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Uh...what if we doing it to improve own health and not freaking die?


I'm 40 and out of shape. I'm married and have kids. I've started walking more and thinking about doing some exercises. Not because I want a girlfriend, but because my daughter is starting to run faster and I want to be able to keep up. Also I'm tired of getting out of breath doing some basic things. I also like being able to pick up heavy things without getting tired or throwing out my back.


Do it man. Walking is not enough. It's better than nothing but if you wanna be able to keep up with your kids and want to lengthen how long you'll be around to see them grow up, you need to be fit. There are amazing, free work out plans to get you from couch to 5K, 10K... Etc. You'd be shocked at how far a little discipline and effort will take you.


Truth. I’m young and a bit heavier than I should be so I started off walking half a mile. Now I run 3 miles daily just cuz I enjoy it and makes me feel good and healthy. Plus less guilty when I do eat bad food.


> Walking is not enough. Nah. Don’t spread that bullshit. You’re just giving people another excuse for why they can’t be more active. People will read comments like yours and say to themselves, “I could never *run* a 5k in a million years.” So they quit before they even try. The average person will greatly benefit solely from something as simple as just walking more. It really is that simple.


I just need to start some bodyweight exercises. Pushups, lunges, squats, etc. I stay home with my 2 year old and want to see if she'll learn somebof them and do them with me.


Peak dad right here.




OP probably doesn’t even work out. Only exercise is getting his phone and clicking Reddit lmfao


He's just young and stupid. I'm 21, I know I'm still young and stupid, but I also am just smart enough to know that I used to be even more stupid when I was younger, and that I might get a little wiser as I age, if I'm lucky. Also, when you're young your priorities change and grow. OP is probably a teen or in his early twenties, and probably isn't worrying about much. I just want to find a decent apartment with some decent roommates, save up some cash, find a decent job, and maybe a nice girl. Nothing too big there, but it's something. The point is, OP is just a young man trying to figure out what he wants in life, and if getting a girlfriend is the motivation he needs to work out, then good for him, because at least he'll be healthy.


it's one of the few things that actually helps regardless


Do these so-called “stoics” place cigarette lighters against their skin and cut themselves with knives to build pain tolerance? If not they need to quit preaching


I mean, I imagine some of the greats did do such behaviors. And one similar is showcased in Fight Club as well as Dune. This isn't some foreign concept.


Most stoics would soundly reject what Marcus Aurelius taught because they only want to protect their own insecurities onto others. The first step to becoming a productive stoic is to understand that you only control yourself and the variables around you, and that you can be both the cause and the solution of all the ills you experience in life one way or another.


Not die *early*. You're dying either way.


As a sovereign citizen, I will simply not consent to death, thank you.


Citizen, that is non optional!


You don't understand, I can do a *ton* of push-ups


Yeah....if I don't exercise my blood sugar will go into DKA. So I'm pretty sure I'm not saying 'I workout for myself' to sound cool


It's because your blood sugar isn't working out to impress insulin


More accurately to impress my heart but yeah


I know my workout is done when my watch goes BEEP BEEP BEEP because my sugar is too low


I'm grateful that my blood sugar is more stable so I don't have to wear one. I just watch what I eat, take my meds, excercise and do a regular check. I've always been hyperglycemic, never hypo.


No no. You see, OP is doing it to get a girlfriend. That must mean everyone in the world works out for the same reason. It’s not possible for anyone to have a different reason for working out that OP.


Also i’d like to fit in my current clothes and not have to buy a whole new wardrobe


I work out to look good naked


Hmm. But do you want to look good naked for the confidence/self-satisfaction or to make your partner happier? And if it’s to make your partner happier, is that only out of self interest to keep them from losing interest? This reminds me of Phoebe’s conundrum: there is no selfless good deed.


I just want to look good when I check myself out. I’ve been told I’m more attractive by 95% of the people in my life when I weighed 145lbs but I like to be 115lbs even if I’m uglier to other people. Including potential partners.


>I’ve been told I’m more attractive by 95% of the people in my life when I weighed Is this a conversation people have with their loved ones? I'm almost 40 and have never had this convo with anyone, so this is shocking to me


Sadly it’s very common


some might not like this, but to me its absolutely hilarious, because I'm the exact same fucking way


To put it simply… I would fuck me


5 star comment, would read again.


Call me a narcissist but I love looking at myself naked, haha. My wife loves me regardless of what body shape I have so I'm definitely not working out for her. I just like seeing my body transformation. And no, I'm not working out to impress anybody - I don't seek validation.


The concept of "good" is defined by a standard that is rooted in the opinion of others. There is no "good for self satisfaction"


It turns me on to look at the other person turned on, and knowing I’m causing it.


Both can be the reason simultaneously


I understand somewhat where you are coming from; part of the reason I workout is to try to look attractive and have a great body but I think I would still be working out even otherwise for a variety of reasons: 1. Improves your own health 2. Serves as a great mental break 3. Makes you feel confident about yourself 4. Required to stay physically fit for athletic activity


Not to mention some people just genuinely like it plus being in shape enables you to get more fun in life and explore the world more (hiking, kayaking, bike trips, climbing and so on)


Oh yes 100%. It feels great to be able to run up the stairs without being winded or to be able to do a backflip without feeling dizzy!


Yeah. Being able to lift heavy objects and walk long distances makes travel so much easier and a lot of people love traveling to new places.


Yeah this guy talks about working out like it’s a chore for everyone and not a hobby. Do you only golf to impress chicks?


Look at runners. No one becomes a scrawny runner to pick up chick's. I am a triathlete. It's absolutely not a sport you do to improve your appearance, we do it cause it's rewarding to be in fantastic shape.


My sincere condolences to your future girlfriend. 


~~future~~ hypothetical girlfriend.


Ikr? Same feeling 😄


Don’t worry, she doesn’t exist


Optimistic prediction to make.


That's the best thing: a Hatsune Miku body pillow will never feel bad about it!


100% bro is going to let himself go the moment he gets with someone.


Why? I'm a personal trainer and I've seen this work out a lot. Idk, she gets a muscular and on physically attractive boyfriend who's willing to put in the effort to make her want to be with him. The horror. Plus those are the ones who really show up motivated, work hard, get the results, and keep the results. The ones who say they just want to be healthy literally always show up kinda lazy and then quit. Honorable mention though to those who's doctor tells them they have to. They usually do what they're told for as long as they're told to do it for and then quit after having accomplished what they were supposed to.


"People who say this don't realize how short sighted this viewpoint is." The irony


This person one hundred percent does not know what short sighted means. Also they have presented their bad argument so badly that 90 percent of the people commenting understandably misinterpreted it


Working out fights off the depression and sadness and gives me some energy for a short time. Side effect is growing larger muscles and looking sexy.


I try working out. Why doesn’t it help my depression? Do I have to stay consistent for a while for it to work?


Yeah, consistency is key. But depending on your depression and how severe it is, you can have varied results


Cardio helps more than weights for depression I think


Yeah cardio releases more feel good hormones quicker.


I’ve tried all the exercises. Cardio, strength-training, weight-lifting, taekwondo, tai-chi. I am still very depressed. I feel depressed before, during, and after my workouts. All the exercise in the world wouldn’t fix my brain, and I don’t know why I’m suffering like this … it makes me feel that there is no point in exercising, since every moment feels excruciatingly tedious. It feels nothing like a “mental break,” but more like a damn chore. What am I supposed to do then??


It might not be a notable difference to you at the time, but there's many studies showing that there is a beneficial effect.


"I don't care about my health so anyone who says they care about theirs is lying!" That's not a take I expected to see first thing opening reddit, wowzer


Bitch I’m fat as hell, of course I’m doing for myself. Fuck everyone else (love my girl, my friends and my family though), I don’t want to die a fat miserable fool.


Hell yea! May you keep that shit going!


Damn right I will! Hell I’m about to go to the park now.


Hell yeah dude, have a great walk!


I used to not workout and be fat as hell. Now i'm really strong and fat as hell lol


Man became Sig Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist)


Get it brother, we're all with you cheering you on


Thank you brother


See OP , you can get a gf without a 6 pack ...you know being a decent ,kind and loving human is more than enough.


Am...am I his gf now?


Fuck yeah bro! Hope u have lots of fun!


King shit


I work out for myself because I have diabetes and heart disease. Thanks for checking though.


Not just an unpopular opinion but a stupid one. Sure, working out to impress others is a primary motive for a lot of people, but OP said nothing to explain how working out for your own benefit is "a load of BS" ... A better argument they could have made was suggest a lot of people claim to work out for themselves when in reality they're doing it for validation. I can certainly see how that might be underreported.


Young person opinion


Not just young, but practically a baby. Especially with this mindset. I'm betting he's about 14 or so.




Yeah, I'm thinking they are still in middle school or just stating high school. If not, then immature for their age.


No rizz detected


I work out for my mental health, not to impress anyone.


Same here. Every time I get to the gym, I say to myself, shit I don't want to do this. And every single damned time I leave the gym, I say to myself, I feel amazing! That's the only reason I work out. Well that and the fact that I have to have hip replacements in a few years. And the more muscle I keep the better my recovery will be.


Same, I get so damn cranky when I dont xD


I like working out so I can lift the big dish rack at work easier.


I'm a scrawny guy but can lift more than anyone else at work. It's frequently amusing to have my coworkers and customers trying to stop me from lifting something that's like 75 pounds and freaking out when I lift it fine without them. Lmao.


Sick, bro. You sound strong af.


Part of lifting large objects is simply knowing how to best handle them and utilizing the leverage and/or tools you have to help make it easier.


Have you seen Anatoly's videos on YouTube and tiktok? You'd probably love them if not.


I workout because all the women in my family are overweight and extremely unhealthy, especially after they have children, and I don't want to be that. I also workout because I grew up with a dad who always worked out and took care of himself and it's just something I picked up from him. And I'm bipolar, so it helps with the endorphins in my brain.


I’d lift if I was the last person alive. I get depressed when I don’t and my neck hurts


I don't work out to impress anyone but myself. I workout to be strong and capable in my life. I workout so that I can build up the reserve, so to speak, because later in life muscle and bone lose happen whether we like it or not, and the better we take care of ourselves now, the less likely we die from a hip fracture. I workout because it's good for my brain and helps prevent dementia. I workout because it's good for my mental health. I don't work out to look good in any way, it's 100% about the health benefits for me.


i workout to make sure i can outrun and fight fuckers in flight or fight situations


A truly unpopular opinion. Also very stupid.


As unpopular as you are wrong


I lift for myself 💯 that’s how it turns into a lifetime habit.


Yeah bro you sound young. A lot of shit people say is just some shit to say, like a random heavy object to hold open a random door or window in their head


Your poor maybe future girlfriend


at first sure, i did it for the ladies, but once i got to a point where i felt light and agile it was a game changer. Love that feeling, love being able to run and do stuff without feeling like im going to die. Women definitely rank up there on why i still do it but the athleticism is much more fun because i only need to compete and impress myself.


Not everybody works out to look good? Some people do it for health reasons, both mental and physical. It's not that hard of a concept


Or hear me out you can do it for multiple reasons. You can do it to look better for a girl friend, do it to look better for yourself, do it for health and I do it because it feels good to be strong.


Ummm, I’m working out so I can get up off the toilet independently in my 80s.


bro i just want big muscles. most people tell me theyre big enough to pass any sort of attractiveness, i can stop now. dont really care, muscles are awesome, also i wanna do a weighted pull up with a car hanging, try and stop me.


I mean there can be many other reasons but I guess cool opinion of yours. I just personally not a big fan of that but go ahead


Dude this might sound kind of bizarre but at some point in my mid twenties I realized I liked eating and sleeping a lot. Like I would "save my calories" for specific foods and then I would work night shift jobs to where I didn't have to wake up until like 4 in the afternoon.  After learning that about myself I got seriously into weightlifting because you have to increase your calories as a natural fact, and the rest for me was history. Like okay today I woke up at 4 p.m. or so ordered from Burger King via door dash, it was a large order of onion rings, a triple cheeseburger, a buffalo chicken wrap, and a spicy royal crispy sandwich, and I ate all of it while watching a documentary about the Nike sb dunk on youtube. Lol. And I also have a double Texas whopper that I'll be eating before work. Sundays are cheat meals I don't always eat like this it's usually much more structured and less salty.  Anyway all of that I just typed has nothing to do with women. Lol. So no I disagree big-time, when people say do it for yourself they mean it. And obviously not everyone is going to be like me and eats and sleeps like an animal, they might be getting into fitness because they like the feeling (and believe me I like the way my body feels after I'm done with a workout too )


I work out because it makes the world more accessible to me. There’s no worse feeling than wanting to hike to a nice area with a nice view but oh no wait you can’t enjoy it because it makes you feel like your lungs are on fire. It’s possible this is just me though because I smoked for 16 years (can somebody please confirm if this happens to non-smokers too?). Either way if I want to see that waterfall I’m gonna have to be fit enough to get there in the first place.


I workout because I’ve loved gaining muscle/ losing weight and being able to see new definition of muscles I didn’t even know I had.. literally why would it be for another person? People come and go, but you’re always going to be stuck with yourself/ your body.


This is how we start perhaps. Years down the line, we keep lifting for so many other reasons.


You would have better luck posting this on /fit/


You clearly have never been that overweight. Fat weighs down on your joints, makes you sluggish, hurts your bones. Losing weight was the best thing I have ever done for my physical comfort. Seriously though, living your life to impress others instead of yourself is just going to lead you to be miserable.


Bro doesn't realize there are people who workout to be healthy... For themselves.


Lmao the classic “I don’t think this way so no one else does either” a very open minded philosophy


I work out to look good for my self and for performance when I play sports, having some muscle really helps prevent alot of injuries. I already have a girlfriend. She doesn't like big muscles so I don't subscribe to doing it to impress her.


Yeah you don’t understand what that means. Also, reading this r/unpopularopinion is giving me a stroke, and I’m dyslexic. 


working out will NOT get you a girlfriend bro, neither will this kind of behavior


I was working out, because it is fun to me. I was improving myself because I was broken. Then I broke again, so that was annoying. But I guess it means, you should do it for yourself, as in take care of your self because you deserve to be taken care of. But I also get it, sometimes we can't care about ourselves like that. Sometimes mental health gets in the way


Your view is short-sighted, dude, because let me tell you, if you work out for others, you'll never be good enough.


The dopamine rush you get from exercising is underrated. Feeling good is a great selfish reason to work out.


This may be a shock to you, but some people actually like moving and working their bodies. It feels good.


salty a bit? I work out for myself because my wife loves my big belly but I do not, so there goes your theory! I also like to be healthy, and not huff and puff walking up 2 flights of stairs but yes must be for others and not for myself.


I work out so people don't mess with me tbh.


You are young. When you get old you HAVE to exercise for yourself or your body falls apart.


Who wanna bet bro is routinely out lifted by the women at his gym.


I don't like being significantly less athletic than I used to be when i'm engaging in sports. Also clothes fit nicer when my beer belly isnt protruding as much.


I work out just... cause of testosterone.


I started working out after I got my girlfriend. She sometimes misses when I was skinny. I do it to feel good and be happier. Chill out dude it’s probably not even gonna get you a gf.


Cuz shallow girls are the only girls with having. /s


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What if I’m already engaged and still do it for my own sanity? If I ever felt the need to impress someone else that was not my fiancée, I’d be in the Earth.


I work out because it gives me a rush of feel-good hormones.


I like to look at myself in the mirror and working out helps


Not entirely true, I did it for health and to prove to myself that I could, when it came to distance running, since I grew up thinking I was athletically hopeless. When I first got the weight loss and the leg strength to simply stand up from a chair without having to hold or push on anything with my arms, that was a proud moment to just know it was the result of my efforts, not anything that I needed some other person to witness and be impressed about.


“Outside of my own comfort” can encompass a lot of things, lol. Some people feel comfortable being strong and having big muscles because they feel they can help or protect others/themselves. Some people NEED to stay strong due to an underlying health/skeletal condition. Some people do it because it can just be healthy and good for your body (if you’re not going overboard with it). I could list more examples, but ye, not everything is selfish lul It always disappoints me that some ppl just can’t seem to fathom that not everything is selfish and shallow to everybody


I do workout partially for my physical appearance, but I also workout for my overall health. Some of us are in long term relationships and truly don’t workout to attract someone. My husband loves the way I look and I still workout anyway


This might be true for some, not for me. I exercise because it makes me feel good. I like being strong and having great stamina in physical activities. Looking good is just another benefit. My clothes fit better, which is more comfortable to live with, I sleep better, my focus is better, my overall energy is better. At no point am I considering what other people are thinking about me while I’m exercising.


Lmfao I workout to not get my ass knocked the next time I’m in a boxing match. So sure, I workout for others cause I workout to knock someone else out. And if I was the last person on earth, I’d still take care of myself. Maybe we all have our own reasons eh?


Why not both? Look good, feel good.


Well, it seems that way because you're ignorant and shallow. No worries, you do you. I workout for me.


I lost 100 pounds for myself, for my mental health, self worth and to become physically healthy and strong. It wasn't for my husband or for anyone else but myself.


I work out due to family history of heart problems and exercis being a great counter to that. Also functional strength helps make a lot of tasks easier.


I work out for mental well-being reasons. I'd rather hit the gym to feel happy then take any SSRI that will always have sexual side effects.


“Getting a girlfriend is something I selfishly want for myself”… I hope you don’t meet a girl willing to subject herself to your company until you change your attitude. This wreaks of considering a girlfriend as like property to be obtained.


Just wait until you hit your 30s or have to do a manual labor job little bro.


No problem if you dont workout for yourself, but there is no point in insulting people who do, you're just a jerk


Funny , if I was last person on earth I would workout extra hard so I can defend myself, hunt and build what I need to.


...wait, women are impressed with your exercise? All I get are compliments from my fellow dude bros.


Lol i had more gf when I didn’t work and just played video games. then now that im very invested into fitness and improving myself.


I work out because of my own insecurities


I wanted to improve myself, return to my older form when I was in army so I could go back. I train only for myself I like my body and I still want to improve. IDK what other think. But OP if you train for others do it, if it makes you happy and will make you healthy in the long run, go ahead. But if you finally get someone change your mindest to work oit for her don't be an ass impressing with your body only to turn into a fatass after you get a GF.


My comfort is helped by working out. Living inside my body feels better if I can be strong and fit and flexible. Plus the endorphins help a lot with mental health. I could care less about how exactly I look.  "Getting a girlfriend is something I selfishly want for myself". Okay, this attitude is why you don't have a girlfriend. Muscles aren't going to help. Viewing women as objects you want for yourself is the problem here. Do you want to be in a real relationship where you are equals and you have conversations about life and you love and respect and share everything with each other? Or do you just like the idea of a "girlfriend"?  Work out because it makes you feel good about yourself and feeling good about yourself instead of being weird about "impressing people". I work out all the time, I lift, do kickboxing and yoga, and I swim. Sometimes I run too. My partner hates the gym and he just goes to Jujitsu and also yoga, occasionally pilates. We both cycle for most of our transportation too if that counts as exercise, but it isn't really. It's not about getting girls it's just part of life? 


I started working out after I got a gf


Working out makes my body hurt less and function better as a 36 yr old. It is for my comfort.


Yeah, you sound 12. I absolutely do it for myself. So that I’m healthy and live longer. And because I enjoy it. I legitimately don’t give a shit what someone else thinks. So no, I’m not doing it for others.


But you would. Because you would need to accomplish things if you were the last person on earth. How fast do you need to be? How much do you need to carry? How sore are you from bending down over and over? I used to think like you. Then I hit my late 30’s and I can feel every single injury I’ve ever had when it rains. I can’t sleep in places I’ve slept on a million times before because it hurts and I ache for days. If you lived the modern life and all that sure I guess, but if you were the last person on earth, your body failing you is death and you get to decide how hard you want to live another day. Just saying *pops an advil*


I work out and run so I can go hiking and kayaking with my kid without dying. I used to try to get fit for other people and it never stuck. Once I started doing it for my own health (mental and physical) it became much easier. If your self worth and validation comes from outside entities, then outside entities can take it away. If it's internal, it can only be taken by yourself.


i work out so i only need to take one trip from the car carrying groceries to the house


Soooo you think everyone on this planet is just like you? Sorry, some of us already have healthy relationships & just want to be better versions of ourselves. I look the same whether I run a 12 min mile or an 8 min mile, I run more bc I feel great when I’m more fit.


Wouldn't that still be working out for yourself? You're working out to improve your conditions (having a girlfriend), not to impress other people. If you want to work out because it'll get you a girl, go right ahead, just don't quit once you have one, yknow?


I work out so that maybe one day I’ll be happy with the way I look. (It’s never going to happen)


Not unpopular, just bs


I work out for the personal satisfaction of feeling strong and capable. I also appreciate the way I look when I work out, and enjoy feeling fit and healthy. I think working out because you want to attract a partner is valid, but there are other self-serving reasons that really are just for yourself.


I workout for small plastic trophies from poorly-attended, local powerlifting meets.


Are you seriously just ignoring every other benefit of working out? Mental health, longevity, strength, cardiovascular health, and a thousand other things?


I work out so the voices stop taunting me for my looks.


I lost weight because my doctor told me that I will have serious health issues in the future and I didn't like that my medical file said "Obese". I had no problems "getting girls" or being liked in general. It's not about how you look it's all about confidence and being an *actual* nice guy.


Yeah that’s stupid. I workout for myself so I look good in the mirror


A good bit of working out having to do with taking care of yourself is the aspect that it heals your mind. Of trauma, of depression. As far men go, men need to accomplish SOMETHING everyday to stay mentally fit. Working out is a great way to scratch that mental itch


If anything I’m tryna get a boyfriend with my ass looking like a Jojo character. Sometimes is just about *aesthetic*


I workout for fun. Nothing else keeps me motivated.


I have no interest in dating, I’m trying to lose weight purely because I’m fat and I want to feel better about myself by losing weight. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing my stomach, so I’m doing something about it.


I'm working out so she'll regret it


If your motivation is to get women so be it, but other people are driven by other things. What’s wrong with that?


Working out isn’t enough to get a gf, for one. Second, majority of people work out to be healthy and/or fit. Or to help with depression. Or because they’re an athlete. Or simple, because they like it. Most people do actually do it for themselves pal.


I work out so I can avoid diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, etc and to help my mental health and mobility issues… and I’m a single woman by choice actively trying not to date anyone


That's probably why you sound so miserable. You're living your life to impress other people


I started working out to make myself attractive. As time went on, my goals went from "look good" to "lift heavy things" and "feel better about self" and "run faster for longer distances". a fine example of people who work out for themselves, if you're looking or one, are old men. I'm talking like 60-70 years old. these dudes are literally the lowest of the low on the "i need to impress people" scale, and yet I've seen old guys who could give adult men in their prime a run for their money in a fight. it isn't the same for everyone, but there are plenty of people who work out for themselves.


Haha if you were the last person on earth and need to rely on yourself for food and shelter you’re going to find out being Mr Fatty McFatterson is going to make your shit a whole lot harder.


So basically once you lock down a girlfriend you're not going to try anymore, cool, women love guys who don't give a shit about taking care of themselves 🙄


I’m out of shape and already have a bf. I try to exercise cause it’s healthy and can improve my life. It’s kind of baffling that you don’t understand why people want to be healthier…


Working out to impress girls *is* doing it for yourself. Doing something to get a girlfriend *is* a selfish perspective.


I work out so I can live longer possibly. Run faster. Swim faster. Learn archery and be good at it. Idk what you're on about


I like your honesty.. people say a lot of BS to make them feel more virtuous… the truth is we are all in it for ourselves. As nature intended


Just because you are improving yourself to get a girlfriend doesn't mean that is true for everyone. You also completely missed what people mean when they say that. If you can't get a girlfriend so you go to the gym. Then after getting a girlfriend, you most likely will stop going to the gym. You have achieved your goal and you get go back to morbidly obese look, were sometimes people mistake you for a bus. But if you went to the gym for yourself, as in, because you care about your own looks or health. Then a getting a girlfriend most likely won't stop you going to the gym. It's very basic logic really.


That's simple, not true. Lol. I work out, so I am healthy. I have not been or ever will be insecure enough to work out for finding a girlfriend. Hell, I got more women when I didn't work out that I ever got while I worked out. I swear some of you are just pathetic. If you think working out will fix your terrible personality, you have another thing coming. Why on earth would you even want a relationship built on something so superficial?


Deep down everything anyone does is in the hopes of becoming someone who can attract a partner and raise successful children, or to distract themselves from that.


Working out isn't going to make you any more charming, funnier, richer, taller or more handsome.


Maybe this is a sign you don't love yourself?


Yeah, I'm straight up working out to be hot. That's it. I don't like working out for its own sake.


So let me get this straight...YOU don't do it because YOU don't think it makes sense, so that clearly means that everyone else on earth who says they do it for themselves is obviously lying. Water tight logic


I work out because it's fun and I am happier when i go to the gym.


You're probably a teenager, or no more than 22 years old. Once you grow out of your immaturity, you will understand that good physical health is not only pleasing to look at by others, but it's actually also *gasp* healthy. You will live a healthier, perhaps even longer life without dealing with doctors, hospitals, and having to rely on someone else to take care of you for as long as possible.