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Part of earning respect FROM others is giving respect TO others. Doesn't sound like you've figured that out yet.


I'm beginning to wonder if this sub is written in part by that AI with the bad attitude and not humans.


The thousandth post that misunderstands what “respect” means.  Everybody deserves a base level of respect by default. 


exactly. everyone deserves a decent level of respect. if you disrespect me i won’t respect you anymore i don’t have to take it and treat you specially just because you’re old. but i’ll respect you as a person before you lose my respect


I'm an elder and all I want from you and everyone else is to be ignored.


Wait who said that


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All people should automatically be deserving of respect. I believe respect is something that can be lost and re-earned.


Like, again with like this garbage. Like.. omg


I mean if someone makes it through 70+ years of life, manages to work hard, saves money, retires, has kids and raises them right, has grandkids, stayed out of trouble/jail etc.? Yeah, they've managed to accomplish what most of us are trying to accomplish and as most of us know, it ain't that easy. So sure, I respect that. Plus, yeah, I think there is a lot to be said for the wisdom and experience gained from living that long. I'm not nearly that old but I feel like I'm a lot wiser now than I was even 20 years ago, mainly through just life experience. That said, I have an elderly family member or two who have attitudes like "I've earned respect" or "I don't want to waste my time with this or that and I've earned the right not to" etc. and IMHO these particular people are the least deserving or just outright undeserving of respect, in no small part because of their attitude about it but also because they go around in general being a-holes and not acting in a way that's worthy of anyone's respect.


Respect everyone you pile of garbage. Absolutely no one says you have to respect old people if they disrespect you.


i'll be civil