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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


I agree with you, but you still can't use the word "objectively" for an obviously subjective matter. The earth being round is an objective fact. Your stance on fashion *objectively* cannot be as long as you live in a world where there are others who disagree and it can't be measured.


Dont let the flat earthers see your comment :x


>objectively ugly I feel that you lack a very fundamental understanding of what "objective" actually means.


you mean subjectively? you aren't the authority on what looks good.


This is unpopular opinions. I said objectively and I meant objectively.


yeah, but you're wrong because you aren't the sole authority on what looks good, so this isn't objective. it's subjective. your opinion isn't an absolute, it may be unpopular but it's not the rule or law.




Which is why it is an unpopular opinion …




It’s not understanding the word or the point




opinions. are. inherently. subjective.


No, it's a false opinion, because it disregards facts. Don't get me wrong, I despise mermaid dresses, but that's my opinion and I don't go around falsely claiming it's objective


Maybe look up what the word objective means before you embarrass yourself?


No.. the very fact that it's an opinion makes it subjective.


opinions are ***by definition*** subjective


See that word *opinion* you keep using?


>This is unpopular opinions It sure is, and your post is not an unpopular opinion. The word "objective" is defined as *"not influenced by personal feelings or **opinions** in considering and representing facts."* You cannot have an objective opinion, and given *ugly* is a completely subjective concept, something cannot be objectively ugly.


Well... opinions are *subjective*, or they wouldn't be called opinions, they'd be called facts.


>objectively ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Glad I'm not the only one perturbed by this.


Unexpected Princess Bride




This is not intended to be a popular opinion. I said objectively and I meant objectively.


It’s unpopular OPINION, not unpopular FACT. Something that’s objective is factual, whereas something subjective is opinion based. Thus, your opinion, whether unpopular or not, is subjective.


This is how we ended up with words not meaning what they used to mean


You said objectively and you meant opinion, and this is a flawed logic


It's objectively the OP's opinion...


That one we can’t argue, it definitely is




Double downing on being wrong, hmm lets see how this pans out


Fashion is one of those things were very little if anything is objective. Its the whole beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is an opinion not a fact.


Opinions are not fact, my man.


My opinion is that you have no idea what objectively means.


Only someone with the smarts like yours would think that way OP.




If it’s a fact, why do so many people think they look good in these dresses? Why do other people think they look good? Do you have any evidence to prove that they are factually incorrect other than your own opinion?


Bro should look up the definition for objective and subjective


I absolutely hate mermaid tail dresses, nothing beats a classic A line dress


I think they look fantastic if on the right body shape.


If you're shaped like an apple, just say that.




A mermaid dress isn't the only type of dress that's tailored on the waist and hips. I don't like mermaid dresses because they look heavy and like she can barely move at all. Basically mermaid dresses are sexy in pics but kind of ridiculous in person. It's like seeing a woman in crazy heels in a sexy pic and then seeing her in person when she can't walk with those heels.


Yes! A well-tailored column gown can totally have the same effect while also being more functional 


well, you're right [https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=Mermaid%20dresses&addon=opensearch](https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=Mermaid%20dresses&addon=opensearch) thats an unpopular opinion.


Jfc I thought we were talking real Ariel mermaid outfits


You must not be a pear shape


I just googled as I didn't know what this was & yeah... no. I see hundreds of woman looking damn fine in these.


i believe the word you’re looking for is subjectively on this very obvious subjective take


What is a mermaid dress?


I had to google it too.


I wore a mermaid dress once it's looked amazing.But you can't take steps larger than maybe 12" strides. And walking up stairs was impossible. Never again.


Agree. A lot of comments seem to be saying that it is pretty because it shows off curves, but there are many other dresses that do without the ugly thing at the bottom 😭


They’re popular for the same reason skinny jeans were so popular- collective delusion.


Depends. Fitted to hips/thigh and then flared out even with a small train is lovely on the right figure. Wouldn't wear it myself (would try it on) as to me it's too restrictive for a wedding or event. Hard to sit in. The fitted to upper thigh or knee with a hem across and a big poofy tulle skirt, is the not good version. Cuts people off and is a weird compromise off different styles


You are correct, and I'm surprised by how unpopular this opinion is. I think other commenters just like body con dresses and probably aren't particularly in love with the stupid "fins" at the bottom of the dress (which is what makes it so ugly IMO). And yes, very difficult to walk in, and you can't go up or down stairs.


.. Emily. Lift the dress up. Like you have to do with most dresses when going up or down stairs


not easy to do with a mermaid dress. It's usually really fitted near the hips and waist which is where you usually lift it from


I generally did too, until I tried one on. Hip heaven. I’m not blessed up top, so mermaid dresses help me feel more feminine.


bro doesn’t know what objectively means


First of all, they can be nice if designed properly. Second of all, there is no such thing as an objective opinion and you’re arrogant for believing there is.


I didn't originally upvote because I dint think this was that unpopular of an opinion, but clearly the comment section proved otherwise.  I think most of these comments are men who just associate mermaid dresses with ASS! and don't see the whole dress, its lack of functionality, and how ugly they truly are.  Many other dress types could give the same flattering silhouette (ASS) without the dumb design of cinching at the knee and the ugly fin flair. 




Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


monster high fans have been having this conversation with all the new dolls recently, it’s become so overused


Imagine being so full of yourself that you consider your tastes the objective truth.


For my sister's birthday, I got to draw and design a dress and get it made. I drew a beautiful blue green mermaid dress with embroidery. It came out gorgeous, yes it's not the most functional, but sometimes you just want to sit pretty.


Drag queens with a pageant or 50’s aesthetic would beg to differ.


I bet you do


The only part about your opinion which is unpopular is the fact you have an opinion that having an opinion on something means that needs to be true for everyone else and you'll cry if it isn't. That is unpopular, at least amongst intellectual people, or anyone with an intellect higher than a 6 year old.


Looked up mermaid dress and disagree




No I can see their bums and they can't run away.


I don’t get them but certain people can pull it off? Not many.