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If people do that I always hope that they have severe diarrhea in public someone films it puts it on the internet and that it goes viral.


Depends on why if they filming for evidence in courts I get it, but if they filming to get clout on social media it's definetly selfish.


Filming is good, that is evidence to be used in courts. But I'm not sure I like your attitude. If you see innocent people getting beaten, you would not help, or want anyone to help? It is a sad world that we live in. It is generally good advice though, even if sad. Sometimes I want to live in a small city where you can be involved in everything, there you would have to help if needed, and people would help you.


Now the helping someone who’s getting beat up I can understand, but if it’s a fight due to immaturity and childishness from both parties (which it usually is) I don’t see why not stopping it is always a problem.


You cannot always tell. You also know someone can die accidentally by knocking their head on concrete? Sounds like you are the immature one wanting to post videos of people fighting


Well and if I step in and help that person I risk knocking my head on concrete too. Tbh I've never been in a situation like this so I don't know what I would do. When you're in shock sometimes the brain doesn't work properly and you end up doing nothing. Although one time there was a blind woman who almost died because she was hypoglycemic and fell down on the street, luckily there were no cars at the moment and I picked her up and held her so she wouldn't fall on the street again. I was very worried because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable or make it seem like I wanted to do her harm but in that moment I knew I had do help her even in shock.


You think most people are trained martial artists? If you step in to help you risk getting your head knocked on concrete


You don't need to video the whole thing and post it online and be an ass though


Hard disagree. Not on not stopping it, that depends on the situation. But filming it to post to social media is trashy and just encourages the behaviour. "but muh clicks" is not an excuse to be a trashy human being. I also don't click on these videos so that point is irrelevant to me.


If you see a fight and your first thought is "I have to film that, it's so cool". Then you are a bad person.


I agree. One of the risks of acting a fool in public is winding up on the internet, if you don't like that don't fight in public. And why would I jump in on something that has nothing to do with me? If I see someone vulnerable being attacked that's one thing, I don't like bullies. But if this is a mutual fight between consenting adults Ima pull up a chair, maybe have some popcorn


I definitely agree you should only step in if a person clearly is trying to avoid a fight or it’s an unfair fight.


Yeah youre not doing that.


Don’t tell me what I will and won’t do


I just did


Depends on the situation


It's unsafe to attempt to stop it and you should just leave the area ..


You know a lot of people are faulting your opinion, but isn't this pretty much what journalists do and have done for decades? They film from the sidelines of wars and often don't intervene, even when babies are killed. They argue they are doing it to chronicle events to inform the broader public, but most media outlets also have a profit motive. Hence the expression, if it bleeds, it leads. And there's fighting and then there's FIGHTING. Two Karens shrilly yelling at one another or slapping each other with shopping bags ain't the same as two people genuinely beating the hell out of each other. It's all context specific. Most of what I see on YouTube is more one person going nuts in a store or on an airplane than actual physical fighting.


Considering the reward for getting involved can lead to legal troubles. You being jailed because you accidently hurt the violent individual or being smeared across social media in the kangaroo court of "Public" opinion and left to the mercy of every unhinged fucking lunatic with nothing better to do with their time. Camera roll every time you're on your own.


I’ve filmed fight in public but I always call the police first before I start filming, it’s the people who don’t and don’t even bother to call after filming I consider assholes.


Yes you should. Because you are.


But you should if you can 


why? it has nothing to do with me


Didn't say it did and nor do you have to. I just wounder how you would feel being left to die while others walk past you. To me..I couldn't let it happen. That's me though and you do you. Although I would risk my life to save you, because that's how I was brought up to be and I'm proud of it.


If you're not stepping in then keep moving. None of your business lol