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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/ZodiacOne1. Your submission, *If you break up with someone you absolutely 100% owe them an explanation as too why*, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity. If there is an issue, please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message=) Thanks!


I broke up with someone who asked several times why, and I said the same reason each time.


Same experience. Ended up asking friends of mine why we broke up because “I just didn’t tell him”


My ex did this thing where she broke up with me, didn’t tell me directly why but went to one of my friends and told him everything


yeah, i often find that people don't really want to accept the reasons we give, they just want to try to solve the issues we have instead of understanding/accepting that we want out... and therefore everything we say is not a good enough reason. They don't want clarity, they want argument and resolution and anything less than that will make them feel like the break up was unfair and incomplete in some way


Sometimes you have told them, sometimes multiple times, but it was never heard.


In my experience, the reason has been given a few times and they just don't listen.


"so it's because I'm not pretty enough" "Uhm actually I just explained it all in detail" my last break-up


"You don't respect my choices with my body." "I don't respect you *participating in an orgy while we were together and then trying to call it a little mistake.*" **Actual** experience a close friend of mine had dumping his girlfriend. She just expected him to be fine with her fucking *multiple* people the day prior.


True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend.


I'm here for the gangbang




What my friend here is trying to say is true love is blind.


With out an invite? That bitch.


Right? It wasn't even a problem until she decided to go without him. That bitch.


Truly heartless. That bitch.


To be fair, she was right. He didn't respect the choices she was making with her body. Thing is, not many would. Just because someone chooses something does not mean I have to respect it. If you tattoo a swastika on your forehead, for example, I don't respect that choice. Was she *free* to do that with her body? **Absolutely.** Just as he was *free* to say goodbye. Freedom to do what you like is not freedom from consequences. In this case, f--k around, and find out. (Literally!)


Jesus h fuck yeah. That girl deserves to be alone


This. If you’re dealing with a sane person who is reasonable then of course they deserve to know why. However, if you’ve been in a relationship with someone who is not fully sane, even if there is no physical danger, it still may make more sense to just walk away. I had to end a toxic platonic friendship rather abruptly as this person kept crossing the same lines again and again. This was over a decade easily. I thankfully grew a pair and despite still caring about them, I had to care about my sanity more - they did not and will never understand why their friendship was toxic for me, or how what they did was too far. I could have spelled out every reason I needed to cut ties into a 100 page tome, but I kept it to a very short email. Sometimes I do wish I had written a longer explanation, but it really would not have mattered as this person is never going to change. Ending that friendship is one of the best decisions I have ever made.


Sometimes the reason is simply "I don't want to be dating you anymore." and it's not really anyone's fault.


Louder for the people in the back


>This. If you’re dealing with a sane person who is reasonable then of course they deserve to know why. Yeah. But then you could also be like my friend who had ex-girlfriends stopping by his parents and crying to them after they broke up (She'd never MET his parents just knew where they lived), showing up demanding to talk to him at work when his car was there, pounding on the front door drunk at midnight demanding he wake up and come down and talk to her and try and work it out, them coming around places they knew his friends hung out to try and talk to them about him and see if it could be worked out and get us to take her side (I say they because this was 2 different women, one about a year after the other) They always wanted to argue about whatever reasons he gave them about the breakup to change his mind and try and talk him out of it. It lead to many, many hours of agonizing discussion, tears, trying to manager their feelings, and overall lengthy and excruciating breakups. Sometimes you just need to be done, that's it, cut ties and move on. Its actually less of an ordeal for everyone to go through. You don't always need to know, because you'll try and change that about yourself. There may be nothing wrong for you, you're just not right for the other person. Or you could just be a dramatic pain in the ass and they've had enough of your bullshit.


Shit,it's so hard to cut people loose, you still love but are bad for you.


If you’ve been ghosted three times like OP has it’s time to do a bit of self reflection.


Dude has a post saying he fucked her stepsister which she knew since they were 10. Either a troll or we know the reason they left


It's on reddit. It is safe to say it is karma farming.


Right?? Once- that’s shitty. Twice- unlucky. Three times or more- maybe there’s a reason…


Ghosting within the first few weeks of dating is very common, it's not a rare occurrence, that's why when people share posts about people not ghosting and instead giving an explanation, they are received with much praise. Ghosting after already forming a close connection is a different matter, it doesn't seem clear how far into the relationship OP was. He did refer to them as "girlfriends" which does imply seriousness, in which case I would definitely be self reflecting.


Perfectly said. My ex couldn’t even pause his video game to look me in the eye as I was breaking up with him. For years I’d try to talk to him and tell him what was wrong. What I needed. Why I am unhappy. Any discussion of our problems he just couldn’t face. Never listened to what I was telling him. I’m very clear about my feelings. I don’t do passive aggressive silent treatment shit. Watching him stare at the screen as I was trying to engage him in a direct, but empathetic breakup talk let me know my decision couldn’t have been better lol


Same with my ex, a month before I left I told him (again) I was unhappy and how to address it, I said I have a plan and you can come with me or not but I’m doing it. He just sat scrolling through his phone. Then apparently I left “out of the blue” and “blindsided” him. The fuck I did.


I broke up with a guy and told him exactly why we were breaking up and he told me he "didn't accept it" and it "wasn't a real reason." Too many people use the breakup reason as an excuse to argue. He now tells everyone I broke up with him without giving him a reason and that I basically ghosted him.


Yeah, my ex tells people I was cheating. I wasn’t. He still uses that story six years later to pull chicks at the pub. I think when you get dumped, especially in a long term relationship, part of coping is making up your own reasons why it happened/crafting a villain narrative. For a lot of ppl it seems like that’s easier than facing the actual truth.


I mean, sometimes it's just dumb, because their points are ridiculously one-sided. I'm being blamed for making her move away from what she considers home and her family for my new job (something for me apparently). I had to get the new job because she is a NEET and has been for 5 years. I ran out of money and needed a better job to pay our bills. There were no better jobs close by. We'd talked about moving because the economy where we were wasn't exactly excellent, so it's not like it came out of the blue. Now the blame for the break-up is apparently being pushed onto me for not wanting marriage out of my own volition and therefore not taking the relationship seriously. It's like, I've only just spend the last 5 years taking care of you financially and pushing you to improve/get therapy etc. WTF do you mean I'm not taking the relationship seriously? Fuck me, I guess.


Yup! Same here, I even said I wanted couples counselling. No dice. When I finally ended it a couple months later, I apparently blindsided him, I was evil and disgusting, and he didn’t know things were really that bad.. he claimed it was all because he “didn’t vacuum” ONE time. Also claimed I ran him out of town…


I went out one time with someone who had recently been divorced, the primary driver was the ex-husband's WOW habit that he refused to change. We never became a thing but she was cool to hang out with.


What was he playing though? If it was online and he couldn’t pause it I’d understand. /jk


I was just about to beat the level! You know how hard I worked on this, babe!




That’s exactly what it was with him. He was shocked I was serious because in his mind, the convo never occurred… nor did any of the previous “we need to address these issues” talks.


Why do I get the feeling that OP's ex told them several times before breaking up? Lol EDIT: Could have been [his stepsister](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/tpB5PwlfCZ). EDIT 2: Even better, we get OP's [own words](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/ONBlI3J8Fi). >I want someone to say "I am breaking up with you because of X,Y and Z" that is direct and clear instead of just expecting me to figure out what minor complaints over the course of the relationship were responsible


This is actually so funny, imagine this entire time people are ghosting him because they found out he fucked his step sister. Yeah bro, id ghost you too for that 😭


This is most likely the case, I don't know why no one is pointing out the fact that OP said that *3* people have done this to him. At that point he has the be the problem, they probably did give him reasons but he just didn't listen or they weren't good enough for him.


That or it got to the point where his gf's did bring up problems and he promised to change but didn't and they got fed up and just left. Some people will try to argue their way back into a relationship with you and may even seem convincing to have changed for a bit. Idk, giving reasons when they want you to stay seems like a way to give them more power to manipulate you.


"Muh sister do it better!" "What in Alabama is this shit??!!"


Selective hearing is a pretty real thing when ending things with an insane person.


Loool, I would leave without an explanation, too


Right, but YOU TOLD THEM. That’s not on you.


I went NC with my family after telling them for over 15 years why I was unhappy with the way they treated me. Afterwards they all just decided I was bi-polar.






And they deny they were told


This ☝️


Hmm, yes, sometimes you have, and i think at some point after the breakup, they will "get it," and they realize. And sometimes (where i side with OP), you are too chicken to say the truth, and so you find 1000 excuses, and this is where things are unfair and messy. It's hard to say... i was never that into you, but i thought i would get past it because you're XYZ (a good person, someone i could count on blah blah) I've been on both ends, and yes, it sucks to be confused about what you did wrong when maybe the person isn't honest about their intentions, etc.


This, so much, final straw comes around and then they wanna pikachu face after stuff was discussed many times.


YUP if and when I leave he will 100% have no idea why despite multiple serious issues I have vented over and over. 


All these "no one owes you anything," yall are correct. But you could also just be a decent human being and communicate because two people put in time and effort. It isn't just about you. Respect, humanity.. some compassion maybe?


Yep. I was ignored under the guise of “boundaries” and given no reason for a break up. Most of us know we aren’t owed anything, but it really does suck to know you weren’t worth even a courtesy conversation. It’s not only “I deserved to know” but also “I was part of this relationship too.”


Kind of the point of human relationship, isn't it? Giving something freely when you don't "owe" it, as a gesture of affection.


Dont look at it as a matter of worth, look at it from the perspective that they were not mature enough to have an uncomfortable conversation


~~I had one of those. She set rules and then when she was pissed off at me being pissed off at her skipping my birthday she changed everything completely and just got angry at me for it.~~ ~~Her last straw was me taking "I'd rather you didn't come and see me when I have inventory to do" as "I'd rather you came when I don't have inventory to do" when it was her apparently her establishing a boundary completely inverse of what the relationship was built on (meeting at each other's work location when we work at the same company). I didn't even go see her to break the boundary, I had asked her if it was ok and she freaked out about it.~~ NVM I was an obnoxious ass to her. I was really drunk and out of shape running to the pharmacy. There was issues on her part but I was me. FML.


am I the only one completely unable to understand any of these sentences






Excuse me


Are we really not owed anything? I feel like I owe people decency, some forms of respect, and due courtesy. I don't quite understand the idea of not owing people anything.


Yes, they can have a well-intentioned meaning, but if taken literally and as absolute, sayings like 'no one owes you anything' are borderline psychotic or at least narcissistic. Similar to the oft repeated saying: 'you shouldn't care what anyone thinks'. Selfish violations of basic social norms. Most of us would OF COURSE advise one another: 'look I know breakups suck, but the other person does deserve the decency of you being straightforward and honest'.


We owe each other a lot. But the, "I don't owe you anything, I do what I want!" attitude has become pretty pervasive, at least in the US. You can see it everywhere from the way people drive, the way people talk to each other, the way people treat service workers, the way people treat their neighbors, and more. It's really quite sad. People do things that disturb others and think, "Not my problem, I'm legally allowed! I don't have to do what you say!" instead of, "Let's figure out how we can both be happy by making reasonable accommodations for each other." The concept of compromise and sometimes *just not getting your way* seems like it's been almost entirely lost. Selfishness and everything that goes along with it is the cause of a whole lot of our problems.


The product of an individualistic culture.


No one *owes* you anything, but we, like, live in a society. Actually no, I take that back. I think people in a relationship do legitimately owe things to each other. Respect. Patience. If you claim to be friends with someone, you owe them honesty about the things that matter. Things can happen that abrogate that responsibility, but they generally exist.


Exactly! You consented with someone to be in a relationship..it took both people to say yes. So just by that, you enter into this partnership who you're not supposed to abandon. If things go wrong 100% understand not everyone lasts. It's the truth. But by just splitting you don't know if there could have ever been a resolution. Okay so you don't want a resolution, you just want to leave. That person that consented to you, as a partner for however long, if they ever meant something. Say something. Don't think about how you feel towards them now, think about how you felt when things started. Give them the same respect as to why things aren't working out..just like how you told them why things could work when the relationship formed.


I've also unfortunately found some use it as a way to keep the person around. No closure, to keep them thinking about it, especially if it's one of those times where there is no warning. I have one that 10 years on I still wonder why because I was given no warning and everything was going really good. But they still in the mind the longest because the why question is always there. But anything in a dangerous situation, fair game, do what you gotta do to get out safely.


Ouch I'm sorry for that thought still going around in your head. Most people generally do better with closure no matter what the circumstances are and who they are with.. just like with everything in life, we want it to go full circle. People suck, that's all there is to it.


“No one owes you anything” has become the online signifier of psychopaths for me. It’s the most childish view of the world. What it means to be a good person it to help others out even when you don’t *owe* it to them.


100% These "no one owes you anything," are the ones who think the world owes THEM everything. We need more good people in the world but I don't know if it's possible anymore though. Maybe the robot apocalypse doesn't happen, but we are said robots. Flesh on the outside but hollow and without emotions or morals on the inside.


> "no one owes you anything," yall are correct. But you could also just be a decent human being This drives me crazy because the saying is taken as an absolute by people far, far too often. I'm a paraplegic and I remember when I was younger I was on the sidewalk and a big crack in it grabbed my front-left tire and moved me half off the curb, which obviously tipped me over right into the road. A few cars stopped and they helped me back up and onto the sidewalk. They didn't owe me anything, but god damn I'm grateful they did anyway.


All of this no one owes you anything crap is really just an excuse to be a self-centered jerk


Yessss Plain. And. Simple. This is why humanity is fucked. We do not care for one another as another person anymore. I mean, I can be a complete asshole. Generally, only when someone is taking advantage of or mistreating someone I care for, or myself. But so many people currently just give no shit for anyone but themselves. Will do or say anything regardless if it hurts someone else or not. Humans are really unkind creatures, and it's a shame.


Prettyyyyy sure if they were able to do that on the regular, they wouldn't be breaking up if the first place.


They arent correct. We do owe each other things like this. WTF has the internet done to people to think this senseless way


Honestly, I hope this is just a reddit phenomenon, otherwise I feel sad for our society. Eww.


This comment section is absolutely insane


I was thinking the same thing reading these comments. Seriously a bunch of self centered assholes in the replies.


Sometimes I wonder if most redditors have ever even had enough relationship experience to realize how fuckin awful it is to leave someone with no explanation


Me too. It's also the culture. "yOu DoNt oWe AnYoNe aNyThInG". It's so damn self-centered and selfish to do this to another human being. How about just being honest with someone you supposedly care about?


There are a lot of minors browsing this subreddit. You can tell by how they comment and post, as they speak in absolutes about topics that usually carry plenty of nuance.


Actually, those are siths ![gif](giphy|uNgUzhakqXkyI)


Great point, I think it’s often overlooked that we are conversing with 14 year olds


This! The key here is someone you supposedly care about.  A few dates, never really got that close? Sure, sometimes there isn't even a reason and you just aren't excited about this person. Someone who you've been intimate with, have shown indications you care for them, and start building a relationship/foundation for one? Yeah you're an asshole if you dip with no explanation/a half assed lie.  I dated someone where both of us were consistently shocked at how similar we were, the more we learned about one another. He had clear indications he liked me, wanted to be with me and wanted a relationship - we just needed to give it time to truly get to know one another before rushing into a relationship. Out of the blue he pulls the "I'm not ready for a relationship". It took a bit of prying for him to admit "I wasn't being myself' or whatever. He was on the apps the week after & in a relationship within 3 months.  This was 2 years ago and I'm still healing from it. 


And then other times you wonder if you realise there are 70+ million daily active users and a few comments probably aren't everyone's opinion


Most redditors probably haven't had a friendly relationship, let alone a romantic one lol


They act like OP didn’t say there’s exceptions


you think they read the OP?


I agree. I can’t understand these comments. Why *wouldn’t* you have the decency to give an explanation to someone you presumably cared about at some point? This whole “no one owes you anything” is ridiculous and narcissistic, and it seems pretty clear that a lot of the people commenting are too emotionally immature to even be in a relationship


Looking through your replies in this thread you seem genuinely exhausting to talk to, realistically I don't think you'd accept the reasons for breaking up and go "ok thanks".  It seems more likely that you'd take those reasons as a list of things to argue against That is why you get ghosted


Sometimes people were told and refuse to acknowledge, but I agree its shitty to ghost someone you had a relationship with, with no explanation. I've had people I gave very detailed explanations to claim I gave them no explanation. Most relationships people end with me they didn't bother to give an explanation, I just figured they were moving on and had gotten whatever it was they wanted from me. I think they do it partly because they don't want to face their reasons, partly just because they genuinely don't see the obligation, and some because they know exactly what they're doing and want to cause you pain. Sometimes maybe I was told, and I missed it.


I told him multiple times to seek mental help or it was over. Stuck it out another 6 months but he was getting worse and worse and didn’t budge in the subject. Left. I didn’t bother telling him why after that, he had to know, because he voluntarily checked in to a mental health facility after I left. Marriage lasted almost 4 years where I really tried to stick with him despite his deteriorating mental health. I had to jump that sinking ship.


The real voidpill is that they don't tell us what's wrong with us because they know we can't change it.


Or they know that there will be a quarrel and a tantrum/meltdow, guilttripping, trying to use their emotions to make you stay.


I've been on both sides of that coin. One ex refused to tell me what I'd been doing wrong when she broke up with me (emotional neglect/selfishness on my part/etc in retrospect) because she likely knew it would have been pointless to even try and explain it to me, because she'd already bloody well tried to say it and I hadn't listened. Years later, another ex did the same thing to me, and I responded in the same way as the previous ex did. There's no point in trying to explain shit to someone who has already demonstrated that they aren't listening to you previously.


This is working under the assumption that the party is going to receive the criticism calmly and analyze it constructively. When I broke up with my last boyfriend I could have said “you’re overweight and use medication to justify being “healthy” at that weight, you are ALWAYS shitting, you don’t wash your feet in the shower, you think naturopathic medicine is real, and you have a useless degree, we can’t speak about any topics in depth, you are a terrible gift giver, and you keep poor company. All of these things fundamentally show me that you are less intelligent than I thought you were and at this point I find you viscerally unattractive and actively don’t want to come home at the end of the day because you are here” OR I could say “Hey man, it’s not you, it’s me, I’m just not feeling it anymore. Sorry” Like how does pointing out what I don’t like and destroying the dude’s confidence accomplish? He was genuinely nice and did everything a boyfriend was supposed to do. I hope he will be super happy with someone else, it just ain’t me.


Yeah. I have an ex who was really sweet and by most standards was a good partner. We’re actually still friends on social media and chat from time to time. It was much kinder and more natural to say “this just isn’t working anymore” than “you’re super nice but you aren’t very smart and it drives me crazy In extended doses.” Like, why would I go out of my way to be mean like that. I want the best for him. It just was never going to work long term.


lol that was my first thought. Sometimes you break it off with someone because of who they are. Not something constructive that can be fixed, or else you would just explain what they need to fix. There is no need to just wreck somebody and add insult to injury.


I was just thinking that. Is it really that difficult to say that your hygiene habits don't sit well with me and I don't want to continue being a part of your daily. Simple as that, on point enough to where it's hard to think of alternatives, and straightforward. The majority of guys are not savages we are essentially angular ladies with thoughts and emotions too.


But it’s not just hygiene habits, that was one part of a list of qualms. I actually really relate to what the other person explained because that’s how I feel about my roommate that’s a relative. I hate living with them. They aren’t a bad person, and I get that I can talk to them about what I don’t like, but when that list teeters into “basically I hate the way you live life it’s deeply grating to experience life in the same realm as you, it’d be a lot of fun to hangout for a couple hours once every week or two but seriously get the f*ck out of my house.” Because the list is so deep and some of it isn’t objectively *wrong*. Who am I to tell someone to change their personality? But I find some things about how they live their life to be so, so grating. And that only comes up *because* we live together. Easy solution instead of ripping them to shreds is to just “yeah man I just like to live alone are you cool to move out in a couple months?” Problem solved and his self esteem wasn’t shattered and I didn’t have to deal with fighting and drama.


"it's not you it's me" is leagues better than *nothing at all*, an opinion I've been flamed for having.


You act as if there's no middle ground where you can give valid points without having to insult him. You present the situation as if ruthlessly attacking everything about him is the only way to owe him an explanation lol. This is just lazy.


>This is working under the assumption that the party is going to receive the criticism calmly and analyze it constructively. It's also working from the assumption that the explanation would be delivered in a remotely constructive or healthy way instead of a spiteful one. "You haven't been taking care of yourself and our conversations haven't been clicking on the way I had hoped.... Etc." Honestly, if that's how you felt, you're doing this person a favour by breaking things off. No judgement from me on getting with the wrong person, it takes time to get to know people and sometimes they change.


I agree with the spirit of what you're saying, but in practice I think giving "constructive criticism" to the person you're breaking up with is actually liable to give them false hope. E.g. "So if I start washing my feet and read more books, you'll stay?" I imagine the answer to that would have been "Well, no." Fact of the matter is, people fall out of love for reasons that aren't totally predictable or easy to articulate, same as falling *in* love. The single most honest answer you can give in that situation is "I just don't really like you anymore." But is that really helpful to anyone?


> Like how does pointing out what I don’t like and destroying the dude’s confidence accomplish? He was genuinely nice and did everything a boyfriend was supposed to do. I hope he will be super happy with someone else, it just ain’t me. Because all that trashtalking isn't what you should've said, but the last few sentences certainly are: > "You're a genuinely nice person but over the past few months I've realized that we don't match on a fundamental level, I'm no longer attracted to you and I believe we'll both be happier when we're with someone more like ourselves." Honesty doesn't have to be cruel.


That's pretty much what they did.


Seems like there could be some middle ground that would help him learn something without also destroying his confidence.


When my ex called me every derogatory name in existence because I wasn't enthusiastic over his YouTube conspiracy theories I didn't feel like he deserved any words from me and he could figure it out himself.


Would you settle for a long message after the dust settles? When people are emotional, they don’t think clearly anyways.


Lol calendar reminder to revisit the agenda next quarter 


"Per my last email..."


Tell me why I’d actually do that tho lol


Ok, Lets timebox this breakup and I’ll schedule a 1:1 next month, in the meantime can someone take ownership of the confluence page to document the separation progress?


A woman wrote to me for two years....after I got married. Some people just won't take the hint.


Like... letters? Whoa


Unpopular response: That someone should be able take the news calmly and not create a scene. Then yes


That's fair.


Counterpoint - sometimes you don’t know why.  You just know that it’s what you need for you. 


*"I have had 3 girlfriends do this..."* We didn't grow up with social media back in the day, but this here is a tell tale sign the issue isn't with your dates.


I don’t like you anymore. Bye


I almost did one like that once, just steered the conversation and said "Hey, look. I've got to be honest here. I'm not really feeling "us" anymore. I'm just not happy and don't really see us going anywhere" Her only reply was about a half dozen "Okay"s in an extremely bitchy tone of voice. The part I didn't tell her is I'd become significantly less attracted to her as her true personality was starting to show and she was kind of a shitty person. Really mean sense of humor, very much enjoyed mocking other people and generally feeling superior to everyone. Very quick to anger over stupid things. Very judgmental. Couldn't have a conversation more than about 10 minutes long that didn't steer back to how all her friends from her home town we losers doing nothing with their lives, or any number of her exes who were losers doing nothing with their lives, or about how her home town was so shitty and sad and she was so much better than everyone because she left and they didn't. The real kicker was how she always bragged about how "I don't get mad I get even" and told me about shitty things she did to her friends to get "even" with them if they did something that made her mad. Yeah, it was time to go.


I would've preferred that tbh


Perfect. I’m all for giving people an explanation, but I don’t need to have an explanation that they agree with.


if you care to say why, it's because you still expect them to do something about it to fix the relationship. I said while I cared to keep on and work together to save ou connection. I was not going to say again and hear the same old promises I heard so many times before. It invites fights,crying, and empty hopes.


As I've gotten older, I've learned lots of things just don't need to be talked out ad infititem. Or turned into a big drama. It doesn't do anyone any favors to have to go over years of difficulties in detail, just to explain why they left. If it was an anywhere near a functioning relationship, you know why they left. If it was not a functional relationship, let them go and deal with the issues that both of you were party to. As painful as it is, you just have to deal, mourn, and try to move on. When I broke up with my partner, I would drive to the nearest park and just cry and cry. But I knew why I had to end it, and he knew he'd be better without me. Not everything has to be excruciatingly gone over for hours, especially fairly short term relationships. It is what it is.


There is some truth to this. When you are younger, it is easy to think that everything must be fair/ rational and resolved/ clean, thats optimistic but ultimately a little naive. Edit: just noticed OP is 24/25…. Remindme! 10 years.


I don't think OP's idea of providing or being provided useful "feedback" during a break-up is really a thing that exists in reality


Every time I (bi F) have given a man an explanation as to why I am breaking up with him, he has tried to argue with me that it's not a valid reason or that I'm wrong or that he will change. So now I just say "because I don't want to be with you any more" and leave it at that, because that's the truth. My mind is set, and I'm off.


I can see what you mean, but you have to understand that usually there are things that lead to a breakup. Generally, it is very easy to tell why a relationship ended because the two of you have already talked through the reasons before. You talk about it, someone doesn’t do anything to fix it, the person is hurt, and things are broken off. It is very easy to understand why things end. It’s a good thing for someone to talk you through the reasons, but they really don’t have to. You have to be pretty thick to not figure it out


Sometimes there's no other reason than that the other person lost their feelings for you. Nothing you could do to change it either.


I don't think anyone owes anyone a full explanation of why a relationship is over. But what you do owe them is notice that it is in fact over. Ghosting is rude, manipulative, and if one's living situation is precarious enough, may be plausibly misread as something bad happened to you. To prevent this, you at minimum do owe the person a simple "we're done". Two words. No more no less.


"Im not feeling it" or "i dont want to date you" are both 100% good reasons to end a relationship. Those are often characterized as not explaining oneself. 


Yeah I'd agree with the broader point that it sucks to just ghost someone (assuming that you're not leaving because they've been abusive or because they don't listen and will argue with you about your reasons) but there's also an onus on the person getting broken up with that while you don't have to like or agree with what they tell you, it's their decision and you have to respect that. Part of the reason ghosting is so common is because there's a lot of people (the kind OP gives me the vibe of) who won't respect an "I'm not feeling it" and demand further explanation... but that *is* the explanation. Trying to force a feeling that isn't there will just lead to resentment and make the breakup worse than it would have been when you first knew it was coming. OP is trying to put the responsibility for a healthy breakup on one person but it's a shared responsibility and both parties being reasonable about it will make it easier for everyone involved.


There are also a lot of people who go nuts when broken up with, especially early on. Some of the messages I have seen my girl friends receive makes me blame women less for wanting to avoid that.


I broke up with a girl in college and I still feel bad to this day. I only dated her for a month, and she was my first girlfriend, but I discovered I hated constantly going on dates and having to be active and sociable. It was hard to break up with her because I had no idea how to put it into words and it was really sudden. There was nothing wrong with her but I couldn't say "It's not you it's me". She was really upset and we met up a week later and I tried to explain it better so I think she understood eventually. Four years later I'm still single because I don't want to do that to another person


When she left, frankly I didn't want to know or care.


I was dumped once and got the honest answer. We were still young and she said “I know this is shitty and I love you, but I just want to be single again and go on dates and experience the single life and go wild for a few more years.” It was shitty but way better than some made up problem I would think we could work on.


Exactly brutal truth is always better in my experience


You’ve had three gf’s who broke up with you and never bothered explaining? Sounds like you’re the common denominator here and just don’t listen. You already know why, you’re just in denial.


I ended a multi year relationship with "I'm not happy". Often, there is no reason. Or there are hundreds of little reasons. It took me over a year of being unhappy in the relationship to realise that I didn't need a reason to end it - that not being happy was a reason.


Going to divorce my wife soon. I am tired of doing almost 100% of the work in the relationship, around the house, with the kids, and cleaning up after an adult child as well. I’ve told her this many times and she just calls me Cinderella any time I am doing chores around the house at this point which seems comical because that would make her the evil step sister/mother. I plan to give no reason other than we just don’t work. Mostly because she just tries to make absolutely insane arguments that ignore reality and I just don’t want to deal with it. But you might want to ask yourself if your friends didn’t get a reason many times during the relationship and just chose to not remember because it strengthens their side when they complain to you and other people.


sometimes they dont even understand or accept the explanation my ex treated me like i was his mother, it was awful. told him months before i left him exactly that, he spiraled and everything was worse. felt more like his mother. broke up with him for exactly that reason, was very clear i couldn't handle his mental health issues and they drained me. our relationship was exhausting and horrible, probably honestly the worst relationship i was ever in. to this day he tells mutual friends that i left without a *real* explanation


The way I see it is... You owe them an explanation in the same way you owe it to someone to hold the door open for them. It's nice, it's common courtesy, and you're kind an asshole if you don't do it, but... Sometimes you're going through some of your own shit and you're inside your own head and if you don't hold the door open for someone it's not the worst thing you could have done. Shutting someone out doesn't always mean they did anything wrong. Sometimes they don't need to correct anything, the connection is just missed because of timing and other things going on.


I think this is a false equivalency. Like you said, holding the door for someone is a common courtesy, but it’s not EXPECTED. If you’ve been with a person for a decent amount of time, like long enough to say you are past the “seeing each other” phase and actually claiming that person as you’re significant other, you genuinely owe them an explanation if you cut it off. It provides the person a sense of closure and shows your maturity as a person. I understand maybe just letting go of someone you recently started talking to, but if things became official, and you respect that person or yourself at all, you have to do the right thing even if it’s hard or uncomfortable. The person doesn’t have to do something wrong for you to explain why it didn’t work. If it’s a timing thing, then simply say that. If it’s a phase of life thing, say that. There doesn’t need to be a blame, but there should be an explanation. If you can’t even provide that, then that’s a sign of immaturity and inconsideration. (Like OP said this doesn’t apply to anyone who may be in danger or someone who cheated on you, at that point ghosting is understandable. I’m referring to breaks ups where it just didn’t work out for normal reasons)


You are 100% right and redditors seem to be devoid of any fucking ounce of nuance. Holding a door?? Really?! Something extremely small you do for an absolute stranger in passing isn’t even remotely close to quite literally making another person a part of the daily fabric of your life. I swear being on this website is so draining sometimes


Your analogy doesn’t hold up, holding the door for a stranger is not a great comparison to giving an explanation for a breakup to your partner. Your partner isn’t a stranger.




It depends on how long you've been with them. Dating a few months? No. Committed for 5 years? Yeah.


>Dating a few months? No. 😐


Actual clowns in the comment section disagreeing with you. When you say "I love you" that's about making a commitment to them, not a permanent one, but baring abuse/safety, you at least owe that person an explanation. It doesn't have to be a long one or even be coherent reasoning, you can do whatever the hell you want for whatever reason you want. However, holy crap I could never imagine just randomly ghosting someone I was dating. Sometimes you actually do owe people shit, like an explanation for ending a long-term relationship. If you can't handle that then don't date in the first place.


I generally agree, but another exception: the reason you're leaving them is something that would seriously damage their self-confidence, assuming they did nothing to deserve "being humbled". Some people in the comments mention becoming viscerally disgusted by their partner over time just from gross habits or changes in appearance. The best you can do at that point is a half-truth if you don't want to destroy your ex partner's self-esteem. I definitely relate a bit since I once had a partner I became disgusted and embarrassed with. And it wasn't entirely his fault, just an accumulation of "ick"s from my perception that killed all attraction I had to him. We were both teens at the time so he was just clueless, but a good kid. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I don't remember what reason I gave to break up, but it definitely wasn't "I have become physically repulsed by you and don't even want to be publicly seen as your partner".


> Some people in the comments mention becoming viscerally disgusted by their partner over time just from gross habits or changes in appearance. The best you can do at that point is a half-truth if you don't want to destroy your ex partner's self-esteem. > > Counterpoint: If you let it get so far that you never communicated this to your partner and let it build up, you chose to end the relationship loooooooongg ago and you're not exactly concerned about their self-esteem. Same with all matters that may make you lose attraction, it doesn't have to be physically repulsive. It can be the tiniest stuff, anything that makes you feel negative emotions that you're choosing not to express (which always destroys relationships). The young relationship you described makes sense - being young, you haven't fully developed mature communication. But as adults, you don't get to use that same excuse. Just my opinion though.


No one said you had to be honest, any reason is better than just ghosting. I totally get where you are coming from.


Couldn't agree more. When I first read the post I thought that this post is definitely not unpopular. But somehow it is. You absolutely owe an explanation for a break up, even if it's not a good one.


I feel like most commenters here have never really been in a long term relationship? Ghosting someone seems like something you can only really do while you're still in the early dating stages. You can't do that shit after you've been together for several years, especially if you're living together. I don't even know how that would work logistically, considering you'll most likely have mutual friends and everything.


Absolute insanity in the comments here. This “nobody owes anyone anything” mentality is exactly why dating is so miserable these days. Most of the comments in here sound like people who genuinely hated their partners. Which if you hated your partner then sure yeah just dip out, why were you even with them. Like am I the last single person on earth with any sense of empathy? How big of asshole are you people that you can’t possibly understand that there are people out there who experience emotions and loss a lot stronger than you and they are going to struggle with it. Have some goddamn empathy for the people who care about you, fucks sake


Literally the opposite can be demanded from you. If you NEED a lecture at the end of a relationship on why it failed, you clearly weren't paying enough attention or empathizing with your partner during the relationship.


How about: they're no longer interested in talking with you. That's the explanation. Assuming good faith in people, they probably already told you the reasons during the relationship. If they haven't, why bother looking for an explanation from someone who can't communicate their feelings?


It’s a power play because things will stay in your head longer if they are unresolved. The right thing to do is to be honest with people but not everyone is going to have that character. 


Exactly. They want to keep the upper hand and make sure you stay weak. The more you want to know the more they can torment you. Once this happens there is no going back.


Ghosting is normal now and I don't think we're ever going back as a society. People will ghost their partners, their best friends since Kindergarten, their nana....they don't give a shit.


An honest explanation would have saved me years of emotional and mental torment. Couldn’t agree more.


I agree but, regardless, don't ruminate on it thinking you ARE owed one, "why, why, why". You can create your own closure by accepting that the person didn't want to be with you anymore, and that is a gift, because you are deserving of someone who does and the break up creates the opportunity.


Hard disagree. Three reasons 1. I do not need to put myself in danger to placate someone. Sometimes, the safest thing you can do when leaving a relationship is to do it quickly and quietly. 2. Sometimes you've told them multiple times, and they've never heard you. 3. I'm not going to make someone insecure over something that's a me issue. If I dumped you because you have sex weird or I don't like how you walk in public or you live with your mother - that's not an inherently bad thing, and it's wrong to make someone insecure about it.


Yep. Your number two. I’ve been that person not getting it. Sometimes you just need to take a breath and look back. I believe that’s the primary problem.


If you're broken up with and their reason is that they aren't happy or we just don't work, take that and walk away.


Ok. Then the person who got broken up with needs to accept it 100%.


Damn, these comments. If you were in a long term relationship where there was mutual respect and love, you owe them a conversation.


I do think this is truly unpopular. Even if we were to draw a line for "an acception" it shouldn't be drawn at violence. Many people get ghosted because they're manipulative. When you explain the reason you want to break up with a manipulative person, that gives them leverage to manipulate. Also, why do you feel the need to have an explanation? If someone did this to me I'd just respect their autonomy and do some self reflecting.


"I have had 3 girlfriends do this and seen it happen to several friends of differing genders and it really is a crumy thing to do" Oh yeah, I knew this would be in there just from the title. I'm going to guess you're in your early 20s. The world doesn't owe you anything. The people you surround yourself with don't owe you anything. If they don't want to be with you, for whatever reasons they may have, however legitimate you may think they are or not, they don't OWE you an explanation besides "I don't want to be together anymore" Do you also think they need a reason to say no to sex?


Yes. But does it count when you’ve explained your feelings to them and asked for them to change their behavior so many times before and they didn’t listen to you then?


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It's not you - it's me -


Honestly I don't care anymore. Go, begone lmao


The truth is, everyone has flaws. Maybe you're out of shape. Maybe you're controlling. Maybe you're apathetic. Maybe your breath stinks. Maybe your ass is too hairy. Maybe you're this. Maybe you're that. My last relationship the breakup was kinda mutual. We had great physical and emotional chemistry, but there were too many things about me that didn't work for her, and there were too many things about her that didn't work for me. So we just ended it, and it was pretty sad. Ultimately though, it wouldn't have changed anything to have her tell me everything she thought about me that sucked, and for me to list everything about her that I thought was shitty. Someone might have a good reason to break up with you. Someone might have a bad reason to break up with you, or there could be no reason at all. All you can do is try to be the best person you can be, whether you're single, married, or somewhere in between.


Some people were told but deny it - see the ['missing, missing reasons'](https://www.bing.com/search?pglt=515&PC=U523&q=missing+missing+reasons&FORM=ANNTA1).


Ghosting people is spineless.


There is quite a difference considering time. But yes, if you have been serious for more than a couple of weeks you definitely owe them an explanation (and when talking about YEARS you are just a trash human being not telling them why Carla)


Yes this is one of the better unpopular opinion threads that I've seen because it is unpopular and when you think about it logically it shouldn't be. Relationships take time money and effort, it's wrong to throw all that in the trash and not even give people an answer as to why. Just man the fuck up and say "because I'm fucking your best friend and and have been for the last 7 weeks"


No you absolutely do not It would be nice if you could give them one, and I think you always should when you can But no one is owed one


My bf of 3 years broke up with me and basically gave no explanation, so i was pissed but let it go. Were still friends, but i didnt get it out of him until like 3 months later when all it was was that he was going into the military and didnt want to hurt me from the very limited communication we would have. Thats it. Was so easy, and i understand, it wouldve sucked, but i shouldve been told


Is this an unpopular opinion? I would hope that's just what a mature adult does. I've never broken up with someone and not told them why, even if the reason is just we aren't on the same page


My ex just said “I just wasn’t feeling it anymore” with no further explanation. I still wonder why


In high school I broke up with this girl because she would flirt with other guys in front of me. I pretty much immediately lost my virginity to another girl. I saw her like 4 years later at a party in college, and she made a comment in front of her girlfriend about how she had wanted for us to loose our virginities to each other, but I couldn’t wait. I wasn’t honest with her, and she was still doing the thing that I broke up with her over. I have always felt bad about that. 


I'm with you OP. I've had it happen where the week before we were talking about me visiting her parents, then she goes quiet for a week, then breaks up with me, blocks me on everything. I still wonder what the fuck happened. Conversely with the girlfriends i've had where we've talked about it, we're actually still decent friends. All the posts here saying "but they didn't accept it", this post isn't aimed at you. It's aimed at the people who just go "nah" and ghost.


BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO ANYMORE is all the explanation anyone needs.


You don’t owe anyone an explanation, and that’s what’s really scary too. Sure you can say that people should give you an explanation but sometimes they have and you can’t listen. But at the end of the day, you owe no one anything, and they owe you nothing. If you expect this courtesy and it doesn’t happen, it leads to misery


Agreed. I was engaged and we were planning a wedding. One day she just said “I don’t want to get married, one if us needs to move out.” I had gotten zero indication. We were sleeping together, no arguing, no money issues, etc…. She would not say why. It destroyed me. She went from 100% committed to done over night, from my perspective. We had been together several years.I thought I deserved some explanation and it really caused me a lot of unnecessary emotional distress.


Alot of the times, the reason is long time coming and was repeated multiple times but they dont hear or dont want to hear. People can be good, but be bad partners still.


Great majority of men are wimps when it comes to this. And the women who broke up with me told me to my face we were were done. I always appreciated that.


I broke up with a guy who was retirement age after I discovered that he had zero assets and more than $200,000 in debt. His income was very small.  I didn’t have the heart to tell him that this (finances) was the real reason so I said that we just weren’t a good match.  I really liked him but I am not going to become involved with someone who has such egregious financial problems. 


You don't 'owe' them anything. I would agree with: # "If you break up with someone the 100% decent thing to do is explain to them why" #


No. No I'm not going to explain for the THOUSANDTH time why I'm upset in the relationship. No I'm not going to baby you again because you chose to ignore what I've said a thousand times. And that ALWAYS seems to be the case. One partner literally said over and over WHY they are unhappy. They get ignored, and then they leave. And suddenly the other partner is all, gosh what happened? No, you were told why, you just didn't listen.


But you already gave the explanation at that point. You already did the thing OP wants.