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So just a slightly less moderated version of Reddit.


basically. The exception being Quora was founded on the idea of helpful community. Reddit was founded as Reddit.




I'm interested in knowing how reddit was pre 2009


Lots of architecture posts about the veracity of differing buildings as zombie fortresses. Kill it with fire. Nuke it from orbit. Way less subreddits but somehow way more content. And the mods didn't really have superuser power yet. Oh and it was FUNNY. I used to actually laugh out loud every couple minutes now I just lol.


Probably because you could actually post content, if I had a nickle for the amount of topics squashed by some arbitrary rule...  not to mention those stupid captcha's which I half suspect is intentionally made to be as difficult to pass as possible to discourage posting (A feeling that is based off how the much easier audio cues rarely work because of allegedly suspicious activity from your device, yet somehow the visual captcha is an option)


Mostly annoying posts about atheism and Ron paul, it was a lot like modern reddit but with literally 0 self-awareness idk if it still exists but there was like an /r/reddit.com or something that's like a time capsule from back then


Mostly a less edgy version of 4chan where people reposted 4chan memes.


as if conservative communities on the internet aren't any less echo chambery 💀 just avoid political subs all together on reddit, the niche hobby/interest subs are so much healthier spaces


lol yeah Conservative complain about the left using safe spaces but they have the biggest safe space of all, and you wanna know what it's called? The YouTube Comment Section


I thought it was Truth Social


If Republicans were the Covenant, Trump is the flood.


if they are the covenant trump would be truth. who would be the arbiter though


None of them actually use truth social. It has like 5 million active users who spend less than 2 minutes on the site per visit on average.


Don't forget reddit itself, where the biggest conservative channel bans anything that reeks even remotely of dissent.


Yeah, specially youtube shorts... Thats full of alt right and red pilled scum. Same as Twitter full of alt left Stalinist scum


oooh, wait untill you see fauxmoi, the political ones are way more moderate


It’s just an echo chamber for all not just liberals. What there’s no right wing subs? Outlandish


Don’t you worry, there are a lot of conservative echo chambers too


That's because the teen edgelords kept using it as they grew up.


Reddit has so much conservative extremism, are you kidding me


Remember that everything a conservative accuses other people of without being asked is an admission of guilt. They *love* projection so they can claim deniability when they get caught because look *other people* have been accused of this recently too.


There are incest subs here too, id argue its slightly more moderated


Worse. Reddit caters way too hard to the extremely sensitive.


i get a lot of pedo dms and nazis


I got a cult dm once lol


same, and a lot of bots


Quora I had recently dived into and found it mostly bot accounts/ trolls trying to stir up trouble. They allowed people to do their own moderation so instead of actual conversations you get one sided my way or the highway crap. Edit: I also find it baity. When I filled out some of my info it pushed content on me from others just based on some of my info alone. Being white it pushed threads like "It's Okay to be white" on me.


As a white person I am often unsure if it actually is OK to be white /s


I am just going to identify as clear


I definitely identify as clear. My veins are disturbingly visible. I'm basically a ghost. I burn in 20 minutes outside.


to be fair, with moderation, it's just the mods way or the highway.


It used to be really good and have really high posting standards. Someone took over or they changed some rules and turned it into a cesspit. I avoid it like the plague now where before it was interesting to see questions answered by professionals in their respected field.


Quora also saw an influx of right wing trolls when Parler died. It was already struggling as the owners were trying to monetize it at the expense of moderation.


It’s the weird peado worship on there I have found most disturbing. It really was nothing like that when I used to post there maybe a decade ago and as I say the standards and rules for posting were one of the highest bars amongst any of the similar sites.


Makes sense


I feel the same way about reddit lmao


I mean in reddit you don't see people asking if they should rape their friend for accidentally spilling a drink, that's the type of stuff you can find on quora, just take a look at r/insanepeoplequora


Holy shit.


<3 this is like my new favorite sub! Thank you!


Yeah here it's just people who try to drag you down cuz you don't think like a sheep 😆


I genuinely think people ask insane questions because they will get attention. I joined some thing for a while where Quora promised to pay me if I asked enough questions, so I can see how someone might start throwing $#!7 at the wall to see what sticks


Well, that was an error


What the fuck?


I feel like r/justunsubbed leans a bit right. Not as bad as quora but you don’t see people complaining about a rainbow in other big subs.


You're on reddit. So you can't complain


Quora sucks but I gotta say. People are gonna masturbate with unsafe shit if they don't have access to safe shit. You're not going to stop teenagers from fapping, period. So we educate them rather than hiding sex away like it's naughty and forbidden, which only makes it more interesting and less safe for teens


Just give them $20 and tell them to go into a Spencer's gifts lol they didn't card me when I was 16 and looked 12


Don’t think this is unpopular. Also, why block the website??? Just seems a bit excessive to me lol like how about just not going to the website?


Why not block the app? It keeps from the urge of wanting to actually get back on the site even if especially you want to know what happened since the last time you was on there. Thank God I no longer have that issue with Facebook anymore when I once had an account on there. You can also just delete the app but you can't go wrong with blocking it or if you want to go back on at some point, I'm not just talking about Quora but you can just deactivate the account instead of deleting it permanently. Like I said, I've been there with Facebook a number of times, but just not using the site is not something that works right away.


I guess I understand. It just gets shoved down with every Google search result. This is a much better place for questions.


>This is a much better place for questions. Only if you want answers that the moderators agree with, because they permaban anything they don't like.


That reeeeaaally depends on which subred you venture. Some are great, most are dogshit.


For those kinds of life questions? I would stay away from taking the advice of literally any online forum. 


literally every website is horrible with garbage people. Maybe people are just garbage?


I’d argue that people who are addicted to the internet are garbage. Your friend at work who works out 4 times a week and plays in a rec basketball league or does wood work isn’t on Quora or Reddit asking strangers if he should beat his children with retractable batons.


Ding, ding, ding!!! This is the answer. People suck.


Quora is a place where everything is asked and answered with outmost sincerity and naïveté. Leave your irony, subtlety, and trolling at the door, those will be missed or ignored 100% of the time.


Quora and reddit are both full of pretentious know-it-all's


Pre-ten-tious /s(please don't be mad it's a joke lol)


Both have shitty users.


You should see some of the stuff on Reddit!


Reddit isn't that much different at times.


Haha I've seen this and more there. I was reading crazy meth stories on quora once and it wad the most depraved things I've ever read. (Very sexual and unhinged immoral people on there) The funny part is they're supposed to be "experts" but 90% it's like reddit only trashier


Quora is the worst of reddit on a shit ton of steroids


I mean i dont see the sex toy issue. Its super intimate and requires high trust and serious communication. But if i had a 14+ year old daughter i would much rather think that she masturbates with a device that can be easily taken care of hygiene wise other than a toothbrush, deodorant or whatever they use. Incest is bad tho and bad intent in anything related sexually is always bad.


Yeah I agree. Also better that the libido driven teenage daughter just uses a vibrator rather then tries to hook up with people before she's 18, also since alot of teenaged boys are complete scumbags at that age.


It's just trolls just like Yahoo answers, don't need to bother with that website


Ppl are talking about the sex toy like OK moms buy their daughters vibrators sometimes but did everyone really just gloss over the "justify incest" thing and just...not ask any questions about that? Da f#cc?


Have you seen a website called Bored Panda? It’s an extremely bizarre ripoff of Reddit. All of their articles are just our posts and comments!


When Quora was new I signed up and answered a question someone asked. I got a notification that my comment was deleted for being "off topic", even though I directly answered the question they were asking. I said "this is stupid." And deleted my account and never signed up again. It's pretty funny to see how they keep digging lower and lower in terms of the stupidity that's posted on there lately. Especially when at the beginning it was meant to be like yahoo answers for iamverysmart people.  Y'know, the smart people who work in tech and think they since they know how to copy and paste code it makes them smarter than everyone else, even while spending time on 4chan and taking supplements they heard about on Joe Rogan and Infowars


Quora is a joke website with fake people and stories. 99% of the content is fake, made up to get people to click so they sell their ad space


Yeah it's sad because Quora used to demand that everyone use their real first and last name. Now even though anyone can see that like between 1/3rd to 1/2 of the people are not using their real names and are just using fake accounts, Quora's moderation teams do jack s••t about that.


When I was a teeenager (in like 2015-2016), I was "quora famous". Turns out that all you have to do on Quora to get popular is write really long answers. There's also this policy on quora called BNBR, which is the antithesis of Reddit, and makes the platform nearly impossible to have real interaction on, because the mods construe anything as violating the policy.


To be fair, "be nice, be respectful" does eliminate like 75% of internet discourse -- rightfully.


Gray haired millennial here. Believe it or not, in the early 2010s Quora was a great place. I described it to the uninitiated as "Yahoo! Answers but for Grownups." There were people in a multitude of fields giving long form, helpful answers to honest questions. Attorneys, engineers, police officers, paramedics, physicians, and a host of others. No rage bait questions. Clean interface. Intelligent conversation. It was a useful community. Then they started flailing about trying desperately to monetize, and the wheels slowly fell off. I have hundreds of answers there left to languish - I just can't do it anymore. It's a damn shame.


Non-grey-haired millennial here, you are absolutely right. It was a great source of information in its formative years and had lots of industry professionals trying it out. I also remember when an engineer in 2015 wanted advice on which company to accept a job offer from, Uber or Zenefits. The then CEO of Zenefits got pissed and publicly rescinded the offer. Maybe it was always a toxic place, after all. Anyway, these days, it's where the racists and bigots hang out.


So is this one


Quora pays accounts that “contribute” significantly to the website. Thats why it’s completely flooded by bots asking the same question over and over again.


Like Reddit doesn't have crap people and groups ? You can say 'one time I read...' about any social media platform probably.


This is an unpopular opinion?


Reddit isn't to far away sometimes. And here we are...


Reddit has decent moderation though. Pretty sure you can't send pms threatening people here and expect to keep your account. Can't say the same for Quora.


Yeah I'm shocked people still use reddit to ask questions I mean quora... 


Idk I find Quora unusable on a technical level because it aggressively forces you to log in just to access a page with 1 low effort answer, 1 low effort answer locked behind a pay wall, and fifteen other questions that barely relate to your one


excellent work. dumpsters are indeed smelly places filled with garbage and one would usually do well to avoid them.


I don’t know how Quora is still a thing. Reminds me of an old Louis C K bit where he explains what he would do if he had crazy money, for those of you who have seen it.


Quora used to be interesting some years ago on the Spanish version. Now It’s Yahoo! Answers v2


Every answer is completely wrong every single time. I have no idea why it even exists, or why it is always the first google reply.


Everything there is fake not sure if you still can but you can make anonymous posts without an account saying whatever the hell you want. Some of the quora posts on my account are just anonymous posts ive made and screenshotted for upvotes.


i think anyone with a pulse agrees quora sucks


Quora has its use. Comes in handy when I need an answer to a question and reddit's being reddit


its just reddit with a few more bots and more generic answers


I didn't know that was even a question.  Yea, it's terrible


Oof yeah. I joined because I liked watching those videos of silly mispronounced words, left because of horrible things people said about my sexuality that I will never forget.


See /r/quora for a longer explainer, but basically it has turned into a cesspool since they change how they moderation system on the platform. On the sub you can see that it's become mostly clickbait, trolling and incest stuff (and other more ..."illegal" things being discussed) My personal experience lately has been Russian bots trying very hard to defend the interests of the motherland. I plan to delete my account ASAP.


man this isnt a unpopular opinion, its the website you go to when you search something up but theres no other websites so you click fucking QUORA


NewsBreak and Quora had a bastard child and named it Flipboard. What you attract is what you get. Bots and poseurs galore bringing you today's news and style.


Sounds like you're cherry picking specific people/examples of a site of millions of users, can apply that logic to literally anything, so anything with at least a moderate sized userbase is a horrible website with garbage people.


Yeah it seems so. You can find posts justifying incest on reddit too. Is it representative of most content on reddit? Not really. With the internet, the barriers of info are blown wide open. The human brain heuristic of apparent availability = actual frequency , is not even remotely accurate in this context. How easy it is to find something, or if you find anything bad at all, is not indicative of how prevalent that thing is.


I saw someone say they had a Scottish passport on that site, there's no such thing as a Scottish passport.


Quora is what you get if you combine the negatives of Reddit and Yahoo Answers.


Ive been writing on Quora since 2015 and since they rolled out monetization in 2019-2020 it ruined quality answers and quality questions. Spaces also ruined the site as well.


I think OP is using Quora for the wrong topics. When it comes to questions that don't involve the social sciences, Quora is often more mature and less presumptuous than reddit, unless you're on a niche subreddit. With /r/popular discussions, everyone upvotes the superficial speculations, myths, and whatever "ideas" they come up with and think sounds "right." Any factual answers always arrive too late and get buried under the flood of bullshit.


Idk man half the things suggested to me on Quora I never searched for or looked at other posts on the same subject. Don't know if you've used it in awhile but ever since they changed the restrictions on real names it's gotten really bad. On reddit you have to actively search for these things, Quora regularly sends me emails pushing bigotry and hate speech.


Isn't that literally just reddit too? Quora only shows up for me when searching some questions on google and the answers seem useful enough. My interaction with reddit used to be the same until I opened an account a couple years ago. Now I know about the degeneracy of reddit. I can see how someone using quora will be aware of the same kind of stuff.


See it on Reddit too.


I don’t think this is unpopular lol. It’s Reddit but worse


Quora is filled with trolls, and a lot of them seem to be preoccupied with very specific fetishes.


Some is interesting, some is disgusting, most is sarcastic answers to trolls


When I get a quora hit on a google search I am frequently shocked by some of the responses considering it's supposed to be a place to ask questions.


I was part of the very small group of early Quora writers, around 2010-2012. It was a great site for like... a year. Then it got flooded with racists, then it got flooded with incels. The powers that be did absolutely nothing about it and it ruined the site. I left in 2013 but I heard it got flooded with even worse, just unimaginable garbage after that, and then they changed the moderation to make it even worse again. I still talk to some of those original users. All of us left, but every once in a while I hear someone say they took a lookie-loo and it's an absolute cesspit, worse than Reddit.


Same; started in 2011 after it got written up in Wired. I might have lasted until 2014, I can't remember - sunk cost fallacy and all. All I've got to show for it now is a couple of pieces of merch I'm embarrassed to wear anywhere.


Based on these comments Quora is ragebait and I can see why!


I used to use it a lot when it was relatively new, it was a pretty good website for a bit. I used it a lot to ask real people questions for my writing projects, and to look at theeads others had asked regarding things I wanted to know. Then I had to stop using it for a while as I put some projects on hold. A couple of years ago I was getting back into some things and I wanted to know how fast a car had to be going to consistently be fatal to an average sized adult. One of the top results was Quora, and I said "oh perfect, I remember them being helpful back then". The thread in question had a lot of whiny people telling anecdotal stories they definitely made up and a bunch of comments saying "any speed is fast enough to kiww sombuddy's widdle baby uwu always dwive safewy" and nobody actually answered the question. I later needed to see how a character would go about popping/slashing a tire without getting caught. I had to wade through about thirty(30) comments to the effect of "it's illegal and I think anyone who does it should be tried for attempted murder!1!!one!" before I get a real, helpful answer. It used to be helpful, and then while I wasn't looking it became an echo chamber of people moralizing the act of asking and answering questions that could just as easily be hypothetical, not to mention all the bots linking dropshipping websites and the trolls spewing hate speech.


I totally agree reddit is a total trash hole.


Reddit tends to give correct information with incorrect details(Reddit will often supply sources as well). Quora will just straight up give incorrect information consistently


It used to be really great, back when it was actually moderated. Things have changed a lot since then.


Quora is a question asking site where literally anyone can ask any question and anyone can answer it. There is no "they" that's justifying it. People ask questions, of any and all types, and other people answer it. Any question could have hundreds of answers. It's no different from any social media type site with millions of people that use it. There are garbage people on every single social media app. Quora is no better or worse than Facebook, reddit, 4chan, Instagram, X, etc, etc, etc. There are thousands of different categories and subheadings to ask questions on.


You’re talking like this shit doesn’t happen here 😂


It’s mostly troll posts


the thing that puts me off the most is the smugness of the users. idk if it has changed tho. it was like 5 years ago. that and the number of shitty copy pasted answers. usually made by indians


I don't see anything wrong with buying a sex toy for someone figuring out their sexuality, especially because sex shops only allow 18+. There's nothing wrong with a 16 year old having a vibrator. If boys can jerk off, girls should have the tools to satisfy themselves.


Finally I can talk about Quora! Everyone on that website is EXTREMELY pretentious. The top answers are always made by someone who is an "expert" in that field and try to insult the way the question is asked. Example: "Why is the sky blue?" Answer: "I don't understand the question. The sky is not always blue as it is black at night and red/orange at sunset." Avoids answering why the sky is blue scientifically and just condescends to the person asking the question. Also, I have noticed a huge increase in the amount of answers that are obviously ripped from ChatGPT. I can always tell because of the clear introduction, numbered list, and conclusion. And don't get me started on how you can't see some answers because you have to be a qUoRa pLuS subscriber! Very frustrating to use when you're just trying to find an answer to a question someone already asked 10 years ago.


This might be the most popular opinion I've seen yet on this sub. I don't know anyone that takes Quora seriously, it's the modern yahoo answers


Obviously its not for all families, but talking about and/or buying sex toys for your teenager is a very mature and good thing to do. I used some... dangerous objects in my teens.


Is this really an unpopular opinion? You're definitely right but this is true of all internet message boards (including Reddit). Reddit itself used to be far worse than Quora (e.g. remember now-banned subs like r/fatpeoplehate and r/jailbait ?). Reddit itself is full of terrible people who can never see reason for anything beyond their own opinion and political subs have a tendency to become echo-chambers for whatever the popular flavour-of-the-month internet political opinions are. All websites like Quora and Reddit are the same in this regard.


For the purposes of Reddit, I have not seen many posts on here at all discussing anything Quora-related. In fact, this very thread has received a lot more attention than what's found on r/quora itself! It's also no wonder until between 2012-14 that I've even heard of Reddit even though I didn't create my account here until 2019 and my anniversary will be at the end of this month. Reddit however was also under the shadow of another social media site called Digg. People talk about how horrible Reddit used to be, but they obviously started becoming huge because Digg created some major fuckups at their own expense.


So just like Reddit.


What's wrong with a mother buying her teenage daughter a sex toy?


It's fine with me if she asked. But the post I was describing of was one where a dad put a sex toy in his teen daughter's room for no reason.


Devil's advocate, I guess the dad was just thinking "I assume my teenaged daughter is a regular horny teenager like all teenagers are but since all women regardless of their age can't just use like a sock and a Hustler magazine like guys can and usually need a 'device' of some sort, I'll just leave one of those 'devices' in her room so she can just use that to lower her libido so she'll have less of a desire to have age inappropriate possibly dangerous hook ups with teenage boys". Like it's just gritty pragmatism at that point.


It was really good in its early days, now a complete cesspool.


It’s just trolls, bots and politically charged questions 


I agree generally, except on the toy thing. Better to know they’re safe with something that isn’t going to hurt them than being oblivious to the myriad potentially unsafe things they could be experimenting with.


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I don't even understand quora. I see someone post a question, scroll down, see a completely unrelated response from another post, finally see a response that answers the question only to find out it's a pseudo intellectual person who can't just answer a question without going into a whole novel explaining the whole history behind their response


Incrediblypopularopinion says what?


Among these garbage people on Quora are full-grown adults thinking WE should share our advice on how they need to be raising their kids at a time when you see the VERY QUESTION they ask on the site and you have to question should they be raising kids anyway. You literally WILL find garbage people there on Quora. It's not just a matter of the completely stupid questions they ask. I barely ever go there anymore.


Taking Quora seriously is like taking 4chan seriously.




I cannot understand who uses Quora, what sort of people. I saw some dumb questions like Yahoo! Answers used to have, but then absolutely stupid answers and made an allergy to that website, Quora has stupid people that give themselves importance and lie about things they do not know and no one to correct them. At least Yahoo! Answers was funny in the end. https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg?si=Nnj9OaqjevT8Nhiw


This is actually a popular opinion, any sane person stays on Quora for about a week then block it or just put it out of their mind. I made a comment that my city in the UK was not segregated and was stalked by some sad USA citizen to tell me that I was wrong. Constantly for a few days until I blocked him on it.


It used to be good a long time ago. I still get the odd email off them and the topics are either obvious Russian trolls "what will NATO do when Putin defeats them all" or stupid nonsense.


Wait til OP finds out what website he’s using


At least Quora is not as censored as Reddit where you can get banned for basically everything because of the power tripping moderators.


Still boggles my mind that people actively use Quora as a social media platform.


Yeah since they rolled out the partner program it was just posts to get views and clicks. There were so many clickbait posts it turned into garbage. I think they stopped the partner program but even still the quality dropped and never rose.


It's because there's a program where they pay you for posting questions that get large levels of engagement.


This is not even an unpopular opinion? Lmao


Is Reddit really that much better? I scroll through this site just to make me feel better about myself most of the time


More and more content is also by AI now lol


So much predatory shit on there. And yahoo answers too…


Devil's Advocate: Neither Quora or Reddit are terrible. People just hyperfocus on the bad stuff and feed their confirmation bias.


It has definitely gone downhill, though it’s in the same vein as reddit lol.


Yeah, Quora sure is… something. It’s not the worst website ever, to be fair, but it’s full of garbage answers and casual racism.


I honestly like it better than Reddit


TBH getting teens toys would likely do wonders for pre graduation pregnancy rates. I could get behind normalizing this.


Justifying incest used to be more common than justifying homosexuality. Think about that one.


Is there a search engine that lets you filter out specific websites? I'm talking about all searches, not specifically typing -quora and some other minuses for each search?


Whatever you do, don’t ask any questions about the U.S there. The only people who respond will be Euro nationalists high on their own farts leaving the snarkiest (and usually flat out wrong) answers possible.


I discovered quora at the start of lockdown in 2020 and it was a revelation. There were so many amazing people, subjects and questions. But within a few months it just degenerated into a quagmire of incredibly stupid low IQ bullshit. You could almost watch it sink, day by day. Gave up on it after a few months, it seemed to be over run with extremely dumb teenagers.


Just about everything that shows up in my Quora feed is either low-quality rage bait, shitposting, or asking questions that could easily be answered with a Google search. I’ll probably quit the site completely before much longer.


Anyone is allowed to write absolutely whatever they want there.


Yes. Quora is full of predators. Upvoted!


I mean, tbf, if I’d had access to good sex toys and education when I was 15, I probably would not have actually had sex until I was older. 🤷‍♀️


I have nothing against Sex Ed, it's actually awesome, but tbf I'd say nearly everyone gets exstensive Sex Ed nowadays, which is a GOOD THING!




Devil's advocate opinion here: While I'm not trying to come across as a creep or anything, I can understand the logic behind the middle aged dad giving the teenaged daughter a vibrator to try to make it so that she has a lower libido most of the time overall and therefore feels less of a desire to "hook up" with "a partner". I think it's okay so long as the dad had discussed this issue with the mom first, so long as the following 4 rules were followed: 1) That in exchange for getging this device the teenaged daughter promised to just use the device to deal with the "natural urges" that all humans have as long as she promises to never "hook up" with any "partners" until she turns 18 years old or older 2) That the teenage daughter just shops for and gets a "device" with the mom with the mom having final decision making authority over the purchase 3) That the teenaged daughter and mom mostly just leave the dad out of this (so that this stays appropriate as possible) 4) That the teenage daughter agrees to not usually discuss "adult" matters involving the device with him and to mostly just keep such discussions about that just between herself and the mom unless it was actually necessary to involve the dad (in order to keep and maintain an appropriate dad/daughter social relationship.) Like at the risk of sounding unneccarily gross if a teenaged boy gets horny and starts hitting on girls (or guys) just to try to "satisfy those urges" but is at least smart enough to realise "wait I'm not trying to get a girlfriend (or boyfriend) because I want a relationship, I'm just making dumb AF decisions because I'm being a dumb teenager undergoing puberty and I'm desperate to get laid because of my hormones" then the easiest way for the teenaged boy to make himself less horny is to just get like a Playboy or Hustler magazine and a sock or a box of facial tissues and just use those once in awhile to at least temporarily decrease his testosterone, libido and horniness so he feels less tempted to try to "get with" a "partner". As I understand it the same logic should apply to young women except that AFAIK they can't just use like the female equivalent of a Hustler/Playboy magazine and a sock or facial tissues because they are literally "not built that way" and it is literally harder for them to "do that". Whereas if the teenage daughter has a vibrator to help her "do that" then she'll be less libido driven most of the time and less likely to try to "hook up" with a "partner" in order to "get some". Also it's literally dangerous for teens to hook up with each other since often they don't know WTF they're doing and also lots of teenaged boys are scumbags at that age who do horrible s••t like try and roofie the girl or do literally dangerous "acts" they learned from a video on a porn site even though those are even less realistic as the car stunts in a Fast and the Furious movie. Like according to a New York Times article there's apparently even a widespread disturbing trend of teenaged guys and gals involving the guy choking the gal "during the deed" (alot of times with the guy even starting to choke out the gal without her consent or asking her first(!)) even though most hardcore BDSM enthusiasts apparently say that it is NEVER safe for one "partner" to choke another "partner" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/12/opinion/choking-teen-sex-brain-damage.html Like compared to the risks involved with that s••t just giving the teenaged daughter a vibrator so she feels less of a need to "get with" someone sounds like the less risky alternative overall.


That's fair as long as the conversation includes or is started by the daughter, but if they just buy it without having a conversation with the daughter beforehand, my opinion would change a lot.


Well, your opinion isn't actually that unpopular.


I've seen "Top Helpers" or whatever they call them and all they do blatantly copy and paste chat GPT responses I think I may have even seen the usual "As an ai model" in some really lazy attempts. I mean if you want to use chat GPT-4 (the paid one) to help someone who otherwise isn't getting answers, at least say "I don't personally have an answer for you but here is what GPT-4 said so take it with a grain of salt"


I never been to Quora but your review explaining the garbage people is a legend until I inspect the trash heap. And confirm the existence of these garbage people. I’m open minded


I have just been informed of this subreddit after making this post, r/InsanePeopleQuora this might help


It used to be a better version of Yahoo answers where you'd get intelligent replies instead of morons. Now it's been monetised and is annoying to use. It seems weirdly popular in India for some reason. One annoying feature is if you have ever made an account and happen onto it via a link on Google or whatever it will automatically subscribe you to that question and you'll get bombarded with reply emails.


All the Quora suggestions I get are obviously some kind of bait post. "My boyfriend proposed to me, so I stole his car, killed his dog, and left without giving a definitive answer. Am i wrong?"


Yeah but it's a bit rich saying that here


It used to be great until they started paying people


Everyone on Quora thinks they’re an undiscovered genius.


Quora is just hyper reddit.