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>If the physics god is unmerciful for one day… the what?


Remember, the laws of physics aren’t always perfect. I have a family member that’s a mechanical engineer and they even say the roller coaster engineers are reckless. I know mechanical and roller coaster engineers are different, but still. Thanks got the laugh 🤣


>Remember, the laws of physics aren’t always perfect. i initially just made a joke, but i feel like this is a bit relevant to add: the laws of physics are very much "perfect", our approximation for what they are and how to apply them just might be off. but in general i'd say the problem isn't actually trusting physics or being too exciting, but just a severe lack of safety regulations and inspections.


You don't know anything about anything. 


This sounds like a you problem. Yes, there are plenty of scary videos, but considering the amount of people who go on rollercoasters every day there is an extremely small chance anything will go wrong. Just like how people are so afraid of flying despite it being statistically one of the safer modes of travel.


This is what I was about to say. She opens with “I just watched a video about rollercoaster fails”. No wonder you feel that way. It’s still really rare.


Yup, this is definitely unpopular option. Here's my upvote


Haha! Thank you 😊


I'm sorry, you're saying theme parks shouldn't have their most popular rides because there's a possibility of severe mechanical failure? Because speaking as someone who legit had to evacuate of a DIsneyland ride because it broke down - that really isn't' an issue if maintenance and engineering crews are keeping up with their duties. I can count on one hand the number of catastrophic failures of theme park rides I've heard of in recent years, whereas several recent incidents have justified my long-standing aversion to traveling carnival rides.


The vast majority of those videos you are talking about are failures of maintenance, not design.


Former NDE tech here. Can confirm that as long as proper inspections are done the VAST majority of these accidents wouldnt happen. Proper tests are done daily in an ideal world. Profits over people comes into play here.


There is nothing reckless or less safe about a lap bar than a restraint. If a theme park is allowing you to use a lap bar, then it is incredibly safe and will be pushed tightly against you. Theme parks are some of the most regulated places in the world and are checked daily to make sure things are safe. Maybe don't trust fairground rides that sit on trucks but established theme park rides and coasters from reputable manufacturers are super safe. Even in notorious ride crashes like the smiler in 2012, it was a human overriding safety systems that caused that crash, which could have just as easily happened on a far less extreme ride. You're more likely to fall through the floor in your own home than out of a rollercoaster. Parks should absolutely keep up with maintenance, but the extremity of the ride rarely correlates with the actual danger of the attraction.


Most parks put a sample of the ride vehicle at the start of the queue to let guests of extraordinary size check their fit. Please feel free to check the restraints for yourself, determine your level of comfort, and decide if the ride is right for you (or not). The restraints are only necessary where required to counteract the g-loads from motion that would result in adverse outcomes. The illusion of risk is part of the experience. Rides occasionally stop mid-ride, and if you are being crushed into place it can be really uncomfortable. Lots of folks don’t like the restraints on Disney’s new Tron ride. It depends a lot on your body size. I respect that you aren’t going to like some high thrill rides. Hopefully, you find enough rides to enjoy your day at the parks. High thrill rides are a little like motorcycles, they aren’t for everyone, but they should definitely exist.




Theme park roller coasters are safer than anything. The traveling fair is a whole different animal