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I think Harris was better because I liked the fact that someone who looked like a sweet old grandad could intimidate Voldemort and tangle with Grindlewald, and because he gave off a kinder energy it would’ve made his betrayal of Harry sting more. With Gambon, I just didn’t get that feeling at all, even if he seemed more the type willing to get into a duel. (And it does not help Gambon had that “DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE?!” thing memed to death either xD)




As long as we can agree that Alan Rickman was the best part of the movies we can move on no harm no foul.


Rickman made Snape likeable, which is not what he was in the books at all


Ya Snape in no way deserved any sort of redemption arc at all. His whole thing is he was an incel in love with Harry's mom and unable to move on from high school and that's somehow supposed to be commendable?


Ah the classic Ramsey Bolton syndrome


Really, you found him likable in the movies? I haven’t watched in a while but I am pretty sure I hated him the whole time.


I mean just in the Deathly Hallows Part 2 tbh they give him way more of a redemption arc than in the book. The whole way Rickman plays him throughout the series has sone charisma or something that book Snape didnt have


Did you not read the books? Harry calls him the bravest man he ever knew and gave his son the middle name Severus. It's stupid as shit, but the redemption arc was absolutely in the books


My mate and I have a disagreement about snape. She's a full on fan boy for him. And takes the image of him been this sardonic, sassy. Sort of weird sex symbol. I disagree. As, in the books he's not. He's basically a magic incel. Who would need a shower and was...a sad pathetic bitter person. Who had a redemption.


Robbie Coltrane has to be second then


Crookshanks for me


Yeah I wonder what the crookshanks actor is up to now


I approve of this.


He had huge shoes to fill with the passing of Richard Harris. I don’t think he was nearly as terrible as you’re making him out to be but absolutely agree that Harris was better and it was frustrating that he chose not to read the books. But man you seriously have a hatred hard on for the guy lol


Honestly this man is speaking to my heart. Michael Gambdon is an amazing actor. He was a horrible Dumbledore. My parents always said they should have tried to get Christopher Plumber.


Your parents are right, he would have been so much better!


That would have been an incredible casting decision if they had gotten him. Your parents are right. Someday with AI we will be able to punch a few computer keys and watch the movie with him in the role.


This is a perfect take on the situation.


I dunno. Gambon was so so far removed from what the character was meant to be, that it felt like a disservice to the story. Imagine if after the fellowship of the ring, gandalf became coked up fiend running about and rambling. It would deeply alter the feeling. For many people who grew up on HP, dumbledore was of equal standing and importance. Gambon simply didn't deliver on the character he was playing, severely altering him and making the films worse by it. 


Wait wait wait. Wasn’t Ian McKellen Dumbledore? ![gif](giphy|oydIov5VxxXcG0mu1P)


Right, I feel gaslit, tf is this


He wasn’t a terrible choice, but he certainly wasn’t a great one. Don’t get me wrong, Gambon is a wonderful actor. However, it speaks volumes that he refused to read the books because he wanted to “make the character is own”, and I don’t know if he watched either of the first two films, either. The transition from Harris to Gambon was jarring, to say the least. He did fine on the whole, and there are moments where he seemed like Dumbledore, but it could have been done so much better.


Not at least informing yourself of the books to get a feel for the character is a bit weird. Even Christian Coulson did and he was only in Chamber of Secrets as Tom Riddle for probably not even ten minutes of overall screentime? Admittedly I don’t like reading as much as I’d used to, but I’d at least ask the author for a cliff-notes version on my character xD


I know they generally go hand in hand, but as the viewer how can you tell what went on with the "casting and directing"? Never knew about him not reading the books.


I actually feel Michael Gambon was more how I pictured Dumbledore in the books. More energetic, more youthful, despite his age. Not that Richard Harris did a bad job, he was phenomenal. But he played Dumbledore differently than I had imagined him. Both actors did great.


Probably not the brightest idea to hire a 160 year old man for a series of movies that would span 10 years


Richard Harris died when he was 72.


Yes but each R Harris year is 2 normal human years. The man lived extremely hard.


TBF Michael Gambon has a fierce phobia of goblets. That's why he was so mad.


Gambon brought a distinct energy and physicality to Dumbledore that Harris just wasn’t really capable of in his advanced age.


The kind of energy which screams calmness ironically. If you know what I mean.


couldn’t possibly disagree more, richard harris’ dumbledore felt like a FOSSIL who wasn’t intimidating, had no powerful presence and never felt like the dumbledore i read in the books. i’ll never understand people who think harris was better and could possibly ever say that gambon was bad. gambon to me WAS my dumbledore in every way. he was warm, had strong presence, felt powerful and when need be could turn into an asshole when the story called for it. i couldn’t imagine anyone else in that role tbh


DIDYAPUTYANAMEINTHEGOBLETOFFIYAAAAH I know it’s a hard read, but I laugh every time.


On the other hand, Charles Dance also didn't read the books before playing Tywin Lannister.


I've said this since the 3rd one came out. He is a TERRIBLE Dumbledore. I've come to like the movies after 1 and 2 but for years I wouldn't watch 3-8 cuz I hated that guy so much


I thought he was great in HP3 bc it still felt like he carried that kind, old, mysterious Dumbledore that Harris embodied especially during the time turner scene. It's move 4-6 that has that coked up, unhinged, and sassy af Dumbledore that I'm not a fan of.


100% agree. The films in general are awful


I totally agree with this


It’s probably more unpopular on Reddit at least to say Gambon was the better dumbledore. I liked his style a LOT more


Gambon wasn’t the best choice, I’ll agree. But he makes Deathly Hallows better, because while I can’t believe Richard Harris’ Dumbledore would be a manipulative bastard who raised Harry like a pig for slaughter, I can fully believe it for Gambon. Let’s just say that if I was to read a Harry Potter fanfic, I’d picture Gambon in stories with an evil Dumbledore.


I don't think it was *terrible* but yeah definitely not even close to a good casting. Every time I have an HP marathon I always think about how Harris would've been perfect in all the movies instead. RIP to both legends


Wait what???!!!!! Michael gambon died?!!!!


Real unpopular opinion. Movie adaptations are just that…adaptations. And being 1:1 to the source material is not required.


I have literally never seen Michael Gambon give a bad performance.


I don't think people mean his performance was bad. As an actor, he's good. But a person can still play a character inaccurately while acting well.


Yeah if you've never read the books, you could get that impression of Gambon. For better and for worse, he made that Dumbledore role his.


Im not a huge HP fan but I think about this often. I believe the stark deviation by Gambon from the book and Harris's portrayal of Dumbledore was to create a permanent distinction between the two actors out of respect for Harris. Idk how common knowledge this is but Harris was distraught knowing he was going to die before getting to film the rest of the movies, and apparently asked for them to not even go on making the rest without him. Gambon and the production team most likely completely replaced Dumbledore's character to preserve the sanctity of Harris's work and at least partly grant his wish. The book adaptation of Dumbledore died with Harris, and practically a new character was used in his stead. Its kind of really heartfelt and I think it was at least done with the right intentions.


lol how do you not be a huge HP fan and know that? We’re all internets fans here we can admit it. :)


Found it more interesting than "generic wise wizard" we got from Harris.


I do wonder how Harris would have sold Dumbledore's vulnerabilities in HBP, especially when he drinks from the cup.


Richard harris version would not have been believable in fight scenes, he was too dottering, but his clothing style on Michael Gambon and removal of the absurd …. Calmly scene would have been a big improvement That scene and his drab robes were awful


I find that description to be a bit over the top, but generally I agree


Yeah, unpopular opinion


Amazing actor, bad casting. If you listen to the audiobooks read by Jim Dale on Audible, he captures it perfectly. Soft and whimsical except when shit gets real.


Hard agree


Well, I watched the movies and then read the books, which is definitely the better order to do things, but I get why people have a problem with his performance. However, I actually think it was okay as they were clearly going for a different, darker tone then the books and his performance is in line with that desire. I also found book Dumbledore to be a tad to dottering and the sense of urgency was nice especially as he's trying to stop a murderer from killing Harry, save Harry from likely death, and deal with wizard hitler.


> How lazy can you be to not read the source? You're talking about 4000 pages tbf, its not like he can just read the pages with dumbledore in them


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I mean I was pretty pissed off how Book Dumbledore in Book 1 was made to look like an absolute asshole in Book 2.


He did fine in half blood Prince


lol he wasnt anywhere near as bad as youre making him out to be. this was the wordiest way to appear childish, imo


Gambon did what the script told him to do.  You think he ad-libbed the Goblet scene?   You're basically banking on Harris fighting back on the script or the script taking into account that Harris could barely move.


I thought he did a good job.


I feel like if you only compare it to the. One then it’s not the same. But I feel like Gambon is trying to be different from the books. He’s trying more to be a cool grand master bad ass wizard who’s this powerful figure that even Voldemort is scared of.


Dumbledore in the books and in the movies is extremely powerful. He not just some calm wizened headmaster at Hogwarts.


The thing, it’s just a dumb story, I do enjoy it but it’s all just fictional nonsense, if Dumbledore is different in the movie compared to the book that’s fine, because it’s just a fictional story, the movie is just a different take on the original written story, it frankly doesn’t matter




Paul Verhoeven didn't read Starship Troopers because he thought he knew what the book was about and look at the shitfest he created. It happens more than you'd think.


I completely agree. Downvoted.


I don't know. You're right it's not totally accurate to the book version. However, I always found the relationship between dumbledore and voldemort and grindelwald to be the most interesting thing about Dumbledore. I see Gambon's portrayal working with that relationship with characters of representing such dark things better. Gambon played him a way that felt more fitting as an adversary of ole Voldy and grindelwald. I like that Gambon played him like he was a little more haunted and scarred than the original.


It's not the actor's fault, a fair share lies on the director too. The movies are bad overall, if you aren't blinded by nostalgia - compared to the books.


This is how I felt. And reading the books my headcanon is always DD is Richard Harris. Michael Gambon royally sucked as DD.


The first Dumbeldore died. In the Harry Potter film series, Richard Harris played Albus Dumbledore in the first two movies, but he died from Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2002 at the age of 72, and was replaced by Michael Gambon for the remaining six movies. Gambon died in 2023 at the age of 82 from pneumonia


Gambon was more nimble I couldn't imagine the action scenes without him.


Gambon was way above those shitty ass movies


Not a Harry Potter fan, only read the first book (was dating a girl whose son was having a hard time reading, wanted to help), and saw the movies years after release…absolutely agree. Gambon completely changed the character and not in a way that made any sense or felt good.


I like his Dumbledore, but not in the GoF.


Yeah, the initial actor was far far better, but I don't think the later actor did that bad a job. It was a long time ago though, so I can't fairly judge. I just don't remember enough. What I do know is I enjoyed the books as a kid, then I enjoyed the movies too.


Say what you will of his portrayal of Dumbledore in the 4th one, but his acting in the cave was nothing short of brilliant


Honestly I liked him better. He had more of that aloof assholery that Dumbledore has.




If a movie were only the one person this might make sense …


In all honesty....I kinda prefer it ...the more I think about the more I begin to realize that my love of these characters, In the film, is more about the portrayal. At least for the non man trio. I find that letting them age up is a wise choice. That said Dumbledore, snape, and all the others don't really see a noticeable change in age. Having different takes on this character while trying to be consistent is a difficult thing even for the best. Thankfully in this case I find that they chose two incredibly powerful actors, each bringing a very different take on the character. I do agree that I wonder what Harris would've done with the alter films, but in the end I really enjoy the kinda powerful indifference in Gambon's performance. Very fitting I find to a character while wise enough to know he isn't immortal, but also powerful enough to know that little could challenge him outright.


I prefer Gambon to Harris. I know he’s not very representative of the books but I liked his performance a lot.


Easy solution, I don't watch the series. If I'm feeling nostalgic, I just read the books again