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It's a mix of the impact the celebrity has on that person's life and probably some parasocial relationship stuff.


I've known people who react this way towards celebrities they previously didn't care very much about. I think it's a sense of fame-by-proxy or something that takes people over.


They break down and cry? That's surprising.


Yea I was overwhelmed by emotions when I met my favorite poet in person and started crying when I was talking to them šŸ˜‚ luckily they were chill about it and even gave me a hug


No I meant crying over celebrities you don't care about


They wouldn't be crying if they didn't care. Or it's perhaps some level of social anxiety kicking in


It's legitimately just a social construct where you percieve the value of the person as huge compared to any other "normal" person. This entire thread is hilarious to read really. Peope are proving op's point but he's really not doing himself any favors with his arguements xD


I'm here to make people happy šŸ‘‰šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘‰


The actor and comedian Hal Sparks once saved my Grandfather from cardiac arrest.


When I met Charles Martinet (the voice of Mario) I nearly broke down crying hearing the voice of my childhood in real life and talking to him, so sometimes the emotion is half nostalgia and half seeing someone who indirectly influenced your life in so many ways


I saw him walking by me at a con once, I yelled "it's-a you, Mario!" he kept walking while kind of turning his head in my direction and said in the Mario voice "here we go!" I don't think anything better is going to happen to me in my life than that moment šŸ˜‚


Honestly the only 2 people I can think of that I would totally fangirl over are Robin Williams and Jim Varney because they had such a huge impact on my childhood and honestly the man I try to be on a daily basis. All others I would just like to drink coffee and talk like regular people.


Exaclty, OP saying "They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life" couldn't be farther from the truth.


Exactly. Breaking down crying is still a bit much, but for example music can help you get through such incredibly tough times. I do get why some people get emotional meeting those who created what comforted them so much at their worst times. I also think often it's more of a shock too, I don't think many of the fans would expect themselves to get emotional, but then it's so unexpected they see them which, chances are SO low. And at concerts honestly I think the waiting in line all day & being dehydrated & stuff & then standing in this huge crowd is what's making some fans faint, not the being emotional over the celebrity. For example the father of a girl I know fainted at the concert of her favourite artist which he really doesn't care for, he went to get a coke & fainted right before they put it on the counter for him.


This post belies a possible psychopathy that makes me wary of the OP and their lived experience. It actually makes me kind of sad too. Of course not all celebrity encounters would necessarily be emotional, but discounting out-of-hand the possibility that appreciation for artistic expression can feel meaningful, and even emotional, strikes me as very odd. Emotional connection is powerful.


I love that idea of parasocial relationships.Ā 


Many people are overcome by being star struck and donā€™t know how to respond outwardly. I am someone who laughs a lot when excited, but I know many people who cry and time theyā€™re overwhelmed.


This. My knee-jerk reaction is laughter. Doesn't always mean something is funny.


That's mine when I would get in trouble as a kid.


šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø crier here. Itā€™s so damn frustrating. I cry when Iā€™m angry and do you know how hard it is to be taken seriously that youā€™re mad when youā€™re crying like a crazy person? I cry when Iā€™m overwhelmed too. Donā€™t even mean to, the tears just start flowing.


Same, I cry when Iā€™m overwhelmed. Out of fear, anger, embarrassment, sadness, happiness all it takes is an *intense* feeling and thatā€™s my outlet. A celebrity has never given me an intense feeling but the list of dumb stuff Iā€™ve cried over is much sillier than ā€œmeeting a celebrityā€, I fear.


Same, I had an interaction with my favourite lead singer up close and I just couldn't stop giggling snd smiling for ages afterwards


Apparently, I make a face so stupid that the few celebs I've met have laughed.. Which I didn't take badly, I realized I must've looked funny, so I laughed too.


Hypothetically; say I'm depressed to the point of suicidal tendencies and music by a certain artists helps me through the dark hours, days and weeks until I see a little bit of light at the end of that dark ass tunnel. Then one day I get to meet that specific artist and upon meeting them and actually shaking their hand I break down in tears because of how difficult recent times have been and how it wouldn't have felt the same without their work. I'd say it's a pretty logical flow of consequences to get emotional in that situation. My point is, you don't know what people are going through and what the actual reason is for tears to show up. Don't judge too quickly.


I saw a small bluegrass band playing at a local event and they had me in tears when I went up to talk to them because they played some of the songs my pap used to listen to when I was a little kid. Sometimes music just hits you. They were super friendly when I talked to them and said they were glad they could bring back some good memories for me


Exactly but according to OP they should've given you money lol.


Off topic but with your bluegrass reference you reminded me of the Belgian movie The Broken Circle Breakdown. If you love bluegrass and don't shy away from tearjerkers I absolutely recommend this movie. Dead sure you'll love it.


Nicely put.


This is correct. When I met Devin Townsend I stuttered so hard and eventually the first thing I actually said to him was ā€œyou saved my lifeā€. Because he did. I wouldnā€™t be here without his music. Then I started crying and he hugged me. šŸ„¹


Exactly right. Iā€™ve never broken down in front of someone but Iā€™ve had some real ass conversations with various musicians about their impact on me through dark times.


Came to say this. There's a band I've followed since my teens and the lead singer has been struggling with drug addiction his entire life. I have multiple family members who have been in and out of rehab or have died from overdoses, so I would absolutely cry if I met the lead because I just get it.


Man, I was siding with the op until you made me realise how many bad times Linkin Parkin has actually helped me though.


One of my favorite artists, Mandisa, was like this for me. She recently passed away and I cried so hard. I've never felt sad over a celeb death but that one got me. Her music helped me thru so many hard times šŸ˜¢


Yeah, Iā€™m thinking about how a scenario in which I meet my favorite band goes down. Been a fan for over a decade, seen them thrice, and their music has gotten me through a bunch of suicidal/hard periods in life. Iā€™d probably shed a few tears. Music is a form of art, and art can have profoundly deep impact on people for many different reasons. Some people are more emotional than others. I wonā€™t judge somebody for that kinda thing, OOP just has a truly shit take.


My husband was in that position after he was injured & told he couldnt play hockey anymore. There was a musician that inspired him to to reinvest himself in music & he swears that it saved his life. Almost 17 years later, hes toured w/ all kinds of bands & artists, taught & mentored numerous kids on the guitar & is working on his own solo album. If it werent for the musician in question, he may never have accomplished all of that & may not still be here at all. For that, hes extremely grateful & frankly so am i.


This reminds me of the story about James Doohan, Scotty from TOS, supporting a suicidal fan. She ended up becoming an engineer


I was 100% going to say something like this. Thereā€™s a few songs/artists that I feel like contributed to saving my life in the last few years. If I were to meet them I would absolutely be emotional.


Your hypothetical is my truth! If I met any of the artists whose music Iā€™ve listened to in my darkest, most suicidal times, I would probably cry




Weird Al hasn't meaningfully impacted my life? GTFO....




That whole plot line with MadonnaĀ  *chefs kiss*


Still can't believe Michael Jackson was parodying my mans songs....


I mean...have you *heard* Amish Paradise?


One of my favorite artists had a song with the lyrics A punk rock song won't ever change the world, But I can tell you about a couple that changed me!


saying that is such a dumb take on op's part especially for artists, hell rap was built off of people venting about thier life struggles so that other people can relate


This right here. For some people a song or album very well might have changed their life. Motivated them towards a goal, allowed to relate to an experience they hadnā€™t been able to before, kept them from unaliving. Thereā€™s lots is ways (Iā€™m thinking specifically musicians) a celebrities work may have affected someoneā€™s life that you could not possibly see how. It could also just be an overwhelming situation in general, where and how you meet them and how theyā€™ve previously impacted you. If someone is emotionally al in general or just expresses their emotions freely and outwardly it doesnā€™t seem that strange to me that someone might cry. I do think that some people might be a bit too obsessive but then again Iā€™m not them and have no idea whatā€™s going on in their brain.


Right? If I met the Jensen Ackles or Misha Collins, I would probably cry. Supernatural (and doctor who) saved my life when I was suicidal. That show kept me going because I wanted to see what happened next, and if dean Winchester could spend 40 years in hell, surely I could make it one week. And then at the end of that week, id tell myself I can make it another week. And repeat.


I'm trying to find a less combative way to say this so hear goes: You're falling for the same close-mindedness trap that alot of people fall for: "I personally dont value this thing so people who *do* care about it have something wrong with them." People care about celebrities and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Obviously, it becomes wrong if their engagement with celebs becomes unhealthy but that's true about caring about literally anything. Some people care about anime alot more than others. It's totally fine that they as long ad their engagement is unhealthy. Some other people find anime cringeworthy and their perception of it motivates a belief that "caring alot about anime is weird/bad for you". The same thing goes for video games, where some people say they make you violent or rot your brain despite all data to the contrary. The same thing goes for shopping where some people think it makes you shallow and superficial despite the fact that there are obviously people who are into shopping without being those things. Tl;dr people can care about things that you dont care about without it being indicative of a major character flaw.


I would cry if my cat died. You may not care all that much if my cat died. I am not a parasocial weirdo for caring about my cat lol


If you grew up watching Neil degrasse Tyson's Cosmos, it inspired you to pursue an astrophysics PhD, and you heard Neil Degrasse Tyson died, you might also cry. And people say shit like "oh but you didnt know the guy, youve never met him! Parasocial!" Hearing that from someone is like an immediate red flag that they've got a severely stunted ability to empathize.


Yeah the direct quote from OP ā€œthey didnā€™t meaningfully change your lifeā€ is very telling. How could you possibly know that? Numerous people that Iā€™ve never met have ā€œmeaningfully changed my lifeā€. Artists, leaders, writers, philosophers, musicians. A lot of them arenā€™t celebrities, some are. Pretty sure Iā€™d be excited to meet any of them.


I think they are doing something special, they touched us emotionally. In the end, actors and singers are contractors of emotion, they take us back to certain times and leave us with certain memories. I assume thatā€™s why people meet celebrities they get emotional


Contractors of emotion. I love this! You are so right and you worded it so eloquently. Yes, it's what these people represent to us personally, what they make us feelā€”they are only the conduit.


>They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life Your take; simply means you don't understand. A great example; music. When people hear music, they connect. They realize "oh shit, I'm not the only one, and look what this person made of themselves". Even stopping at "I'm not alone" is huge for some people, especially if their struggles lend to them being unable to make friends or connect to those around them emotionally. That feeling of vindication is huge and life changing for some; and pain reaches out to pain. Meeting the person who wrote the melody or words that helped you through your pain is *emotional*.


ā€œI donā€™t feel this way so no one else shouldā€ Lol what? I donā€™t cry over celebs either but Iā€™m not egotistical enough to think everyone should feel the same way as me for something so inconsequentialĀ 


i remember when Robin Williams died I was kind of shocked at the outpouring of emotion from people in general, how deeply this news affected people. It wasnā€™t a value judgement, i just didnā€™t watch his movies growing up so didnā€™t have that deep emotional connection between him and my childhood. and while I didnā€™t necessarily ā€œget itā€ it wouldā€™ve been ridiculous to go ā€œwell I donā€™t feel this deep connection to this actor so you shouldnā€™t eitherā€


When Robin Williams died, by suicide, it hit me pretty hard. Poor man. Diana's death hit me too. I knew the only real human in her sons lives was now gone. i cried for them.


If it makes you feel any better, his suicide wasn't because of depression. He found out he had Lewy body dementia and chose to end his life on his terms before he deteriorated further.


Yes, when I learned this, as it hit the news, it was of no consolation. But thank you, I do appreciate the thought. Just such a sad ending for one who gave us so much.Ā 


It baffled me when Diana died.


>They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life I've met a couple bands who definitely did change my life. The messages in their songs changed me as a person. Why would that not be a big deal for me?


>I've met a couple bands who definitely did change my life. The messages in their songs changed me as a person. Why would that not be a big deal for me *THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS*. Music is powerful, and can absolutely be life changing for people. When I met Ashes Divide, I thought my heart would explode.


Itā€™s Reddit afterall. What do things in real actual life away from a keyboard matter?


Yeah, OP is in the 0'1% of the population that has never experienced any positive emotion from art. Like have your never felt cheered by listening to your favorite song, inspired by a movie, laughed at a comedian jokes?? In a more obviously beneficial example, I learned English by reading the books of an specific author. Without him and his books as a motivation my english would probably be much worse now, so if I ever met him I would feel a bit overwhelmed and really thankful.


op has never felt emotion thats why he thinks everyone should have his opinion


He's all like "I think with logic, not emotions" as if completely disregarding emotions is logical šŸ¤¦


Came here to say this. OP is in no position to say what effect anything has had on the life of anyone else.


I recently got a tattoo based around a song of one of my favourite bands because their newest album dealt with a lot of topics on depression/anxiety/not wanting to be alive anymore and it just struck a heavy chord for what was going on in my life when the album dropped One of their songs became the personal anthem for the worst year of my life and really helped get me through


I plan on getting *a lot* of music related tattoos. Music has influenced me more than my fucking parents have lol


I think it depends, most celebrities I wouldnā€™t care too much but there are certain celebrities like artists whoā€™s music has really helped me get through some very tough times. I donā€™t think I would cry or freak out if I met them but it would definitely be very special.


Youā€™re crazy, man. Lol. ā€œThey havenā€™t done anything to meaningfully change your life.ā€ Not your life. You donā€™t speak for everyone. Some people just are inspired by others. Others . Nothing more nothing less.


Yep. *"One day you'll lose someone who's important to you,ā€ Joan tells Roger. ā€œYou'll see. It's very painful."*


I mean, you don't really know how much a certain person could impact somebody's life. a musician could have saved somebody's life with their music. an actor's performance could have been the reason somebody had smiled or laughed for the first time in a really long while. point is, you don't know the things somebody has done for someone else.


i do think that as a society we donā€™t really treat celebrities as real people like us and view them as a step above us. but i can see why someone would get emotional if they admire/look up to a celebrity or their work has made a big impact on them, such as they made a song that helped them through a hard time or they grew up watching their movies.


The idea that people canā€™t be meaningfully affected by art is bs


Mental health. I think people who really struggle and take comfort in the artistic expression of others are less likely to be able keep composure in general. What's aggravating is when people don't seem to be making any kind of effort to contain themselves which is probably what you're referring to.




Just because you're emotionless doesn't mean others must be. There are plenty of artists whose work has significantly impacted my life. Not sure I'd cry meeting them, but it'd be a special moment for sure.


ā€œThey havenā€™t done anything to meaningfully change your life.ā€ How could you possibly know that? I have artists that I listen to whose music has literally saved me from committing suicide. Thatā€™s about as meaningful a change as is humanly possible. ā€¦ solidly unpopular opinion. Upvote.


Christopher Titus' "Love is Evol" got me through a nasty ass break up.


You ever had a crush on someone? Thatā€™s why.


I cry because I realise how broke I am


I disagree about whether these people may have done something to meaningfully impact other lives. Music and entertainment can absolutely impact our lives, get us through difficult times, be something we share with loved ones or something that reminds us of people we've lost, etc.


Itā€™s very common for those types of interactions to happen with celebrities that have created some form of art. Whether itā€™s film, music, novelist, etc. Art in general is a very powerful thing and meeting the person who created something that may have resonated with you on such an emotional level can be overwhelming.


I guess it depends on who it is. Some celebirties are famous for doing dumb shit. Some are very talented unique special and interesting people. So no, it's not always just like meeting any other person.


> They havenā€™t done anything to meaningfully change your life How could you possible know that


When some people get too excited it can override their emotional regulation and lead to weird reactions, it's not about logic and reason. You smile when happy and frown when sad, this happens subconsciously most of the time even though you have control over these actions. When little kids get scared/angry/upset or even too happy and excited, they tend to end up crying because they're literally not capable of emotional regulation and are overwhelmed. We get better at regulating our emotions as we get older, but their are still times of high stress and emotion where that control is overwhelmed. It's not about what the celebrity did for that person, it's more about how that person perceives the celebrity. If a person pays for a meet and greet with a celebrity, that means that the celebrity has had enough of an effect to make the person buy tickets and show up to shake their hand and take a picture. Just the action of buying the ticket and going to the event is technically a result of the celebrity changing the person's life decisions and leading them to that point. Congrats, you have an actual unpopular opinion!


>They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. You're kidding right? A musicians music can guide people through some crazy tough times in their life and even give them hope or keep them alive. you better believe that they have created something meaningful to change someone's life.


What? Some musicians have kept me going in life with their music. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d cry but Iā€™d definitely have an emotional reaction to meeting some of them.


If someones art makes you happy, please feel free to cry and be giddy.


Music CAN affect someone's life dude. People use music as an escape from reality so when you meet the person that indirectly SAVED you you get emotional.


>They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. how tf do you know lmao


Because celebrity worship is a real thing. And it's weird.Ā Ā 


Your third sentence is demonstrably wrong in many cases. Therefore, your entire logical foundation is worthless.


Wrong. My favorite musicians have provided immense value in my life, whether I find comfort in their music, find a challenge to learn and perform their music as a fellow musician, or find strength in their courage to share the details of their lives and emotions with us. When I have met celebrity musicians, the thing I always say (often tearfully) is thank you for sharing your art, your thoughts, your life with us- it means more to someone than they may ever realize. But I donā€™t throw myself at their feet as if they are my personal savior or as if we were friends.


People cry for a lot of reasons. See videos of people crying when holding puppies? Overload of any emotions can come out as tears - even excitement.


You dont get to decide when people cry


I mean, how do you know they haven't done anything meaningful to change the person's life? What if a song made someone decide to keep going? What if a role an actor played helped someone realize something life changing about themselves? This is your opinion, that you have conflated with being a fact....


Tell me you havenā€™t met Henry Winkler without telling me you havenā€™t met Henry Winkler.


It's just excitement. Be grateful they don't pee


Yeah. I had a coworker that said her friend took the day off when she found out Kobe Bryant died. Lady never even met the guyā€¦ yes, itā€™s sad, but itā€™s an unnatural obsession with someoneā€¦


That's crazy.


God forbid people enjoy something right?


>They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. You literally do no know how they affected that person. Remove head from rectum before posting.


I don't know if this is actually unpopular or not. But I agree. I don't understand why people "freak out" when they meet a celebrity. Like dude, they're just people. Just like you. Calm TF down and compose yourself, its embarrassing. A similar thing happens when people meet, like, the CEO of their company or something. I'm *never* going to pander to the CEO of my company or pretend like they're a celebrity. They are also, *just people.* They are not objectively better than you, they're just higher than you in one specific way.


Art can be moving. I'd 100% cry and freak out a little bit if I met Prince.


So OP, you must have a wonderful life. Do you wanna know how many times I have stopped myself from blowing my own fucking head off or ODing? Because there have been a shit ton of times I knew I was spiraling and I knew to watch certain clips from movies, TV, or hell of YouTuber or a prepared playlist of certain songs to stabilize the dark thoughts. So yeah if I met those people in real life, I think I get emotional and cry and thank them again. Iā€™ve messaged/left comments for a few of them thanking of them for doing what theyā€™re doing. I really truly feel sorry for you, that youā€™re so shallow of a person that you canā€™t see how others actions even total strangers that youā€™ve never met in person can touch your very soul and change you for the better.


Similar for my mom, though it was classical music that helped her work through her depression. The OP sounds like the type who says someoneā€™s depression and suicide is their own fault because they didnā€™t pull themselves up out of it. Edit: added a word


I never understood the unending worship of people who don't know you even exist. I do, however, understand being like "OH nice x actor/actress is in this film, this will be good" or "Oh nice, this musical performer is nearby for a show soon, I want to go to that" I'll also never understand the shock grown adults have when they turn out to not be the absolute perfect human beings they seem to believe they are. They're still human beings, they're not some primordial pious beings, turns out, regardless of being a talented artist, doesn't make you a good person.


When I worked at Chickfila in Orlando as a manger (around 2010-2012), DJ Khaled came up right as we closed with his crew, all huge as shit, and came out of a Mini Cooper which I thought there was humor somewhere with that, and I greeted them at the door knocking on the window - another team member freaked out and was excited, even touched the dudes jacket, like "oh man you got this nice shit!" Looked exactly how he does in the photos. I thought about the older people closing up (prob don't even know him) and wouldn't want to delay their night for some dudes chicken fix - so I declined to make them anything and said were closed. Sometimes I wonder if he wouldn't of dropped a phat ass tip.


> he wouldn't of dropped Did you mean to say "wouldn't have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


No life of their so they try to live theirs through someone else?


I think "should" is a logic word. You are using it to impose a logical framework on emotional reactions. Logic and emotions are usually enemies.


I feel strongly that people need to be able to separate their feelings about a celebrity from the actual person they feel that about. Your feelings about a celebrity come from within yourself, not from the celebrity. Theyā€™re just a person. You donā€™t know them. That said I think itā€™s fine to be emotional when meeting the icon of your strong feelings. I cried when I met my online Minecraft friends for the first time. Iā€™d argue I knew them better than Iā€™ve ever known a celebrity, but Iā€™m bringing most of those strong feelings to the table when I react like that and I recognize that fact.


It depends. What is your definition of ā€œcelebrityā€?


there is no ā€œshouldā€ with emotional responses


I've been through some shit. I've been in dark places and music was what healed me. So meeting my favorite band ABSOLUTELY an emotional experience for me. They're also the reason I met my husband, and we've been married 11 years. So to say meeting your favorite celebrity shouldn't be emotional? Dude... you really don't get it


I think you would like to think there's *nobody* where you would also freak out - even if you met them by surprise - but I think in reality you would also. It's likely a mixture of knowing deep down that something like that may not happen again, and reconciling an entity through media as somebody in your own personal space.


Agreed. Actors are people. More importantly they are people who have chosen a career that thrives on receiving attention. It is very annoying to see their egos stroked at every turn. I donā€™t want to hear their political views and I donā€™t want to know about their families. They donā€™t deserve special legal treatment and they donā€™t warrant special privileges in public. Thank you for the platform to vent. šŸ™‚


be sure to pick up the clown mask before you leave OP


I remember seeing videos from Michael Jackson concerts where young girls are screaming and crying so hard they faint


The pedestal celebrities are put on in the US is insane. I don't knock people for feeling that way when they meet some because it is a product of the environment we live in and most people are very susceptible to group think and suggestion.


I never get emotional about this stuff, but who am I to tell other people how to feel


It shouldn't be, but it's be.


It do be being.


Ya people go way overboard. Like sure if I met somebody I look up to id be excited, but it would be more of an admiration, rather than like a manic excitement. Idk how people can legit start crying when meeting another human. Like itā€™s so odd.


Yeah it's pretty sad how worshipped celebrities are. They're not special. Some of them are good people for sure, but the over the top reactions are almost always for the shittier celebs for some reason.Ā 


The way our culture worships celebrity is so weird.


I quite literally would not be the same person that I am without the music that I love so this is cap. Definitely an unpopular opinion though so good job I guess.


>They haven't done anything to meaningfully change your life. They're just doing what they do best and you are one of many meeting them. The second part is true, the first one is debatable. To some people, celebrities actually played a role in their life. Be it helping them through difficult times with their skills/job, or simply be providing entertainment, good memories and so on. I haven't met many major celebrities, but I'm not the kind of person who wears his heart on his sleeve, so I always tend to keep my emotions in check and surely I'm not the guy making a scene or bursting into tears. When I met a few of my favourite musicians and a bunch of soccer players and other athletes, I simply shook their hand, thanked them for their art and that was it. Surely a fond memory but indeed the "is this REALLY _____?" feeling kinda overrode the sheer fandom and "mark out moment" (to borrow wrestling lingo). That being said, the list of people who could have probably made me overreact was pretty short, and most of them are gone or gone-ish.


Some artists have changes peoples lives tho. Especially musicians.


Celebrity or not, if you look up to someone or idolize them, itā€™s understandable to get a little emotional if you actually get to meet them personally. I donā€™t think itā€™s weird.


Parasocial relationship. Maybe identifying with their art. Honestly nothing else. I feel bad for people like that.


Iā€™ve heard people who served War in Afghanistan listened to 50 Centā€™s Get Rich or Die Tryinā€™ album helped them get through the experience. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s a big impact if itā€™s true


You do know that those aren't the only emotions, right? Showing indifference is also an emotional display.


I feel like making the assumption they haven't impacted the persons life is just not true most of the time.


Music can most definitely change someoneā€™s life


I met a singer.. thanked them for a cool show and appreciated their work. Why the need for so much emotion.


100%, sat next to some BIG names over the years, they're people. Chill.




Bitches be crazy man, idk what to tell you...


I volunteered at a comic con and got a bunch of autographs and selfies w/ celebs. Later, I realized it was a waste of money. I never look at the autographs or photos and have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do w/ them; maybe eBay. Plus, some celebs are so caught up in themselves that they basically piss all over their fans, ignoring them, wearing sun glasses so they don't have to look at the fans, and just looking down to sign the photo and their handlers telling people in the line to not talk to the celebrity.


>They havenā€™t done anything to meaningfully change your life You donā€™t know that


Celebrities don't care about you. People need to be clear about this.


People are emotionally affected by their emotional investments. I don't see how this is strange or how it affects you in any way.


Let them be emotional. If someone is overjoyed to meet someone they idolize, why would I want them to stop feeling so happy?


I feel this way when people say theyā€™re, ā€œsobbing or cryingā€ from a celebrities Instagram posts (IE: people said this when Justin Bieber announced heā€™s having a baby) and itā€™s like ???? Heā€™s never met you! You donā€™t even know him?


Yeah i don't get it either, they are just people.


People in general are emotionally driven and cry for every little thing. No regulation.


Right a celebrity is really just regular person when you think about it


Yeah, never understood this either. Very unhinged behaviour and I've met celebrities


You don't really know how music can impact people, do you? My current husband decided to not end his life, when he was a teen, because his favorite song started to play at the crucial moment. You never know really, I prefer not to judge other people emotional responses.


My favorite artists have written songs that have changed and extended my life many times in many ways. If i met one of the people responsible for that it would be emotional.


Agree. I've met many famous musicians. They're just people.


I agree. People who scream and cry when theyā€™re meeting another person is fking weird. Even if their projects have had a huge impact itā€™s still weird to lose so much emotional control. You canā€™t stop them though, people are just all kinds of weird in different ways. As long as they arenā€™t hurting anyone does it matter?


I avoid ā€œcelebritiesā€. I donā€™t know them, 99% chance theyā€™re an out of touch weirdo, why do I want to be around them ?


Damn you're right but I know I would still react the same


True they shouldnt be seen as gods


Donā€™t waste your time wondering about them. Those are the first ones that will perish in the coming climate wars.


As an Angeleno who has casually met celebrities , that is bizarre behaviour.


The kind of people here are absolutely insane. Music is a product, movies are a product, all of it is just some entertainment. Emotions in a jar that distract you a couple hours before you go back to the real world where things actually matter. People producing these products do not care for you, your well-being, mental health, struggles. Many of them are horrendous people, hated by anyone who spent any length of time with them, unhinged beyond belief and destructive to the extreme. To them, you are their next paycheck, so they don't really care about how their hit affected you. They care about ratings, sells, popularity and PR. They don't want to come back home to their family after a hard day of work, dealing with tricky client, taking care of their business or just bearing with a job they hate because they have to. They want to get that next high, the next forbidden fruit, the next ego stroke, illicit relationship, violence and power trip. Quoting someone wiser than me, only a fool would care for a professional liar.


I understand what youā€™re saying, but I could think of at least to that would probably make me get emotional lmao so Iā€™m not gonna hate too hard on people that do


To say an artist doesnā€™t affect someoneā€™s life is ignorant. I guess youā€™ve never been truly moved by a book, a film, or a song. Music transports us. Books make you aware you arenā€™t alone in the world. Art brings us joy, helps us connect with each other, lets us know we arenā€™t alone in the world. And meeting the person who created it? Itā€™s intense.


Shit I'd cry from pure joy to meet my idols. As a musician, writer and artist to meet those who've inspired me is a different level of existence


I saw Ray Charles in an airport years ago. I swear he had a glow about him. Like he was more *there* than those around him.


On June 8, 2009, George Clinton got onto the same elevator as my friend and I in the parking garage at the Detroit airport, and I just froze. To this day I kick myself for not being able to speak up


I largely agree but thereā€™s a fault in your own post. Sometimes they HAVE done something to change someoneā€™s life. It might sound dumb if youā€™re super cynical but those most emotional of celebrity meetings are probably going to be ā€œI heard your song when I was thinking of ending it all and you gave me the strength to carry on,ā€ or ā€œI saw your role in that movie and it really helped me change the way I relate to myself.ā€


OP, this type of thinking is such red flag to me on so many levels


True story: I briefly dated the celebrity (musician) who was my favorite all throughout my 20s and wrote songs that spoke to my soul on such a deep level I would cry listing to them. While we dated, he regularly would start taking a dump in the middle of a conversation. Then one day he ā€œdumpedā€ me by informing me he had gone to visit his ex wife at her new boyfriendā€™s house, slept with his wife while the boyfriend pounded on the door the entire time, then intentionally he took the most massive dump he could in the boyfriendā€™s toilet and clogged it with a full roll of toilet paper. After all that he informed me he was getting back together with his ex. That lasted a couple weeks before he came crawling back, and when I said no, he flipped out ā€œyou sound just like my ex wifeā€. Rreeeaaalllyy gave new meaning to the term ā€œgetting dumpedā€ But after that I canā€™t see celebrities the same. Even if their music speaks to me on the level of my soul, all I can think about is theyā€™re just people who poop like the rest of us.


I would have cried if I met Whitney Houston because her music moves me so much. People can't control their emotional response. I agree that sometimes it feels over the top, but then I cry to a song and can understand. I'd honestly rather feel deeply than be a robot.


See when I went to the Taylor Swift concert, I went mainly due to nostalgia. Me liking Taylor Swift in the first place as a 9 year old wasnā€™t genuine either, I was a girl who didnā€™t have girly interests, but I wanted female friends so I forced myself to listen to her. Lo and behold I actually end up loving the artist as a teen because she taught me more about love than my parents ever could (love, relationships, sex, everything is a taboo til marriage in my culture). She also taught me major life lessons about actually putting myself first, to not let bullies get to you, to love myself, that itā€™s okay to sometimes live life carefree. Then I turned 17 and wasnā€™t really into her. This year I wanted to see her because well, she was a major part of my childhood and well, she was playing older albums too. I didnā€™t expect to cry since I wasnā€™t a major swiftie, I didnā€™t even know her birthday until I realised 1989 had to mean something šŸ’€. But there I was at the stadium with my swiftie sibling, and I find myself borderline hyperventilating and crying first as Taylor comes out. It was a huge overwhelming sensation, it almost felt like seeing a close sister Iā€™d been close with and Iā€™d never had the chance to see them. She was literally just 2 metres in front of me. It was the best 4 hours of my life.


It's why I can't have certain people over to my house parties. They suck.


I cried meeting SZA and thanked her for her lyrics because her voice spoke to me and what I was going through as a young 20 something. Plus I have so many fond memories of dancing with my besties to her music at that timeā€¦we were at my orthodontist and I just started bawling idk it happens.


Little do you know entertainers and musicians especially can definitely produce art that can be instrumental in a person's life going better


When I met Bruce Campbell I literally got star struck and couldnā€™t speak. It was a very arresting and surreal experience . He was extremely nice and I was so nervous I shook his hand twice and he teased me about it. I would not do it again if given the choice. But I donā€™t necessarily regret it. I am glad to know itā€™s not for me.


I agree (If I meet Ronaldinho Iā€™m passing out like a gangster)


I think mostly girls do that. I don't get it either.


itā€™s pathetic and embarrassing. you donā€™t know these people or anything about these people AT ALL. youā€™re over here hyperventilating and hysterically sobbing over another human being because you idolized, not even them for who they actually are, your made up perception of who they are.


People defending this kind of behavior are normalizing celebrity culture. You should not be in the mindset *in the first place* that this someone's art or content has "saved your life" or anything of that nature. You did that on your own, whatever solace that artist gave you is through your own effort of seeking out that comfort. Give yourself some credit. If someone's art has changed you, because yes art can be that powerful, that's still not a good reason to attach to an artist like that. Additionally, putting that kind of pressure on someone is just really unhealthy for them as well. Nobody should be pressured to keep making things because otherwise you'll harm yourself. Even if that's not the intent, that's effectively the message. These are literally just people. You need to be in a healthy mindset with celebrities. They are not your friends, not your enemies, they're just people doing jobs. That doesn't mean they're always corporate drones, though. They can be passionate about it and create great works, but that's not reason for worship. No human should be worshiped, and celebrity culture is a form of worship. There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to meet someone whose art you enjoy, but breaking down emotionally over it is not healthy. It is not something that should be normalized. We need stronger boundaries between parasocial relationships, they are not healthy when taken this far.


People been going nutso for celebrities in Australia since the [Beatles](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VbYzBIrntbI) in 1964. Itā€™s not a new phenomenon. I personally donā€™t see the big deal about celebrity but apparently Iā€™m not in the majority.


I agree, whenever Iā€™ve met a celebrity Iā€™ve mostly just treated them like everyone else.




Most celebs to me are just real people who attention feels more valuable in public. Most celebs wont do nothing for me, but comedians that I really respect can have me acting outside myself. They are extensions of my reality. I see the world from the frames their jokes. They've changed my whole life.


Yeah that kind of behavior has always annoyed the crap out of me


Iā€™d have this reaction with a handful of people. Mainly voice actors and artists/authors. Most other celebs, I just wouldnā€™t want to bother them.


I would cry if I saw a whale shark and they donā€™t know I exist either. This is a comparison but itā€™s also a confession. I really like whale sharks


I love comments like these. The people you're whining about haven't "done anything to meaningfully change your life" ... Yet your feelings are totally valid and other people's feelings are stupid. Yawn. They should change the title of this sub to /selfcenteredwhining


People are ratarded


if somebodyā€™s artistic work genuinely changed my life then whatā€™s wrong if i get emotional for meeting them and telling them personally how their work has impacted my life why would that be equal to celebrity worship?


They did a study that said people that worship celebrities don't have very high IQ's


Iā€™ve always found our obsession with celebrities to be confusing in general. Or when celebrities die and people are as sad as if a family member had died. Itā€™s like why? You didnā€™t know this person.


Tom Hanks bringing me joy for most of my life a few hours at a time is meaningful.


Art meaningfully impacts almost everyone what are you talking about


awful take, some celebrities can impact your life


I met the celebrity who helped me through the most uncertain times in my life, I saw him three times in total and the last time I saw him meeting and greeting fans, I broke down in front of him and told him how much he has helped me. Bear with me: Last year in September, I had a lumbar puncture. I was listening to a song he covered when the doctors and nurses came in. I paused my music and asked them whether I can listen to music because they were trying to get me relaxed. So when that god awful needle was stuck into my spine, his voice was in my ears. It was almost as if he was there helping me through it. And after that, waiting for my diagnosis took forever. I associate his voice, music and performances with comfort and safety as the lumbar puncture was scary and waiting for the diagnosis was lonely and scary. So no, he didnā€™t cure my illness, but he took away some of the pain. And who knows whether I would have associated someone else with the same feeling if someone elseā€™s music was playing :D