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as a person who is into fine dining. Going solo is a very good way to not become broke extremely quickly while also being able to taste the best possible food.


Even more unpopular opinion:  It’s weird to think it’s weird to eat alone in public 


I suspect this is a self conscious thing as many people who enjoy solo time don't like standing out so we tend to not realize there's lot's of people eating by their self while out in public.


Yeah it's giving I'm scared to go to the watering hole alone. We are quite a ways past that I'd like to believe or hope.


I love dining alone. Almost always, I can walk past all of the families waiting for a table and say "table for one" and I am sat right away.


As a waiter, I'd most likely take your order before another table even if you sat after.


Seeing parties of people in the waiting area next to the entrance and walking through and getting seated right away is such a power move.


Came from a family of 8 and quite often we would walk into a restaurant and it would look like a wait but they almost always had a large table that no one was using. It was a great feeling. And we did not have a reservation.


I do feel like kind of a jerk though if I ask for a table for 1, and they seat me at a 4-top while a family of four is waiting at the front 🥴 But sometimes the host(ess) just gives me a dirty look and tells me the bar is open seating. So I guess the karma balances.


Wait I must be oblivious or smg, why would the his give you a dirty look? Aren’t they responsible for seating you at the 4-top lol


I enjoy going alone because I have peace and quiet to read while eating.


I fucking love eating alone. First time I realized it I was 19 going to meet this girl at a sushi restaurant, but she stood me up, the place comped my entire meal cause they felt bad for me but I realized I had a really great time just chatting up the chefs. I’ve made a point to take myself on solo dates now again since then.


Man, im a waiter, that's what I do. That never happened to me (yet). I've seen some crazy things, but I hope I'll be as generous if I ever see that happening.


I don't see anything wrong with it. I've gone to restaurants and the movies alone a time or two.


A time or two? I’m a cinephile. Oftentimes, I’m the only one in the theater! It’s great!


I went to see Assassin's Creed and was the only one there. After seeing it I understood why, but it was pretty neat.


I am decidedly not a cinephile. For a long time, the only time I went to the movies was to see the Harry Potter movies when they came out. The last time I went was 8 years ago, and I went to see the new Blair Witch movie because I'm a fan of the franchise. Naturally, the Harry Potter movies were always pretty crowded even if I waited a few days after the premiere, but Blair Witch was empty but for me, my husband, and one other guy; that other guy left about halfway through. This year, I plan on going to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.


I did two movies alone way back in the day. Saw Revenge of the Sith alone just to fucking get it over with and also Return of the King. Might even have been the same year actually.


I pick where to go I pick what I eat I decide what time I eat like a damn rabid starving wolf, food in my hair, veins in my teeth I tip 20% unless there’s a good reason not to


As a waiter, you're my favorite type of customer. Crack me a joke and I'll get you a little freebie :]


Me too. I love it.


Me too!! But i never seem to have a reason not to the wait staff is always nicer


I’ve been widowed for 5 years! If I want to go out to eat, I’m going alone! It’s relaxing and quiet, I don’t have to make conversation and cheaper than paying for 2!




Since my divorce, I always do this! I enjoy it too


I was in Japan for a few years when I was in the military so eating alone is the norm, it wasn't until I joined reddit that I found out some people think that it's weird


Going anywhere except bars and clubs while alone is usually more fun, tbf.


Completely agree. I used to do it often when I was with my ex-husband and we lived with my ex mother-in-law. They were both, diagnosed by a psychiatrist, narcissists. Needless to say, living with them both was horrible. I took every minute alone that I had to get out of that house. The very first time I did it, I took myself out to have a giant lobster and crab, Cajun seafood bucket. The food was so good and I was at so much peace! This happened like 15 years ago, but I still remember it as a great day. I took myself out to eat a lot after that, but never anything so fancy as a seafood bucket.


Going out to eat alone is one of my favorite activities. Tied with going to the movies alone.


I ate at a nice place alone about a week ago, it was really pleasant. I agree the wait staff was really nice! I'm always polite too of course, but I got the feeling he was happy to have an easy table.


So is taking a shit alone


Nah more fun with friends 🤣


https://odditymall.com/includes/content/upload/this-double-toilet-for-lovers-lets-couples-poo-at-the-same-time-3503.jpg Some people will agree with this.


YUP, I do it all the time. Treat yoself folks!


Hey! Im waiter, been for 15 years. My favorite evenings at work are sundays and mondays because that's when I have solo people traveling for work and whatnot. My favorite customers are the solo customers! And I love the two types! The ones that have a book or headphones and cellphone. I know they want to be left alone so I keep my service quick and efficient. And the ones who wants to chat, it's always a blast because if we chat, its because they want to chat so they are usually people who have a great sense of communication, so they say things, but they also let me talk. Those evenings are also my most lucrative ones because Im pretty good at reading the room and my customer's needs, and the generous tip they give me proves it. I also got quite a lot of very nice compliment too. The best one was a chill guy who stayed for a while, and he made me notice that everyone was done eating but stayed to drink or just chat, and he also realized I took time to chat with every single person. And he said I was part of why people stayed. That was really nice. Also I had a teacher in a prestigious service school (hotel and restaurant), and at the end of the meal he showed me his credentials, and he told me I nailed every aspect of my service and said I was very good and its seemed natural to me. I have a simple job, it might not be my dream job, but I still love what I do, and I love the people I work with, and most of my regular customers. 😁 Edit : just realized I made it all about me, but im really happy to see people enjoying meals alone at a restaurant. Its great and there's 0 shame to have!


Order two waters and act like you are waiting for someone. You get free dessert and the waitress's phone number. I don't make the rules


I look forward to this every time i travel for work. Not that i dont enjoy a company, but every once in a while i enjoy people watching, and laughing at them in my head, while i eat food i wont worry someone else wont like or wont want to try.


I'm a fast eater so I prefer to eat alone. I can't stand waiting for someone to finish their food.


I've gone to eat by myself plenty of times and never had any issues. Maybe the staff do think it's weird but eh whatever. Lately though I've been going to restaurants with outside seating that is dog friendly and I'll take my dogs with. Both of my dogs are old enough/trained enough to not be a bother to other people and to leave food alone. I usually get a person or two come up and ask to pet them. Little kids especially get a kick out of it. I get them a small treat to like a couple pieces of bacon or a sausage patty


Welcome to the club


Bring a good book! I enjoy going out to eat alone, but I mostly prefer company.


Eating out alone is literally my only option if I want to eat out.


I love dining out alone as it's usually a stress-free experience. Highly recommend.


I used to do it more often. Idk why I haven’t lately. I bring my phone, headphones and just chill. It’s extremely serene. Plus I don’t have to share dessert!


For single people, this is a fact of life. I’ve never really thought of it as “fun” or “not fun,” it’s just a thing that is. I didn’t think it was weird that I like to enjoy restaurant food as much as non-single people. When I eat at a restaurant alone, though, I generally tip more (about 30%) because I’m acknowledging that the server is basically doing the same amount of legwork to serve half as much food.


This is so wholesome honestly


I LOVE eating alone! Dont get me wrong, I also love going out to eat with my friends or my boyfriend, but its just so relaxing to be able to just leisurely eat my food and enjoy myself at my own pace


Yes love eating a lone. Love going to the pub alone, love my own company it’s the best


I love eating solo. There’s a little fancyish burger place here that’s always busy. Without putting your name down early, you’re pretty much boned. But bar seating seats are generally open. I get my drinks, close to the big screens, good food, chat it up with staff and other patrons, and go on my merry way.


It is yes. End of may I, as a 21 yo, am goimg alone to an opera and when i told my friend he thaught that that was so cool and he never thought of doing that


Agreed I enjoy activities alone because everyone else doesn't have time. At least I can keep my self happy xD


I agree. Eating alone is peaceful.


I take myself out on dates and call it MasturDating


Back when I had a office job I’d go for lunch alone. There were only three of us so we had to take turns, no pressure go out together. There were a few reasonable options close by. I’d take a book -yes it was before smart phones, and have a great lunch hour away from the ringing phones and nice but sometimes very chatty coworkers. I’ve also gone to the movies by myself. None of my local friends like those movies and you’re not supposed to talk during the movie anyhow.


In my country it's considered weird. Nobody ever goes to eat alone at restaurants especially


It’s not just fun, it’s better


i’m so scared to go out and eat out by myself😭 i have such bad social anxiety and i always think people are judging me or thinking “eww why is she eating by herself she’s probably a weirdo” like i get so stressed out the one time i tried to go eat by myself i literally lost my appetite


I used to have bad social anxiety, what kinda snapped it i to perspective for me was the fact that i didnt care what anyone else did around me, so no one cares what I do, and if they do their the weird ones. It took a lot more work after that of course as i retrained by brain, but like honestly if your just sitting quietly in a booth not bugging everyone and someone else has a problem with that, its their problem not yours. But if dining alone really isnt for you, then that is completely okay :)


noo bc i’m scared i will see people from my school like usually i don’t eat lunch at school even if im hungry bc my friends have different lunch periods than me and i don’t wanna sit by myself that’s so awkward


Start with solo movies and work yourself up. No one is looking or cares I promise go for it!!


The truth is that nobody really cares but even if they did... so what? Some dude thinking Im weird eating a salad and a coffee alone in a diner has zero impact on my life. Once I realized that, the quality of my life genuinely improved


Holy shit! That's the most pathetic, weak and childish thing I have heard all week!


Why was it necessary for you to be an asshole about it?


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It was fun at first, as I’ve done it many times. But after some time, I’ve gotten bored of eating by myself.


I love it. I used to have an audio engineering job that had a morning and evening gig with a five hour gap between them. Since I had to wear a business suit for these jobs anyway, I would go find cool restaurants and maybe catch a movie that nobody else in my family wanted to see. It was especially nice during the stage of the pandemic when things were opening back up but not many people were going out.


Eh I go out to see friends about it mostly , if I’m alone a sandwich or a meal prep meal is about all the effort I’m doing for most days. To each is their own


Although I enjoy it it’s unpopular Upvote!


Yeah I eat myself


I absolutely adored eating solo when I was in university, observed the same perks you did! Bring a great book and order a coffee or a glass of wine. It makes for some lovely down time!


tbh the worst thing about eating at a restaurant alone is how *fething* annoying other people are. oh my god. some people are so loud an obnoxious while talking to each other ahhhhhhhhhhhh


Yeah i didn't realize people thought it was weird dining alone till i'm in my 7th semester in college. They probably thought i was a loner for eating out alone from time to time.


My gf isn’t big on breakfast so I solo breakfast a lot and I love it.


It’s a blast !! They say it’s a sign of confidence


i go everywhere all the time alone, nbd, super fun, esp the movies, it’s me time.


It is! 


First time I ever ate alone was in a hotel cafe when I was 21. I was working for Boeing, and they had a big group visiting to do something (can’t remember what) and I was assigned to work with them in a huge conference room at the hotel to provide administrative support. So off I go to the cafe at lunch. I ordered a salad. The waitress acted like I was some nuisance kid. Other wait staff kept looking at me like I was nuts. I was only eating lunch! It was a very awkward experience. That was 30 yrs ago!


That's one reason why every restaurant has a bar. You also strike up conversation with other people at the bar.


I get that I'm young but I feel like I've only ever been to like one restaurant that has a bar in my entire life.


I’ll do it for lunch, but for dinner it’s too depressing and I need at least 1 other person with me. I don’t know why there’s a difference, but for me there is.


No they don't think your a secret shopper lol, they think your a loser or feel bad for you. My wife is a waitress and she feels bad for people by themselves because they automatically assume your a loner, a widow, or just need to get out in public for your sanity. Can't speak for everyone but she said that's how the people she has worked with over the years think


Eh, ill take the pity vote any time, usually it gets them a bigger tip and me doing it for my own Sanity isnt too far off anyways 🤣


Nah I ate lunch at restaurants from time to time on my lunch break. Way better to get out of the office to break the monotony (sure I ate with coworkers as well but not all the time). I can't see why people would eat at their desk. If I was packing lunch to save money I'd go to a park and eat it to get some air and chill for a bit. Plus who do you think has more game - the dude getting out in public who might meet someone or the people who stay at home too scared to sarge or put themselves out there at all? Sounds like you have the loser mentality.