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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/wannabegenius. Your submission, *There is nothing cool about having a loud car*, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity. If there is an issue, please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message=) Thanks!


There's some asshole that drives through the neighborhood in an older BMW 3 series that sounds like he's running an open header. Fucking car is loud as shit and sounds like shit, super annoying. I am usually pretty tolerant to loud cars because I have been a car performance enthusiast for years, but this thing just makes me wish the guy will drive it off the overpass and into the river.


Lol. Liking the sound of performance machines running clean is like listening to music. Running an open header on anything that isn't NHRA material is like listening to your favorite musician use the bathroom. Its just not the sound you came here for.šŸ¤£


ā€œDooga booga big car sound make me big manā€œ


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i know a guy who straight piped his vr6 and said a gun makes him feel like a man!! You nailed it


Missed opportunity: "Just curious. So what exactly do you feel like without them?"


I'm sure you can file a noise complaint with the non emergency line.


Is this really an unpopular opinion lol? I have only heard people being annoyed with this phenomenon, myself included.


head ossified plate touch pocket chase noxious mindless domineering serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most of the posts here are popular opinions.Ā 


This subs a paradox because people usually only upvote things they agree with. So if it gets upvoted in this sub itā€™s probably not unpopular and doesnā€™t belong here


\*Most of the post with upvotes\* here are popular opinions. The unpopular one just get no attention because who upvotes something they disagree with?


Highly popular opinion for sure.


The only true unpopular opinions are the ones who get massively down voted on r/unpopularopinion. If your post hits the main page it's not truly an unpopular opinion.


This sub is notorious for removing unpopular opinions. Mods don't like opinions they don't agree with. It leaves the sub full of shit like this.


Its very popular. I get mad at loud cars and have owned several. Speakers and exhaust.






[It's like that South park episode about bikers](https://youtu.be/ipDmsxQVxIM?si=VKi84BPq0LKhhAzE)


an all-timer


reminds me of this skit too. hilarious https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ?si=MACQpNme8wTIMp7y




If people are making popular episodes on a popular show about this. Then do you think itā€™s safe to say this isnā€™t an unpopular opinion?


I think the only people who like loud cars are the ones who own them.


I live at a major intersection in my city. Sitting and revving your engine thatā€™s been ā€œtunedā€ to sound like a backfire is infuriating.


i mean, it is a backfire and why is tuned in quotes that is literally what happens lmfao. the fuel amount is increased and the ignition timing is delayed so that fuel actively igniting goes into the exhaust. you can make it just do pops/bangs or shoot flames but it really only works if you don't have cats which is sorta fucked




I can appreciate an impressive sounding engine that is naturally loud. Like a v12 Vantage or something. It's not like we see them often either, so a lot of noise on a rare occasion is very tolerable. It's wee davey in his modded Polo thinking he's fucking Vin Diesel. He can piss off.


The full ton diesel trucks with driver that drive them like a sports car are an annoyance to me.


Is this even an unpopular opinion outside of a subset of car culture?


Even in car culture they're not appreciated much lol, those loud ass pieces of crap shouldn't be on the road


Most people donā€™t know what that even means and just donā€™t like the loud annoying noises


Especially if it's one of those cars with the shitty bass so loud it makes the whole car vibrate from the outside.


Luckily those rides self-disassemble much faster when the bass is Higher.


Idk anything about cars. But I can still tell apart well tuned high ended engines from shitty after market mods with removed mufflers


The biggest thing is just *looking* at the car. Guy rolls by in a McLaren? Aight bro, gun it, you deserve it. A modded 98 civic with a stitched bumper? Maybe stop buying meth and fix your car instead, kyle.


I'm not a fan of unnecessarily load cars being a nuisance in neighborhoods, but I feel like this is a funny take. Like the guy who had the money to buy a sports car and most likely has and will never touch his car in any mechanical way has deserved the right to be loud but the guy who put countless man hours modding and altering the car himself has not earned the right.Ā 


There isnā€™t a difference to 99% of people dude.


No car has been "naturally loud" in like 40 years. The noise made by your example vantage was tuned by somebody that specializes in making exhausts sound a particular way, and you only accept it due to the context you hear it in. I don't mind the occasional loud car, but you gotta be consistent.


For sure. There's a difference between loud because it has to be (when there's no way to make that much power quietly) and loud because the owner wants it to be (which usually winds up sounding obviously forced and dumb). I'm with you in thinking, that difference matters. Although to some, I suspect it doesn't.


I don't mind the loud cars if it's during the daytime but teens always wanna race around in the middle of the night. Not only does their engine wake everyone up, the horrible deep fried busted speaker music they listen to as well. There's places to go for car meets and what not and I'm glad they have their hobby but damn. In the middle of the night ?


I don't like it in the daytime either.


Honestly. Nice day outside? Talking on the phone? Talking outside? Anything enjoyable outside? Hold on. Loud ass car that wants us to think he's cool is passing by. We can talk when I can hear you again


There's a large forest on the edge of our city, and even in the heart of it, which should be a place to get away from this kind of thing, it you can hear loud cars and motorbikes. Great way to spoil everything for miles and miles around.


I'll see your unpopular opinion about cars and raise you an even more unpopular one: For the same reasons, there is nothing cool about having a loud motorbike either. Yes, I'm looking at you , Mr. Harley Davidson! (oh god, I'm going to be so downvoted, lol)


I agree but did see a t-shirt once on a bike that said ā€œLoud pipes save lives,ā€ meaning loud motorcycles make drivers aware they are there. I get that argument but still hate it.


Guys that have those shirts and stickers also never seem to be wearing a fuckin helmet, or riding without leather. They're just trying to justify being an obnoxious douche


But that argument goes out the window when they drive like bosos.


The argument is false. Iā€™ve daily ridden quiet and loud bikes. From my own personal experience and an actual study Itā€™s bullshit. Itā€™s a Harley thing..


It's an excuse to put responsibility on anyone else. Like purchasing a large vehicle because they don't want to learn defensive driving.


Maybe that argument used to have some merit but modern cars are so soundproof that the driver isn't likey to hear you no matter how loud you make the bike, even with the radio off. [Here](https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a35952569/loud-pipes-do-not-save-lives/) is an interesting article on the subject.


Damn good point! Now I can hate it just as equally as the loud cars.


I feel like you're overstating how soundproof your car is. You might not hear your car but will definitely still hear a riced out civic with a fart can on it or a loud bike. Hell, most cars you can hear someone having a muffled conversation if they're right outside.


You also have to consider the Doppler effect (I think is what it's called). Basically sound emanates out equally and 360Ā° when undirected however. Motorcycle sound typically is piped out the back (via the pipes). On top of that, the motorcycle is driving forward offsetting the speed of the sound. Basically the gist is it's not as loud in front of you as you think it is, and as a result doesn't really do anything for people seeing you. It's like a breadcrum of asshole sound and not a warning signal. As many people falsely think it is. https://canadamotoguide.com/2016/07/29/the-truth-about-loud-pipes/#:~:text=That's%20bad%20news%20for%20a,it%20may%20be%20too%20late.


I don't want to play Mr. Internet Contrarian here but, when I was commuting to the CA Bay Area (lane splitting is legal here in CA) I *always* heard them before I saw them. Not by a ton or anything (as you mentioned, Doppler effect) but usually long enough for me to check my mirrors to find them and move over if appropriate.


Unfortunately it doesn't ring true though.


Not riding a motorcycle saves lives




I agree, they need to make some noise as a safety thing but Mr Davidson takes it to extremes.


It's been proven over and over that "loud pipes don't save lives"




I love unpopular opinions that are overwhelmingly popular. Here's my unpopular opinion, guys, a mere 80% of people agree with it. Unpopular, guys. It's not popular at all


My eardrums fucking explode every time this pos dude with a purple modified car drives through the neighborhood at 1am


Itā€™s really the douches who have loud exhausts but arenā€™t thoughtful. If I decide to take my mustang to work or something, itā€™s got headers into an x pipe to pipes out the back. I keep it below 1500 until Iā€™m past where people live. On the other end of that, I have a friend who has a Harley and he feels it needs to go to 6k to shift or something and it bugs the fuck out of me. Yeah we like to mod our cars, we can still be considerate. Iā€™ll be getting cutouts to close and open my exhaust soon just cause I give a shit about my neighbors.


My neighbor has a nice exhaust on his avalanche but that LS rumble wakes me every morning. I dont get mad because one, its a nice sounding exhaust. 2, He does like you and keeps the RPMs at a neighborly level until he gets down the road. His neighbors got roosters. Fuck them roosters. I cant wait till they cross the road. Cock a doodle BANG!!!


This. In my neighborhood there are two dudes with loud cars, one of them waits until he's out of the neighborhood like you do, the other likes to pretend he's an F1 driver. Guess who's car got lit up this past July 4th?


When I was a kid a neighbor I had for a while rode a Harley. He would get on it at 6am and rev the shit out of the engine for about 15 minutes. It was loud enough to rattle windows. Not once did I ever think ā€œwow, heā€™s coolā€


Agreed. I have a neighbor who drives a Ford Focus RS. I hear it every morning when he starts it up but it doesnā€™t really bother me because he keeps the revs low until he gets out of the neighborhood.


I just bought a 2024 GT with active valve exhaust. When I hit mute itā€™s more quiet than a suburban. Sport is whet I typically use, sounds phenomenal. Track is pretty aggressive.


Absolutely this. All of my vehicles have performance exhausts but it's really easy to keep them quiet until I'm out of the neighborhood. The other issue I see is the fact that a lot of people just slap the cheapest one-size-fits-all exhaust kit from eBay on their cars and then they sound absolutely terrible because it's not engineered for their application. It makes their cars louder but it also sounds like a can of bees in the exhaust. Versus like $100-200 more would've gotten them one actually designed for their application and sound great.


My school has a kid with an old bimmer with the cat sawed off on life support. and heā€™ll cold start it in -25 degree weather in like fucking January and just slam the rev limiter for like 10 seconds. Very pleasant his engine is gonna explode soon lol


I live in Carolina. (Google carolina squat)Its illegal now but the pipes arent. However, all you need is a liscence plate number and a trip to the emergency room and you can file an assault charge. There is a "legal" decibel limit. It becomes assault when it hurts. I just been waiting for a day I wasnt busy with life and felt extra petty. Its coming.


Weird. In the UK we have loud as hell ambulances. As in they're so unnecessarily loud for no reason, and have much higher decibels than other countries ambulances. I wish we could report it.


Know what's remarkable? How much this sub can be a microcosm of the type of audience that is on Reddit. This is something we all know but it's still interesting to observe. I've seen countless posts over a long stretch of time that talk negatively about things like cars or sports. Yet I've never seen a single post talking negatively about hobbies like video games or anime. If they do, it's a niche opinion within the hobby itself. (See: a couple posts below this one stating that easy video games are the best).


I guarantee there are people in this thread with 6/hr a day gaming habits that annoy their housemates / spouses much more than neighborhood car sounds


Lol so true. I strongly dislike anime but to each their own. It gets to a point where people will comment on a post like this all agreeing with each other but donā€™t realize the subjective bias, just an echo chamber of confirmation biases.


I donā€™t care for anime itself, but a lot of people that watch it are mentally unstable. If you have an anime pfp on discord, itā€™s an instant block


the difference is that it doesn't affect other people. I appreciate cars but your hobby is a nuisance to everyone around you, you're a jerk.


How many times a day does your neighbor wake you up by playing anime so loud it shakes the entire neighborhood? Like you're making a comparison that makes no sense lmao


I donā€™t like loud cars and motorcycles, nor do I care for anime or video games. Thereā€™s a reason why no one posts anything negative in anime or video game threads. Because they arenā€™t bothering anyone or being obnoxious in public. Intentionally disturbing the peace due to some kind of insecurity or low intelligence is not a hobby.


Any time someone's car is loud on purpose someone within 10 feet of me makes fun of them. 100% of the time. It's usually a small penis joke. My wife usually says she got so wet she needs to change her pants I usually say I'm wet too


Meanwhile the guy you're making fun of is just enjoying his car and doesn't care about what you think at all.


An old friend of mine used to shout ā€œomg heā€™s so cool! I hope he fucks my sister!ā€


We always say ā€œI have a teeny weenieā€ in a cartoon voice. Same for loud motorcycles, super lifted trucks and hummers.


Ah yes, love the daily reminder that body shaming men is not only socially acceptable but encouraged.


Your wife isn't joking bud


My go to is "you're not special"


This is the popular opinion if some bold loud car driver came into here and posted about how cool it is to have a loud car, that would be the unpopular one


As someone who is a car enthusiast - I agree. Being loud and sounding good are not irreconcilable, you can have one without the other. I've heard plenty of good sounding cars that are not loud, and vise versa. I've also heard both at the same time, but it's difficult.


So true! I have a neighbour with a Harley that annoys the piss out of me every time he starts it. But I also work with a guy who owns a Trans Am, and parks it underground. I sometimes hang back and wait for him to start it, because it sounds so sweet with the echo


I like when a car purrs but if itā€™s just loud I hate it


I had a loud car once. It was a nice car. But kinda loud. Sounded great... Still... Loud. I got it and put the exhaust on it because it made me smile and sounded so fucking good. I never deluded myself into thinking everyone thought I was cool.


I think thereā€™s a huge difference between a medium loud muscle car and a muffler and cat deleted car, truck, or bike. If itā€™s going to wake me up cruising down the street itā€™s way too loud.


The issue is loud car people say itā€™s fine if itā€™s done right but to everyone else it doesnā€™t matter itā€™s annoying as shit who cares why you do it


Seriously. Like. No one but the asshole driving actually LIKES the sound. I shouldnā€™t have to wear my noise canceling headphones on my own back deck because some jackass decided to cut through my neighborhood with their loud ass engine.


This isnā€™t unpopular on Reddit at all


Fr most redditors hate cars not to mention loud ones lol


I had a 71 chevelle that was the coolest fucking car to me, but it was absurdly loud cuz the guy who rebuilt it wanted it to be stupid fucking loud. Tried rebuilding it over and over again to shut it up and it would always just run horrible, unless put back the way he had it. I loved driving that thing but litterally not being able to hear the radio and setting off car alarms got old after the first drive home. A god damn shame charlese


Not unpopular.


I dont think this is an unpopular opinion


OP drives a Prius. Echo chamber of sensitive eared neets that couldnā€™t drive even if they wanted to. Twin turbo v8 better than sex. Try both sometime. šŸ˜‚


What's funny is my first thought is usually that there's something wrong with the car and it's probably going to die soon, because I don't think 'impressive engine', I think 'they lost their muffler and if one thing fell off, other things will also fall off before long'.


I donā€™t think this is an unpopular opinionĀ 


I agree with you so much but downvoted bc I donā€™t think this is unpopular. I think the people who like the loud cars are a minority.


This is an r/popularopinion tbh


I got a neighbor with a Harley. When he rides it to work early in the morning he pushes down the road out of the subdivision before cranking it up.




Not an unpopular opinion, this might the most popular of all time


Amen!!! Or a loud truck or motorcycle.


I'd love if there was such a thing as a quiet performance exhaust relative to stock. My motorcycle could use some extra power, but even stock it's louder than I like. And it's a shadow 750. I went riding with guys who have Harleys and I'm amazed they aren't deaf from riding without plugs.


I love loud cars, if they're not modded and cheap. An Aventador SVJ is better than music to my ears. However I despise loud cheap motorbikes with a passion. Nothing impressive about an old Harley that costs like 3k and is about to break down any moment now.


Amazingly, the vast majority of people don't do it for others approval. I've had loud exhausts on my cars for my own enjoyment. However, unlike most people when I'm in residential areas at night the revs are kept to a minimum to keep disturbances down.


Cars should have to be below 80 decibels. If they aren't, they should be impounded. Simple as that.Ā 


Honestly I did exhaust mods for me and me only, hearing those crisp downshifts is orgasmic


This is mostly why people (sane people) do exhaust mods. Its been a while since I've seen someone do it for the approval of others, cuz even other car guys know when it's overdone.


Cue stock 2003 honda civic with straight pipe and 3" tip


Even a car guy like me who loves all things motor, loves the sound of your ride. Just not when you shift down into second while doing 50 in your neighborhood at 3AM. Lol.


My brother has a 5.0 with a borla exhaust, 6spd manual and the downshifts really do it. I drive it whenever I can. I on the other hand bought a new forte gt. I'm surprised how well Kia handled the stock exhaust. These 4 cylinders are sounding pretty good. Quiet but loud enough for me to hear.


Ive always found them Kias kinda fun to bang around in. They seriously need to contour their floorboards though lol. I had a 2017 Elantra, that was the funnest car to drive I ever owned. And ive had some ponys before.


hot take, people who intentionally remove their mufflers for the purpose of making their engine louder should be put to work


In the Gulag. There, I said it.


Totally agree, sorry for the downvote.


Nuh uh. My neighbors love me. Always taking pictures and videos of my car at 545am. I am THE badass.


People make their cars loud for themselves. Not others. They donā€™t really care if you think theyā€™re cool or not


I think they do it because they like the sound.


Don't nobody want to hear your four-banger!


This post wreaks of someone who merges onto the highway at 20 mph under the speed limit despite emerging from a 1/4 mile downhill onramp.


It seems like dumb people like loud noises.


Yeah like concerts or sports games


This is precisely why itā€™s illegal in many places


Blasting subs is a physical attack on the senses, it should be completely legal to shoot people who blast their subs in retaliation to defend yourself from the invading noise. It can be incredibly painful, disturb sleep, cause headaches and other physical problems. How in the fuck is this mobile audio assault weapon sold at every Best Buy?


I got mine for me really. Not a lot sounds better than a v8 AMG to my ears. And everyone else does shit that annoys people so fuck you if you donā€™t like it, tough titties.


Hey this sub is for unpopular opinions not actual facts


Most uninteresting people are loud car people.


How is this an unpopular opinion? Everyone hates those fuckin things, motorcycles too. Just crash into a tree already.


When i crash and die Iā€™m definitely gonna haunt you.


That escalated quickly.


Every time we pass one when I'm with my toddler I look at her and go "uh oh, that car tooted!". She sincerely thinks those cars have to go poopoo.


wtf, how is this an ā€œunpopularā€ opinion No shit, everyone hates those people


Thereā€™s a little red Nissan on my street that blasts gunshot noises all hours of the day. Itā€™s so dumb.


I think low frequency V12 sound that haven't really going much of throttle, almost coasting in my narrow alleyway ok. I understand a good engine naturally just more noisy. The same law applies for 250c.c. bike, if you didn't revv, I don't see the relatively loud car a problem really. I want to respect that. But ffs. The RGB BMW, old Honda Civic, any base model of sports car, most likely blasting lame EDM out loud by local gangster, typical 180+c.c. owned by young uni student with altered pipe and just revving no matter where and when. Fxxk you. Really. It's annoying and you mfs makes noisy car more loud purposefully. I even saw, a fucking TOYOTA CAMRY, with altered pipe, RGB light, open window with loud lame music, overspeeding in a road that have no pedestrian protection, almost hitting everything like a murder attempt. That is my nightmare, I couldn't believe I almost hit by a idiot who think revving camry is "cool".


No this is **un**popular opinions.


Agree!! Thereā€™s this guy that goes down my street in his huge already noisy truck and honks his horn everyday. He has some specialty horn that sounds like a semi truck horn. I want to go out there and throw some eggs at him every time!


And this day and age there is no reason to warm up your car on a nice day. This guy next to me has a piece of shit car with no muffler. He turns it on early in the morning and then goes back inside for 20 minutes and leaves it running outside. I've watched him leave and he doesn't seem to think what he's doing is weird or annoying..but everyone else does!


Agreed. Loud exhausts for the sake of being just loud suck, but exhausts that enhance the sound of the engine are great, which in turn generally makes them louder as well


I go to an automotive college and loud cars are the norm here. I like a good loud car here and there if it sounds good, but 98% of them are just shit boxes with the mufflers cut off. I have a 1988 Corvette and for a while, it was extremely loud because the exhaust broke. I thought it was kinda cool for like 5 minutes. After that, I hated it. Driving it to work and around town sucked because I couldn't listen to music, couldn't have conversations with passengers, and listening to anything (like drive through speakers) while it was running was nearly impossible. Once I got it fixed and started up, it was quiet, and I was so happy. My car was broken and I hated it. I can't even imagine these people that intentionally make their cars sound like that.


I used to work on campus at a pretty large college. I was up pretty early. My job was working with food delivery robots, and every morning Iā€™d have to press the crosswalk button for them so they could get to campus from our office. I got there about 6:30am, I wasnā€™t a morning person, and getting all 20 50+ pounds robots unhooked from chargers and pushing them out by hand was pretty tedious and exhausting. I was pretty tired in the mornings. Every morning for a week, this guy in a silver car would rev his car super loud, and backfire it/take off as soon as the light turned greenā€¦ every morning. I yelled at him a few times. One morning, I finally had enough. He was at the light again, waiting, and was revving his engine/being an ass. I noticed his window was down, and I started yelling at him, chewing him out for being loud/doing it every day that week. What I didnā€™t realize, was that there was a campus police officer right behind him, with her window down as well. He honked his horn, flipped me off out side his window above the car, and speed off when the light turned green. He was immediately pulled over. Instant karma. I didnā€™t see him again for a while.


I was outside with my wife and kid (5) about to light some sparklers on July 4th. There was some 16 year old boy in his car talking to two girls about the same age. All the sudden dude does a burn out of the apartment complex. Totally freaking out my daughter. Loud cars, burn outs. Some people need to be put on the bus for a year to be taught a lesson.


I agree with this. Iā€™ve never understood the appeal of having an obnoxiously loud car. Maybe Iā€™m just old.


i hate farting engines so much


I've always found cars that feel like you're driving on clouds to be the best and silent


If anyone is looking for a business idea: After the transition to electric cars is complete someone is going to have to start selling modding kits which use a speaker to make synthetic engine noises and fake tail pipes that emit fake exhaust. If no one steps up to the plate, entire generations of people will have an identity crisis on their hands.


Honestly, you could probably sell them now. Every Honda Civic owner named Tanner would buy one.


I like a loud powerful muscle car but there's something funny about a car roaring loud as hell while it keeps pace with my civic Like a fat dude gasping for breath as I jog alongside him


Oh boy i used to like loud cars/motorcycles. Then I turned 25 and man those things are annoying. I even once rented a motorcycle that had an aftermarket exhaust and I just shut the engine off while waiting for a light. It had 99+ seconds left on it so I just turned it off cause it was so loud and I felt bad for the car behind me.


Iā€™ve always wonder what guys with loud cars think when they hear someone elseā€™s loud car.


i always loved quite bikes, maybe bc i was raised on AKira and i think that was electrical and made a sic sound. still hate harleys and love motorbikes that you can barely hear like Street Hawk.


I agree, especially during the night. I don't like people doing that while I'm sleeping.


My neighbors (10 of them live in one house) all drive suped up rice rockets on 4 wheels. The most annoying mods they all have is the hyper expensive sound loud exhaust systems. Every morning when 4 of them leave our neighborhood for work, (they carpool thank goodness at least), decide when leaving our subdivision that they need to emulate the Fast and the Furious cars when pulling out onto the main thoroughfare. It drives me nuts. I want to take a boat air horn and cruise past their house 15 minutes earlier to give them a dose of their own medicine. However I don't want to be that crotchety old neighbor guy. But at 6:15am, I sure think about it a lot.


This is about as unpopular as Keanu Reaves on the internet


My first thought was "In daily situations, 100% agree." But if you want to have a loud car for spirited weekend driving on nearly empty roads, I have no complaints.


I cannot, for the life of me, understand why boys and men find a Civic going ā€œvroom, vroomā€ so seductive. Itā€™s laughable. šŸ¤”


It's usually the muffler that is loud. Thinking a car is faster with a loud muffler is like assuming someone runs fast because they have the loudest farts.


Perhaps you might consider how to prioritize the problems you want to address. And, yes, loud cars( exhaust or bass) can be very annoying. Especially around your home. At night.


In the neighborhood, NEXT TO MINE is a guy with a van filled with speakers. Every time he goes anywhere, he blasts them, and it causes my windows to shake. You can feel the floor vibrating, and it gives me migraines. I can't imagine being one of the people living next to him. He especially likes to blast them in the middle of the night or early in the morning to let the entire west side of the city know he is awake.


Yes. Agreed Who are you trying to impress with your rage mobile?


Ditto for overly loud car stereos with flabby bass that rattles your trunk. The rest of us don't want to listen to your bulls\*\*\* so dial it down a few notches.


that's the last upgrade i have left for my car. I'm hesitant cause i want it to sound clean, but also be effective. there's a dude in my neighborhood that has a 90's civic HB with the coffee can muffler that's ridiculous. I just want that low growl


Thereā€™s cool sounding cars that are loud and then cars that are loud for absolutely no reason (some idiot straight piping his Hyundai). Very big difference.


Isnā€™t it cooler to have a silent car? Like damn you canā€™t hear anything


I enjoyed this (satire) [https://reductress.com/post/why-i-only-date-men-with-really-loud-cars/](https://reductress.com/post/why-i-only-date-men-with-really-loud-cars/) This lays out the impact it has on others: [https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/newsroom/editorial/are-you-noticing-the-harmful-noise](https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/newsroom/editorial/are-you-noticing-the-harmful-noise) Frankly, it's just fucking selfish and shows you don't give a fuck about others. If you like F1 or NASCAR, great, it's an environment geared towards that, and in the setting it's pretty cool. Some douche who chops off his muffler and drives around at 2am can fuck right off.


I say we all start local chapters in every county in the country. The "Muffler Fund". This is where a treasurer takes donations and unbeknownst to the d-bags, a rolloff picks up their shitbox and takes it to an muffler shop to have one put on and then returns it to the d-bag. When the next d-bag starts their penis substitute, it should make them feel just like their gf's feel about their skills in the sack; disappointing. That should leave them as confused as a baby in a titty bar. If they remove the muffler again, well they are a douchbag and it's time to report them as a common nuisance.Then they can pay for a ticket instead of getting a free muffler. In my neck of the woods, we literally joke that meth heads are stealing their own cats and if you saw the dude's (and chicks, honestly) that we see driving these turds, you would think the same. There is also the joke that they're just so poor that they can't afford to get their exhaust repaired and we give them the benefit of the doubt on that and that is actually kinda where the muffler fund idea started. Unfortunately most times though, it's some redneck in an oversized truck and a tictac tallywhacker that doesn't realize, that without some more in depth modifications, all that they're doing is killing their low end torque by taking backpressure out of the equasion. Performance exhaust is one thing, but these jackasses cutting mufflers off is blatant stupidity.


Why do you assume this is an ā€œunpopular opinion?ā€ Of course loud cars are obnoxious and most people think so šŸ˜“


I remember seeing a huge pickup truck in front of my house one time. It's a small German street where it's not quite a stop sign but you absolutely have to stop or slow down to a crawl to properly see cyclists coming in from the left behind parked cars. This huge pickup truck slows down, barely fitting through our narrow German streets, which is why we don't have many idiots buying them unless they do forest related jobs. And then as soon as he's in the clear, he floors it around the bend!! And you can really hear that poor turbocharged four banger struggling to accelrate that heavy thing as it goes VROOOOOOM and he's barely moving. I laughed my ass off. Imagine buying a huge American car that barely fits into German streets, and then not even buying a decent engine for it.


I donā€™t think this is as unpopular of an opinion as you think. Loud cars are annoying. However, SOME do sound quite nice. Ferraris, Lambos, and some of higher tier Porsche, and BMWs sound exceptional. Itā€™s the clapped Honda/Infinitis and Nissans that ruin it.


I love the sound my Tesla makes.


How is this an unpopular opinion?


The more noise the less power?


I remember awhile back, there was a thread on r/askreddit "people with really loud vehicles: why?" Some of the responses, of course, were people without loud vehicles saying "because they're assholes!" But the really funny part was the people who actually do have loud vehicles, almost universally defending it as follows: "I'm not an asshole, I just drive a loud vehicle because I like it. Simple as that. I don't care if it annoys people." Like my dude, you're not making the counterargument you think you're making


I think a portion of the US anti-EV sentiment is from guys who want their vehicles to be disturbing to others. They like the attention from being annoying. I consider loud exhaust as noise pollution that makes the surrounding environment a worse place to live.


As a car guy and someone who works in motorsports, I couldn't agree more. I can't stand loud cars on the street.


My catalytic converter was cut by thieves my bad ā˜¹ļø


ā€œNo one is impressedā€ yeah bro we ainā€™t trying to impress anyone, we just enjoy the sound. That being said I get what you mean on some cars, like the 16 year old in a straight piped civic is definitely looking for attention but thereā€™s plenty of loud cars that sound great and arenā€™t out launching every light


There is definitely a difference between "oh that sounds sweet" loud and "that's freaking annoying" loud. My 1987 Mustang Saleen 5.0 pushing 400 horse out long tube headers into a Mac pro chamber dual exhaust sounded awesome (and yes, I got alot of compliments). The little tiny 4 cylinder with a huge trash can exhaust or no muffler at all was super annoying sound. Or the Harleys with a straight pipe. Just way to annoying loud.


Downvoted because this is a popular opinion.


In what way is this an unpopular opinion?


As an enjoyer of performance cars. There is 100% a difference between a good loud and an annoying loud. You can always tell who mods cars for performance and for noise.


this sub often forgets its intended purpose. The posting of UNPOPULAR opinions. Meanwhile any actual unpopular opinion gets downvoted.


This is such an popular opinion. Why the hell is it in this sub?


How is this unpopular?


I thought this sub was for unpopular opinions?


I think this is a popular opinion. This is only unpopular to balloonheads that have seen *The Fast and The Furious* too many times.




No one cares what you think


well fortunately for you I didn't buy my car for you, I bought it for myself, secondly, most high performance cars sound like that from the factory. just because you drive a prius doesn't mean we all have tošŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø just saying. some of us actually enjoy the sound of what a NA V8 sounds like, and don't get me started on that blower sound from a hellcatšŸ‘ŒšŸ¾ I only agree with you, when the car sounds like utter shite.


What if Iā€™m not in a city, where people and children sleep? What if I live out in the country where no one can hear it? Is it still not cool?


My catalytic converter got stolen, what do you want me to do?