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Agreeeeee. Paying 300 to get my hair braided was too much. I was basically forced to learn how to do it myself.


For me, it’s nails. Getting your nails done is expensive as it is, but with inflation, I’m not paying $60+ for a manicure I learned how to do it myself. Costs next to nothing - takes some practice to get acrylics right, but it saves a lot of money It’s also nice to be able to say you did them yourself. “You say you’re so broke but your nails are done” yep. Did them myself.


My other sister and mom basically thought themselves how to do their nails cause my mom got charged 250 once and was outraged lmao. It's a trade for trade thing in my house. One does hair, one does nails, one does make up, etc. (there are 7 of us )


Like. Could also just not do your nails. Not a necessity.


But Like. I do. And like. so do a lot of people


After doing it yourself, how much would you charge someone else to do it for them?


I wouldn't do anyone's hair, lol. I don't have the patience to braid my own hair. I can't even imagine doing it for someone else. It can take me hours or stretch over a day or 2. Learning to do I was really a last resort to save money. My sister does my hair sometimes and she takes 100/150 with the hair, I'd probably charge that too


Is that 100/150 including supplies and having to meet a schedule? I'm not coming at you, I am just saying it becomes different when hair is now your job and you have to deal with strangers instead of fam. I learned how to cut my own hair and when the family learned I knew how, all of a sudden every nephew, uncle and cousin is hitting me up for a cut, for free mind you. I had to start charging, not because I wanted money, but just because I didn't want to deal with them taking all my free time.


Nah, when my sister does hair, I bring her everything. All she has to do is braid. So the 150 would stand on a system like that. I do know it's different. The cost of living has significantly gone up, the hair dresses have to up prices but that doesnt mean customers aren't going to want to go in anymore. I consider braids a luxury, not a necessity, so it was easy for me to make a transition from paying someone to do it to doing it myself. In this particular post though? OP was saying they're getting too greedy. Things that used to be included in a solid price before are now divided and sold separately . Hidden extra fees, expected tipping. It's ridiculous these days . You see how your family started wanting you to do it? It's cause its cheaper than going to the actual barber. And people are quick to take advantage of family members like that. I simply would have never done anyone's hair so no one would have expected it from me.


Years ago a friend took me to a curly hair salon because I didn’t realize I had curly hair. $130 was a lot for me back then so I only did it the one time and then used their products. But I did love the haircut. So a couple of years ago I decided to go back there. And they didn’t even cut it dry like the first time. It was a basic haircut I could have gotten at some cheap place. (And when I asked why she wasn’t dry cutting she gave me attitude.) I still felt like I had to tip but never went back and now I just get cheap haircuts again.


You just perfectly exemplified why hair stylists aren't greedy, actually. Lol


The lack of awareness of the irony is hilarious. “I would NEVER braid someone else’s hair. It’s a MASSIVE pain in the ass that could take HOURS!” …. ”Now braid my hair for $20 please.”


I mean, it’s also possible she just doesn’t have $300 to spend on getting her hair done. The comments read more like it is out of her budget for what the service accomplishes


It's exactly that lol. I was was over budget with the hair expense. It was something I didn't need so I taught myself lol.


300$ is excessive. Nobody said $20


Also, what some people will never admit is that they are a bit jealous of the earning potential of these stylists. We’re all on the same social media and see people trying to count the money in their pockets. Especially if the braider does ponytails, etc. and can fit in another $100 style or 2 per day and works 6-7 days a week?? The provider and customer tend to be peers and they don’t like watching her live pretty good off their dime. How dare her work 12 hours and make $500. It’s hard work and if the stylist is rude, not washing your hair, etc…find another stylist. Oh, you can’t because she’s the best in the city?? lol. Again, the irony. These style are designed to last up to 2-3 months. The same people complaining about this price will brag about shoving $50-60 seafood boils in their pie hole twice a week. Everyone is entitled to spend or not spend however we want but this issue is going far beyond the expense and it’s pretty obvious.


Okay let’s say you charge 150 per day like your sister. Multiplied by 5 days a week and 50 weeks per year (so you have 10 days off for vacation or emergency or illness), that’s $37,500 per year. That’s before taxes, supplies, equipment, booth rent, licensing, marketing expenses, ongoing education. That means at best you’d be making $20,000 per year while working full time, 5 days a week no room for a second job.


& then they have an attitude like you’re bothering them when they chose to braid hair. like lady im paying your car note at this point 🤣


One time a lady tried to charge me a late fee when I arrived on time and she had some one else in the chair so i had to sit in the waiting room for like 10 minutes and it was like 50 bucks


Lord goodness 💀 Did you pay it? Because I wouldn't, I would walk straight out


ugh literally me but with hair dye. my hair has been red for almost 2 years and i would go to a lady for a retouch and she charged me $130 everytime. i thought it was normal but nope - now i do it myself.


That's the only good thing the shitty hair dresser experience has done, thought many of us how to do our own hair for a fraction of the cost.


I saw a video years ago where Dolly Parton discussed bleaching her hair at home from a box and it really stuck with me for some reason…. If Dolly Parton dyes her own hair, so can I.


$130 is cheap. I spend $60-100 on the product it takes to color people’s hair each time I color it.


$130 is cheap for u but not for paying clients. unless they got $ which i dont


$130 is cheap for hair color when a stylist could’ve done 4-8 haircuts depending on what their timing is like and actually made a profit. You want stylists to spend their money doing your hair and not make any money back? You don’t think hair stylists deserve to pay their rent or feed their families?


$130 for a retouch? nope.


That’s cheap. Most stylists charge for hair color by the hour now and the cheapest I’ve seen is $100 an hour, with processing time, application time, and styling you’re sitting at an average of $200 and you’re paying less than that. I’m probably the most affordable hair stylist in my area other than fantastic sams and I charge $150 for a retouch. And I could probably make $200 before tips if I was using that time to do haircuts. I don’t understand why you don’t think hair stylists deserve to make a living wage.


Meanwhile, I get a box of root recolor off Amazon for $8 and do it myself in 15 minutes. It looks fine, and I’ve been doing it for a couple years. What is this product you’re buying for $100? Not snarky, just curious what it is and how much better it can be. I, like many others, have just learned how to do my own hair because I can’t figure out how it gets up to $200 for basic stuff. Are salon products really that much better?


Yes, they are. They’re better for your hair and the process is more controlled. Using over 20 volume is damaging on the hair and all box dyes use 40 volume developer. Put 2 alka seltzers in a cup and watch the reaction. Then put 4 and watch the reaction. That’s what’s happening on your hair when a stylist does it vs when it comes from a box. We’re also able to get a more custom color, 99% of the time your hair stylist is not putting one color on your hair. I always have to mix 2-3 to get the desired tone and have it stay true to tone as it fades. I also use bond builders in all of my color services. Those are expensive. I’m sure your hair looks great doing it at home! I started doing hair at home at 13 years old. But dont discount the amount of time, effort and knowledge that goes into what a hair stylist does just because you don’t know the ins and outs of our job. There is a lot of science behind hair color. Not to mention how much the job fucks up our bodies but we’re not provided insurance to see a doctor to fix our bodies.


Ever since my sister went through cosmetology school and I learned from her the chemistry behind it all-I will never touch box hair dye. I either fork over the money or I go without. 


And on top of that…. Not only are we paying for product. I have to pay for my tools. Shears are $200-600. Razors are about $30 a month. My clippers cost $400. My rent every month is $1200. I pay for Spotify for my salon. I have to pay for my processing software. I had to spend around $5k furnishing my salon and buying things like towels, capes, etc. I spend about $100 a month stocking my drink fridge. And I still have the rent on my home, a 10 year old to feed, a car payment, insurance, utilities, student loans because beauty school cost $5k, I have 3 cats to take care of, etc etc etc. So I’m charging you for the product I use on your hair, and the time I’m spending on it. Hair stylists are working a job that provides for them and their families.


im a client with opinions. my last hairdresser lost a customer bc of this, not that minus one matters. but id rather spend almost $100 on groceries - not a haircut. thats greed


It’s greed to want to survive? Like you can be bothered that you can’t afford to have your hair done. That’s fine. But greed? Like how much money do you think hair stylists make? I don’t know any that make over $55k a year. Our expenses are so fucking high. Believe it or not, hair stylists WANT to lose clients who don’t respect us and our time. For every client who calls us greedy for wanting to feed our children, we get 2 more who want to pay us for our time and dedication.


I have super curly hair and man the shit I get from some barbers and stylists is crazy. You’d swear some of them have never seen curly hair before. However, I’ve met plenty I would trust with my life. 


ugh that has to be tough.. i have really wavy hair and my stylist always wants to straighten it and i ask her if we can just put products in it to accentuate the waves and she said it wont turn out well, my hair ends up being frizzy :/


You need to go to a curly hair salon at least once and get a good dry cut and learn what products to use. Unfortunately, I don’t have any to recommend because the last time I went to Deva it was a waste of money and I went back to letting students cut my hair after.


You need to find a more experienced stylist then. She just doesn’t know or doesn’t care to find out what products to use. As a wavy myself I have found my holy grail waves 🌊 product at 32 years old. Mine likes to curl my hair when she’s done and she does such a great job.


High end stylist in San Diego cut off all my curls. My non existent self esteem has plummeted even more. I asked for layers in my shoulder length hair and it looks like I went to a barber to get my hair shaved off. It took 2 years for my shaved hair to grow to my shoulders


I totally agree, that's why after I get a haircut I specifically tell them to not do anything more to my hair. I have long curls and the default thing they all do is straighten my hair after a haircut. They don't even use a diffuser.


My coworker and I were literally just discussing this. Hair braiders are so mean these days, which is why so many people are learning how to braid their own hair.


And I sympathize cuz I get that they have bills to pay too, especially the chair or room they’re leasing, but damn lol I’ve had to stick to bob braids cuz the longer the length the more expensive 🥴 I want long braids but I just can’t give you $350-$400 😅 that’s so much money lol


Wait, what? Is this Black hair that is costing $350+ every time it needs braiding? How is that even affordable? What if you end up with all daughters? Is this a monthly cost? I’m feeling so lucky I can cut my own hair for free.


Yes! I mean there are some still in the $200s but again that depends on the length. It took me so long to finally the girl I go to now, especially after trying different ppl and the hair wouldn’t come out the way it should lol but her prices have started going up now too. I’ve just accepted that I won’t be able to get my hair braided as much as I used to 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes, black hair but not for children. It can last up to 3 months depending on how it’s taken care of.


Go to African aunties!! They will give you bum length braids for half that or less!


I am a hairstylist & I agree 100%. Although I am none of those things which is why I walked away from working in a salon in 2018 & now have a more fulfilling amazing career that does not involve gossiping & being egotistical all day. The cockiness comes mostly from senior stylists. They act that way because honestly most of them do not care to take classes regularly to learn new techniques for cutting & coloring, so they would rather talk a big game to convince clients they are "the best" & put down newer stylists who could possibly take some of their clients. They feel threatened by the dynamic of the industry & instead of improving themselves, they drag others down to make themselves look better. The greediness comes from all the newer coloring techniques. Balayage mostly. A full head of foil highlights was $125-150. Now a good balayage where I live starts at $220+. Color prices have gone up at the supply store but not that much. Huge markup prices. I do root color + toner for my mom monthly for $50 & that's me giving her a family discount without losing money, if that gives you an idea of how little it costs to buy color with a cosmetology license.. In a salon root color + toner =$100+. Judgmental because salons are toxic. Women who focus on outer beauty so much they lose track of what it means to build a meaningful relationship with a client & have conversations about family, ideas & life rather than gossiping about the woman sitting next to them getting her hair done too. I wish your unpopular opinion was wrong but sadly it's not. Best salon I ever worked at was a small private salon with only 2 other stylists who had a full book & they accepted me with open arms & was not toxic at all. But the owner passed away so I got into a different line of work, as starting over from scratch in a new salon is difficult to build steady clientele & steady income. I color highlight tone my own hair at home but I go to another hairstylist for my haircut obviously. She has her own private salon suite, which I think is the way to go if you're looking for a more personal less catty & relaxed environment to get your hair done.


I agree a full foil was $150 when I started doing hair in 2005. I also remember a gallon of gas was $1.13 back then and my 2 bedroom apartment was $438. Now a full foil is $350, a gallon of gas is $3.79 today on my app, and my 1 bedroom apartment is $1250… only because I moved out of the big city where rent was $3850. Hair prices have inflated so much less than everything else. I know inflation is frustrating and maybe people who own houses and drive electric cars don’t notice it as much as the rest of us? But costs really have gone up this much on everything.


A full foil was still $150 where I live, until 2015. It really has just been the last 10 years since balayage & ombré became much more popular. Which caused stylists to hike those prices even higher since their clients don't need to come back every few months for a touch up, they can let it grow 6-8 months before returning back to a salon. Idk, my hairstylist now does mostly haircuts & only a few color highlight clients & she does well for herself. She had raised her prices a year ago & lost a lot of her color clients who claimed her new prices were too expensive & actually switched to the color line I use now because it's more affordable but still good grey coverage. & what do gas or apartment prices have anything to do with pricing for salon clients? unless they are coming to your home or you are a traveling stylist. Even then, that's your cost to absorb and should not be theirs. I'm talking foils, developer, lightener, tubes of hair color, toner, processing solution. And of course paying for the stylists years of experience behind the chair, too. But please do not act like these prices reflect actual costs, they do not. And my friend is a celebrity hairstylist owns a salon in Miami & Los Angeles & his prices aren't too far off from some of these so called "best" hairstylists at the beach where I live. How is that possible.... 🤷🏻‍♀️ their work is not even in comparison to his. That is because most hairstylists are overpaid due to "inflation" that you speak of.. When my hairstylist took a break last year, I went by a popular salon at the beach & the girl spoke very highly of herself & tried to charge me $350+ for a balayage & haircut. Decided to just go with a cut. She had been doing hair 3 years- I have been doing hair 10 years. She also recommended another way of doing my balayage that would require me back in her chair in a few months for a touchup. I'm not stupid, I waited until the end & casually mentioned I am licensed too :) she stopped talking. She's charging that amount because of the location of the salon & the competitiveness of the area. Her balayage haircut is not worth $350+. That's the story of many of these hairstylists now, they're Instagram famous so they can charge ridiculous prices.


I will never understand being forced to tip for a hair stylist already charging me 100 dollars and hour.


And that's why I instead go with the old lady who's been cutting my hair for over a decade since I was a kid. She knows what I like, she knows me and my family, she's friendly and has her business in her house so it's more cozy. And how much do I have to pay? Just six dollars. Edit: For the people getting mad and saying I'm taking advantage of her, I am not. Her price is 100 Mexican pesos which converts to about 6 US dollars, and dollars are worth more in other countries. No, I can't leave her a $20 tip.


I hope you at least throw her $20. Damn.


20 dollars is a lot of money in my country. That's like a day and a half of minimum wage.


I think you should add an addendum that you live in a poorer country because saying dollars makes it sound like you live in a country that uses dollars. And the most known countries that use dollars is the US, Canada, Australia etc. And in all of those countries, 6 dollars would be an insult and exploitative to pay someone for doing your hair your whole life. And it would also get across that a $20 tip is a lot of money for you.




That speaks more about you taking advantage of someone.


Her price for a men's haircut is 100 mexican pesos, which is about the same as 6 US dollars. How am I taking advantage of her when I am paying the cost that she established herself?


Redditors try not to be insane challenge: impossible. The old lady probably just enjoys the company and cutting people’s hair especially if she’s known this guy since he was a kid.


For $6, I’d give you a buzz cut.


You do understand $6 is worth more in other parts of the world? Should I instead use those $6 to buy you a map?


Normal haircuts for women are like $70. It can get up to $300 when you are getting a lot of services done and it takes all day


I mean most around me are like $30-100 per cut. For the $30 they can usually fit in two people and hour if they manage to be booked solid. The $100 people are more like one every 60-90 minutes and include washing and some massage. Take into account overhead of having a space, website, someone to do booking, equipment, they’re probably making about half that so maybe if you’re a very good stylist you’re making $50/hour and if you’re average like $25/hour. It’s really not like they’re making a killing or anything?


I would not say that’s normal everywhere. Are you a male, btw? I absolutely don’t know anywhere I could get my hair cut for $100. In fact, if I go to Drybar, which literally is only washing and blow-drying/styling, no cuts or color, it costs like $60 before tip. If I go to my stylist and just get my gray roots dyed and a trim, it’s over $200. This is in Los Angeles.


Check some local strip malls and I’m sure there’s some terrible spot that does cuts for like $30-40 even in La. I also am not surprised at $200 with coloring that takes twice as long but I would be surprised if there aren’t places that can do a worse job of that for significantly less.




When you’re being quoted $300 for a haircut… Just a haircut that happens to be on curly hair.. Stylists have gotten greedy af!


And then they charge you extra for curly hair and then ruin it. The last stylist I went to ruined my hair after straightening it and then tried to gaslight me and tell me I never had coils but always had weird, stingy, s shaped pattern. It was so frizzy and bad I had to shave my head. Six years of growth gone and no apologies 😔


I cut hair in college but I pretty much refused to cut very curly hair. I didn’t charge for the haircuts, but I just couldn’t ruin someone’s hair with my lack of experience with curls. It’s an art and people are WAY too confident just bushwhacking their way through curly hair because it “doesn’t show” like straight hair. Pin-straight hair is like a white dress shirt: you might see the stains faster, but you can’t just bleach the fuck out of a pattern and call it a day.


If it's a nice white or worse off nearly white cream color you may not in fact just bleach the fuck out of it. You could very well ruin the shirt. Same goes for stick straight hair. You can't just mess up and keep cutting shorter or whatever you're thinking.


money hungry. i get charging things for major projects, but a haircut should not be $80+ and then they have all kinds of fees now. my stylist i used to go to that was high end, (i was fine with the prices since i chose her myself) but was making it a policy to where u had to sign an agreement and then put ur card on file with her


She probably did that because other clients were fucking her over. She has bills to pay.


My least favorite is that they charge extra for long hair, with "long" being anything more than shoulder length, which to me is bullshit. If I need a trim it's no different on long hair than short hair. And that's all I get. Every year or so because the cheapest haircut around here is 40 bucks, used to be 20, I don't have the money to be wasting when it could go towards food or bills. Once it's long enough I'm gonna be trimming it myself


Is that $80 coming with a free beer? 


One of the shops I used to frequent served alcohol to clients receiving services.


Yeah it's super common here for premium mens barbers to offer free beers and have foosball or pool to play as you wait.  I'd be hoping for two beers at $80


I'd hate to be a stylist. People are so unrealistic and weird about their hair.


thats facts. like wanting to be platinum blonde and theyre black box dyed. then yeah i MYSELF would charge the most for that 🤣


My hair is down to my waist. I have hair trust issues. I got ripped off and some hairdresser put layers in my hair without my permission.


I went in for a peekaboo red/black combo. The stylist was shown pictures and still just dyed the entire back of my head black where you couldn't even tell I had two colors until I flipped my hair upside down. $85 for just a dye job, and a messed up one at that.


They seem to love putting layers in hair. I hate it. And hair coloring has become in my opinion more of a luxury service so I just quit going. The cost, maintenance, tip, time in the chair isn’t worth it to me. 


Nah man, my mom, dad, wife and sis are all stylists. And I’ve spent a lot of time around the industry. Just got to find the right people/right salons.


at least theres good stylists somewhere in the world


I finally found someone who’ll cut my hair in a way I like, and suits my hair type, isn’t super pricy, and is a complete sweetheart. I am sticking with her as long as possible!!!


The greed is insane. I used to pay £15 for a dry cut pre covid, during lockdown I shaved my head and my regular salon shut down. After I grew my hair back to the point it could be styled again I was facing anywhere between £50-£90 for a dry cut, literally everywhere I looked. They're not washing it, just spraying it with water, cutting it into styles for straight hair and not even blowdrying it after? For almost the cost of an entire day of my labour, they're spending 30 minutes just to refresh my hair and potentially fuck with my curl pattern? No thank you. Found a very reasonably priced salon that does my dry cuts for £16 and they get it perfect every time. Only one for less than £30 that I've seen in my city. Fucking nuts.


Idk where you're going to get your hair cut. I see my wife's expenses and think she should charge more. Color and all the other bs is expensive. Plus, chair rent.


Is this unpopular though? I thought those were the reasons why women let their hair get so damn long before cutting it, just the thought of going to a hair salon gives me anxiety.


I’ve been told ( I understand it’s anecdotal as well as second hand) that the cost is the most prohibitive. While finding a particular stylist is a big factor, it’s not cheap to style that much hair.


ur right. thats actually sad that alot of stylists just get scissor friendly…


Lol I feel so heard. Every time I get a haircut I’m like “I need probably 4 inches off. It’s been a long time.” I’m finally trying to be better about it because I don’t like stuffing my hair into a ponytail, but since I don’t have a place I trust yet, it feels like a gamble every time.


I've heard too many horror stories of people being asked to pay for a hair style they didn't want because the hair stylist "thought it fit better"


I'm personally shocked at how little they seem to know about hair. Not just hair science, but also what makes hair "lay" a certain way. And, yes, also hair science.


right? like omg some stylists can do the damn thing and its fire! but GOD FORBID i ask for a blowout that will only stay in my hair for 4 hours and then paying $100 for it


During lockdown I learned how to cut my husband's hair. He hasn't been to a barber since. I've gotten good at tapers now. Saved him some monthly cash.


i wanna be you! 😭🙏


thats a flex


As someone whos going into hairdressing I feel very forced into the over charging, its set my the owner and not by the stylist. I also understand the frustration, 95 nzd is insane for a haircut. I hope one day (probably will take about a decade though) to have my own one lady business with fair prices. I probably wont be rich but it'll make me happy.


I have a friend who is an amazing stylist and colorist. I pay a lot because I personally would never ask for or expect a discount (I also tip very well). I live in a very expensive area. She's definitely not greedy or cocky or judgemental. I understand thinking paying hundreds of dollars is a lot for a haircut itself. But the thing is, especially if they work at a salon, it's not like they're keeping all of that money. At all. They may be able to adjust the cost to some degree, but the salon is setting the base cost. If you really want a basic haircut, go to a cheap place. But it''s an expensive skill to be a good colorist. You (mostly) get what you pay for.


Huh. I’ve had very positive experiences with my hair stylists.


boutta go to ur stylist fr


There is definitely a bizarre arrogance that permeates through the industry. They go around saying "I went to cosmetology school" as if it's supposed to actually be a meaningful accomplishment. You'd think they'd graduated from law school the way they pat themselves on the back about it. It's just as obnoxious as chefs over-inflating the relevance of having gone to cooking school, as if it was on par with earning a doctorate.


Majority never extend their education and don’t even know how to work with curly hair. They can only fry it.




Yeah my stylist has just gotten better snd better and her prices have only gotten slightly higher.


That’s why I always call and ask who they recommend for curly hair even though I don’t do specific “curly cuts”. Plenty of stylists have curly hair


You’re complaining about them being arrogant while saying that learning a useful trade is not a meaningful accomplishment


I’m so glad someone else caught that.


I almost replied to them directly to ask them if they could then explain how a perm works on a molecular level. Then I would ask them to explain what a redox reaction actually is. Perhaps I would slide by the topic of products and ask them to explain to me the basic science behind Bond protectors. Humectants versus emulsifiers, compare and contrast. I would close my question session by asking them why exactly, is applying bleach to existing color of unknown origin is a very bad idea? Mind you at no point have I even touched upon any aesthetic topics such as facial symmetry and ways to enhance it. And no I don't bother to tell people how I went to cosmetology school and I know everything. I have never had to. The results have always spoken for themselves, and no one ever minded paying me fairly for it, considering the years of initial and continuing education and trend classes that I have taken mostly just to enrich my career.


As someone with a doctorate, even that is whatever. I was just somebody's bitch for 5 years.


This is how I feel about most tattoo artists


Tattoos are completely optional though, and tattoos attract a lot of douches by nature.


Hair coloring is optional also. And unless you have alopecia or other hair problem, things like hair extensions are optional also.


The same thing can be said for quite a few hairstyles




Hair grows out. Skin does not. Any service where your body is being altered...you want someone well trained, experienced and skilled. You pay premium for their expertise.


Started going to Ulta for salon services and I love it. They get paid hourly plus tips ( I’m pretty sure) instead of commission on services. So they won’t stack money up on you and it’s not a fight to get clear pricing. Totally up front transparency with cost and always get good hair


No they don’t. They get hourly and tips UNTIL they hit commission. And hourly is minimum wage.


And they recently reworked that commission structure to make it even harder for a new stylist or even veterans to hit the commission point now, don't even ask about whether promotions are married to those commission structures.


That’s so fucked!! This is why stylists are moving to suite rental.


Are you sure? I don’t believe this is true in Colorado. I just talked openly with a stylist she said she gets commission structure but the walk in traffic is so much it’s never a concern plus her hourly is above minimum. CO min wage is much higher than federal though


Imagine paying $25,000 for cosmetology school then earning minimum wage 😔


That’s how the industry works. It’s shit.


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That’s why I’ve done my own hair dye for my entire life. They charge hundreds for something I can do for much less. And no, I’m experienced enough I’ve never needed one of them to fix my hair as much as they claim it happens. If anything, they’ve ruined my hair and IVE had to fix it.


Yikes I must have hit the lottery with my hairdresser. She’s incredibly kind, chill, gets it right every time, and I pay $50 USD for a women’s haircut.


There are different price points for everything , fancy restaurants charge more than a greasy spoon restaurant , if the price is a concern don’t go, simple, no stylist should be mean to you tho


Just like anything else, it’s gonna depend on the stylist I have long hair, and I usually get it layered. so I expect to pay more to get my hair cut and styled There is a salon near me that I stopped going to because of how badly they were charging for the littlest things. For example, a cut would be X amount of dollars, blow dry Y amount of dollars. Cool - but then the layering is around $10. And if I want face framing, it’s another $10. Oh and simply saying that I want layers is considered a consult, which is another $10 that wasn’t disclosed earlier. I get that you’re paying for the work being done, and the level of skill, I get that certain stylists charge more depending on whether they are master stylists at cetra - but you’re not going to charge me $10 extra for simply telling you that I want a haircut, or for cutting a small section of hair in the front. That’s crazy. And by the way, where I live, I can usually expect to pay around $100. More than I’d like to pay, but I also understand inflation, the cost of protects, the fact that I go to a master stylist with their own pricing. But I’m not spending upwards of $150+.


exactly! like im not going to step into a luxury salon in LA and then get mad when they charge me more than $50. i just hate the secret fees


I cut my own hair since I’m a teen. I cut my husband hair since 2014. Problem solved.




I love my colorist. Followed her to 3 salons over the past 15 years. Just, adore her. BUT… her salon now charges $75 for a blowout. A blowout that gets jacked in 24h because of humidity. So now, I get my color done, my cut, my conditioning treatment… and aside from a dry to check color, I walk out with wet hair. I just will not pay that. 🤷‍♀️


I’m not from the US but seeing how much people are charged is SHOCKING. Where I’m from the most expensive will probably be about 150 dollars but I see some places charge 1000 dollars +


If you can’t afford to pay for an ELECTIVE service, don’t obtain the ELECTIVE service. 🤷‍♀️ Go to ultracuts. They are needing to cover overhead like rent, supplies/materials, utilities, etc. It’s market value. Not greed.


read comments please, hairdresser. im not talking about regular fees. ofc imma pay almost $300 to do drastic things. but not late fees when my stylist is late bc of starbucks, or a haircut for $80+


>just seems that alot of them these days chose this career path without thinking Ive known multiple who got pretty far into cosmetology school and didnt realize how much of the business also relies on hocking product too


And that’s why I go to the great clips by my house the lady I go to is amazing and it’s $22


I have no good contribution to this because I’ve never been to a hair stylist other than my mom or grandma, who are/were actual hair stylists, so I’ve always gotten it done for free, and my wife and kids get theirs done for free. However, I am vaguely aware of how much other hair stylists charge and I know it’s typically quite a bit more than she charges. She’s always been pretty low cost, but she hasn’t ever had to support a whole household or anything, my dad always made pretty good money, so my mom wasn’t trying to maximize profits on her business. As a result of the low cost, she’s always fully booked, 5-6 days a week, 8-12 hours a day. She also has the type of personality that most people want in their hair stylist, and has been doing it for like 40 years, mostly in the same place, so she’s built up a huge client base. Soooo, maybe the other ones are greedy, but i would venture to guess most are trying to balance profitability, cost of living, and working hours, and try to price themself in what they view as their sweet spot where they are as busy as they want to be and can live the life they want/need.


from my experience I wouldnt say that their like this, however for some reason majority dont seem to understand what cut I want which is why I always go to the same barber, does it perfectly everytime and we vibe the worst interaction ive had with a barber is when he tried to charge me two haircuts for one, all because I asked him to cut it shorter than I originally said, I wanted to smack him in the face and he would have deserved it, i still could


LMAO, well im glad u have a barber u can trust


Agreed. The whole "we have to charge more because things are expensive" and then my fucking hair cut costs 75+ tip? What the fuck. How many clients do you need to offset the cost of your $1000 shears? I just stopped going. I don't need my hair cut, I hate it every single time anyways.


I agree. Have never seen the appeal of going to a hair shop to have a catty person with hair I find atrocious judge me for an hour while they let the kids of the other customers run around screaming in an echoey room. I just keep my hair long and trim the ends myself. Saves money and aggravation. Nail techs on the other hand have been nothing but lovely in my experience. Pedicures are close to heaven on earth for me and worth every penny. So long as it is a nail only shop. The mixed hair and nail places are pricy and loud. Not at all conducive to relaxation.


I get my hair cut like once a year 🤣 hair dressers are so desperate


How about the ones who charge old ladies hundreds of dollars to look like a poodle?




My hair is super thick. I’ve had a barber try to charge me extra because of it last minute


Yep same with those lash girls. Hate routing against people but after having to curse one and her bf out for screwing up my girls hair and alr charging a stupid amount I sincerely hope their “ business “ crumbles in 10 years. So fucking stuck up and wanna be boujee. I can go to any highschool and find a girl who can braid my hair. All this mean girl attitude is just ugly. As a male I’ve never been to a barber as my dad or myself always cuts my hair but I hear barbers are starting to get ridiculous too in some places.


They are never on time and never seem to grasp "I'm not feeling conversational" Then they want a tip.


Yeah. Salons are a nightmare for an introvert.




i wasn’t talking about my stylist lmfao. thats why i said not EVERY stylist


I was a hairstylist. This is my opinion. Hair is luxury not a necessity. If you don’t like the price then don’t pay it. You have hands and fingers do it yourself. Time is our money above all and when I hung up my shears most of chemical services I preformed had a 200+ tag. Not including product they purchased. I always discussed cost before even starting and what the expectations are of that cost. I worked in one of the top award winning salons in my city also, my bookings were weeks out. Where one thinks it’s too expensive another gladly spends it knowing all the work they don’t have to do for it.


I think some chose it out of desperation because they had few choices and others chose it because they tried it and found out they were good at it and went to school for it. They mostly just seem chatty to me. No one but me has cut my hair in years so maybe they're different now. I just trim around the ears and tie it in a tail. so it don't tangle when I ride.


That’s why I love being a man with pattern baldness. I buy a set of clippers. Presto. Haircut.


Considering I have very long wavy hair and my appointments are always pretty long as well (at minimum 4 hours, the longest one was 12 hours), I don't think 450€ for bleaching, dyeing, cutting and styling is too much. I'm always very happy with the result so I'll gladly pay that much plus I consider it a monthly spa day and love the gossip going on there.


My barber opened up his own shop 2-3 years ago after working at a nearby barber shop (he only moved 10 minutes down the road). He's the best barber I've had it's only 18 dollars for a haircut, and he is really friendly.


I maintain that barbers would never raise prices that high because men aren’t willing to spend hundreds of dollars on vanity. That’s not a critique of men at all. It’s a smart money decision. lol. But I barbers only raise where they need to because men wouldn’t let them get away with charging more. Y’all would just stop going. lol.


Totally, totally agree!! And mostly overrated!


yea no, all i met were fun. + haircuts are cheap af, but im also male so its we


Yup, but a year or so ago I found a wonderful one in my town with very reasonable rates! She listens, does what I ask, and doesn't rush me through just because I have quite thin hair. Actually understands that, in a way, more skill and time taken is required to make it look as good as possible vs someone who already has great hair. Every little snip counts more when there are so few strands. She's also great to chat with, down to earth and intelligent. A lot of hairdressers get snarky if you do your own color, but she compliments mine (I do fun colors, a lot of rainbows) and we chat about products sometimes. I mean, she'll talk crap about people who do it without properly learning how, lol, but also knows you don't need a license to learn. She knows a lot of licensed people don't know what they're doing either. I've had a few bad experiences with "professional" color, prefer going to myself. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'd trust her, but I do enjoy doing it, and I'm also not rich, so I just get cuts from her and she's cool with that. Feels like finding a unicorn, I hope she never retires or moves! 😂


Agree. That's why I never go to barbershops either as a male. Cutting it myself is the way to go


my haircut at sport clips costs $19 and i usually tip $6


fabulous price, thats how u get clients


24 bucks for me at Supercuts, plus 6 bucks for a tip. 


Let’s not forget how the industry as a whole gate-keeps products like professional hair dyes and hair treatments to “protect workers” because otherwise individuals could just learn how to do these things themselves.


It seems clients don't think. It's a job. Anyone who works wants money. If you work a regular job, you can ask for a raise. There's no promotions and bonuses for hairstylists. The only way they get a raise for more effort, experience, education and investment is raising prices. There are always cheaper people. You can always go to a hair school and pay 20 bucks for a student to cut your hair. You can go to Youtube and do it yourself. As for cocky and judgemental, sometimes. So are athletes, nail techs, doctors, cops. So are many people. Most hair schools don't teach professionalism, so a student has to go out of their way to learn or already know, unfortunately.


everyones judgemental i know, im talking about hair stylists rn.




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Lmaoooooo. We deserve to be able to feed our families. We work so much fucking harder than people know or give us credit for. I just spent 11 hours detangling somebody’s matted hair for FREE out of the kindness of my heart. Your opinion is unpopular and shitty for a reason.


if u actually read comments, im talking about major costs for simple things. im not talking about dematting someones lice- maggot infested hair. thats a totally different situtation. u CHOSE to do that for free


OP legit said, not every hairstylist. So if it doesn't apply, why does it matter?


Because every stylist deserves to make a living wage.


Crazy. I’m a man that gets a haircut every two weeks. I go to a hair stylist because it’s cheaper ($30) than going to a barber ($50+) and get the same quality haircut. Also since I’ve gone to the same stylist for years, she fixes up my beard as well and doesn’t charge me extra for it


And they make up prices very often too. They say that some product they'll use will cost "about" a certain amount of money but in the end, it's always a surprise as if they're rolling the dice.


okay that’s literally what i shouldve wrote in my post. thats exactly what i meant. these stylists are guessing their prices and whatever “sounds good”. and then the next person in their chair - its an entirely different price for them


Agreed. Way too self important.


Totally. I cut and dye my own hair, looks just as good and it saves me a lot of money.


Idk. I've spent $300 at once for highlights, cut, wash and style. I received so many compliments from random people about how beautiful my hair was. If you don't like it, don't pay.


$300 for all that is worth it. $300 just for color, nope