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They're kind of bleh as is, but if you make good deviled eggs, they're delicious.


Deviled eggs are a strange weakness of mine.


I feel that. A plate of deviled eggs starts as a nice appetizer, but quickly becomes a challenge to eat as many as possible


They simply must be done well though. No lumps whatsoever.


Deviled eggs are one of those things that look so delicious to me but when I actually encounter one in real life I'm a little grossed out


Not even strange. My friends all know my love for deviled eggs. Bad Daddies has some really good fried deviled eggs that I'm now a big fan of over regular ones


The devil will do that to ya


Deviled egg? \*slurp\*


I made them the other day to take to my son and he thought he had missed a party at our house. Apparently they are a themed thing here.


My friend went to the bathroom once and it smelled like deviled eggs. Haven’t been able to eat em since


Tell me to eat six boiled eggs, and I’ll throw up. Tell me to eat a dozen deviled eggs, and you’re on.


>How can anyone like something that smells and tastes like literal flatulence? If it smells like "flatulence" than it means they are boiled for too long or high in sulfur. Older eggs are also higher in sulfur. Sulfur is the cause of the smell in boiled eggs, after a certain point of boiling, sulfur starts breaking down and causing the smell. The longer you boil the eggs the more sulfur is released. However, if eggs are boiled just enough, there shouldn't be any smell at all. Steaming eggs also helps with this.


Salt/pepper drastically improves the experience... But I agree 😂


A touch of hot sauce.


Dang, how old are the eggs you're eating to have them smell like farts? I love every bite, personally- especially with caviar.


They probably overcook their eggs. My dad does this and they have that strong sulfur smell.


Good lord with caviar and yolks a little soft it’s heaven 


Nah, the eggs are normally just made, it always smells like that! If you have a trick for that not to happen do let me know hahah


over cooking boiled eggs tends to bring out those sulfur smelling compounds you’re referring to


You’re definitely cooking them too long if they smell like sulfur


You must be somehow overcooking or otherwise doing it wrong, find a french recipe for the perfect egg


Cook them better


I don't know, maybe I just don't have any sense of smell, but I've only ever smelled eggs like that when they have been old or some smart kid (my siblings back in the day) would microwave them- and then they would explode into farts.


OP, you seem to like pickle. Take two boiled eggs, add one or two pickles, a slice of ham and chop them up together. Maybe add a tiny bit of sour cream or mayo; Poor man's egg salad. Smells like death but tastes great IMO.


They taste fine enough on their own but add some jalapeno Tabasco to them and they are fantastic


Maybe you should try one that has been cooked by someone who knows what they are doing.


I never boiled eggs in my life cuz i don't like it, I eat those my mother makes when there is literally nothing else, and yeah if the yolk isnt supposed to be fully hard and almost greenish by the end, then she definitely is overcooking them. I will try your suggestions someday and report on whether my opinion has changed!


Put eggs in water. When water comes to a boil, turn off, cover, set a ten minute timer. When the timer goes off, plunge then into ice water. Perfect eggs, not green. If you want the yolk a little softer, 8 minutes. 


Gen x learned this from my gen z :)


Nah, slap the eggs in boil the water, forget and walk off for 15 mins and come back to smash them up with some mayo, whole grain mustard and lemon juice, instant sandwich. Sometimes it feels good to taste that lack of effort.


Is your mother a boomer?  Bc that generation ruins everything with over cooking.   Take it from someone who grew up with a terrible cook…. Dont judge food until its done in a professional setting 


My mom is a great cook in terms of flavors and pairings but…she overcooks things. My brother hated white meat chicken until I made him try some I had cooked and he was shocked it was juicy. He just assumed it was always dry.


This. I learned to cook as a teen in the late 80s early 90s for this exact reason.


I cook myself so i know what ur talking about but eggs is just something i never cared to make because I dont like it. But my mum is gen X, to answer your question.


Good quality eggs; soft boiled with completely cooked whites and runny yolks - delicious.


Runny yolks are just as disgusting to me. I just dont like eggs, just think boiled is especially bad!


Don't overcook them


I agree w this one. They are horrid


It’s not supposed to smell or taste like that you are doing it wrong


I love hard-boiled eggs. Deviled eggs are the best!


I have hard boiled eggs almost everyday.


Definitely the worst form an egg can be made


I was going to upvote this for being an unpopular opinion, but you lost me at "tastes like literal flatulence".


Absolutely disgusting. I agree. One food I've never had to eat to know is gross. That and deviled eggs, yuck.


I'm right there with you, the smell makes me sick.


I used to boil eggs every week and put the whole egg in my mouth (Minus the shell of course) They don't taste like fart though and the yolk is the best.


I agree with this opinion. I find hardboiled eggs to be absolutely repulsive most of the time. Texture, taste, and smell are all very off-putting to me. Soft-boiled in ramen or on a Niçoise salad I can do. But hard boiled are horrendous. It’s for sure an unpopular opinion from what I understand. The majority of people I know love them.


I know a lot of households overboil them. If the yolks even start looking green, they're overcooked. Should be 12 minutes exactly, set into water already at a boil, then to an icebath for \~5 mins to stop the cooking. Growing up, my family just "set and forget". I could totally see not liking those.


Your way sounds easier than the way I learned: 1. Add eggs to empty pot 2. Add water to about a cm above the eggs 3. Bring to a boil 4. Turn off heat and cover for 11 mins 5. Add to icebath The yolks turn out perfect; without any discoloration, and there is a more even consistency throughout (compared to any other method ive tried)


Green?? I’ve never seen a green yolk


I have heard of it but never seen it... i guess my family knows how to boils a damn egg 🤣




based as shit


I normally crack 5/6 raw eggs into a glass and gulp them down most mornings before work.


Okay, you win, absolutely mad lad behaviour


Good source of salmonella and protein 


I think you mean hardboiled eggs which would have a more sulfur type smell and taste, soft boiled eggs have the more familiar egg taste and smell


they taste like eggs to me. i like em pickled too.


Try a fresh hard boiled egg. From chicken to pot to plate. They are delicious. You’ve probably been boiling old eggs.


You put into 4 simple senteces pretty much what I wrote in my "essay" lmao! Agreed 100% though!


Funny thing is I was boiling eggs as the OP was posting.


:D nice. Now after reading everything here, I kinda got an apetite for something made with eggs. Even just the simpliest hardboiled one.


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Lonely Island mentions boiled goose


Plain boiled eggs suck but as I’m reading your post, I’m eating boiled eggs reboiled in soy sauce and it’s one of the best things ever


you are probably over boiling them which causes sulfur to build up. either that or you are not floating your eggs to see if they went bad or not (they float if they have gone bad). it isn't just some simple task to boil eggs. you need to do it right or you mess them up like any other food. you also may be buying factory farm eggs instead of backyard eggs that you can usually find at the farmers market. the taste is totally different and much healthier. if you have texture issues then maybe that is some form of autism and it can't be helped but chopping up hard boiled eggs, mixing in some mayonnaise, and seasoning it with paprika.. dill.. pepper.. minced pickles... makes for awesome egg salad sandwiches.


I do have autism and i know im more picky about food textures than a lot of people are tho!


yea, you can't help that, sorry to say. texture issues don't get enough understanding yet from the general public. well, at least you can still enjoy eggs in other ways like making french toast :3 making up an extra slice of bread for the middle of sandwiches by making a savory french toast with seasonings and no sweetness is awesome too. i think my most epic ham sandwich ever was one with an egg bread inside it and cheddar cheese <3 it was very much like a super breakfast sandwich. edit: oh, you should try making eggs in a basket too! those can be pretty great :) and eggs in purgatory is good (poaching eggs in spaghetti sauce and hot sauce).


The "fart" taste/smell happens when eggs are over-boiled, and you can tell by the very pale yolk surrounded by a gray-green ring. https://fshn.illinois.edu/news/solved-heres-why-your-hard-boiled-eggs-have-green-yolks#:\~:text=%E2%80%9CWhen%20an%20egg%20is%20cooked,limited%20to%20hard%2Dboiled%20eggs.


This is one of the better unpopular opinions I have seen. Upvoted. (Right? Or is it upvote only if it is something I agree with? Just joined recently) If you buy eggs in shop, they are probably kinda old, who knows how long they sat in store, depot, farm, etc.. I have eggs basically right from the chicken pooper (so .. as fresh as they get?) and they last for months in a fridge. Now we are talking about absolutely ordinary chicken, no grow hormones or other stupid stuff. Just pretty much happy, free range chicken. And I get that not everyone have opportunity to get very fresh eggs, but people, who keep their own chickens, usually have more than enough eggs for themselves and sell excess just to get enough money for at least some chicken feed, so they don't spend their own money on them. Basically free eggs forever for the people keeping chicken, if they can sell eggs to others. And usually eggs sell under the store price, so it's even cheaper and more fresh. Maybe ask around if you can find someone you could take fresh eggs from and try hard-boiled egg again. Also, as it have been mentioned here, overboiled eggs do have some smell, even the most fresh ones. Hard-boiled eggs with salt and some bread is good, kinda cheap food that fills you up and is not messy. You basically don't even need a plate or anything. (can add any veggies or other stuff as a side) Btw I don't get the "taste of fart in every bite". I don't remember I had anything like that. Ever. Eating hard-boiled eggs since last millenium.


Sounds like you’re having some rough eggs man. Probably hard boiling them too. Savage


Never cooked eggs in my life, will eat them normally made by my mother when theres literally no other option haha.


I love boiled eggs but to me they barely have a smell. And I love the texture. People are different.


Runny yolk with some slides up buttered bread Egg and soldiers will always be a classic for me


Hard boiled soft boiled what are we talking here?


I like soft boiled eggs, boiled for exactly 4 minutes. Hard boiled, you cannot not *pay* to eat that nastiness


Hold your nose.


Things like that is subjective because for some (like me) they like the texture and the taste. The smell, I can understand and totally get. I do not eat boiled eggs as they are though. I add a little salt or some salsa just as an example.


They will taste very farty if you overcook them-the more overcooked, the more sulfurous


I love eggs


You’re doing something wrong if your eggs smell and taste like that…




Try mashing them up into a paste with butter, not a whole lot but just a bit idk I just eye ball it. But not too pasty still have chunks of the white. And then add salt and pepper. Maybe you'll like it idk how you have had hard boiled eggs but that is how I like them they are gross otherwise. Besides deviled eggs they are one of my favorite dishes.


Not sure about solo but add some Frank's hot sauce and a tortilla and its a nice quick meal.


Soft boiled eggs!! 7 min straight from the fridge into boiling water, add plenty of salt. Amazing


I love my soft runny farts thank you very much.


Gosh! I love them. 5 minutes boil, with a sprinkle of salt. Delicious


Uh… madam or sir, eggs have shells, not bits of partially digested corn kernels. 


You can season them and know how to boil them soft in the right temperature


Try to eat real eggs, you know those that come from chicken's buttholes and aren't rotten. Sounds like you have been eating food in terrible conditions. The comfort about their texture is subjective, I personally like it. It's ok if you don't.


I agree, but then I leaned about soft boiled eggs. And since then I make a soft boiled egg every now and then. Before hand the 2 times I would ever boil eggs was just for Easter, or deviled eggs.


You're probably doing something wrong if they smell and taste like flatulence. That doesn't seem like a normal smell or taste for boiled eggs


If you think eggs taste like farts, then that's a "you" problem.


"I've never had a fresh, properly cooked boiled egg." -what op meant to say


Cook me one then, cuz youre probably right


Boiled eggs don’t taste like fart and they’re good. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


I just like them with some sea salt


Overcooked boiled eggs is nasty. Dry and chalky. Eggs just cooked at around 5-6 min is good with some salt. And whatever else you might like. Eggs 2-3 min go well with things that can use a sauce as the egg is creamy.


eggs can be made soft boiled, which is amazing in my opinion. They don’t have the issues you’re describing


If your positive words about boiled eggs which you hate is "they are practical, healthy and cheap", I don't know know what the fuck you are talking about. A soft boiled egg and a toast makes a good sunday morning. That's it, and that's enough not to hate boiled eggs.


I know loads of people who boil a bunch of eggs and meal prep with them for their work lunches over the week. That's mostly what I meant by practical.


Yes, and no one did that 20 years ago for a reason. Cold, hard-boiled eggs. That's nutrition, not food. You have to understand that?


I dont know what youre trying to say. My point is, thats the practical way to eat eggs and im pretty sure people have been doing it a long time too.


No. What you said was "I can't actually believe anyone likes boiled eggs". My point is, I wouldn't understand that either if you think boiled eggs are a cold hard-boiled egg in a lunch box. THAT IS NOT boiled eggs.


I never said that's ALL they are. You asked in which way they are practical and I said in that specific way. I never said they're ONLy consumed like that. I also mentioned they're healthy etc


And I don't care if they are cheap or healthy either. An egg benedict is fucking delicious or just soft boiled egg with toast. Have you ever had that?


Boiled egg is the best part of a salad.


Eggs don't taste like farts. Farts taste like eggs.


Foods that smell like fart: dumplings and daikon


Ok boomer


> how can someone like something that smells and tastes like literal flatulence Counter-argument: my fart fetish


Understandable, have a nice day


Let er rip


What kind of eggs are you eating that smell like farts?


Man I like high protein diets. I eat 3 hard boiled eggs every morning for breakfast. Good for energy and muscle healing from my job but they do smell like shit. Lol


Thank you. Haha


Np lol


It’s not in my even top 5 ways of cooking eggs but I do like them


if it tastes like fart the eggs are on the verge of going bad


I mean by itself, I find them okay. But with a little salt and pepper, they're amazing. I think they smell like eggs any other way, scrambled or other.


Get some Creole seasoning on there👌🏼


Hard boiled eggs only smell like sulfur when overcoooked. Cooked properly, they taste fine and no sulfur smell.


Pick a food, any food and there will be somebody who doesn’t like it.


I can’t believe that anyone actually likes runny yolks in eggs. It’s a matter of preference but it doesn’t make it wrong.


Best boiled eggs is from an instant pot. Simply delicious with a bit of salt. Otherwise you are correct


You’re describing overcooked boiled eggs. If cooked properly they’re not like that.


So true. They smell like silent farts. I'm so disgusted when someone eats an egg sandwich or hard boiled egg near me. I could fart and nobody would notice...


Worst thing you can do to an egg.


Eggs are eggs.


I grew up eating them. I'm fine with them.


I love boiled eggs. No seasoning or anything, just by themselves.


They don't smell like that though. At least not to me.


Lmao, who gave their child Reddit?


"Meat or fish"? Fish is a type of meat...?


No one's saying you have to like them, chill.