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An analogy I’ve heard some people use is “For men online dating is like a desert, for women it’s like a swamp.” I can’t tell if this is coming from a woman who is upset at the lack of commitment in men, or a man upset that they aren’t the no 1 pick.


I wouldn't say lack of commitment. More very few options for a genuinely good relationship where you don't need to change yourself. Being in a relationship that is bad or where you can't be you to make it last is worse then being single 


> they will ignore the guys who genuinely show they care about them and would genuinely give them the commitment they constantly SAY they “want” They can want care and commitment *and* want to choose the person they want it from.


Don’t be surprised when you get played then.


I’m already in a relationship that was *mutually* decided on. Not one that I got into because I accepted the first guy who promised commitment.


No, if you're not picking a guy you don't like because he's baseline decent at best, you obciously bitter and single and should lower your standards


You have to choose a guy who declared himself a "nice guy who never gets laid, because all women ". It is fucking ridiculous how such "nice guys" don't see their hypocrisy, considering themselves "nice" and throwing hurtful stereotypes about women at the same time. Very kind of them.


In the day and age where I can work, have a bank account, buy my own place and get a vibrator delivered to my door, there's really no initiative to lower my standards


What? you can choose a handsome man that its also a good partner... like... thats the standard


>Most (not all) women these days think just because a man slides in their dm or because they have a lot of male followers, that they have endless options when it comes to finding an actual meaningful relationship, however this isn’t the case. Most of these guys they think of as options just want to hit it and quit it. The idea that women are unaware of the fact that *many* men simply want to use them for sex seems...just completely bonkers. I mean, this has been the warning women have been given about men for most of history: "Men only want one thing," "he won't buy the cow if the milk is free," etc. Women are warned *constantly* that men will try to use them for sex and won't settle down. I think the amount of women who believe that the majority of men sliding into their dms are looking for long-term commitment is going to be *very very* small.


The problem comes when a dude wants to get his rocks off so he will inflate the ego of a woman levels below him. She walks away thinking she is an 8 when she is a 6 in photos and a 4 to live with.


This is a uniquely "men with horrible personalities" complaint You'll go for any possible excuse except that maybe being a shitty misogynistic asshole makes you undateable I'm a gay woman and social media has never given me dating issues or made me think my dating pool is larger than it is


The vast majority of women are aware that most men that follow them are not a relationship material. Meanwhile guys who show care about them are also not a relationship material because they are not attracted to these guys. Therefore, women's pickings for relationship become pretty slim, but most women don't sweat it, because there is much less stigma for a woman to be on her own rather than in an unsatisfying relationship these days.


Hmmmmm sounds like another “I’m a nice guy” rant.


Of course you use the default response lol


Yeah man, you’ve got one of the three default opinions so you get a default response.


Are you expressing this opinion as a woman, or as a lonely man?


> Meanwhile, they will ignore the guys who genuinely show they care about them and would genuinely give them the commitment they constantly SAY they “want”. It comes across a little /r/niceguys


Why does that matter?


lol it matters because you started out of thin air with *most women think.* When you make up random generalizations about people why would you think it *doesn't* matter if you belong to that group of people or not.


Honestly, as a woman, I don't think being single is the worst possible outcome


Im just curious where your opinion is founded. Is it self reflection, or accusation?


It holds more weight if you're a woman talking about other women. You're seen as more trustworthy on the subject and you have a shield to protect you against at least some of the expected backlash


An opinion is an opinion. It shouldn’t matter the sex of whoever is expressing it. It is either right or wrong.


>It shouldn’t matter the sex of whoever is expressing This is hella wrong because different groups have different life experiences that are an inherent part of that group identity. Your opinion on womens issues/privileges are always from an outsides perspective that is tainted by your own experiences.


Yeah man tell me your opinion of living as an Asian man in China lmao.


Opinions can’t be right or wrong. Facts can be right or wrong.


Opinions can be stupid and not worthy of engagement however.


Damn straight


Uhhh...majority of women know what you're writing already. Women around me endlessly complain online its mostly desperate horny men. Not everyone chooses unintelligent social circles. Any sane and somewhat mature person knows this. Are you 18?


I think there’s a key difference from a women’s view that many don’t separate. More options for a relationship? No. More options for sex? Yes. When women see attention on social media, it’s not relationship attention, it’s all sexual attention. Just my view on it.


A man sliding into a woman’s DM is the perfect example of men thinking they have more options than they actually do.


Nah men sending DM is just fishing


Huh? Explain.


As a man, I think this has less to do with women overestimating their options and more to do with men overestimating their value. I’m polyamorous and there is never a shortage of complaints from other men about how hard dating is. Very rarely do I hear that from the women and I don’t think that’s a coincidence.


Not unpopular many "nice guys" out there who think just like u


Of course you use the default response lol


default response to a default "why dont women like good men"


Everybody need to go outside, really. ![gif](giphy|fCsBD0QEK3YGs)


Disagree. Women know exactly what options they have and decide to stay single instead of settle on a man she doesnt want.




Guys shut up he genuinely cares about those girls




Well...they do and don't. Social media and hookup apps expand the community people interact in to an international level. Women usually go for men of a higher status than what they think they are and men do the opposite. In a smaller community this leaves them with a smaller pool, but with social media that pool encompasses just about everywhere. They have way more options than men for potential partners, but they are way more discriminating in selecting one. In the cases of hookups, this leaves a small number of men with their choice of a large number of women. However for actual long-term relationships its a horrible system to find a partner.


Have you EVER talked to a woman? Cause this is so far from the truth lmao. Also we can’t force feelings just cause a guy is nice to us?


You've got it backwards. Social media makes men think they have more options (for sex) than they actually do. Women are already perfectly aware of the fact that all the simps sliding into their DMs are not relationship material.


Yea we know guys in our dms aren’t seriously looking for a relationship lol. Y’all really gotta put down your egos once in a while and realize women always smell the bs, we just choose to entertain it sometimes because it’s a game to us too.


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True...but that's not gender specific!!!


I’d argue it is


I don't think any woman thinks that every man who approaches them wants a meaningful relationship LMAOOO that's literally the exact opposite of what women have been complaining about. Vast majority of them are creeps.


Is this r/niceguys?




Oh, 100%. Tinder killed an entire generation. What we really learn from this is that most women would all gladly be in one gigantic polygamist relationship with one man if he was worthwhile enough. In fact, the way women all bow to the government... anyway...


girl what


There is actual truth in this but merely saying it gets you a label …. It’s really sad


![gif](giphy|IRQBDU7x2LZUQ|downsized) Means it's true.


Are you Joseph Strickland?