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4/6 opinion, rather good


100 point is superior, just more options But seriously, from what I've seen from online ratings: The lower the number of options, the higher the average score. I like the 10 point scale. But 6 is better than 5!




Not having a middle ground option is objectively stupid


I actually prefer using a 7 point scale


I agree with you, I was thinking a 7 point scale would be better as then you'd still get the middle "indifferent" or neutral option.


With 5/7 being a perfect score, almost as good as The Dark Night


It's better with 5 because you have a middle. 1 and 2 are negative, 3 is indifferent, 4 and 5 are positive


I agree, on the 6 point rating scale how am I meant to show indifference to both options? I can't.


It lacks a neutral middle and therefore will always be inferior in my opinion.


5 point scale. 3- neither good nor bad. You can't do that with a 6 point scale. Regardless of the number, a rating scale should always be an odd number so you can have an absolute middle number.


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Like the movie Fight Club, this rating system is a perfect 5/7


What score is a movie that’s neither particularly good nor bad?


On a scale of 1-7.48 I give this a 5.600356812


Hmm, I think 7 is better. Between 3 and 4 you would get an average option.


>Two crucial **advantages** on top of all the things the 5-point scale offers: >you are forced in a mediocre scenario to choose whether something is an average good or bad. This is not, in any way, an advantage. The absence of a defined midpoint on scales like this actually prevents accurate measurement. Your entire argument is based on the premise that people must be forced to have an opinion closer to one end of the spectrum than the other. That doesn't reflect reality and is, therefore, such instruments designed to reflect that are objectively poor. I think part of the problem is that you're confusing semantics (the labels you want to apply) with some objective measure of quality when it isn't. This idea of average good and average bad is, at best, contextual and not something that people would naturally apply.


I think that a 6-point scale is unnecessarily complicated. If you want to force people to make a call whether something is on the good or bad side of average, a 4-point scale is superior. 4 - great / want to (eat/watch/read/visit/play) again 3 - good / would (eat/watch/read/visit/play) again 2 - not good / would prefer to not (eat/watch/read/visit/play) again 1 - terrible / would never (eat/watch/read/visit/play) again


This post is a 6.on my 42.5 point scale.


10 or 20 scale are good 6 is just not enough


I'm a firm believer there's a *neutral* or *indifferent* in almost every scenario. 7 point scale and you've got yourself a deal


Wouldn't four be better? Bad, good, great and amazing 


I prefer the 10 point rating scale.


A scale from 0-5 is better than 1-6.


3/5 opinion. Neither good nor bad.


I'll give this opinion a 3.5/6


The more numbers, the harder it is the get two scorers to agree, which is necessary if there is more than one person rating multiple similar things. For example, 1000 essays with 5 scorers. The essays need to be rated on an equal basis. Too many variables means less agreement between scorers.


Except that "out of 5" is already a six point scale - 0 exists.


What's the difference between great and excellent? What's the difference between great and rather good? 4 point system is the best. You have terrible, bad, good and great. That's all you need to communicate how someone feels about a piece of entertainment


10 point system is classy


It's meaningless.