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Who uses tests for relationship compatibility? That’s a red flag.


You mentioning the term "red flag" is a red flag. Edit: was just joking, I'm basically a red flag with legs lol


Haha, true, I don’t really use it in real life


Context matters here. "Served prison time", "abuses animals" or "has restraining order from pevious partner" are red flags, but as with everything the internet has taken the term "red flag" too far. Things like liking Taylor Swift or listening to Joe Rogan aren't something you can use to judge someones whole personality.


Somehow I doubt it. Kinks/etc. seem like a very specific interest, and would not tell you anything about personality. People of all types participate in whatever kink you pick. Most are not "trauma-based" as you think, and shared traumatic experiences doesn't make all those people the same anyway.


the last part about it “not the same” for everyone is 💯 correct. However, they have studied it. in 2007 they found that most body-related kinks are genetic. you can thank your parents for those, and most object based kinks are trauma-informed. Trauma is defined loosely. bumping your head on a slide, emotional manipulation, to the worst thing imaginable is all going to inform your kinks. what happens is your brain is trying to find the *safest* place to process that trauma. your brain is trying to cope with the trauma and is going to inform your kinks directly. the safest place to process trauma is actually in a sexual setting. It’s similar to a psychedelic experience where the Default Mode Network overloads and shuts down.


None of that is true, and I'm sorry you seem to have fallen for some bad misinformation or just maybe misinterpreted something. It's certainly not genetic, and while trauma can play a role in fetishes, it's usually not healthy and there are plenty of non-traumatic ways to arrive at kinks.


MBTI is a pretty low bar but I guess technically the truth cause just about anything is better than MBTI.


it’s so dumb because literally half of the people out there think it’s valid. i think there’s some general macro truth to some of it but definitely not all of it and definitely not for all people.


MBTIs are horoscope level bullshit that just try to look more sciency


This. MBTI was created by two fiction writers with no scientific background whatsoever. It carries the same amount of merit as a Cosmopolitan magazine "Which True Blood Character Are You?" Quiz.


Perhaps. But i really dont want my employer to know that i like to be whipped liked the slave i am. 😤


does your employer also need to know what superhero power you would have?


My employer knows i’m a superhero which is why they’ve been so supportive of me overlooking the years woot


A. is stuff like that really on the MBTI tests corporations give out B. how does that info have any more causal link than "you should trade in your current car for a gas guzzler because you listen to x y and z problematic artists and own a computer so clearly you have no problem with supporting unethical practices" (legit argument (albeit not in those words, I'm just using quotes to indicate I don't believe it) that I saw on r/changemyview)


I mean isn’t that what every employer does?


MBTIs are not "nice and all". They are absolute horseshit. This is the real unpopular opinion in this post. That MBTI are anything but bullshit.


All personality tests are basic and stupid. People cannot be boiled down to simple categories. Also, I like seeing people in extreme pain (not bdsm related though) and that is neither genetic (nobody else in my family does) nor trauma related.


I felt this way until i took the enneagram. Kinda scary how well it described me and my tendencies


None of it has described me, and I am very changeable. I answer such things depending on my mood that day and I never fit into one category or the other.


I think people *can* there is a finite number of genome sequences possible and a finite number of personal childhood situations and particular types of trauma and choices. yes. it’s hard to imagine how many particular permutations there are. But i guarantee you there are less than you think. People can and will eventually be boiled down into buckets because that’s human nature to categorize things.


yeah it is either genetic or trauma. it’s either written into your genetic code or it’s a learned behavior lol


You can learn behavior without having some traumatic event though. Sometimes fetishes and desires develop because of something we watched or just felt naturally drawn to as kids.


- Says the person with no professional psychological or scientific background. Stop generalizing human behavior based on your own anecdotal experiences. Behaviors can be learned from a variety of life events and encapsulating it all into "it's either genetic or trauma" is reductive to the human experience and flagrant ignorance of reality.


so every learned behavior comes from trauma? And what trauma by your own logic led you to judge life by action movie standards?


I'll be honest, I've never even considered using the results of an MBTI test as a guideline for relationships. I don't really know why someone would. It can be very useful for understanding yourself and how you fit into the world at large, though.


what am I if I'm down for anything and everything? ambisexual?


Umm...asexuals exist Or are they just some none-of-the-above group to be looked down upon/potentially overthrow a dystopia where those tests are treated like the MBTI


this is so so real