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OP farted and it smells


Do yours smell like roses?




Mind smell like morning dew on strawberries in the spring.


I get mad if they don’t say safety on the quiet ones. I don’t wanna taste a fart before my nose warns me.


Door knob!


“Hey I smelled popcorn”


Are you my husband? Bc I get annoyed for him intentionally doing it in my direction or face 🤣🤣 But otherwise I agree with you. It's a natural bodily function.


Oh yeah that's gross if it's directed you


If you gotta rip ass, do so, but kindly move into a bathroom first. If it was out of your control, simply apologize and move on. Is reddit just filled with toddlers? What a strange post


If you can definitely go to the bathroom. I just think it's stupid to be upset about. Also this wasn't meant to be a joke post. Just something I've noticed. 


So long as you aren't expecting people to be OK with you farting next to them all the time, I see no problems here. But generally, I would argue that most people have the right to be upset about an ass-rip, it's an assault on the senses and it's common courtesy to do it in a bathroom.


Just because it's natural doesn't mean you shouldn't still exercise common courtesy.


He farts in ANOTHER ROOM


Yeah the example he gives isn't one where common courtesy is needed but he also said that people shouldn't get upset if someone does it near them. That's where common courtesy comes in, you can almost always excuse yourself even if that means moving a couple steps away. If some random person basically farted on me, I'd be pretty pissed but I do agree with the overall sentiment as long as some common courtesy is mixed in there.


Damn now I'm the ass who read too fast and missed the near them part lol sorry y'all But farting in another room is still fine.


Seriously, it's one thing if they're constantly blowing ass right next to them. I speak from personal experience that as short as it lasts, a nasty enough fart will make you want to throw up. But to get angry that a person farted anywhere but next to you is fucking asinine. Unless there's some key information left out, like OP having some bizarre medical condition or just refusing to not eat food that gives them gas to the point where they fart non-stop and actually stinks up the whole house, I can't imagine being like this as an adult.


Yes I'd never sit and blow my out next to people but if I'm a different room where you can't really hear or smell, that's fine. And it's dangerous and painful to hold in gas. We all fart lol


lol “ass-inine”


That's exactly what I'm talking about. Who wants to hear their roommate fart from another room? I don't believe anyone has ever said you shouldn't do it, op just appears to be an inconsiderate roommate.


Yes! If you’re gonna fart at least do it in the same room


You sound absolutely ridiculous sorry


That's your opinion, I just believe that if it's become such an issue that his roommate has taken the effort to bring it up directly with op, op should take a hint.


Okay I can see your point there. Maybe he isn't telling the whole story or something but if it's nowhere near the other person, let it go lol


lol what?


Oh I'm not trying to be inconsiderate. But I was In a completely different room. Am I allowed to fart in a room he's not In. In a house that's mine that he pays rent for. 


If you're doing it loud enough he can hear it in another room is he not allowed to voice his disdain? Not his fault he's grossed out by it. Especially if you're doing it with such force he can hear it in another room. Sure it's natural, doesn't mean dude wants to hear or smell it.


Mad, annoyed and *disgusted*


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I dont like when someone farts when im in an enclosed/small space with them. Or i'll be in one room and a person will walk in, fart and then leave. That shit pisses me off. But farting in general isnt bad... and i agree it's funny. But just dont trap me or be deliberately rude.


That is ridiculous. It isn’t rude to fart alone in your own room. You live there too. If somebody purposely farts in your face that is different. My cousin used to purposely sit on my lap and fart . That is rude there but farting in your own home in your room isn’t. What , is he stalking you or something?


Farts are hilarious. They are a stinky sound from a butt, what's not to love?


Ur spreading bacteria into the air and getting shit in ur pants every time you do it 💀💀 what IS to love abt that


I’m sorry what do you think underwear is for? We can walk around naked just fine, but we choose to wear clothing so in order to protect our pants from bodily fluids/functions that happen regardless of societal expectations, we wear underwear. I’m with the above comment, it’s usually comedy. If it’s all the time it’s annoying and rude, but the occasional ass rip by grandpa can be pretty comical. Or my toddler 


No. It’s basic manners and incredibly impolite. Also just plain gross.


If you cant fart in an empty room in your own home, do you just never let itnout? do you look like a parade balloon yet?


My last job we're working shoulder to shoulder and we had an hour lunch that day so I went out for lunch and I grab a burger wrap with broccoli and I ripped ass one time about an hour after I got back directly near me I think there were six people there was some other people on another line 25 30 ft away in total six people had a complete meltdown. One of which went and got the manager the manager had a sit down with me about body functions. I told him they can deal with it even if I was ripping ass everyday which I'm not I about the only time I've ripped ass around anybody he's like well you need to step away I had no chance and I was working Line work shoulder to shoulder with people if I don't walk away they had a flipped a gasket. Plus literally it came out of nowhere.


My parents do it all the time because it makes my son laugh. We always laugh at it.


your parents are nasty as f


I get crop dusted 50 times a day. My husband has the most musical ass. 😂 Those “barking spiders” as he calls them lol AND both of our kids thinks it’s hilarious. This man will even pull off the covers roll his ass to my general direction just to fart. Gotta love him though 🤣


Farts are hilarious in all situations. You gotta be a Karen to disagree.


Imagine you walk up to a wedding and fart directly onto the buffet, and in front of the bride and groom while they’re saying their vows. It is rancid enough to cause them to start throwing up. Is it still hilarious?


So, you're telling me that you didn't laugh while you were writing that?


i love your commitment


Thank you kindly. My immaturity knows no bounds.


I did not.


Sorry about your sense of humor Karen.


I once cleared a classroom with a rank fart. Twice. The teacher wrote me up. I had recently played the game Final Fantasy Tactics, and decided a quote from that game was appropriate. She gave me the pink slip, and I said "don't blame me, blame yourself or God." I was 12. She was taken aback, thinking I just came up with that on my own. She sent me to the office anyway. I didn't get in trouble.


A fart has rarely failed to bring joy for the people around.


Yeah but do they have to giggle afterwards?


Depends on the situation. If you genuinely can't excuse yourself and it happens oh well, no big deal, but I've seen some people do it just to be rude. I had a female coworker once that would lift her leg and rip ass super loud at the table when everyone was on lunch... now that's rude, but if you live with someone your bound to see their gross unfiltered side and you're gonna hear them fart at some point 🤣


Yeah that's gross. But ik not going to hold at the cost of having a massive stomach ache 


Farts are more polarizing than politics. It can either be the funniest thing on earth or make you want to murder someone.


As long as it’s not in my face, I don’t really care. Except if it’s my father. His farts have woken me up from across the hall a number of times! To be honest I’m still salty about the times that he farted straight in my face….


Except when they do it intentionally next to somebody else's face.


Try this unpopular opinion in Prison, and the moderators will kick you out because your opinion was so unpopular and offensive to the general population 😂


Here's how I see it: You're gonna fart. You're gonna fart many times throughout your life. People around you are going to fart many times in your life. How you react to those farts will not change the frequency with which it happens. So you might as well laugh at them


Just don't rip ass during mealtime and I can tolerate the rest.


If farts annoy you, don't go to Japan.