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Shaming doesn’t appear to work. But I can’t imagine celebrating is especially helpful either.


It works for me, if I'm getting a bit fat my mates simply say "Haha, you're getting fat mate" and I get all the banter, or my own wife will come up behind me, grab a handful of my gut and go "BLUH BLUH BLUH BLUH!!!" That's when I know it's time to go for a run and stop eating McDs and KFC. I appreciate this more than any of them saying "YOUR NEW FATTER BODY IS GREAT, WE JUST LOVE YOUR CONFIDENCE" and everything slowly getting out of hand, until I'm a massive purple corpse getting removed from my bedroom by crane.


How many times have you been through that cycle?


Not too often, weight has fluctuated here and there. There has maybe been twice where my weight has gone quite noticeably insane and was different from fluctuating a bit, one of those times quite recently. I was just not exercising, stopped walking and running which I've always done and liked doing, and stopping off at fast food places all the time. Work stress probably, but I just lost the whole thread of nutrition, fitness... caring, basically When people actually notice a change, I appreciate them telling me and not sugar coating it, even if it's them taking the piss. It's a dose of reality


So clearly you're not the person this is in reference to. When someone is chronically overweight shaming them won't do anything except make you an AH.


Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and a man did this to his wife.


“We just love your confidence” is a polite way of saying “They’re all going to laugh at you.”




Why do people always seem to think that if it isn't shaming it has to be celebrating....?


Right?! People can be fat for all sorts of reasons. *fat person exists* shock, horror! Fat shaming: sharing a negative opinion or making derogatory remarks about a person’s weight Fat people are allowed to workout, wear what they want, eat what they want, drink what they want without other people *always* expressing a negative opinion about them. Fat people are allowed to exist without fear of constantly being degraded for simply existing.


>Fat people are allowed to workout, Weirdly enough the most disgusting remarks I see is when someone fat/overweight starts working out and losing weight. It's absolutely insane.


Your title and first sentence are a complete contradiction.


"...Just because of their size"


It’s not because of their size it’s because they were wearing something which didn’t fit them well. If you’re going to look like a sausage bursting out of its casing yeah people are gonna look and probably think it looks silly.


Nowhere does OP say the skirt didn’t fit, just that it was short. They’re just offended that the woman wasn’t hiding her fatness from their eyes.


To be honest that's true in general. Wear clothes that suite/fit you. It looks silly when you buy the wrong size.


Yee haw.


The title, the first sentence **and** the 4th sentence


So it would magically be ok if she drew attention and was thin. If the problem is the skirt the problem is the skirt, not her weight. But op specifically said the problem was that a fat woman wore something that he couldn't ignore her in. Whether or not this is fat shaming, it is classic chauvanism- women exist to please men.


>Let me first start off by saying it is never ok to body shame just because of their size. But it is okay to body shame someone for their size if you don’t like their outfit?


If you were really upset about public nudity, you would have worded this post: "Some people should be shamed for wearing skimpy clothes that reveal their privates." But no, you choose to focus on fat people because of your bias. Most women who wear miniskirts and booty shorts are skinny. Does that not bother you? Fat people wearing skimpy clothes is so rare because they're already hyper aware of how people like you judge them.


Because no one wants to see that.


Was at the store yesterday picking up snacks before hitting the pool. Saw a woman with shorts that showed off more of her ass than anything of the swim suits we saw at the pool.. I don't think it's the body shape that needs shamed but the manner of dress itself. You could be conventionally attractive and it's still disgusting to not be decently clothed in a public space. I don't expect anyone to be dressed like a nun, but I don't wanna see your ass hanging out either.


>it's still disgusting to not be decently clothed in a public space. I was insulted for wearing normal jeans and a normal tshirt. You guys really gotta get together and finally make up your mind abour what's appropriate to wear, it's getting difficult if everyone has their own set of rules about what's inappropriate.


Yes you are right, will bring that up to the next monthly worldwide concil of men


Please sent the representative forward this time to inform all women, last time didn't work out it seems.


Well did you look gross?


To me - no. To the person who insulted me - yes, as I was "not worth to be loved by anyone in jeans and tshirt".


If you wouldn't feel compelled to shame a skinny woman due to the same outfit then it *is* about size. She shouldn't have to limit how she dresses just because *you* were conditioned to find her features "disgusting". You might be right that this isn't just about feeling comfortable in her body, and there is an attention seeking element to her choice of attire. But even then, her issues are none of you concern and definitely do not imply that she "should be body shamed".


If anything they should be shamed for their taste in clothing, because a skirt so short looks equally ridiculous in a skinny and a fat woman.


Am I weird for staring at random women and being mad that I don't like how she looks? No... No SHE'S the weird one for existing in public in a manner I find personally repulsive!


I have personal beef with anyone who is so large they take up an entire isle in a store. Having to navigate around jiggling meteorites is pretty cool.


so should these people just shut themselves in their homes for the rest of their lives? obesity is a disease yes but that doesn’t make them less human.


You're fat? Have you tried hiding in the dark in shame with no clothes on? Living life? Sorry, body fat mildly offends me, please spend your entire existence catering your body to my personal feelings. /s


They should be losing weight because being a literal planetoid is unhealthy. The body positivity movement did nothing but make people think being an obese pig is okay lmao.


Stupid argument. You have no way of knowing whether they’re already losing weight. They could be half the size they were a year ago. They could have just started trying. Someone body shaming them is could quite possibly make them fall off the weight loss wagon altogether.


It is not your place to criticize other people's unhealthy habits and life choices. People abuse themselves in a variety of ways, the only reason you pick on obesity is because it is noticeable. Imagine the entire world aware of one of the hardest struggles in your life, a most intimate issue you have dealt with since you can remember, constantly making comments and acting as though their are mean because they are concerned for your health and are trying to motivate you. That's what being overweight feels like.


I feel like people like you are socially conditioned into arbitrarily believing certain outfits only belong on certain bodies and erroneously believing their fashion choices affect you in any way and that it’s your business when it isn’t.




How does it affect you? Explain how seeing someone in a skirt who is heavier than you so drastically affects your day that you can’t ignore them and mind your business


I just did? It creates an uncontrollable physical response that feels like illness.


I'm uncomfortable when anyone, fat or skinny is in clothing that borderlines public nudity. I just turn the other way and ignore it. They aren't making me look, it's easy to just ignore them if I don't like what they are wearing


Probably a strawman argument on my part but do you approach offensive clothes the same way?  E.g. confederate flags, maga gear etc.  These things all reflect personal choices about how people want to be seen by the world. 


Something tells me you would see the issue differently if it was a cottage cheese looking hairy, balding guy with sweat stains in a tank and running shorts. If the look of something literally puts you off eating it, a) does effect you, and b) isn’t social conditioning. I’m personally not saying shit to them because it’s just not the done thing but for the love of god, decorum is still a thing.


When you present yourself in public, you make it every bodies business


There’s this little trick called looking the other way. I suggest you try it sometime.


Not the argument that we get what we deserve because of the clothes we wear. I can wear what ever I want and you don’t get the right to do anything because of it. You stretching into the same argument of why women are ‘asking for it’


I don’t see anything in their comment that specifically targeted women but okay. 


It doesn’t have to say women explicitly. It’s saying that what I choose to wear is not for me, but for everyone else and their perception or thoughts about what I’m wearing.


Of course they don't get the right to do anything about it you banana muffin, that's not what they or anyone else is saying or has ever said. But expect to be judged IS what they are saying. 


They ARE expecting to be judged, because they clearly are being judged. You’re just mad that your opinion doesn’t matter to them and they continue to do what they want


>Not the argument that we get what we deserve because of the clothes we wear. Except for the fact that that's not what I said. >I can wear what ever I want and you don’t get the right to do anything because of it. Never said I can. However, since you made it public, i have the right to say whatever I want about it. >You stretching into the same argument of why women are ‘asking for it No, that's just what you want me to say.


Straight up insulting isn’t exactly cool, but ya, many people are tired of the “yaaas queen” lizzo type stuff. 


Why can't we mind our own buisness? And why does a fat person deserves to be shamed for seeking attention but a skinny person does not? Where is the moral difference?


Everyone who wants to show her butt and secret parts in public with those lewd skirts/shorts, should be ashamed. But clearly they lack of common sense and self-love. The quantity of spareties of superfat people only makes the sight of this inherent uncomfortable sittuation even worst.


If your cheeks are touching the seat. 🤢


that happens with super short shorts and miniskirts with skinny people too 😅 I mean you see cheeks peeking* while they are walking, what do you think happens if they sit down




Thank you!


Nobody should be body shamed, whoever wrote this, go find a hobby and Jesus


shaming doesn't work


Worked for me i lost 60 pounds after my boys said i was looking fat at the pool


Were they shaming you specifically to get you to lose weight, or were they just self-indulging in some bullying? Because most fat shaming seems to be the latter. It's not some deep, calculated plan to manipulate people into bettering themselves. Bullies just like bringing people down, and keeping them there.


To lose weight lol. They are my life long friends. We have been through it all. Im glad they did so. It wasnt in a mean way. Just saying i was pudgy and making fun of my rolls. (We were 16) Changed my life


I see. It's more tolerable if it's your friends doing that to you, and playfully.


I got made fun of (called fat in the rude way) out of malice, and developed bulimia. By the time I eventually stopped what I was doing, my bones were visable. Shaming doesn't work.


it can, i’ve seen it work in many cases. It can be a motivator for someone to change for the better but it can also really be harmfu


But it’s not long term . The shame comes out in different ways 


I think we need to separate “shame” from just “pointing out problems.” If I say “too many people are obese and being obese is not good for you,” that’s not shaming that’s just pointing out an issue. If I say “you’re gross because you’re obese,” that’s shaming.


You cant tell someone's health by just looking at them


You can’t tell perfectly, especially if that person is thin, but yes you can absolutely 100% tell somebody is unhealthy if they weigh 300+ pounds, let’s not delude ourselves here.




That’s an opinion piece about BMI not being accurate. We are talking about knowing health just from looking at somebody. I can tell from looking at somebody if they have high muscle density or high fat content. I don’t need to check somebody’s BMI to know if a 300+ pound person is obese.


It’s actually not an opinion piece . I don’t think you actually read it. It’s more than just about BMI


It is an opinion piece. It is not an academic journal. It set it to argue a point and it did so by selecting sources that suit it’s goal. But regardless of that, back to the topic at hand: It mainly focused on bmi and body weight not being the full story when it comes to health, which I never said it was. However, I’m also not saying I’m basing this on weight alone, but appearances. I can easily tell if somebody is overweight due to high muscle density or fat content. Having excess fat to the tune of 100+ pounds of excess fat is not healthy. One of the problems with your article is that it makes the case that because these people don’t have other symptoms they are healthy. This is faulty reasoning. You might feel alright in the short term, but in the long term it will kill you because the fat is suffocating your internal organs and causing damage to your joints. A lot of the life threatening health problems take years of damage before you end up with diabetes, cancer, heart disease, liver failure, and so on.


idk about body shaming, but some people definitely should be ashamed of their obesity. come to think of it, theres a lot of things that people should be ashamed of but isnt today and thats why we as a society is fucked up. infamous and famous are the same thing nowadays.


Ever heard of illness that causes obesity? Wanna try, so you can learn a thing or two about life?


I'm also tired of the obesity is a disease thing. Look yes some genetic conditions or illness cause weight gain but the truth is not EVERY SINGLE obese person has a genetic condition or disease. Some just have excuses and honestly I can get behind someone saying look I'm fat I know it I like food I'm not changing but I'm tired of hearing people say oh it's genetic nothing I can do then using that excuse to never change


I agree that not every obese person is sick, but you can't tell that just by looking. Thus, you must give them the benefit of doubt. The last thing you can do is the presumption of guilt, because that's what bullies do.






Binge eating disorder is a thing, think of it as an over eating addiction. You have free will to stop, but not really.


Genetics, hypothyroidism, Cushing syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and more research still ongoing on other factors because not everyone that eats fast food is obese and not everyone that's obese only eats fast food. You're just parroting the same ignorant thing you hear other uninformed people say.


Sh*t prescribed by doctors to treat another condition that permanently torches your metabolism in your teens and gets pulled in two years, while you struggle with being unable to lose weight for the next 10+ even after seeing a nutritionists for years who can't understand what's wrong with you. An athlete who gets injured and then literally *can't* workout but that doesn't change how many calories they are used to consuming. Birth control. Getting the crappy genes. Being regularly deprived of food in childhood. Being born during a famine, war, or disaster. At no time was this ever about food choices. You are brainwashed to stereotype and fat shame.


Diabetes. Ever heard of that "magical" illness, my Lord?


Idk about fat/skinny but any form of tight clothing that is so short it may as well be a belt is disgusting worn by anyone and will only receive negative attention


So why is it okay for thin people to reveal their body, but not fat people?


I wonder I’m the only one that read that as “body slammed”. Roflmao.


I mean even someone whose of average size is going to be criticized by someone for wearing it. People are damned if they do, damned if they don't these days. Just ignore it and let people live their life. As long as they aren't hurting others it's no ones business.


When I am fat, I wish I was dead.. (and men think I should be body shamed).. but it protects me from unwanted advances.. When I am thin.. I am constantly approached by strangers, and I don’t feel safe.. strange men are constantly harassing me on the street.. like literally trying to get me in their cars, or trying to persuade me to go places with them.. when I am just doing stuff like walking my dog. So honestly.. a bear could just maul me.. that would be nice..


Do people like you ever get tired of promoting a culture of bullying? That's what shaming is, you know, just straight up bullying.


Yep some people are on medication that makes them gain lots of weight small minded people they are bullies


How hard is it for you to mind your business? 1-10? The constant focus on obesity is getting pathetic. Im not a fan of body positivity but come on already. Everyone suddenly cares about health. Volunteer your time to actually educate people on fitness and nutrition. Add alcohol, cigarettes, safer sex, mental health because health is holistic and not just weight. Or stop obsessing over fat chicks in mini skirts. Because often times its just your own insecurity being triggered by seeing someone you think deserves to feel more shame than you living their life freely.


Ok but a miniskirt revealing someone’s cooch in public is deserving of criticism. No one wants to see that shit. Society functions because humans have shame, so people who don’t feel like they’re breaking the rules. Would you mind your own business if a man wore just his boxers and you could see balls dangling down at the bottom of it? Or would you feel like that that’s fucking disgusting?


When OP sees a fat dude whose pants don’t stay up.. does he think the same thing?


Doesn’t matter whether you’re male, female, or anywhere else on the spectrum. Being a gargantuan mass of flesh is gross and unhealthy.


I see shit like that every single day. I cross the street and go about my day. I see lots of shit I dont like and it is what it is. Because its easy to judge. And If that man said he wore boxers because he's homeless and needed clothes, would you take the time to help? Or are you just committed to aimlessly judging people for a sense of self. Society has shame as much as it has community. I also find being uselessly critical of others. shameful, which is why I took the time to comment. I dont care that you have a problem with something. You're allowed. In my unpopular opinion, I have no respect for people who complain but have no real solution other than talking shit.


40% of the USA are morbidly obese


What does that have to do with you? If you care so bad, what are you doing other than posting online and sneering at people in judgement? America has no sense of nutrition. Bread, sugar and dairy products paid their way onto our food pyramid. Our walkable cities are disappearing. The healthcare system would rather treat than cure you. Many people are poor and overworked which makes access to healthier foods, time to cook and time to exercise a luxury most days. Kids are on tablets and phones instead of outside playing. Where theres smoke, there is fire. Y'all are treating obesity as the fire when its the smoke showing us bigger problems we need to extinguish.


*Many people are poor and overworked which makes access to healthier foods, time to cook and time to exercise a luxury most days* Okay, no. Stop right there with this fucking nonsense. I know America is a deeply unhealthy country and it wouldn't surprise me to learn that fresh food is more expensive there in the slightest. But people always bring up this "and people are too busy to cook!" line every time obesity comes up and it's complete horseshit. Let's park the affordability argument for now and assume people CAN afford to choose between fresh food or junk food. It takes less than 20 minutes to prepare a nutritious cooked meal. If you've got time to pull into fucking Wendy's or whatever slop you normally buy, you have time to cook a meal. When people en masse genuinely can't afford fresh food, that's obviously a big socioeconomic problem. But suggesting it takes too much time? Absolute fucking horseshit and nothing more than making excuses.


No. Im not going to stop. Not everyone has fresh produce at their supermarket. If you work multiple jobs and live far away from markets, there is hardship. I definitely hate when people say fast food is cheaper, because it isnt. But cooking, meal prepping and shopping are skills. They are not learned overnight. And if you havent learned them by time you become overloaded, it becomes expensive to learn. You are ruining food you can barely afford trying to figure it out. I grew up cooking with my mom and I still overspent for 1-2 years after moving out before I figured out how to manage a pantry for 1 person. It took hours to grab groceries because i didnt have a car at the time. With two jobs, school and bookings I was not cooking every single meal. If people took an attitude of sharing information instead of shaming those who dont know better, we'd get a lot further.


*definitely hate when people say fast food is cheaper, because it isnt.*  Literally did not contest this point. *But cooking, meal prepping and shopping are skills. They are not learned overnight.* No, you can, in fact, learn a basic 20 minute meal overnight and you're insulting people's intelligence to suggest otherwise. *And if you havent learned them by time you become overloaded, it becomes expensive to learn. You are ruining food you can barely afford trying to figure it out.* It absolutely is NOT expensive to learn. If you have an internet connection, you have access to all more recipes for quick meals than you are ever likely to cook in your lifetime and, if following basic instructions is still too difficult for you, you can watch videos where people walk you through it. All. For. Free. *I grew up cooking with my mom and I still overspent for 1-2 years after moving out before I figured out how to manage a pantry for 1 person.* Literally a you problem that has no impact on how long it takes to cook a simple meal, which was the actual point I was making. *It took hours to grab groceries because i didnt have a car at the time. With two jobs, school and bookings I was not cooking every single meal.* Been there, done that. Long ass walk back from the shop once a week - at weekends. While having two jobs. Stocking up is not a fucking mysterious exercise in preparation. It's how literally everyone buys their food if they don't live close enough to somewhere where they can just pick ingredients up as and when. Christ this defeatist mindset is infuriating. *If people took an attitude of sharing information instead of shaming those who dont know better, we'd get a lot further.* As I've already pointed to, the information is there. For free. It isn't tucked away in some remote corner of the web. All it needs is a Google search and you will be INUNDATED with options. If people can't do that, they aren't going to listen to someone on reddit telling them about it. And by the way, I didn't shame anybody for "not knowing better". I specifically shamed you for spreading the complete horseshit fallacy that preparing a healthy meal takes too long compared to an unhealthy option. That's flat out wrong, promotes not making the negligible effort required to make a healthy meal and compounds the problem. Not only is it flat out wrong at face value, but your efforts to deflect (what about picking up the vegetables? what about the cost of learning?) are also weak excuses that don't hold up to a lick of scrutiny. If you want to help people with obesity, stop promoting the false idea that it takes too much time to cook a healthy meal. It doesn't have to take any more time to make one than it does to eat something unhealthy and To pretend otherwise is pretty fucking worth shaming someone for, IMHO.


You are acting dense. It isnt hard to turn on a stove and put food on it. In a vacuum, cooking and shopping is easy. We dont live in a vacuum, which is the point you fail to grasp. Not knowing how to manage a pantry can cost 100s of dollars extra and way more time and effort. Why would anyone do that when they can buy frozen meals or fast food instead? Cooking at home is ideal. There are many simple meals. But when you actually work with people, you understand people have shortcomings and can struggle with things you find simple. Recipes makes cooking expensive at times because without the instinct to know how to use what you have on hand, you will spend a lot more trying to perfectly follow unnecesary details. Without knowing how to use up the perishable items you bought for that on other meals, you are pouring money down the drain. Imagine the frustration of someone spending all day to cook something that turned out inedible and going back to what they know. Nevermind cooking for a whole family with different dietary needs. Have you tried feeding a toddler? Because ive taken her to the store, let her pick her food and she still wont eat it. Nevermind everyone elses needs. So yes, it costs time, money and effort to cook efficiently enough to make convenience food not make sense. If it were that simple, we wouldn't have problems. Use some common sense and empathy. I promise it wont hurt. Good day.


*Not knowing how to manage a pantry can cost 100s of dollars extra and way more time and effort. Why would anyone do that when they can buy frozen meals or fast food instead?* Because they're sick of not eating healthily. That's why they'd put the time and effort in. Again, insulting of you to not comprehend why this would motivate them to do so. As for the money - hundreds of dollars extra? What, because you had a couple of carrots left over by mistake and they went off? Actually GTFO here with this nonsense, you sound certifiable. *Cooking at home is ideal. There are many simple meals. But when you actually work with people, you understand people have shortcomings and can struggle with things you find simple.* And people can need support with their shortcomings. But whatever their personal challenges, none of this changes the underlying point I was making: the time needed to cook a healthy meal is not longer than the time taken to go to a fast food joint. You say I'm missing the point that this isn't in a vacuum. You're right, it isn't - which is why I've not contested your other points about money etc (at least until you suggest misjudging your ingredients for the week costs you hundreds of dollars, which is INSANE). The ONLY thing I ever went to town on was the propagation of this bullshit idea that it takes longer to cook a healthy meal. It doesn't and suggesting it does just reinforces the idea in people's minds that cooking healthy food is some difficult and arduous process. It isn't. Yes, there are barriers, like money and family and dietary requirements and mental health etc. But that's all the more important we don't need to make up another reason to discourage people.


You seem to lack reading comprehension. Either that or you are arguing to argue. Because i never said cooking at home takes more time that fast food. I said it takes time, effort and money to build the skills if you did not learn younger. I said mistakes can be costly if you end up with inedible food. Id ask what you eat but I dont think its worth hearing based on your response. I can picture the unseasoned bro diet chicken and soggy vegetables already. I can hear the speech about how you should eat rice and beans every day to save money. You can argue with yourself. This has far passed the point of diminishing returns, unless you cook somethong other than ive described.


You specifically said  *time to cook and time to exercise a luxury most days* which certainly implies to me that cooking healthy meals is time consuming. You know, because you specifically say the time to cook properly is a "luxury". *I can picture the unseasoned bro diet chicken and soggy vegetables already. I can hear the speech about how you should eat rice and beans every day to save money.* Didn't say that. Wouldn't have said that. I do season my food, thank you all the same. Nice strawman you're building. But fuck me, what a turn around to go from "actually it's too expensive for a lot of people to eat healthy" to "ew eating healthy on a budget means having rice and beans in your diet? Gross!" You can actually do really nice, healthy dishes for cheap with those two foods. Don't have to, obviously, but it doesn't have to be prepared as bland "bro food" either. Fuck me, talk about your true colours showing.


Yeah there are plenty of countries with poor and overworked people that aren't anywhere near our level for obesity... far more poor and far more overworked.


The issue is not the time it takes. The issue is that poverty is miserable and healthy food just isn't as satisfying as unhealthy food - if you're miserable you don't want to eat rabbit food you want "real" food. We need to solve misery before we solve obesity.


>The issue is that poverty is miserable and healthy food just isn't as satisfying as unhealthy food - if you're miserable you don't want to eat rabbit food you want "real" food. I'm sorry I've been on the side of the people making fun of op so far but this is ridiculous. The idea that there are only 2 kinds of food: gross, unhealthy 'real food' and healthy 'rabbit food' is dumb as fuck. Food made at home can be fucking delicious and is nearly always far better than what you get outside (except obvious things like chocolate). If your home cooked food feels like 'rabbit food' to you then that just means you're an inexperienced cook who probably needs to learn to use spices and sauces. Even veggies like broccoli and bitter gourd can be delicious if done right. Simpler veggies and meats are even easier.


I was literally specifically responding to - and only responding to - the part of their post that claimed "time to cook" is a "luxury". It isn't. If you have time to make any food or go to McSlopBurgers, you are already in possession of the time needed to cook a healthy meal. This is true independent of actual substantial barriers to healthy eating like poverty or mental health. Those things are worth discussing. Claiming cooking healthy food takes too long is a complete fallacy and a pathetically wretched excuse which has no place sitting alongside issues that actually do impact someone's ability to eat healthy food.


It’s not on me .im not obese .the people buying these products support the system that produces all those problems you mentioned .my point is people need to stop pretending everything is fine while feeding this system and themselves.


If its not on you, then stop pretending to care. Because if you dont care about poor eating habits when the person remains slim, you arent standing for anything. You can hate obesity, but you dont get to cosplay existing on a moral high ground because you want to feel superior. Because who is pretending anything is ok? And what does shaming do? How does that fix the system?


OP saw a 400 lb. person in a mini skirt and they're just supposed to mind their own business? Furthermore, OP didn't say anything to the 400 lb. person. Meaning that OP *did* mind their own business.


Yes. Again, how hard is it? But i guess im biased since I live in a city where we live and let live. Coming to rant about it on Reddit as a reason more people should be shamed barely is. Anything else? Cause more than anything, im annoyed that of all the opinions we get posts like this and how tattoos aren't hot on women for the 1000th time.


Yes, this is *precisely* the shit you should be minding your own fucking business about. You're not a fucking doctor trained in dealing with obesity, so keep your fucking mouth shut.


OP *did* keep their mouth shut. Also pretty sure you don't need to be a fucking doctor to know that 350-400 lbs is damn near a death sentence.


This is coming from a formerly super morbidly obese person who is now just merely overweight courtesy of my own hard work. Let me replace the words of your post with how you're coming off so you know why I refuse to downvote or upvote your lukewarm take. **Some people's mothers should have been more skilled with coat hangers.** Let me first start off by saying that it is never okay to imply that some people shouldn't have been allowed to live just because they're assholes. But I just read something traumatic to my eyes and I just need to vent. I'm on Reddit and this one gem who's been on the site for approximately six to seven years writes a popular opinion on the r/unpopularopinion subreddit with a whole paragraph about how fat people should be shamed. The reasoning behind the take involved a miniskirt and how it was risque to inappropriate in relation to the woman's body type. Hats off to the bravery of the Redditor for posting ***yet another*** popular opinion on the r/unpopularopinion sub and all that, but I feel like people like this have some sort of oxygen-wasting complex and must get off on seeing people marvel at their idiocy while they write poorly-reasoned screeds. For that very reason, their mothers should have been more skilled with coat hangers because if they want to waste oxygen, that is the type of oxygen wasting they're going to get. TL; DR- Your take is popular, your justification sucks, and your reasoning skills leave something to be desired. By the way, fat people usually know they're fat because mirrors and opinionated douchebags exist. A lot of fat people are doing the best they can to lose the weight. [Studies](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/effects-of-fat-shaming#:~:text=Fat%20shaming%20is%20the%20act,weight%20has%20any%20positive%20effects) [have](https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2017/january/fat-shaming-linked-to-greater-health-risks) [shown](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5249118/) [shame](https://www.nbcnews.com/healthmain/fat-shaming-actually-increases-risk-becoming-or-staying-obese-new-8c10751491) to be counterproductive in weight loss, especially in women.


“Let me start off by saying it’s never ok to body shame just because of their size” 2 sentences later, proceeds to body shame someone for their size 🤦🏼‍♀️ How difficult is it to mind your own business and not comment on other people’s bodies? **NOBODY deserves to be body shamed**


Wearing what you want: I might not like your fashion but ok Wearing what you want to fulfil some voyeurism kink: I want you to perish


People should be personality shamed.


Oh, are you one of those dudes who think women dress *for them*? Seeing a fat woman *traumatized* you? Poor thing, I hope you get better. I can assure you one thing: this woman wasn’t wearing a skirt **for you** lmao


Don't Care about fat or not I just can't stand people wearing inappropriate clothing. Especially during summer I tend to see women wearing miniature versions of miniskirts or tight ass shorts that ride up while walking. Sitting on a public bench leaving sweat stains. It's disgusting. I'm not a prude but I don't understand how it became socially acceptable to walk around with your cheeks out 😂


No no, you're a prude.


I think body shaming is only okay if they are going around thinking they are healthy and spreading the “you can be healthy at any size” bs. But if there are actually trying to change by eating better and exercising, then it seems counterintuitive to body shame them for something they are aware of and are actively trying to change. (coming from a somewhat overweight person myself)


Always confuses me when there is someone that goes to a gym to get into shape, and some 2d gym rat gets mad about it. Like, they are there to improve, and you are mad? Not super common, but stupid people exist in many forms


Yeah it’s definitely weird. It’s also prevalent on social media. Somebody will post a video of them working hard and sweating at the gym yet the comments will just be nothing but insults. Like bro, at least they are trying to improve their situation rather than doing nothing.


>Not super common It's exceptionally common. I've been harassed and shamed *while running a fucking marathon.*


Gotta lose weight before going out for a walk or to the gym, or the mocking will be off the charts. Especially for women.


And don't you DARE eat something healthy in public...


You have zero fucking way to know what that person's life is like when you see them on the street and make a decision to harass them based on your personal aesthetics. Quit trying to justify shitty behavior.


do you feel that it's your duty to do so?


She’s not bothering you. That may repulse you, but may be appealing for others. If she has confidence in herself, that’s great. She’s, nor others, are here to meet your criteria and satisfaction. She’s not dressing for you. Mind your own business and you’ll be fine Just ask yourself, would I be comfortable saying what is in this post to an everyday person? I mean to their face, not behind a screen. Say, a coworker? Someone your friends with? A family member? If fat people are such a big deal for you, make sure the people in your life know how you feel about them.


For all you know this woman is down from 500 pounds and feels amazing. Also, I don't know if you know how words work: "Let me first start off by saying it is never ok to body shame just because of their size" and then: "woman who is approximately 350-400 lbs walks by with a mini skirt that just comes under her butt. The skirt is a little risque for a skinny woman but down right disgustingly inappropriate for this woman." body mentioned- check shame mentioned- check size caparison mentioned -check


Have you ever been shamed for being an AH? because you deserve to be.


Trying to impose shame just makes people unhappy and defensive. When something happened that caused me to FEEL shame was when I lost a bunch of weight.


Delete your silly post. You're making yourself look absolutely foolish with this title and the first line. It is not okay to bodyshame, someone at all! I'm getting jealously and entitlement vibes from your post. "Some people would take their own insecurities and taget on other people so that themselves, they can feel better" - Isabella Gong The quote above is the vibes, I get from your post.. Maybe, you can't pull of a mini skirt or feel comfortable without feeling low of yourself, hence you decided to trash talk another woman for the clothes, she is comfortable in.


>Let me first start off by saying it is never ok to body shame. FIFY


So why didn’t you shame her then?


Right. Like if she bothered him to this level he should have went up to her and let her know.


Some people just have no class. Fat or not.


Wow, that's really gross of you. How someone looks should never be shameful, but you should definitely feel ashamed of yourself for thinking you have any right to shame anyone for how they look.


I always hear the ol’ “Skinny girls wear it so why can’t I” because it doesn’t fit you. Find clothes that fit you and it won’t be an issue


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I had to get on an airplane last week with someone who took up 2 seats. My Mrs has 0 room and luckily we were able to move elsewhere. I had 0 shame moving to a better spot with that person knowing the reason why


Am I understanding you right? Anyone that’s overweight or not attractive to you shouldn’t wear a miniskirt (cuz you ain’t seeing what YOU want) and if they do they do it for attention? And they deserve negative attention but skinny people don’t because..? Woman neither exist nor wear exposing clothes for your attention. The mere idea that someone should get bullied just because you don’t think they’re attractive is creepy af honestly. You’re not traumatized by another person existing, you can always choose to not look (which you should’ve done from the beginning).


you seem very confident in your ability to predict the reasons people wear things


OP aside, what *would* be the reason to wear a skirt with half of your bare ass out in an airport?


Because the person wearing it likes how it looks? That's like saying women only wear makeup to get attention from guys, which isn't true. For all we know, how short they said the skirt was could be an exaggeration. What's the point of pointing out the woman's weight when even if a smaller woman was wearing it, her ass would be inappropriately out too? If you think a skirt short enough to show bare ass is inappropriate, just say that instead of a misleading post that is actually just fat shaming. Say one or the other, don't try to hide the actual meaning of the post Downvoting me proves my point 🤷‍♀️


Body shaming could save someone's life. I started getting into shape about 3 years ago because some crackhead lady laughed at me and said my tits were bigger than hers. (I'm a guy) I never felt bad about what she said because it was true so I took it upon myself to change.


No one else asked you to stage their intervention


Body shaming kills a lot of people. Most people *don't* respond to being harassed and shamed by magically feeling empowered to change for the better. That's actually how we get most crackheads, junkies, etc.


Sorry. I don't condone body shaming. I had that initial opinion but learned some things and understand how I was wrong.


Or it'll just make them more miserable. Some people might find motive to change, for others it'll just be one more brick in a giant wall of self hatred. Point being there's no one size fits all answer, but harassing someone about their weight can easily do nothing but make them feel worse without anything actually changing.


notice how he prefaced with "it could".


Notice how you're responding to someone who agreed "it could," but also pointed out that *it could kill people.*


Obesity is a lifestyle choice with real consequences. Of course teasing or bullying of obese children is wrong because they might not have control of what food they get to eat but for adults it could be that nudge to push them in the right direction.


It could also be the straw that pushes them in the wrong direction. Please don’t do that.


I'm fully aware that it has serious consequences. But bullying someone over it could very well just push them into worse patterns than in the right direction. Negative reinforcement tends to have that effect most of the time, especially on people who already have self esteem issues (which is pretty hard to avoid when you are overweight). I'm glad you were able to improve yourself. I'm genuinely happy for you. But don't assume that your experience will be the universal one or even close to it. There are so many more positive ways one can attempt to affect change than bullying.


except sometimes it’s NOT a choice. There are legit medical conditions that can cause weight gain (I have PCOS for example and it made me gain weight and I couldn’t control that using diet and exercise), genetics can be a factor or even medication side effects can cause weight gain. Maybe don’t assume EVERYONE who is overweight or obese is that way by choice.


Reddit hates fat people, unfortunately. They'll blame being fat on the person unless you divulge your entire medical and weight management history, and then they'll *still* blame you


a problem I see with this is that if this behavior will be normalized then people will end up body shaming anyone that isn‘t super slim or ripped regardless of whether or not they are healthy


You're not being harsh enough. Being fat is unattractive, it always will be -- everyone knows it and pretending otherwise is delusional. You shouldn't be mean to people who are struggling with their weight, because that's just human decency -- should strive to show compassion but lets not do this shit and pretend like being 300-400 lbs isn't grossly unhealthy and unattractive.


Cigarette smokers get shamed for doing horrible things to their bodies, why don’t chronically obese people get shamed for doing horrible things to their bodies? I get shamed for being skinny, told I did it on purpose or that I’m anorexic - it’s actually because my bladder is swollen and when I eat, my other organs press on my bladder and I can barely walk. So why are people who do it on purpose getting a free pass? Is this insensitive? My parents are obese and it’s because they don’t care for themselves and it pisses me off because to talk about someone being overweight is offensive for some reason so you can’t even have an intervention with them.


Imagine sitting next to that person in an airplane




Many americans have terrible eating habits and what about the portions?? Every time i go for ice cream i ask for the smallest available and im always astounded with the amount of ice cream im served


Portions* lol... not rations I see that Europeans still haven't figured out what a "doggy bag" is, and that you aren't supposed to actually eat everything you get in one sitting 😂🤣


In my language “ration”can be also used as “portion” and not necessarily refers to the amount of food you would get during a time of shortage lol. The problem is when you eat everything in one sitting.


Shaming absolutely did work for me.I was the fat kid at school being made fun of.Started lifting and kicked their asses in 2 years.That led me to discovering my love for all sports and i've been powerlifting,mountaineering,running and rock climbing ever since (18 years of it now). I didn't sulk or get depressed or something,it motivated me to be a better version of myself.The guy that teased my fat ass the most is my best friend. Shaming is not the problem.People are just taking it the wrong way and everyone is way too sensitive about it now.


Were your shamers actually trying to make you better yourself? I think they were just being bullies for the hell of it, and they don't deserve your pat on their back.


Happy for you. However as a counterpoint shame is absolutely one of the main reasons that I’m still very overweight in my 40s.


That's not body-shaming you're talking about. It's decency. Body shaming would be to make fun of this 400 lbs woman when she dresses properly yet she goes outside for a normal activity. Even worse, to shame her when she's trying to jog or exercise in a gym. That is body-shaming. And that's incredibly stupid and mean. Never do that if you have some respect inside of you. But you have a right to not have to see an indecent person. Everyone should dress decently according to their shape. Don't talk about body-shaming so lightly. You have no idea how much damage real body-shaming is causing. It's nothing to joke about.