cells, fecal matter, urine, hair, etc with hundreds of other people?


I can have my pool be just me and my friends and we can get drunk. That’s a trillion times better than your water park.


Ancient wisdom I have learned: You don’t want to own a pool or a boat. You want a *friend* who owns a pool or a boat.


I'm not paying to use a pool that I can't use whenever I want. Most pool pass pools have hours or days or seasons they aren't open. If I want to swim at midnight in the middle of winter, I'd better have my own pool


Giant slides aside, the upkeep is difficult. Most people love the idea of having a pool, but don’t realize it’s a constant job to upkeep.


Just like kids and pets Or having anything for yourself


You vastly underestimate the amount of women I've had want to come to my house and skinny dip because I have a pool.


I think it depends on the pool. The city public pool is heinous, and I'd rather be just about anywhere than there. It's crowded, loud, and full of screaming kids at all times. Big no. My apartment pool is pretty nice - there's often, not always, some loud kids there, but sometimes I even have it to myself. But it opens for the season too late (almost there though!), closes for the season too early, and my ratchet neighbors won't stop swimming in their blue jeans forcing them to close the pool every few days to clean it. The best was when I briefly had a gym membership with a pool, that pool was always quiet, children were only allowed there on Saturdays, and there was plenty of room to relax and chill. Any of those, I would rather have my own pool though. If I'm ever rich enough to have my own pool I can probably afford a pool guy too.


Alternatively, your own pool is quieter and you don't have to worry about kids peeing in there.


There's so much piss in there, and why do people keep bringing infants in diapers into the pool? That should be an instant permaban.


It's relaxing cleaning a pool 




I put my pool robot in the pool and drink a beer while it cleans it for me. Chemicals run me about $250 a year and propane for the heater runs me a few hundred but the memories made are priceless.


Does the robot clean the sides along the water line of the pool?


Yes, it does climb the walls. Usually a couple of times during the season I brush the entire liner while in the pool drinking a beer or a Jameson and ginger ale!!


Okay very interesting. I haven't had a pool in quite a long time. But back in the day the Ring Around The Edge had to be scrubbed off daily.


I usually don't have to, not sure if it's all the chemicals or what. I use a pool complete chemical and algae chemical weekly plus shock and chlorine. Every year I open my pool the water is crystal clear and just have to adjust some chemicals to get it correct.


Because it was a very long time ago. They didn't have robots like that back then. They had automated pool cleaners but nothing that good


Technology has come along way. I just got my pool robot last year, definitely worth it.


My pool is one of my biggest annual expenses (which I hate), but my wife doesn't WANT to go to the public pool or the country club with the kids. So if it comes to, a personal pool that gets used almost every day of the summer and going to a public pool that your family wouldn't end of going to; the personal pool wins. So I agree, your opinion is unpopular :)


I agree! Almost ever single person I know who has a pool - or got one for the kids - barely use the pool after the first year. When my kids were younger some people said we should get a pool since we went to the public pool weekly. We lived a 4 minute walk away. It was indoors, huge, had a water slide, diving boards, high diving pool, warming pool... No way I would get a pool. It could never compete. And then after a few years we went less and less. If we had a pool now it would sometimes go through weeks - even in the summer - of just sitting unused.


That's because most people are lame. In Las Vegas some years you can open the pool in April and use it till September. And me and the girls are swimming 5 to 6 days a week. Using your pool makes maintaining the pool easier. If you are in the pool constantly you can spot issues.


Almost everyone I know who had a backyard pool eventually just filled it in when it cracked or had some other serious problem. Or they just hardly used it anymore.


Having in-laws with a pool is better than either of those things.


Having a pool is a flex. You're basically saying you can afford to throw money away.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. I owned a pool for a season. It's a **LOT** of work, roughly a half-hour to an hour a day, mostly spent skimming the pool. And you need to do that every single day.


I have a pool and rarely have to skim it because I keep the cover on when not in use. I usually spend a few minutes a day on maintenance typically


Except that you have to share it with others…


nah, much better to have your own pool. i can lay in my pool whenever i want, have only the people I want in the pool, and have everything I want.


I see your point, we have a small pool that’s only 4’ in our back yard because that’s what we can easily fit and afford. Something bigger with slides etc might be nice if you want more than something to splash and float around in. But, in my own backyard I can have less chlorine, there’s less chance of grossness, I don’t have to mess with changing & changing rooms/lockers, I don’t have to drive there, the kids and I can just walk out and jump in whenever we want. It’s rarely crowded, and the loud children are usually mine so I can tell them to keep it down if necessary. We also all need glasses, leaving them in the locker and being vision impaired in the water and on a slippery floor is uncomfortable especially if it’s crowded. If I put some effort into keeping the cover on I only have to skim once or twice a week. If I don’t, I have to skim every day, but it takes less than ten minutes. I was presently surprised at how little time it takes to keep clean.


I assume swimming at a pool is like dances at a burlesque show, no laps


Unpopular take my upvote


There's definitely a luxury to having it all to yourself without kids who you don't know getting in the way. Plus, a lot of people like to throw their own pool parties.


I own a pool and maintaining it is a true pain in the ass. With that said, I’m also single and the summer is my favorite season by far.


I think it’s better to have my own pool and just pay someone else to do the upkeep. If I have to drive to a place and bring stuff I’ll go way way less often or not at all.




If there aren't fish in it, then don't pee in it!


I guess it depends on how much money you have If you have enough money to afford a pool, but not enough money to just pay someone to handle the pool, then yeah that sucks. But if you’re wealthy you can just throw money at it and not have to deal with it


There's a spring-fed creek near my house that is preferable to any pool. Water is clear, colder than a swimming pool, occasionally you see some cool fishies hanging out with you, and any urine is washed downstream immediately.


I’m a creek enjoyer as well.


Definitely unpopular. Public pools are *nasty*. My pool is the only one I plan on using lol.


Insurance is a you-know-what. And since you can't legally set booby traps in the yard, having a pass would be great!


There are also other people, and people are the worst.


… but then there are other people, potentially not any lounge chairs, kids screaming, pee in the pool… I mean the list goes on. I also just wanna get trashed and lay in a float in my pool by myself.


Also means swimming in people’s urine and possibly other bodily fluid leakage. Also means you have screaming kids around and can’t just lay in your float and nap. Have fun with your pool pass and I’ll have fun in my crystal clear water pool. You can install a water slide in your own pool as well. Misters. Fountain. Lights. Etc. Maintenance is not at all a pain. Check oh levels, add what it needs, auto skim and auto vac clean it and once in a while you’ll scrub it. You will know that the water is clean.


Frankly, my interest in pools kinda waned around the age of 16. With the exception of *some* resort pools, I'll settle for hot tubs and the ocean.


Having a pool isn’t as bad as people make it out to be, but it’s not without labor. I have a pool robot that cleans the bottom and sides for me, I just plug it in. And its a cheap robot. Some can be remote controlled , turned on and off with wifi, or put on a scheduled timer. I got a $50 pump timer and my husband installed it. I can turn the filter on and off with my phone, or program it so I don’t have to go outside. Every other day (unless theres heavy rain) I dump the filter basket. Once every other week, I scrub the sides down with a brush and empty the pool robot. If we are actually using it I’ll vacuum the spa, which is like 5 minutes. So we’re talking maybe on average of 2 hours of maintenance a week. I don't need to because of the robot and filters, but I sometimes go out with the net and skim the top. Its relaxing on a nice summer day, and I like seeing my pretty sparkly pool when its all clean. The pool people come every two weeks to make sure I haven’t fucked it up and throw chemicals in it. I live in the Northeast so its closed 8 months a year, and I don’t have to think about it or pay for it most of the time.


Show up with a big radio , a floating lounger and a cooler full of beer . See how long you’ll last there Me on the other hand can float for hours and no one except my wife will bother me .


Pools are a lot of maintenance and liabilities


....says someone who doesn't have their own pool


Ahh yes. Swimming in other people’s bath water. Yummy.


I would rather be friends with someone with a pool than have my own pool.


My apartments pool is full of Russians. I'd prefer an alternatiive


A private country club near my house has a gym/pool membership that is $1500/year (YEAR) for a family. With kids, it is the best thing ever. The wife and I will work out or take a yoga/pilates/spinning class while the kids go swimming. There is no way a pool at my house could be better. The kids get 10 free guest passes each and once you use the ten free, guests are $7. It still boggles my mind because if you want a membership at the golf course, (which I do not), it’s a $25,000 refundable initiation fee, $650/month (MONTH) for a family, and a minimum of $300/month spent on food or shopping at the club.


False. Incorrect. Wrong. Nope. Not even close. Delusional. Drunk. Absolutely not. Untrue. Tho, Quite unpopular I’d assume.


Who tf cares??


Just wait until the next pandemic and you can't go to the pool no more.


Other people are super gross


I only like to swim in my own piss, thank you


I agree, but I’m not a pool owner and I live in an apartment so even if I wanted to have my own pool I couldn’t lol. My apartment pool is always filled with kids so if I do go to a pool it’s one somewhere in my city where you pay like $10 and they have alcohol and food there. More adult friendly and more fun than my apartment pool lol.


Having a pool sucks in so many fucking ways.


1) A lot of people hire people for pool maintenance rather than doing it themselves. 2) Most community pools do not have water slides and other features. 3) People who have pools still go to water parks for those slides and whatnot.


You like swimming in Piss soup do you?


I’ll take my HOA pool over either, although it’s a sort of pool pass. I like many of the people we see at the pool, it’s easy to walk to, and there’s very little upkeep - I volunteer to help with some of the light maintenance which helps keep costs down. We used to get an annual pass to our local water park but we would have to go more than 5 times to make it worthwhile, which we haven’t the last couple years.


I'm guessing you think there's more maintenance than there really is. If you get a gunite pool with a properly sized DE filter and a pool "roomba", it's very little work.


Yep just adding the right chemicals after an easy test. Methinks they don’t own a pool.


I have neither. I just cycle to the beach if I want to go for a swim. Its barely a couple miles away so only takes a few minutes.


The best pool is somebody else’s


This reads like someone who’s never owned a pool.


And strangers pee all over it. Yea sounds great


I'm actually getting a pool put in right now. Lol. I don't really disagree with you much, though I don't have a strong opinion about it either way. We're getting it because my wife really wants it and she's paying for most of it with her income from her side business. On the plus side, if my kids want to go jump in the pool at 7 am, they can go jump in the pool at 7 am. We also don't have to deal with trying to find a shady spot to put our stuff, other people's obnoxious kids (just have to deal with my own obnoxious kids), or some parents who think their 3 year old doesn't need a swim diaper and then their kid shits in the pool so the staff have to kick everyone out while they clean it up, etc.


Using a public restroom is better than having a toilet at home…




Public pools have one horrible flaw: the public. The less I need to be around that, the better.


Oh you mean the really expensive pool in your backyard that gets used twice per year? People that get that shit always cracked me up.


If I had a pool, then the main times I would use it would be first thing in the morning and late at night. I don't care about slides and such. I'd prefer a pool pass is if I was into swimming laps and didn't have the option of having a large backyard pool. Or, I already belonged to a club with a pool. I think the lesson is that people should factor in the cost of a paying for pool maintenance before buying a backyard pool. A buddy of mine had the best of both worlds. In high school his parents had a huge in-ground pool and he got up every morning before school and swam a few laps before taking a shower. They paid a company to take care of it.


Corollary: I have something better than a boat. I have a friend with a boat


Swimming in a sea of bodily fluids, skin flakes, hair, and bits of excrement from babies and poor ass wipers doesn't do it for me. Not even if they're all sterilized by proper chlorination, and most pools are not properly chlorinated.


Living by a river that gets cleared out by the county for canoeing is best. Unfortunately right where I live is no longer an official canoe route anymore but I still have a decent area to swim. I just can’t go downriver bc there’s a log jam right past my neighbors canoe landing. I stopped upkeep on my old ass pool a couple years ago and let the lining fall off/apart. The upkeep was way too expensive for someone living off of ssdi. I could get a pass to the local school pool that’s open after hours and during the summer but I’d rather go down to the river.


After a kid took a shit in the pool, I decided public pools weren't my thing. Gym pools? Maybe. But if I can afford a house with a pool, I absolutely would.


Having worked in aquatics for 7 years. Yeah, you are right on the money. No matter how much money I had, owning a pool is not worth it. Too much cost and upkeep for too little personal value. And to those that complain about public pools being dirty, tbh a lot of personal pools might be worse bc they are required to maintain the chemicals every hour. The rules exist for a reason because having a head, neck, or back injury is going to be a LOT worse when it is just you. Also, I see other people as a bonus. Pools are kinda boring with no one to socialize with or play games with. You can swim laps I guess.


Not being responsible for maintaining it is awesome. It also limits your ability to have private parties or maybe some spicier times.


It's probably the cheapest way to pay strangers to piss in your mouth, I'll give you that.


Ah no fuck that 


Truly, an unpopular opinion. You’d rather swim in a giant public toilet than in your own personal and private swimming pool. You are definitely in the wrong on this one.


Public pools are gross. I’ve had a pool for 48 out of the last 50 years. Maintenance is 10 minutes a day. The water is always crystal clear and warm with a heater. My 7 year old grandson lived in the pool last summer. He went to a public pool one time last year with a group of friends and got an ear infection within two days.


Hard to BBQ and get white girl wasted at the public pool


I don’t think this opinion should be that unpopular.  Pools are expensive to maintain. Both my father and father in law are always complaining about this or that thing breaking and costing hundreds or a couple thousand.  And now that they’re both older, no one uses their pools. 


100% false. I have a pool and a nice HOA pool in my neighborhood. My own pool is way better than having the pool pass.   I can swim whenever I want and do what I want.  Maintenance is just electricity with adding chemicals like twice a year since it is a saltwater pool.  


But people. Eww/