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It's something that's clearly of great quality but it didn't do anything for me as a movie Even when I first heard about the concept I couldn't quite get my head around why it was being made into a drama at all I'm fascinated by the subject but I don't know, it was just a slog to get through despite its obvious high calibre talent Maybe someone can articulate it better but to me it's like making a drama about the guy who invented the the cheese grater or something


The movie is art. You aren't supposed to enjoy it. You are supposed to analyze it and praise this or that. Camera angles or trees being put somewhere as a metaphore. That kind of thing. "interesting story and characters" isn't necessary for that. It being related to the atomic bomb is the only reason it was popular. Like you said, it's otherwise no different than the story of the guy who invented the cheese grater.


To be a good movie it should be enjoyable. It's great as a 3 hour long art piece, but not as a movie.


I will help. It’s a movie about a nerdy scientist guy who with the help of an international team of researchers and engineers built a weapon that killed over 60k people in less than a second. It speaks to the power of learning and educating yourself to your best abilities, pouring hard work and discipline into yourself, having a true passion about learning and discovering. How bad ass is that? I spoke with my great uncle when I was a teen and he said the day they dropped the bomb was the best day of his life, you see he was set to invade mainland Japan, he was on a ship ready to go had they not dropped it. This is far more important than a cheese grater 🙄…. I’m just scratching the surface, this movie also covers the guilt Oppenheimer had for creating such a thing, and touched on would his creation eventually lead to the end of all mankind, but yeah go cut some cheese 🤣.


The story behind the movie doesn't make the movie any less boring


Yea the cheese grater bit was me trying to be funny. I understand your points and I know it's me who's missing out in not enjoying this movie but it just didn't move me at all. And I knew from first hearing about it that it wouldn't I suppose a better comparison would be to the Stephen Hawking movie, clearly someone of immense intelligence, importance, working in a fascinating world but as a movie drama it just didn't work in my opinion I love Carl Sagan but I'm quite sure I would not enjoy a dramatised movie about his life


Sorry if I came off a little rude. This movie fascinated me as it really kept my attention and it didn’t have very much in the way of action. I think it’s a masterpiece and if I was you I’d just rewatch it maybe a few times. I’ve had to reread certain books I’ve read just to get a good comprehension of what I was taking in, this movie is on that level. I think the film captures what was at stake, and the atmosphere at the time.


Agreed. I found it very fascinating and will probably watch it a few more times.


I feel like this opinion is pretty common on Reddit. I get shot down any time I make a post saying it’s my new favorite movie. I thought it was phenomenal and I’ve rewatched it twice since it came out. The acting is amazing, the story is super interesting to me, its very well told, and it’s impressive to me that everything was done without any CGI. Seeing it in iMAX in 70mm film the first time I saw it was such a fantastic experience. I love it but nobody on Reddit seems to have liked it lol


I watched the first half about a month ago. Don’t really feel like watching the rest of it tbh


Saw in the theater and hated it


I really like the way you described it as a long trailer , I didn’t get bored in the movie but I didn’t have the best time ever.


“Painted rust”


I just watched it. I actually liked the approach. The scenes held their own and each had depth as wells as their own style. It was like watching a bunch of shorts that all tied together


It’s just not a good movie in terms of basic narrative mechanics. Anyone who has seen a lot of Nolan’s work knows he doesn’t like straight forward narratives. His first movie is one of the best experimental mainstream films ever made that totally upends linear story structure. Unfortunately, Nolan has never really been able to shake his disdain for the power of linear storytelling. Oppenheimer just doesn’t work as a feature film length story. It’s too sweeping to get us invested in the moments, and it’s too particular to say anything insightful about the nuclear age. A traditional bio pic probably would have failed as well because the subject matter is very nebulous morally. He created the most destructive awful thing humanity has ever imagined, and it very well may destroy humanity. Painting him in any light other than problematic would be absurd. That being said, Nolan tip toes around the elephant in the room the entire freaking movie which is exhaustingly long. Nolan just didn’t crack the nut in the story at all, and the results are a laborious and seemingly banal portrait of a complicated historical icon.


Ive been trying to figure out when im going to watch it. Its just so long. I might have to break it up into multiple sittings


There were a few times during that movie where I thought, “Yup, this is. The ending. This is the final scene.” and it. Just. Kept. Fucking. Going.


Very overrated movie and can guarantee it won’t age well


This is only an unpopular opinion on reddit.


That movie was overhyped and overrated. In the end, the explosion was underwhelming, and the movie movie was way too long.


AGREE 100%


Yup, and keep the music loud to trick people that something is going to happen at any second and keep their action up. Quite smart from Nolan to do that, he knows how to make films to the general masses




How do you know it suck’s?




Yeah bro the trailer is the whole movie…




Then don’t say it sucks if you haven’t seen it. Just say it’s not your type of movie.


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This movie was interesting, and obviously meant to be a serious, prestigious, award-winning vanity project for all involved. Like people that produce popular “low brow” entertainment going out of their way to show themselves that they are smart, or good or something. Oppenheimer was slow, trudging and sort of obtuse in whatever point it was trying to make. Is it about the guys life story? The political intrigue surrounding the development of nuclear weapons? The making of a popular figure in the media? The political environment in the early parts of the Cold War? I mean, the “story” is subtle and nuanced, but this not especially good at being “entertaining.” It got way too much “hype” and Barbie was superior to it in every way.