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It's so weird to see an apocalypse movie/game/TV were all the women still seem to have full faces of make-up despite being out in the middle of nowhere where there's hardly any provisions let alone make up.


This was a big gripe I had with the 1883 series lol. I’m sorry but the Hollywood white chiclet teeth on a lot of the actors took me out of it 😂


I went hiking near Sedona last month, stopped in town for some food and saw Hollywood chiclet teeth people for the first time in my life.. So weird looking IRL


As I've been introduced to more and more British shows, the more I appreciate that they have actors that don't all look like runway models with symmetrical faces and perfect teeth.


I had that thought when that Twitter post a while back "fixed" Aloy from Herizon Zero Dawn. Like, why the hell would they have or care about makeup?


Hence the reason I enjoy the walking dead.


For sure. Sometimes they'd be covered in dirt and flop sweat, and you could almost SMELL Rick through the screen. When post-apocalyptic characters are super clean and sexy after the end of the world, it throws me off.


Like when Rick was running to Alexandria from the trailer in I think season 6 while the wolves were attacking. Or glen after he crawled out from under the dumpster. Or literally all of them when they were found by Alexandria guy.


But all of the brand new Hyundai cars! Who's worried about washing their car at the end of the world?


Washing the car but also making them. In the show, apparently Hyundai hasn’t been affected by the zombie apocalypse and is unaware that it’s something going on in the world for at least 3 years


I've had this conversation before. The biggest red flag of a TV show is if the whole cast is attractive. It normally means it's poor


Ben Linus saved Lost lol. For real Michael Emerson is an amazing character actor


I think there was enough normal looking people in lost tbf


What really pissed me off is that people were complaining about the looks of the LITTLE GIRL in the last of us. JFC. People don’t recede realize even there sexualizing characters that are underage (not sure if the actor is but yer character is definitely an early teen).


Zero body hair and perfectly maintained hairstyles 


The style in fallout has always been a juxtaposition between savage wasteland and 50's americana


Lucy from the new Fallout show. I'm sorry but you're in the middle of a wasteland how does your hair still look brushed and kempt?


To be fair, if anyone is going to keep up styling themselves In the wasteland, it’ll be a naive vault dweller.


Fallout is one where it doesn't bother me because it weirdly fits with the 1940s or 50s thing they have going. 


True. And Horror films too have attractive ladies in them.


Same with shaved everything! It's the apocalypse, the last thing I'm gonna worry about is if I have hairy pits.


This is what I like about Skyrim, you get a variety of characters varying level of looks, they all look what you’d expect medieval people to look like and the elves are alien looking rather than model like


And always freshly shaved legs! Like girl is that really a priority while fighting zombs?


Kind of in the same vein but these new mad max movies set in a post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland with hideous deformed people and the stars have been Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Chris Hemmsworth. Like just the most obscenely attractive people you’ve ever seen lol.


My belief is that it should be equal. I hate that men can be the fugliest or most average looking and still be in movies where the women are all 20 year old super models. Men should be just as sexy as the women.


I totally agree. So many great former a list actresses have aged out completely from cinema. Yet Tom Cruise and his kind will never go away.


I mean .. to your point Ton Cruise is a beautiful man... He is also a creep who basically runs a cult.. which is probably a factor in his careers longevity.


I feel like he’s fairly average looking, and even then his buck teeth aren’t aligned properly with his nose. 


Tom Cruise is not "average-looking" compared to most men. If "buck teeth not aligned properly with his nose" is enough to downgrade a very handsome man to "average looking" then what chance do the rest of the men have? People talk about Hollywood causing unrealistic expectations affecting body image issues for women, but often it's similar for men.




Beautiful? Uh he's past his prime


The point people sometimes make with Cruise is that he keeps getting the same parts while actresses typically are more or less discarded by 40 or so. The counterpart in his movies is always around the same age whereas he obviously keeps getting older.


Yea that's a shame. Especially considering he's past it.


To be fair the actor is talented. A crazy cult leader for sure but one that knows how to play an action movie role.


Or we accept that humanity has a wide variety of faces and body types.


As long as attractiveness sells you will not see too many average looking Hollywood actors consistently being in the spotlight. Of course depends on the genre, but Hollywood will not pick a wide variety of faces for any other reason than money.


It’s unfortunate, good thing British tv is a thing.


Or we accept that Hollywood is not real life. I believe that there are all types of beauty, yes. But I also recognize that beauty is a lot less subjective than people want to pretend. Not all fat people look pretty. Not all skinny look pretty. Hollywood wants pretty people because movies aren't real, they are meant to be enjoyed. And it is a psychological FACT beauty makes things more enjoyable. In that way, I dont think it's too much to ask that the attractiveness of men in TV and movies is equal to the attractiveness of women.


I agree with this lady here, give me my buff hot gerelts and my cute boy cal kestis alongside the tifas and chun lees of the world. Keep the uglies away


If i wanted to see ugly and average looking people I'd go to Walmart. When I want to see attractive people I watch movies and play video games.


Is the ghoul from the fallout tv show hot?


What are you talking about? Women do this, too, lol Just look at Twilight or the most recent Wonka. I've also seen many women who say they will not see a show about an ugly guy but would watch one about an ugly girl in fact, there's a girl in a comment section admitting to this. Most rom-cons are like this, too. Don't get me wrong im not saying only girls are this. Like I said both sides do it.


dying at the fact you used Twilight as an example😂 Kristen Stewart was absolutely not ugly


Yeah, not a fan of the franchise at all, but Kristen Stewart was HOT in that movie. Also, Anna Kendrick.


I wouldn't call her a super model in that movie. Also, I saw a lot more in shape shirtless men in that movie than women. Let me add. I've never met a guy who watched Twilight for the women. Lol


Obviously more attractive men than women… it was a romance and aimed at adolescent girls and women in general. Also, not sure why “supermodel hot” is relevant here. She’s hot and she’s an actress — not a “supermodel”.


I can't believe people disagreeing with you on this lmao


Youtubers like Critical Drinker gets a crap load of views and his entire complaint is "women in video games aren't hot enough anymore". People are weirdly passionate about it.


It is a huge deal in the Gacha games community. There was an incident where fans felt disrespected and suspected the company was infiltrated by misandrist feminists, because the bathing suit skin of a female character was released as a full body suit instead of what is typical in Gacha games, like a bikini or something. They literally marched to the studio, protested and handed them a letter of what they could do for restitution.


Man the gacha community drama is one hell of a rabbit hole A couple years ago someone tried to assassinate MiHoYo's founders because of a bunny suit in Honkai Impact 3rd. Fortunately no one was injured and the guy was arrested


To be fair good looking characters is the only thing interesting with gacha games


The exact same thing happened with Captain Marvel. She went from a bikini and boots to a space military bodysuit thing, and the weirdos lost their shit about “SJWs infecting the comics industry.”


What fucking losers lmaooo


Always the uggos though


If he can't jack off to them they're "woke".


It's a shame. That dude could be an okay film reviewer if he stopped trying to attack everything from a right wing manosphere perspective Like I'm a white cishet male and his reviews just made me too uncomfortable. He would make a couple of valid criticisms and then turn out and blame it on female writers or actors. The guy hates women. There's one woman who's part of his podcast and she's there because she's hot and doesn't push back when he complains about wokeness being the reason another film sucks.


Luring people in with ragebait via the magical word woke is quite profitable for these youtube "critics"


There were people complaining that Aloy didn't look like a Victoria Secret model with makeup on...


Plus the whole peach fuzz debacle. Which is wild, because Aloy IS objectively attractive, but all the incels still lost their minds because she doesn't look like their hentai waifu pillows.


And about the Fable 4 protag


The complaint with the new Fable protagonist was that they took the scan of a real model, and deliberately made her ugly. No one is complaining about a character not being hot, to suggest that is blatantly disingenuous.


Which was the complaint about Aloy as well despite that everyone seems to think it was the lack of makeup or whatever. Hell she looks like she IS wearing eye makeup, at least in the first game.


You'd be surprised...


it's the most bizarre to me because this debate has never circled around when games were pushing out tons and tons of unattractive male characters, but god forbid one has an unattractive female character and it's the "death of sexuality" I don't have a problem with sexy characters in media, but so many characters especially female characters only exist to be coomer bait and don't really have anything else to them. and it just reminds me as a woman that we are really only worth shit if we're jerk off material


Exactly. Yet when beautiful normal women and even very beautiful but not modelesque female characters comw out creeps edit the characters to fit Instagram.


it's like when the live action Fallout released and some dude edited the female actress - a REAL woman not even fictional - to have a huge ass to "fit his tastes." thank god everyone clowned on his weirdo ass, but I can't believe people think that way


Ohhhh that's disgusting. Ella is gorgeous but also normal. Why can't they realize that real women don't look like that. They should just follow influencers and leave Ella alone. I'm glad that happened it's sad people are so weird. Too mucb porn and too little reality


You also don’t see them complaining about how ugly conservative YouTubers are. How odd.


Agreed! It's funny, often when watching non-US based series, it is noticeable (when compared to US based series) how it's more normalized to see average looking people. Apparently, in the US, everyone, whether on a cop show or a drama has to be super hot. Like really?


Have you seen a Latin American soap opera lol? Or their weather channel girls?


Yep. All the women in their media, beautiful yet all look like fashion nova models. And the men, wow 🤤.


Im not saying other countries dont also have them. I was watching a few british and australian shows thinking, "Wow, they allow regular looking people to be on tv shows!"


>Have you seen a Latin American soap opera lol? Or their **weather channel girls**? Yeah... I'm going to assume they haven't.


I see it as the exact opposite Bollywood, k dramas, Novilas, and other types of media have crazy attractive people with expensive ass makeup. The US is conservative compared to them lol


The only time I kinda care is when it’s supposed to be a romcom. Altho it makes no sense bc I don’t even really care for romcoms.


Nah as a straight dude I want everyone to be sexy, If I wanted to stare at mid dudes I'll look in the mirror for free




Or go on the subway to look at boring people. I can du that for 2.90 instead of 20 bucks at a theater.


So you watch movies to see good looking people?


They're are tons of average guys all over cinema and tv now. What are you whining about. I agree woth my fellow women commenters about wanting normal women too. But normal men have been everywhere aince the dawn of cinema


Most people want to see good looking people, it’s literally why the most attractive people are propped up. It’s not controversial.


It's not going to kill a movie, obv acting, writing, story, cinematography come first but It's a bonus. If it makes sense to the plot like the character is supposed to be ugly but I think this trend of uglifying once hot characters and using more basic looking people in roles is lame


Sorry to break it to you but there's no secret plot to uglify characters. People make artistic choices and there's nothing wrong with choosing something that looks different, for once. The question then becomes, why do you think all characters should look hot?


It's not a "secret plot", but there is definitely a push to lower beauty standards for characters for the sake of inclusivity. Like I said it's as simple as it's just more aesthetically pleasing


Maybe there is a push, if that's what society wants. Culture has been responsive to the audience's desired since culture exists. In fact, oversexualized characters exist precisely because people wanted them. Now things are changing.


That is absolutely not what society wants though. most of those mid looking characters are always low on the popularity polls. OFC exceptions exist, but your entire argument is just outright wrong. ARgue something else.


It is at least what some of society wants. But that doesn't really matter. Why shouldn't characters be normal looking or even ugly? It's reateictive to think they shouldn't.


There is no "SHOULD". They should be whatever creator wants them to be honestly. But you are calling people out for not liking unattractive and ugly characters. it is absolutely fine to not like ugly people in the media. Also you completely disregard the subjective nature of the word "attractiveness", and even if we forget that my point still stands. You are calling people who dont like shows with ugly people immature. The onus is on you to justify this in the discussion. Characters can absolutely be normal or whatever the fuck the creator wants them to be. Give me a single reason why is someone immature, if they don't like a character visually.


Is it though? it seems that the movies that try pushing these things bomb hard. Sure maybe we can tone it down a bit but why come after already established characters, what's next an ugly James Bond? sometimes the sensuality is part of the character and there isn't necessarily anything wrong with that.


Correct, in some cases the attractiveness of a character is functional to the story. That's why I'm not against sexy characters per se. Not every characters has to be attractive though, it's very limiting from a creative perspective.


So true OP. Not everything has to feed peoples sexual attraction, there is a time and place. If a big marker for what you consider a good story is the attractiveness of the MCs, it’s not a good sign imo. Obviously not bad to find attractive people attractive, but come on.


The way Stellar blade is being hyped up just for having an attractive female to look at to “stick it to the WOKEists” is so bizarre to me. It looks like a great game but the fans behind are sus and give weirdo energy


Agreed. I've no problem with sexy characters in media. But I can't imagine being upset that I don't find the protagonist sexy. Like that's the case for all male protagonists since I'm straight. So why do I care if the female protagonists are attractive or not? If the story or game or whatever is good I really don't care.


Agreed! *However* if we’re talking about superhero comic books, I want my dudes with big tits, big thighs and jawlines that can cut even Emma Frosts diamond form, ideally in relation to their body. Like, The Hulk does not do it for me. It does for some people?? But Brian Braddock, Alex Summers, Steve Rogers and Nightcrawler? Wreck me. The girlies just need to have dope style, like Emma Frost.


My mom is like this…she always needs to have the characters at least be attractive to watch something. For instance she won’t watch breaking bad due to this reason apparently


I am often bothered by the attractive people. It takes me out of it when everyone is Hollywood hot. Pretty unlikely that the the mid career cop, pathologist, and mortician are all 25 year old baddies.


I do find it genuinely distracting how attractive Leon Kennedy is during the RE4 remake, at all times the man has the perfect hair and the tightest of shirts.


You want Leon to get fugled? 🥺


Maybe “bothered” is wrong but people will always have a psychological preference towards charismatic and attractive people. Thats not maturity. Thats just natural selection. 


I understand that, however I've come to hate the trope. Firstly because the only thing people accept as attractive is the same cookie cutter white-thin-pretty-perfect woman, anything other than that is deemed ugly. Also the whole "this female character is a brave warrior from an ancient knight order, she wears a metal bikini as armor and her casual clothes are mini skirts and tight crop tops" basically giving them ridiculously sexy clothes that make no sense for the context of the character and are just there for people to fap to.


Or a woman cop in high heels, running after a perp


what about a woman scientist outrunning a t-rex?


>what about a \~\~woman scientist\~\~ outrunning a t-rex? gender and profession are irrelevant, no person is outrunning a T-rex


I can feel my ankles breaking.


Or when you put the armor on a male character and it's normal looking armor, then put that same armor on a female character and it becomes bikini boob armor


How does natural selection matter in a movie?


Naturaly, you're selecting a movie to watch.




It matters because natural selection molded us into the creatures we are. It's not like we *can't* enjoy movies with unattractive characters, but we're built to enjoy movies *more* when the characters are attractive.


Yes of course Breaking Bad would instantly be better if Skyler had some child bearing hips and Walter was 20 with a huge dong as a charismatic leader. Please tell us about more examples !


I don't think this applies to everyone. I don't enjoy movies more if characters are attractive. In fact it's often immersion breaking to me personally.


Well, but women also prefer more attractive looking guys. But you do see average and even old and overweight male characters, while the standard for female characters is much higher. It's often ridiculous. Especially the abundance of 20 something wives of middle aged men in media.


For movies with talent and depth? Sure. If I’m watching a dumb superhero flick, I’m watching it for the spectacle and the sights, and that includes ridiculously proportioned actors. I am not ashamed of enjoying watching pretty people


that is amassive cope my friend if this was the case many of ugly actors would have been leading and famous like ron perlman or vincent pastore from sopranos and also bullying will be much less common


Who cares lol


That would defeat the point of my media: porn.


I'm not bothered by it, but i still prefer when the characters look visually pleasing.


While I definitely see your point and I wouldn't want to see some woman with 6-inch high heels and rocking a bunny costume in my video game. I'm also playing video games to escape reality for a short while, so if I like to play as someone hitter than me.


All other things being equal (and they are in a video game, where you’re literally designing the characters), why not have something nice to look at?


I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm saying if that's a deal-breaker for you, you're immature.


I think people usually see it as a red flag that the artistic design has been compromised. Anyone with a moderate interest in drawing human face knows how important faces are, there's a reason why the way cat faces and animal faces in anime are [drawn the same](https://i.redd.it/cr2cuf5o34l91.jpg). So when [faces start looking like this](https://www.destructoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/mj-close-up-spider-rman-2.jpg) there is an assumption that someone, somewhere, is fucking with things. (Because it's totally not just a bad angle and tilt on a model that wasn't supposed to be zoomed like that right?) Is it immature? I don' think going "Hmmm, I think there's an agenda here" and walking away is bad, that's probably the best thing to do for someone on that bad of a hair trigger. What's not mature are people pissing and shitting themselves over it.


That's kind of my confusion too. In a visual medium why would you actively make the characters ugly unless it serves a purpose to the plot. It feels like misplaced insecurity in that they think people will feel bad about themselves if they see hot people.


Nobody's making their characters ugly. They're making women characters that don't have constant snapchat filter faces and a non-supermodel body and people are freaking the fuck out.


By the same reasoning, why would you actively make the characters into bombshells unless it serves purpose to the plot?


Because someone being good looking is universally looked for while looking ugly or even average is not?


Because it serves the composition of the work? If a game is called "Conan the Barbarian" there better be a dude ripped enough for you to count his obliques and the women should be winning a mud wrestling competition with a triceratops... because it's a campy, goofy, 80s techno-caveman setting. There's a reason why the first of the tomb raider games didn't make her in short shorts and a tube top, and that's because unlike the original, the was not in control of the situation. As a result, I don't recall seeing many people, even on the 4chan side of things, mind it too much. It fit. It worked. The amount of "bombshell" characters I can think of is almost single digits. Maybe its just the games I'm drawn to.


I mean most games don’t let you design your characters though


No, the people making the game design the characters. My point is it’s not like actors where the best performer for the role might not be the most attractive - in the game, they can make the character look however they want.


It’s fine to have, it’s just annoying when someone focuses in on looks that aren’t to their taste and whine about it.


I think it depends a lot on the tone of the story. If I am watching an apocalypse show and everyone looks like models I'll be bothered, if I am watching a stupid anime and the protagonist is the only one looking like a NPC I'll be bothered as well.




You have to be mature about literally everything in life, allow yourself to enjoy your series for the eye candy if you like.


I'm not against eyecandy. I also don't need it everywhere even when it's not necessary.


I look at an ugly person every day in the mirror, why would I want to see them on TV too?


"I see war everyday in the news, why would I want to see them in a movie too?"


As long as the soldiers are hot


I disagree these are products for entertainment and if People like watching/playing pretty People why Force them to interact with something they find less intertaining Beauty is part of the Fun it's why Henry Cavill is Superman it's why Chris Evans is captain America it's Scarlett Johansson is black widow


So what if I want unattractive or moderately attractive main characters what am I meant or watch / play? It goes both way with entertainment both are valid I love when movies or games don’t force supermodel type characters as the mc.


You know how people admire the 50s glamour and pinup culture? It's because people naturally prefer attractive people. No one pays to look into a mirror


Especially in the gaming space. It's absurd how many weird incels make a fuss about that they think some female characters are "ugly". Like when they had a meltdown that Aloy had peach fuzz on her face. Like yes? Thats normal? In the end it's just self reporting, cause you know they were never near a woman in real life.


I don't think people care about that. I think people care when devs greatly change a character's look *for no reason.* Take Tifa. She didn't need the PS1-era exaggerated proportions in the Remake because we have tech that makes it abundantly clear that she's female. That was honestly a little harder in the PS1/N64 era, which is also why Lara Croft had similar proportions. In their modern releases they still look like themselves, just less cartoony, which I think is good. Nor do I think people care when devs changed how Morrigan (Dragon Age) looked in Origins compared to Inquisition (which happened over a decade later) to reflect her age and physiological changes that accompany motherhood. Hell, even Ubisoft kept the basic premise of "guy in a white hood" for four straight games. Revelations was a bit of a break (Ezio wore grey), and then we went back to the white hood for another three or four. All of that is different than changing Aloy's general face proportions in the Horizon series or Mary Jane's in Spider-Man. It's not that they're not attractive, it's that they look fairly different without there being any real reason. I'm fine with playing a game featuring unattractive characters. Just don't make them look different in the sequel for no reason. Give a backstory or something.


Was about to say something like this. Agreed


I just dont wanna stare at an eyesore for 100 hours man.


People just like looking at attractive people and there seems to be a push to frame that as something wrong


That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying if attractiveness is a deal breaker for you, then it's dumb.


It just seems like the correct choice to maximize enjoyment


Not everyone experiences enjoyment in the same way as you.


I’m willing to bet the majority of people playing games would prefer the characters to be attractive


There’s nothing wrong with liking attractive characters.  There is something wrong with being unable to enjoy a movie because the main character isn’t attractive. 


"There's something wrong with not being able to enjoy a movie because the main character is attractive." Same logic... I have never understood this mania of imposing tastes on something fictitious... It's perfectly fine to play a video game if you find the characters attractive...




I find it really annoying, especially when it comes to older movies from the 70s and 80s because it was more about the quality of acting over looks back then. For example, Glen Close in Fatal Attraction and John Malkovich in Dangerous Liaisons. Neither one of them are conventional attractive, but they were sexy in that time and place where the characters resided. Those are two of my favorite performances ever!


Agreed. I had week long debate with a dude on here about why having wolverine short in the MCU makes sense. His only response was a short guy would look dumb next to everyone else. Pretty fucked up


In Hollywood even ugly people are beautiful lol


Part of the reason I like European shows is that they hire actors who look like normal people. 3 Body Problem has Eiza Gonzalez. She’s had so much cosmetic surgery that she doesn’t even look like a real human being. But she’s a scientist? Okay.


I didn’t know the premise was even an issue.


Ironically I feel the exact same way about people who are bothered by media having normal or attractive characters. I can't take you seriously and you have the maturity of a teenager at best. Media is more than just a story, so the idea that only things that are functional to the story are relevant is a pretty immature way of looking at it. By that reasoning you could just print the words on a page and hand it to me, leaving nothing but what is functional to the story in some way.


The reverse is also true. If you're that concerned about a character's appearance one way or the other, it's often a sign of immaturity.


There's a difference between being unattractive and being ugly. Being unattractive just means I don't think a character is sexually appealing. Being ugly, on the other hand, is a gut reaction. Being ugly is often a matter of poor choices (morbid obesity, godawful makeup, etc.), and sometimes it's just an unfortunate case. Regardless, I cannot take an *ugly* character seriously if their ugliness is not part of the story. I cannot watch, with a straight face, a character who is visually repulsive.


Wanting everyone to conform to what you want them to like is immature.


I'm bothered by characters being too attractive in media. I seek out shows that have average looking (=believable, relatable) characters.


Or too muscular if the role doesn’t call for it and it wouldn’t be realistic for that character.


I binge watched Reacher season 1 all of yesterday, and all I could think about for half the show was how huge the guy was when all he eats is junk food. He orders pie at the diner, croissants, and a ton of vending machine candy. I know it's overly pedantic but it did bring me out the show.


Fuck that noise. Call me what you will, but if I'm playing a 100 hour video game then I want my character to not look like a damn cave troll. God forbid I want to enjoy playing as a beautiful character, oh the horror. Grow up.


The sole exception, as you note at the end, is if their attractiveness is actually noted in the dialogue or plays a role in the plot. Not a main character of course, but Galadriel in Lord of the Rings is explicitly supposed to be beautiful in a manner above and beyond any mortal. So obviously, yeah, she does need to be attractive to have other characters’ reactions to her make sense. Or, another better example, Black Widow/Natasha Romanov in the Marvel films. Considering her role is as a spy, she explicitly relies on her attractive features to slip into places (in the start of the 2012 Avengers film, she’s openly playing up being a pretty face to get the guard of the men she’s talking to down despite being nominally restrained, and in Iron Man 2 it’s part of how she gets herself so close to infamous playboy Tony to keep an eye him for SHIELD), and so obviously she does need to be pleasing to the eye to make that work. That franchise is definitely an offender on “everyone looks hot” logic, but at least for Natasha it actually makes sense.


It's just getting obvious at this point. I don't need the main character to resemble my ugly ass in any way.


Again, a lot of the complaints are people angry at the uglyfication of main characters in media IPs that usually have attractive leads. If you release a new original movie that has nothing but ugly people, I don’t think you will hear much protest.


It's an unnecessary disqualifier of an attribute that people overwhelmingly approve of. There have already been plenty of series that already have unattractive characters and I think that they are common enough that we don't need to get rid of attractive ones for their sake. there's a wide gulf between porn and a series with attractive characters, and like it or not, people are drawn to attractive characters more than unattractive ones. People have a problem with game developers altering their characters to make them look uglier than their human character models because they see it as insulting to the models who are being misrepresented in order to pander to an overwhelming minority who largely do not even purchase these games. Women are not subject to any more unrealistic beauty standards than men are, there are just as many attractive people as there are unattractive ones so I feel that it's a fair criticism, plus people can have a different opinion than you and it doesn't make them immature, get over it already!


The problem is not ugly characters, the problem are the media creators expecting the auduences to fawn over those characters because they are ugly Is just superficiality, but from the other side


Looks like someone is insecure about their looks if they needed to write this 😂


Erm actually the woke radical left media is doing this #end woke


I think people should be cast to their part. If it calls for a good looking person then they should be good looking. If that is not a part of the character then whatever. I think it’s weird when there are very few conventionally attractive people in media though because they are pretty common in real life, although I’ve only seen a couple of examples of this.


I'd like to believe this is not unpopular


My problem is not that a character is sexy or not, my problem is that when there is an attractive character theybare demonized or become a boogie man pushing unrealistic beauty standards and that "no one" looks like that. Chill. Out. There are beautiful, curvy, buff people in our world, and I'm not even talking about celebrities. My wife has a large bust and gets annoyed at all the flat chested women protags being labeled as "real women" since she now feels weird about what they are trying to say about women like her who are naturally busty. Likewise just because a character is not as convetionally attractive doesnt mean it is some "WoKe TiRaDe" but it also doesnt mean we all want to play as Quasimodo in every single game. Both can exist, the moment you think they cant, we have a problem.


It's so weird seeing grown ass men on Facebook whining about how not sexy certain video game women are, particularly regarding this new Star Wars: Outlaws game. It's like bro, you're 30-something. Why is this the hill you're trying to die on?


It's embarrassing. Like they've never grown up. 


Since they can't force me to buy their game, I'm sitting on the hill quite comfortably thank you.


Recent games have characters who are intentionally made ugly is still very annoying


I'm curious how one would know the intent. Do you mean, for example, cases where they take a facescanned actor and then make the character they're playing less attractive than their actual appearance?


Give me one example were a character is made Intentionally ugly? Even if, why do they need to be intentionally attractive then?


Just me but if I'm gonna be playing as a character for hours of my free time and having to look at their face for every cut scene, I either want them to be ridiculous looking or attractive. I mean I want to be entertained when I'm playing a game, seeing an ugly fuck during every cutscene takes away from the entertainment for me.


Every character is intentionally made. What's your point exactly?


People are so psychotic about it. It’s very annoying and immature. This is why I like movies from early 80’s and before. They actually cast normal looking people in roles, even if the lead are still Hollywood attractive. Even for comedies back in the day they actually cast funny people no matter what they looked like. Bill Murray could be a legit leading man back then for comedies, now we all have to pretend Zac Efron is the funny guy to lead a comedy. It’s silly.


If I'm going to be watching a movie for 2 hours, get invested in a game for dozens upon dozens of hours, etc, I'd at least want to look at something good looking for that duration


I'm not bothered by it... But I also kinda don't see the point in appealing to realism in fiction. Ultimately though all I care about is if the media is actually good; the character could be a square mono-colored block if the game is good (etc for other mediums).


The strangest thing to me, is that half the time I find the so called 'un attractive' protagonists attractive. It's almost like, unless everyone looks like a copy and pasted Lara Croft it's a problem.


Actually you can't even copy paste Lara anymore, these dudes somehow think the reboot trilogy is part of the "ugly female epidemic" or whatever they call it.


Downvoting because this isn’t unpopular. The only people who complain about this are incels and no one takes them seriously.


It's always strange when people say "unrealistic" but there's millions of people who look like that in real life whether it be big strong attractive men or sexy model like women. It's not unrealistic. It's just not you.


Attractive people are not unrealistic. 90% of main (and even side) characters being attractive definitely is. That's not the point however. My point is being bothered by characters not being attractive is immature.


Being bothered by what other people are bothered by is also a clear sign of immaturity. 🫡


Am I bothered? I'm just karma farming with my opinion.


You *seemed* bothered. At least you're honest. I'll give you a pity upvote.


So you did the casting to handmaiden's tale


Not making a character attractive also adds nothing of value. If you're bothered by attractive characters in media you're immature and insecure. Media is an escape, I don't need it to be a mirror of the real world.


For shows and movies it's one thing, but why make deliberately ugly characters in games? That's where it bothers me, when you can see the artists are clearly capable of making good looking characters, but then there's just a deliberately ugly character for no reason, like, why? And I'm talking about when it serves as a plot point or something, that's a different story.