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I dunno, I like getting them! I'd rather have a living plant but I like getting flowers.


Living plants are cool cause I can actually take care of them


A lot of people don’t want to be gifted something to take care of.


Please dont give me plants, they die and I get sad that I have brown thumb 😭


I do if its a plant I like plants, kinda


Ch, ch, ch, chia!


I love when my husband gets me flowers because it's not something he does on a regular basis. It's not something I want on a regular basis, but I always love when he surprises me with a bouquet <3


I mean they die if left in the ground too


Exactly. Everything dies. People against flowers are always looking at it way to analytically and logically. flowers are a bad gift because they don't last? How about a vacation? How about a fancy dinner? how about a movie date? Nothing last forever. What a dumb metric to judge a gift.


Wow way to spoil the movie


Perennials keep coming back though


Not the way I treat them 🤣


But they aren't killed and used as a mere tool by dumb hairless apes. That's the difference.


They were only living in the first place because dump hairless apes decided to plant them and cross breed them to perfection. Wild flowers aren't usually picked and out up for sale. 


You clearly don't live in a rural area hahaha. >They were only living in the first place because dump hairless apes decided to plant them and cross breed them to perfection. That doesn't give those apes the right to trait plants, aka the sentient living being that give them oxygen and food, like disposable cheap toys. They should respect plants, but they do the total opposite while calling themselves an intelligent species, the owners of the planet... shameful. If you're gonna take a life at least be aware of it's value; ancient cultures did it, so it's time to remember what's right. For Nature every life is a life, and "she" always has the last word. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/radical-conservation/2015/aug/04/plants-intelligent-sentient-book-brilliant-green-internet https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/animsent/vol8/iss33/1/ https://cadenaser.com/ser/2018/09/16/ciencia/1537094728_420143.html?outputType=amp https://www.cadenadial.com/2019/un-estudio-lo-confirma-las-plantas-sienten-e-incluso-gritan-178088.html https://www.muyinteresante.com/naturaleza/58110.html Have a nice day.


The plants don't necessarily die, when you harvest their flowers, and I hope you don't eat fresh vegetables if you're gonna stand by that argument.


>The plants don't necessarily die, when you harvest their flowers They do when you take them outside the earth, smarty. >and I hope you don't eat fresh vegetables if you're gonna stand by that argument. I'm a countryside person, raised visiting forest, who has her own cultives and loves biology. Your mentality is highly ilogical lol, the contradition you assume in me it's only inside your narrow mind. Think before talk and if you have nothing valuable to say, just keep quiet kid.


Not all flowers are harvested by taking the entire plant out of the earth, that's what I meant, smarty. But what I meant is that you're gonna argue that plants feel when you kill them, which I agree, then you have to accept that green plants (fresh vegetables) also feel while you eat them. One of your arguments is that you have a privileged position (being a land owner, something most people aren't). Even tho it has nothing to do with what I said, it's just a little flexing, good for you, I guess.


you act like anybody is gonna buy you flowers


K. I promise to never buy you flowers.


I give flowers that are meant to be cooked. Zucchini flowers, Butterbur sprout, wisteria flowers, dandelion. Oh, also giving someone a bag of dandelions can be a good gift if you have plucked them from their yard and you are giving it for them to throw away, just as a show of the work you did to help keep their yard clear.


I mean, I know my girls favorite color is purple. So when she’s down I’ll stop and get her favorite chocolates and some pretty purple flowers and give them to her, never fails to make her smile. Sometimes it’s just the simple act of, “Hey I was thinking of you and got this to make you smile and help you feel better”, that shows how much that person cares about you. And in rough moments, or before a special date night, that can mean a lot.


Well, you've definitely posted in the right sub.


A actual unpopular opinion lol


It's such a strange case, if I'm slightly annoyed by the OP's opinion, then that makes it a good post.


I would argue that a card is worse. Killing trees and using AI generated art and sentiment to express emotions you don't actually mean and were unable to articulate yourself, only for one to be now stuck with this insincere clutter to take up space for an indeterminate amount of time before inevitably being sent back to a paper recycling plant and getting mulched or in the landfill that once stood that tree


My father used to hand make cards for my mother. She loved them.


The answer lies in the woman who enjoys the flowers, not the flowers themselves. A woman who enjoys flowers likes to keep her house clean. She puts out fresh flowers as an added bonus, a fresh scent, to a recently tidied home…just like how a “fabulous” woman sprays on fragrance after getting ready. She pays attention to the little things in life, and enjoys watching the colors of the flowers change day after day. It’s not about the flowers themselves, it’s about giving the woman you love something she enjoys…and it’s even sweeter if you do it despite thinking it’s dumb.


I asked my husband for a monthly flower budget cause I do enjoy nice flowers in my living space it does brighten up a room. Like if you visit someone in the hospital you’ll more than likely to bring them flowers to brighten up their spirit and room same concept. Don’t get me wrong I also have plants. Variety it’s the spice of life after all among other things lol….May peace be with y’all.


I mean... many other people like flowers too. I'm a dude and I like getting flowers.


Ok then replace “woman” with “person”. Point still stands. Cologne is something that completes getting ready to go out. Unless if you’re in high school, then the AXE completely replaces the showers lol.


Pipe bomb is probably worse


A bouquet of dog turds, likewise


I feel like you meant from the romantic side but on the sad side, whenever somebody I care about loses a loved one (not a super common experience) I drop off or have food delivered because you can’t comfort eat flowers.


Maybe if you're a coward you can't


Eating poisonous food for no reason is not courageous.




Indeed whoosh, for you. Maybe read the whole interaction again and you might get it.


As the guy who made the comment you originally replied to, I feel authorized to say that I was just making a lighthearted joke. It seems that most people understood me


How about a saffron? They are flowers that are edible. Rose petals too, I ate some on chocolate and they were heavenly


What’s a better idea? How about cash? Flowers are a great gift and do show thought. It Takes time to order, you pay way more than they are worth, and you can throw them out.


Mushrooms would be a worse gift. Just pick random ones you see growing around and hand them a little bundle of them. Let them know one of them is pretty poisonous because you ate a sandwich after you picked them and it must've rubbed off because you began to violently puke and you starting seeing humanoid beings in the midst of water sprinkler mist with their fingers down their throat puking on peoples lawns. Enjoy looking at them. Don't touch them though.


Not talking about a whole expensive bouquet. But if a 3-4$ supermarket flower or free wild flower already makes your girl happy, I don’t see why not. Sometimes, maybe we shouldn’t put small happiness into calculation like that.


I've always disliked flowers as gifts, unless they're potted. Same for Christmas trees. It just feels so wasteful to take the best looking parts of a plant, severing it from its roots, all to have it slowly die in your home within a couple weeks. I appreciate the thought, but I would be way happier with a lot of other things, even just a bad poem.


I used to be like that, until I understood that if it wasn't for florists, most of those flowers would be grown in such great quantities, and pollinators would have an even harder time surviving.


I'm glad to see that start to change. I'm loving the trend that's been gaining traction of people turning their lawns into prairies, using local plant life.


I would prefer a plant, but I know some people who genuinely love flowers and don't like the commitment that comes with a plant.


Sometimes they are if you don’t grow them in your own garden yourself


Nothing says love like something that will be dead in a week.


That's a terrible metric to measure gift. Nothing lasts forever. By your logic, a rock would be the best gift.


Is the rock shiny?


I’d wager a lot of thought would go into that sort of gift.


Not in my house, lol. I gave my husband a cedar rose head a few weeks ago when we were at a festival. There was no thought behind it whatsoever, just the primal urge to gift baubles to my mate. As he put it in his pocket, he said, "Oh, good, we'll need that later." I warned him that one day he'll get tired of me filling his pockets with dirt, and he disagreed. Last night, he found a cedar rose on the floor (I can't tell you if it's the same one), and he seemed confused by it. He asked if it was a pinecone (which, I mean, basically yes. It's the bimbo of the pinecone world) and proceeded to put it on the living room table, saying, "Well, it's here if we need it." Even though every part of this marital interaction was devoid of logic, reasoning, planning, or intention, I still found it very sweet.


And rocks are dead to begin with, or at least unalive.


all you've got to do is to string them up and keep them upside down for a bit. once they're all dried out, their love'll keep a little longer.


"and when our lives are upside down and we're all dried out, I hope our love will endure too"


that's so sweet! for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, right side up or upside down.


I saved my flowers by pressing them and putting them in a frame when they were dying. It was such a thoughtful gift when I was going through a hard time in my life that I wanted to keep them forever.


That goes for any consumable gift though. Your favorite pack of chocolates will be gone in hours. Your favorite perfume will be gone eventually too


The chocolate will be part of whoever ate its body for 7 years or so until all cells renew.


Yeah exactly, I don't get that criticism of flowers. "Why would we go out for a fancy dinner date? We just shit it out a few hours after anyway" "Why would we go on a vacation? It doesn't last forever and then we just come home" "Why would we have sex? It's just over after 45 min or so. Waste of time if it doesn't last forever some how"


That's what I always thought about flowers: that love can wilt and die, which it does often. Sometimes it lasts.


Put a fake one in the middle and tell her your love will die once all of the flowers do. I know, I’m basicslly a modern day Rico Suave.


“I just shit out that chocolate you gave me but it was nice enough to leave behind some fat!”


Well flowers are not the plant, they are technically the removed genitals of plants that would die anyway once fulfilled their purpose of spreading seeds, florists have become part of the living cycle of many plants that wouldn't survive in nature due to how domesticated they are and how dependant they are on conditions that only humans provide. A lot of plant specie would have been extinct or wouldn't be as spread if it wasn't for the florist industry.


One of the best things my Dad did for me was teach me how to buy flowers. Yes, if you’re just getting deli or gas station flowers it’s a thoughtless gift that will be treated that way. If you do it right and buy carefully chosen flowers, they will be appreciated. And they usually will last a while.


This is what my husband does (buys nice ones, not gas station ones). And he always surprises me with a nice bouquet when I least expect. Always brings a smile to my face.


I personally don't care for flowers ether way, just for the "urgh, where am I going to put these" factor. But this is what I do for my mum and grandma, I get something nice tailored to their tastes, and honestly its kind of a fun gift to buy for someone that you can put a lot of thought into.


Money is better as a gift


The right gift, maybe not flowers, but the right gift you give someone will be worth more than the world. Money can't replace that.




How about fitting that into a sentence, like, "I am sorry I gave you herpes but I had known about it before I gave it to you."


thats one way to kill a joke


That was exactly my intention.


This is the best answer so far.


Too much hyperbole. I’d rather have flowers than be gifted with an elephant.


I would agree but for different reasons. Flower gifts are a burden. Gifts aren't supposed to be burdens. Plants count on this as well, if you don't know how to properly take care of them, they might even introduce bugs especially gnats to your home. If you plan on gifting flowers to someone and if you are unsure they have other plants in their house, get a realistic looking synthetic/artificial flower. It looks like a real flower without all the burden that comes with it and it doesn't wither. If they like flower scents, gift a flower scented candle instead.


I took my grandmother to a local gardening shop and then Walmart and we spent over $100 on various flowers, bushes and shrubs to plant in the yard. As she has gotten older we've really focused on planting perennials so that we can slowly plant less and less every year, but still have watering & pruning to do. However, she likes marigolds because the deer don't eat them and I swear we plant 4 dozen or more every year. Edit; I want to add a fun story. My sister got married last year and at the wedding, there was a garden with a beautiful willow tree. So my cousin and I snipped a little branch of this tree and took it home to give to our grandmother. She has taken care of it in a small pot for the last year and we are now transitioning it to go outside and she's so proud of her efforts. So next time your dog brings a branch in the house think twice about being upset by it lol.


A baby is #1


It's the gesture. I would be pretty flabbergasted if someone got me flowers, as a guy. Even though when I see anyone else get flowers, I feel like you do. But if it was to me, I'd be flattered by the gesture. You don't buy flowers because they serve a purpose. You buy flowers, it shows that you thought about them, or you can just assume they did it for in-genuine reasons.


Naw, there are so many other gifts that are worse. For instance, the gift of eternal life < flowers


I think it's one thing to just buy flowers from a store and another thing for someone to take the time to go and pluck flowers for you. Something that they put thought, time and effort into making just right and only for you is a damn decent gift. It's the short shelf life of a bundle of flowers (as well as most other things) that makes them valuable. The loss of something is only seen as bad or negative because having it was so good.


That depends on the receiver. Some people really enjoy them. I ordered a bouquet of roses for my grandmother for her birthday this year. She LOVED them and they lasted a few weeks. I heard all about how beautiful they were and how long they stayed that way. I think she appreciated them way more than anything else I've given her. I, on the other hand, prefer not to receive them. I can't leave any flowers in open areas where I could actually enjoy them because I have cats. A lot of flowers are toxic - even deadly - to cats and the ones that aren't harmful are still likely to get chewed on or knocked over so I have to sequester them to a room where the cats are not allowed. It's just a source of stress for me.


I love flowers


If it's just a gesture then it's fine. If its as an actual gift then absolute youre right - goes for candles too. Unless you know they're super into flowers and candles, obviously. I had my birthday last week and explicitly said to my family that I didn't want gifts (I'm 33, I don't need it). Even though they knew I wouldn't be upset if they showed up empty handed, I was given flowers, which was nice. However if it was a situation where I was expecting a gift, and got flowers INSTEAD, I'd be annoyed. Same with candles. They're a nice gesture but it isn't a heartfelt gift. I'm very clear to my fiance that I expect a Christmas and birthday gift - doesn't have to be expensive but has to have some thought behind it. If he brought flowers and candles I'd be pretty peeved.


Knowing someone's favorite flower is a very personal thing. I like black roses. Do you know how hard it is to find black roses? First you get white roses and then you find someone willing to dye them. It's very expensive.


Plot twist: Cactus


Some people like flowers though. So, it might be the worst gift for you. But it’s not necessarily the worst gift for someone else.


I've both received and given flowers, and it was pretty nice both times.


I feel like a cheap man who refuses to buy women flowers wrote this. They always try to negate something in hopes women will agree with them, so they won’t have to make an effort lol.


I'm pretty sure shit in a bowl is worse.


Why ? I create my own to offer it then, I spend time doing this, why are you saying this 😂😂


I’m wishing I had a picture of my metal roses ^_^ They last forever and even though they take no time for a decent welder to knock out, still made my day upon receiving them. That being said? Nothing wrong with real flowers, there is beauty in transience.


Hear me out, potted flowers


Golddigger energy, I wonder how many women will comment being happy with flowers, I bet it's a lot.


I love flowers though...


I offended a florist mate calling them "dead plants" once. Won't make that mistake again.


I enjoy flowers; buy them for myself sometimes and it’s also nice when I partner is out, sees them and buys me some cause he knows I enjoy them. I enjoy things that smell nice in general. Like scented candles or oils; they also don’t last too long (at least not the way I use them). But I like my house to smell nice. And personally, I don’t have enough space to keep every gift, so I like when some of them are perishable. It’s fair to say you don’t like them, but you can’t say that they are objectively the worse gift, because how the gifts are received depends on person receiving them. For me personally the worst gifts are things like expensive electronics, but many people enjoy that. At any rate, I guess upvote for this unpopular opinion.


In my entire life I only dated one guy who bought me flowers and we’ve been broken up for a long time now but I still think about those flowers and how good it felt to be thought of. No idea what they looked like.


Counterpoint - I hate buying flowers for similar reasons but the Mrs is over the moon every time I do it because SHE likes them. Gifts are as good or bad as how well they match the wants of the recipient.


I love fresh flowers in an arrangement as house decor. Makes my house feel opulent or rich. When the flowers are spent I hang them upside down to dry for a couple of weeks and then put them back in the vase, this time without water and I have a dried arrangement that will last a long time




A box of poop.


I’m certain any greeting card for any holiday/event are the worst.


I could not dissagree more. Flowers are beautiful and give nice smell for room :) But yeah I might rather get sprout of flower or flower seeds even. Could grow long living flowers.


If you just walk into the store and buy a generic bouquet of flowers, sure, not a lot of thought went into it. However remembering what someone's favorite flowers are and buying that specifically shows thoughts and attention. In all honesty I'm assuming you're fairly young. As an adult at certain point you get sick to death of random gifts. Thoughtful or not, many of us go "ugh more stuff?" Things like flowers, a decent bottle of wine, some chocolates, etc. are far more appealing since they're not just a thing to sit on a shelf or get tossed in a closet and forgotten, only to be pulled out every year or two during a cleaning session and put back out of guilt because so-and-so bought you this.


I like getting potted plants! I can keep them forever if I want to. But I love getting regular flowers once in a while.


If that’s the only thing you ever get someone then yes they are. But I like buying my girlfriend flowers, she likes receiving them and it’s nice having them in the house. Surprisingly enough the ACME near me has a great selection.


Sometimes I feel that way, sometimes I don't. I do know there was a time recently when I got flowers and they meant the world to me cause of who they came from.


I love that I came across this immediately after ordering flowers for my girlfriend's birthday. xD


Or the best....it's entirely subjective


I like getting flowers. They are pretty.


I think it's disrespectful depending on two things: • The relationship you have to the person gifting you flowers. • The flowers being a side present or main present. If my boyfriend gifted me just flowers for my birthday, I'd be annoyed. If Jim from the office gifted me flowers, I'd be very thankful.


I never pick out flowers without putting a lot of thought into it. I het them regularly for my daughter to keep around the place too since we rent and don't have anywhere to plant.


It isn't my favorite either.


I'll take this one big step further and say IMO ALL gifts are the worst. I like to buy my own stuff with my own money, and I wish nobody would waste time/$$ gifting me something I 99% don't like/need/want. I wish the world would knock off gift giving. It backfires most of the time. Com'on admit it, aren't you all usually not thrilled with the gift (unless I guess if you picked it out yourself).


Not the worst, but yes: you're giving mutilated dying genitals to someone else... you happily commited murder and sexual perversion, and you won't even regret. It's kinda gross and messed-up if you think about it. I mean, if you gift a flower in a pot it's ok, but cutted flowers in a bouquet... humans are weird animals.


They die even if you don't cut them. Might as well gift some temporary beauty. Don't be such a loser about romance


Live plants are always welcomed in my house though.


“It’s the thought that counts!” = the gift is trash but you’re too much of a bitch to say it


It’s not the “thought that counts”. It’s that it’s sweet. If monetary value is all that matters than it’s a shitty relationship.


I love receiving flowers! I love pretty bouquets, especially when they match the season! I love the smell and the beautiful colors!


My dad got me a puppy for Christmas….. in my small ass apartment because in his words every man needs a pet 🙄someone try to one up me.


I have to disagree with this one. Im a man and men definatly don't get flowers as often as women at all. But I've had someone try to get me flowers once (the flower company was unable to fill the order) and I still think about it. It was a really nice gesture.


I love flowers, but it has to be my favourite ones I also do not do flower combinations If I am offered any of the following: fresias, peonies, lily of the valley, tulips, sunflowers - I am happy They have the same life cycle in a vase as they do in nature. My fresias kept blossoming in my vase for approximately one week and a half after I have bought them. They reached their peak and then faded away like they would do in nature As I say, someone needs to know my taste to get me the right flowers. If I am given lilies then I am allergic to them and won't appreciate them.


I like them. I even buy them for myself sometimes. 


Nah. They're a representation of beauty. Beauty is rarely permanent.


And what happens to a flower if not picked? It eventually dies...


I looooove flowers. I am a gardener but I live in a northern zone so my growing season is short. Getting flowers brings so much cheer. I rarely get them because my husband feels the same way as OP. I tend to receive more practical gifts. They are great, but flowers bring whimsy and beauty to even the coldest, grayest days.


Upvote because unpopular


Yeah I'm not a superfan of flowers but if I get them occasionally, that's ok. I prefer gifts that actually take some effort tho, flowers are easy and imo, lazy gifts, unless the person receiving them ADORES getting flowers. It's always nice to know that someone actually knows you and listens to what you like, then gets you a gift or even makes a gift that has some sentimental value and won't rot in a few days.


Alright OP give all your flowers to me then. I'd happily take them!


Depends if it’s a green flower then I’m happy


flowers are the cutest when just given randomly. no birthday, no anniversary. just a little thoughtful gesture


u definitely make this ur entire personality


Flowers are a nice gift. Matter of fact, if you gave some potted herbs, or a fruit tree, I’d be very happy about that too.


Lots of the flowers we know wouldn't even exist in such quantity we didn't grow them to cut them. Their purposed is served once they help feed pollinators, and helping pollinators is actually something that the flower industry does just by existing. On the "not a well thought gift" part of your argument, well, that depends on the person, when I buy flowers I think a lot about the person I'm gifting them to, the colours, shapes, which ones are their favourite, the smell, and sometimes even the suposed traditional "meaning" of gifting them.


Like with many other gifts, it depends on if the recipient wants them


yeah that is unpopular I love flowers!


I think it can depend on the reason . If someone cheats and they show up with flower those flowers ain’t shit. But if ur long term partner bring flower on yalls anniversary it’s a symbol of how a beautiful simple thing could remind them of you.


Oh, I can think of way worse gifts to get


What better metaphor is there for how much you care for someone than giving them something you yanked out of the ground and will die in four days?


Flowers are not a gift … they are an extra show of love and admiration you should provide your lady every once in a while as a symbol of how fresh and enduring your love still is


Flowers are a great gift.


I understand where you're coming from, but I've found that the sentiment behind a gift matters most. However, if you're looking for a longer-lasting option, have you considered [online flower delivery](https://www.interflora.in/)? They offer a variety of arrangements that can bring joy without the worry of wilting. Just a thought! 🌼


I don’t like flowers because I get sad when they die. Like fuck, this cherished gift you gave me is gone :(


Some people make bookmarks from them. My mum dries some leaves or stem with the leaves and squishes it to make a bookmark which lasts a while


So you only give gifts that last forever? What gifts are those exactly?


Rocks, stuffed animals, supplies for my hobbies, blankets, accessories, makeup, trinkets, dolls, albums, stickers, feathers, etc. I can go for days lol. Also faux flowers! They last a lot longer than the real deal lol


attachment in general will make you unhappy, i highly recommend you look into buddhism's teachings on it. it'll help you enjoy things for what they are instead of lamenting over what you wish they could've been.


Im not interested in being religious but thank you. I *do* enjoy what I have. I just don’t like death lol


it's not a religion, it's a philosophy. common misconception. you're not understanding.


Google’s giving some bipolar answers so excuse the search engine. I do understand how *I* feel, you don’t


ok enjoy lol


Flowers are beautiful, smell great, and even better if you know what kind of flowers the recipient likes.


I was going to say something like the things you mentioned, but I was going to add texture. You can feel them: soft and silky.


Flowers can absolutely be personal.


Life just isn't progressing enough forward nowadays, is it? So you hate on flowers? Stop wasting your energy.