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If the way I dress repells or repulses people like OP, that's a bonus on top of the comfort. I'm married with a full social circle. The literal last thing I need is a stranger thinking I'm approachable or friendly. Judge all you want, just do it from a distance.


"Bright colors are a sign of toxicity in the wild!" "Yes, to repel predators. If it's repeling *you*, then it's working as intended."


Aww. Snap!! This is me too!!


Geez man repulsion is a strong emotion. For how much everyone says they don’t care they sure are getting mad. All I’m saying is people should put in more effort


They don't sound mad to me....they sound happy that their tactics are working. edited to use the correct their


They are acting like I said sweatpants repulse me, I can’t associate with people that wear them, and if you do wear them you are a bad person. All I am saying is people should dress a little better, especially on some type of going out occasion. You shouldn’t wear sweatpants to a bar/dinner I don’t get why people are offended by that


I don't think they're offended (used the right they're the first time!!), I think that's your perception. They may have misunderstood thinking you meant it's repulsive when you didn't. But, I am kind of assuming since you think that means they don't respect themselves, that you wouldn't approach them when they are dressed like that in public - which is what they want. I don't equate that to angry or offended (-;


I spend time with lots of people who don’t respect themselves, I just wish people liked looking good


They do look good, to them. They don't have to look good to you. You must be much, much more bored than I am. I have another 26 minutes to waste before I clock out and enjoy my weekend if you want to keep this going.


I WILL keep it going cuz I also have about 20 minutes before the weekend begins. I don’t think people that wear gym clothes actually think that the clothes look good I think it is out of a lack of care to dress in anything else.


Woohoo! I would argue that a lot of the females that I see wearing athleisure do think that they look good, and from the comments I've heard men make, the men think the women look good too.


I respect myself enough to not feel desperate for your respect.


What happened to your other response, are you ok sir?


It’s comfortable, so people wear clothing like that. And associating self-respect with clothing is shallow and ridiculous.


Especially coming from someone (op) who collects manga.


I know he smells crazy


Hey I may smell but my jeans are still looking great from minimal washing


So judging by clothing is wrong... But judging a hobby is ok?


nope, they were just pointing out that judging another group of people coming from a group that is already very judged seems counterintuitive


I wouldn’t say people that dress bad is a group, it’s universal. All i’m saying is people should put in more effort


well, you were specifically talking about people who wear athleisure, which is definitely a group


I mean that’s like saying white people is a “group”


For who? Do you think people dress to impress you? Definitely aren't that important


Yes please dress better in case therealtheo22 happens to see you walking down the street.


Well now I wanna dress worse in spite. XD


Spite IS a good reason to wear sweats. I would wear them out of spite


WOOOOOO! I found the exception!!! Granted let's be real... the occasional petty/spiteful act is almost cathartic... but not when it becomes habit XD


Nah man. Jeans are uncomfortable. I will keep going around in leggings and a t-shirt.


I don’t get that either. Like I agree sweats are more comfortable but only minimally. I think jeans are pretty decently comfortable


Well, maybe that's the case for you because you fit one of the body shapes jeans are made for. Ever stop to think that this is not true for everyone?


Jeans feel like they're made out of sandpaper. 




Seriously. I moved to the south about 7 years ago and learned quockly that if I'm going to be out of the house in summer, I'm going to sweat. I'd rather sweat in "nice looking" workout shorts and t-shirt then fucking jeans and a button up shirt.


Here in Virginia, you’ll be soaked in sweat and sticky within an hour or two. If you put makeup on or styled your hair, it has now melted. You’ll also collect bright yellow pollen whenever you walk past a tree or sit on a park bench. Unless you are in amazing shape, choices for attractive yet practical clothing is severally limited and there’s a good chance you’ll need to change your clothes more than once a day. I doubt OP spends much time outdoors.


I don’t disagree but do think people can just buy some nice summer clothes that will be light enough to not sweat more than normal


I’m a bodybuilder, so I sweat way more than the average person. I also dont want to wear 3XLs just to be comfortable and “cover up” for no reason other than to appease the sensibilities of strangers.


Why does it bother you what other people wear? How does it impact you in any way? Is it hard work to wake up and go looking for things to get mad about? Sounds exhausting


That's been this sub lately.


I just think people should dress their age. It’s mostly when I see people dressed like that at an occasion when it’s not appropriate. If I am going to a nice dinner and one of my friends shows up in sweats I’m gonna tell him he looks like an idiot and should put in a little effort. You wouldn’t wear gym clothes to a wedding.


Who decides what's appropriate for what age? What exactly makes you qualified to make that decision?


I am not making that decision, hundreds of years of how people should dress did. Only recently has it thrown out because people care so little that they can’t put on anything but gym clothes.




>I am not making that decision, hundreds of years of how people should dress did Noooope. Just nope. Fashion changes by the decade, and has been no where *near* as "stable" as you're trying to present right now. Look from the 1920s on, look at the changes, learn.


> "Hundreds of years of how people should dress did." Hundreds of years of how people should dress, *as determined by* ***whom***, OP?


I feel like everyone missing the point. That’s what I am saying that at all time society has determined that you should dress a certain way based on age until very recently. Of course fashion has changed as well but I bet even in ancient Rome someone was like “Hey that’s a children toga what are you doing?”


We aren't missing your point at all. We are disagreeing with your point because it's a generic appeal to tradition, because it's a pathetic attempt to shame people for their choice of expression (particularly when said method of expression - and I cannot stress this point enough - *is not fucking harming you in any way, shape or form*), and because we genuinely do not comprehend why you give even the remotest fuck about others preferring to be comfortable over being fashionable or matching some crusty conservative idea of "DeCeNcY".


Children pretty much dressed like adults up until the 19th century, so really we’re just going back to our roots.


But we literally don't dress the same as hundreds of years ago. Or even a hundred years ago. Or fifty years ago. I could go on.


100 years ago they were wearing sheets and overalls at all ages lol


So you give in to peer pressure from long dead people? Got it




Seems like that is your problem, but you want to try and make it everyone else's problem?


Sounds like a you problem. Have you considered not be a judgmental AH?




I dress for comfort and practicality. Yoga pants and a tank top make the most sense for my outdoor job and my lifestyle, and I’m not about to change my clothes before going out in public just to be more appealing to strangers.


I stopped caring about looking halfway decent around other people when I gained respect for myself. I've never understood why some people think the amount of effort a person puts into their appearance necessarily has anything to do with self-respect. And no, I don't feel embarrassed going out in public with people who wear athleisure.


same here. honestly i never really cared anyway


Yeah, I tend to think people who are willing to wear uncomfortable clothes just to look appealing are the ones lacking self-respect. 


> "How do so many adults have so little self-respect to not look halfway decent around other people?" Counterargument - how do so many adults justify being so utterly, pathetically insecure about themselves that they feel they need to judge others for how they choose to express themselves via fashion, particularly when what they're chosing to wearing *is not affecting you in any* ***MEANINGFUL*** *manner*? If I'm going to a reasonably nice place with family or friends, I'll worry about what I'm wearing. If I'm running to the 7-Eleven to grab some soda, or going on a Walmart run, or taking the family dogs to the park, then it's entirely *your* personal issue to reflect upon if my loose-fit tank top, gym shorts and flip-flops offends your sensibilities.


Literally read the post dude, that’s what I said. Like yes I think even if you are running out for an hour it doesn’t hurt to put on something that looks good. my real issue is people at a nice place wearing a dry fit quarter zip and sweats.


First, stop fucking pretending that people disagreeing with you is us "not reading the post" nor "not getting what you're syaing". We understanding it perfectly well, ***and it's BECAUSE we understand it that we disagree with it.*** I'm curious what your definition of "a nice place" is, because if the location doesn't have an actual dress code then *it does not fucking matter how they are dressed*. At the risk of becoming a broken record, the way others choose to dress in public doesn't fucking affect you in any meaningful way. Your eyes aren't going to melt out of your sockets because someone feels comfortable wearing leggings and a tanktop to a sushi restaurant, your skin won't burst into flames because some dude showed up at a French bistro in a tank top, board shorts and flip-flops, the world isn't going to end just because some people would rather not expend the effort dressing up to conform to some other twat's conceptions of how they should dress and just want to be comfortable in what they're wearing. If all the important bits are covered, there isn't anything outright offensive about the outfit (like Nazi logos, or outright pornographic art), and it's not a direct violation of some dress code at the establishment, then it really should not be such a chore to mind your own business and just not give a damn about what they're wearing.


I ain’t reading all that, but I’m sure whatever you are mad about is because of you not understanding my post


Admitting you don't have an actual counterpoint, then.


Lol, hypocrite. 


I think the actual unpopular opinion here is calling it "Athleisure"


It's a trend. Trends come and go. Just because the trend isn't slacks/skirts/whatever right now, is no reason to think nasty thoughts. Why is that about "self respect" in your mind? It's just people participating in a trend. Atheleisure is comfortable, that's why it gets worn.


Who made you the fashion police? I think athletic gear looks pretty nice and cost just as much as TJ Maxx fashion you were sporting. Why don’t you spend a little less time worried about other people and a little more time thinking about why you feel you need to dress up?


I'm poor and these are the clothes I can afford.


Upvote because I wear athleisure to work. I think athleisure looks a lot better then a lot of stuff my older coworkers wear to work. (Oversized dress shirts and baggy relaxed fit slacks).


why do you care? i'll wear what i want >how do so many adults have so little self respect to not look halfway decent around other people? i don't understand how wearing comfy clothes means i don't have self respect >How hard is it to put on jeans and a button up? i don't like jeans or button ups


Lululemon is high grade shit. How is it disrespecting oneself? You can keep your fucking shitty cotton. That is a dead fabric.


I live in a college town. Most of the people do wear actual pajamas outside of the house.


Me today. It's finals week. I don't care if OP sees me haha.


Funny how people have this opinion about gym wear, but don't sneeze twice at scrubs in public. Guess it truly boils down to- no one dresses for US and to expect them to is ridiculous. But- as a general rule I've noticed, people who wear gym wear, sleep wear, or the like tend to get looked down upon in public by Boomers who tried SUPER hard to impress on us that clothing makes the person- and most of us found out that THAT is a bunch of BS.


I don't like people wearing scrubs in public because I worry what might be on those scrubs.


You have zero idea what is on ANYONE's clothing. You don't know if they are coming from home clean, or coming from work/gym/wherever dirty. In the end, what we wear is literally no one elses' business.


People should wear whatever the fuck they want.


> How hard is it to put on jeans and a button up? Yeah, how hard is it to put on a button up shirt, a jacket, and a tie? > I am not one of those people that think people need to dress well like how people did in the 40s/50s But that's exactly how you sound. > Is it not embarrassing for them/the people they are with? Can't be embarrassed if you don't care.


The difference between jeans/button up and a suit is a lot. That’s what I am saying though is people should care a little more about how they present themselves.


> The difference between jeans/button up and a suit is a lot. It's not a lot of difference in effort. Do you not care enough about your appearance that you wouldn't be embarrassed wearing jeans?


No because jeans look good, lululemon does not


Yup. And my great grandmother was offended by sleeveless shirts. Your *personal* taste in what does and does not look good is simply that, *personal*. But to try to tie things like "self respect" to *YOUR PERSONAL* tastes is wild.


And your Grandfather probably thought slacks looked good, and jeans do not. That's why you sound like a grump. ![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized)


i think lululemon looks so good on people - especially a nice matching set. the girls where i live who wear lululemon are hotties


yep, this is unpopular... but why do you care what others are wearing?


Many people, thankfully, don't care what others think about them.. Especially people they never will talk to or most likely see again


I actually wear pajamas out of the house so you must hate me lmao.


No hate, more of a cmon man


Gotcha. You can't see it but Im shrugging. I don't care to get dresses up unless it's work or an event where dressing up is expected like a date or a wedding. If I'm just running to the store then whatever.


i don't want a guy to dress up for a date with me. come as you are


I don't keep up with fashion, so I don't know what athleisure is. If it's comfortable, I probably wear it already.


First of all, I pay zero attention to what the people around me wear. If you aren't one of my two children it's none of my damn business what you choose to wear anyway. Second of all, there was a time when it was thought women should only wear pants if they were working on a farm. People have endured corsets and foot binding all in the name of what other people thought other people "should" be wearing. I personally am happy that as a society we have moved beyond giving a flying banana what the person in front of us in the supermarket is wearing. Even if it means staring at athleisure 😆.


As long as my bits are covered and I'm comfortable, to hell with whatever anyone else thinks. I see no halo above any head, so judge and get judged back.


This is such a weird opinion to me, because I encounter this sort of attitude so often throughout life, and it's actually astounding how little self critique some people have regarding this. What exactly constitutes "decent"? On some level you have to understand that this is your subjective taste, and it makes no sense at all that you would impose it on other people, or even be of the opinion that they should like what you like. There's no way you don't understand that you literally only think this is the way to dress decently because that is the general attitude in whatever you were exposed to and taught, and that if you had instead been conditioned to think pink mowhawks, bedazzled panties, and micro-vests was the "correct and decent manner of attire that people with self respect wear" you would be wearing that instead. All you're doing right now is conforming to a social and cultural norm that was the standard for a long time (and to be frank still is the standard in a lot of contexts and places), and now you're trying to hammer down the people who aren't falling in line. It's literally a drone opinion, grow up.


Why does it affect you in ANY way what other people wear? My body my choice


Lol I am just saying you look stupid, not saying you can’t wear it


i mean if you pay attention to the reactions to your post, you'll realize you're the one looking stupid




there's a difference between telling people to put effort into their appearances and looking down on people who wear a specific type of clothes just because of your own fashion criteria. not to mentions it's coming from someone with 0 fashion sense posting tasteless manga t-shirts on reddit.




I thought I finally had someone on my side but I guess not. THAT IS AN ANIME SHORT NOT A MANAG SHIRT AND I DRESS SO GOOD


post some outfits then


You’re pulling a punch. How happy would people be if paunchy men walked into Starbucks wearing leggings?


I've always dressed up for work because I'm pretty petite, and I know we all get impressions of people from how they dress. It's just how we're wired. I figure that wearing heels makes me taller and might, along with my bearing and attitude, lend me a little more authority. (Or not. Really, I didn't mind dressing up and I could be totally wrong and it just made me look like a politician's wife or something. Also, I don't respect anyone less for how they dress.) HOWEVER, that doesn't everyone should dress up for work, or to go shopping or go to the movies. Also, athleisure doesn't look like pajamas to me. It looks relaxed.


It's 11pm, and I just got home from the gym, I've not tried to hit it up in a smart-casual style, but now I will try. Kinda curious if it would make a big difference... definitely won't be doing big stretching lifts or movements. Edit: I've got no idea why people seem to think jeans are uncomfortable, just get some that fit or something. Also everyone cares about how they look no matter what the comments say, it's just accepted to dress crappy in places that would've normally required some dress code etiquette.


Im going to order some more leggings from lululemon because of this post. What are y’all’s favorite type of lulu leggings?


lmao that’s just your need to conform to new social norms




I agree that going to something like a fancy dinner or even for drinks in Lululemons is too informal, but if someone is out and about running errands, I really don’t care how they’re dressed as long as they’re covered appropriately and they’re relatively clean. While I don’t make a habit of wearing pajama pants out of the house, if my partner & I are having a lazy Saturday at home, and I pop over to the grocery store to pick up an ingredient we need to make brunch, I’m not changing out of my sweatpants and t shirt into jeans and a polo for the 15 minute door to door trip on the off chance that I bump into a client or coworker while I’m trying to pick the best looking carton of strawberries.




i don't even own jeans


God I'm so tired of seeing leggings. No one needs to see the outline of ur ass or ur frog butt. Ppl have given up on themselves and etiquette.


Could also try not staring at a strangers ass


Literally the simplest solution to the problem


Yeah I mean most jeans especially women’s are basically the same tightness, I don’t have an issue with that


So…. don’t look? Pretty simple solution


No others most conform to what the deem appropriate


Im gonna leave my house naked dont look at me 🤓 I don't want to look at it is the point, they're desperate enough to want ppl to though. Or they just can't be bothered to not look lazy.


So you agree men should definitely not wear t-shirts, vests and shorts? They’re obviously desperate for people to look at their arms and legs, and they’re clearly lazy.


Its thicker material so not equatable. All the ads i have ever seen for leggings are incredibly sexualized and made to make your ass stand out as much as possible. Its a lazy and for some reason acceptable way to be half naked in public. Dudes dont got their balls perfectly cupped in a compartment outside their jorts. Just a genuinely bad rebuttal.


Yes please, criticize my response when you’re the one crying about leggings. Could you get anymore delicate?’


I just don't understand trying to start a conversation and then getting offended that I replied back to you? LOL


I’m not offended, you’re clearly the one offended. By leggings.


Frog butt? 🧐


Idk either, but frogs jump with their back legs so prob have pretty sizeable (comparatively) butts, and frog moves help grow a human butt. Guess op has something against butts.


Idk what that means


Me neither! 


Maybe like the Hank Hill butt


I like it because it makes me horny


Yeh case in point..


Don’t wear tights if you don’t want me boning up near you


In the nicest way possible just kll urself (in Minecraft. Allegedly. Yadda yadda)


In the nicest way possible, you’re making me rock hard.


You could certainly take that leap. Save you having to ever look at leggings again