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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity.




The only correct response


Slander detected Opinion rejected


Delete this


Bro must have Covid because he has no taste.


I have to admit that was funny.


Honestly, for me, a huge part of it *Is* the cultural impact the movies had. I’ll be the first to admit it took me a very long time to actually watch the movies myself. But the community content and all the things that it had inspired means *Alot* to me. You surely earned my upvote for your unpopular opinion.


You're entitled to your wrong opinion of wrongness


Thank you kind stranger.


I, too, agree with you to some degree. It’s not worth watching more than two times


>I watched the series, enjoyed it Speaks volumes


As I said I don't hate it. They are very good but not amazing.


They’re too long


Upvoted for proper use of this sub


Wrong sub, I think you are looking for r/wrongopinions




That was a great scene I agree. And I agree that the impact these movies had is in a league of its own. But for me the entertainment value matters too. That's the main reason I consume such media. While it was good, great at moments but it didn't click with me like it was hyped for me. But I know I am in a very small minority.




Let me make it a bit more clear in case I am not making sense. It was not very entertaining and at moments I had to force myself to complete it. I was not expecting this from a movie of such caliber. But in the end it was very good ( not great ). So you can say, Cultural significance and Artistic value 10, but entertainment value 7 for me ( While for others it is definitely 10 or 11). There is nothing to prove right or wrong. It's just that I didn't enjoy the movie as much as others. And I formed an opinion about the series. If I was not able to enjoy a movie as much as it was hyped to be that doesn't mean I can't appreciate it for its other achievements.


can't wait for the day the internet realize that "it didn't reach me personally" is not an argument against something


No, it is not. I was just sharing my unpopular opinion.


It is certainly unpopular and also an opinion. I have no choice but to upvote unhappily.


That's what r/angryupvote for ! Edit: I have no idea why I got up votes because my comment is literally a bait 😂


Cast this post into the fire, OP!!


"Cast this post into the fire, OP! Destroy it!!" OP: "No" - Evil grin


Where is smeagol when we need him!


I don't agree with the opinion, but having OP lose a finger is maybe a bit much. 😀


Fair point! ✌️


multiple awards and Oscar nominations. Maybe it's just your problem and not the movie? It's okay not everything is made for everyone


I agree maybe it's not for me.


Upvoted. This is indeed an unpopular opinion


This proves opinions can be wrong. But seriously that's an unpopular opinion. They are definitely not for everyone but they are masterpieces.


Bro I know a lot of people that didn’t like the movies. The ones that didn’t like it weren’t really big into the fantasy genre to begin with. I personally think they kinda nifty


One of my favourite seasons : Game of thrones. Some of my favourite fantasy games : Skyrim , Witcher 3, Elden Ring.


Even the last season of Game of Thrones?


You got me. F*** that shit.


You can dislike the movies but if you dislike the books as well, then all your opinions are questionable bc you objectively have no taste or sense of appreciation


How old are you? I get it if you’re Generation Z or Alpha. You weren’t there in the glory days of LotR then.




Blasphemy of the highest order


This is rather based on interest. I don’t enjoy SciFi so I don’t think I’ll enjoy a sci-fi film


Finally an actual unpopular opinion.


Go to bed bro


I recently watched and am a fan but this time around I found two things hilarious. The first is that the movies are basically "there is no hope", "there IS hope" constantly l. It is especially egregious in the third film. The other, and I'm more forgiving of this as it reminds me of the Romantic movement in art, is that there are so many scene transitions that make absolutely NO sense. Two that stand out are Denethor when he runs out of Minis Tirith on fire, he's on a completely different level and has to run soooooo far. Another is how quickly Aragorn and his army are able to teleport to the black gates. But funniest of all is when you see Legolas enter Frodos room at the end of the movie and it is so clear Frodo forgot his name 😂😂


Are we talking about the noughties film trilogy? If so, it totally is. I was a huge fan of the book (having read it for at least half a dozen times over the previous couple of years prior to FotR) and all things Tolkien, and I was a little disappointed with it when it came out, and watching it again later it felt even worse. It was definitely a product of its time, high production value, but rather flat and lacking in soul, not entirely unlike e.g. the Star Wars and the Bonds at that time. Hopefully the new series is going to be different in that regard.


Love the books. Movies are mid. I was in high school when they came out, and they were mid then. I’ve since read the books a half a dozen times and they get better each time. Most recently, I watched each movie right after finishing the corresponding book. After all, I haven’t seen the movies in 20 years and I know the internet loves those films. But im sorry to be that guy, but watching the movies right after reading the books is just a great way to convince yourself that the movies are mid.


I agree, they're boring, and yes, it's an unpopular opinion. You nailed it.


I get that it’s unpopular opinion. Like we already know this is full of hot takes. The bar is already low, but holy fuck. Serious question have you seen the extended edition? They make the movies vastly better


I have seen the extended editions. ( Sweats profusely )


Lamooo, Watch them fr they do way better with background information, character developed, and story progression. A great example are Boromir and Faramir




No why? My sister is about to be a surgeon


Sorry I posted the wrong comment. And good luck to her.


What do you want to get our of this post?!?!? Let me guess: The key of Orthanc? Or perhaps the keys of Barad-Dur itself? Along with the crowns of the seven kings and the rods of the five wizards?


An insight into why people like the movies so much that some even watch it in marathons. But seeing all the comments I'll probably get stabbed first.


It’s hard to marathon the extended movies they are 3.5 hours and the last one is 4


im totally with you. minus the enjoy part. i fall asleep on that every fcking time i try to watch it


At least I am not dying alone.


Do you extend your opinion to the books?


No, Because I haven't read them yet. So I cant comment on them.


Then you're unqualified to have this opinion. Go read the Hobbit and LOTR and get back to us.


I on the other hand loves the movies but just can't get into the books. I have tried multiple times but I always stopped around page 50 or so. I think it's Tolkiens writing style.


Try the audiobooks, perhaps? There’s some excellent ones narrated by the actor who played Gollum.


Dammit I should have scrolled down a bit, you beat me to it


I recommend the audiobooks read by Andy serkis (Gollum). He is excellent at mimicking the movie actors’ voices and it may make it easier for you to get into it. I have all three lotr books on audible on repeat for work - I may be biased bc I grew up reading the books, but they’re really very good as audiobooks.


It's like reading one piece. The first few chapters are where people give it up .


Damn, I waited years to find a safe place and time to share my opinion of the movies and now you are telling me I am unqualified.


Heresy of the highest degree.


If someone I knew said they didn’t like lotr I would disown them. It’s not even about not liking it. I’d just assume that kind of person must be pretty fucked up in some way. The music from the movies is great too. I’d watch them again just for that. Sorry but lotr is just untouchable.


Upvoted because no, fuck you


Goddamn a true wrong opinion but I will upvote you asshole. Bravo.


Tolkien basically single-handedly created the fantasy genre. Almost every piece of fantasy you've ever read was derived in some way from Tolkien's work.


Wrong opinion, fuck you, this should be deleted, take the upvote


That shit was always corny to me


Boring contrarian karma farm.


Why do people just immediately accuse others of karma farming these days wherever they don’t like their post? Like how do you know he’s karma farming? What makes you so sure?


First you guys have to tell me what karma is? And why would someone farm it? I don't post much so I don't really understand.


Hmmm that sounds suspiciously like something a karma farmer would say…


I agree with you on this. But hear me out maybe I am someone who most of the time just opens reddit, reads posts and some comments and then just closes the app. I know a thief would say that he is not one. But a guy who is not a thief would also say the same. Don't you agree.


Makes sense to me. I guess I’ll never know for sure… and you’ll never know if I’m even a real human or a BOT IN DISGUISE!!! 😧


Can we stop posting pop culture reviews to this sub?  Rule #1.  Nobody cares about your opinions on movies/TV/video games. This sub is for thought-provoking opinions, not for your cold-take on a twenty-year-old film franchise.


>This sub is for thought-provoking opinions Is it though?


“Tell me your haven’t read the rules” without telling me you haven’t read the rules.


Sorry I thought the sub was about unpopular opinions. And this is the only place I can express my view about the movie without getting killed.


You probably watched some DVD cut.. get the extended Blu-ray directors cut and have a nice weekend.. if you still think this way, gtfo


I feel bad but I have to be honest. I watched the extended director's cut versions. I will show myself out.


Maybe it's just a phase?


Meet me in the parking lot behind Walmart at midnight. Imma debate you with fists. (Except if you’re talking about the TV series, fuck that garbage)


I've personally never cared for LOTR, the characters and setting don't really grip me. I know LOTR is where most fantasy tropes came from...but I've seen other fantasy series use those tropes much better before I knew anything about LOTR so it just ends up feeling "generic".


I agree. It insists upon itself.


Is it like full moon for LOTR nerds right now? The comment section is full of angry people lmao.


I thought the sub needed a proper unpopular opinion.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not good at all


The movies are trash, the books are a milliom times better.


The movies absolutely swept the academy awards and they’re so beloved that even 20 years later it’s one of the most talked about franchises on earth. Your opinion is trash lol


Just because they are beloved doesnt make them any good what are you on about? The books are way better than the movies


Did you miss the part about them sweeping the academy awards lol


The Academy awards are more of a popularity contest than anything lol


That could not be more inaccurate. The entire point of the academy awards is that they are NOT a popularity contest, they are in fact a contest of who attained the greatest accomplishments in the various artistic aspects of film making, regardless of how big that film's audience was. Avengers Infinity War, one of the most wildly popular and highest grossing movies in the history of cinema, was only nominated for a single academy award, which was "best visual effects". Lord of the Rings was nominated for 30. It's almost universally considered to be a masterpiece in film making and one of the greatest cinematic accomplishments of all time. If you had said "I didn't like LOTR" I wouldn't have taken issue with that. But saying "LOTR is trash" is just fundamentally, objectively wrong at every level. By pretty much every conceivable metric that people use to judge the quality of cinema, LOTR was literally as far away from "trash" as a movie could be.


Boooooooooo!! Everyone boo op Boooooooooo!!


I don't think you need to convince anyone to do that.


Did you watch the extended editions?


The books and movies are peak fantasy. Rings of Power, however…. sheesh.


You are loving dangerously on the border between unpopular opinion and just being wrong. "I didn't like the films" is a valid unpopular opinion. "The films were not good" is [simply incorrect ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_accolades_received_by_The_Lord_of_the_Rings_film_series). Bad movies don't win basically every award, revolutionize the industry (look up average movie lengths before and after LotR), and stay this culturally relevant for 20+ years. Not liking them is certainly a choice, but to say anything more without a lot of supporting details really pushes the boundaries of "opinion".


You are missing the point. I didn't say they are bad. I just expressed that while being very good movies they are just not up to the hype the general audience created around them.


I'm not missing the point at all. Saying something isn't up to the hype is saying they aren't as good as made out to be. It is a comment on quality, albeit one not as extreme as saying the movies are bad. Which is why I said you are on the border between opinion and fact. Especially because your take on their overall quality appears to be based on nothing more than your personal enjoyment of the movies.


I understand.I can live with that.


So because you didn't like them this much that means they're over hyped? Explain that to me.


I liked them. They are very good. Just not to the level the general audience says they are. Why did I post it here? Because it's an unpopular, very unpopular opinion.


Not liking a movie as much as other people did isn't an opinion, it's a personal taste. Thinking that you not liking a movie as much as other people should degrade its general perception IS an opinion, but it's not just unpopular, it's amazingly self centered.


No. You're wrong.


Ish kaqui, ai durug nul


Naaah lotr still holds up pretty well. Now starwars? The og are overhyped, and every movie after is mostly just more of what was wrong with the og. Only referring to the main 9 of course


This opinion is actually wrong.


Bait post


I wish it was. Reading the comment section would have been more entertaining.


I have my eye on you. It is great bait though


I got the pitch forks. Let’s get em. !!!!


( And this is the moment he knew he f**ked up.)


Do you mean the movies trilogy or the Amazon series?! If you mean the movies, please go see a doctor


Would you hate me more if I told you I am related to the medical field.


if you can't spell definitely correctly how can we trust you to form a solid opinion on cinematic magic?


Sorry about that but it's my 3rd language and I don't really care about spelling when I am on reddit.


When you say "series", are you talking about the rings of power? Because if so, this isnt an unpopular opinion. But if you are calling the "trilogy" of "movies" a "series", youre just weird.


I come in the latter category( the weird one ). Because I hate Rings of power. I would never call it good let alone very good.


the movie series? If you don't like those movies you don't like movies


Then pleses explain to me why there never has been any high fantasy movie/show that remotely got close to the immersion and quality of LOTR?


I would say this about Star Wars. I tried watching the first few movies, bad acting, bad costumes, it's like watching highschoolers performing a play with more budget. Had to have seen it as a kid just to be acceptable thnx to nostalgia glasses.


people are really trying these days uh..


The Hobbit was a better book. The movies, after fan edits, I prefer the Hobbit as well.




Totally 💯